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SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, July 17

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, July 17

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat Jul 17, 2021 5:21 am

Good morning,

Today is the day. First trailer rolls in. By Tuesday this place is going to look like we're playing trailer hide-n-seek here. lol! We are ready. The big chore of the morning is going to be to empty the garbage can under the sink. Not even any cooking to do because the plan is to go out to eat tonite. I think we're going Italian, but maybe Mexican. Or even Appleby's. When I was growing up here, there was maybe three restaurants and two hamburger places (no drive thru's in those days). Now, we have more than 70 restaurants and every fast food chain there is except Wendy's. Even two McDonalds. And don't get me started on the Starbucks. One is even on my aunt & uncle's property. So we have choices. We'll take a vote later today.

I got started assembling my GD3, aka, "Pinkie", as Bill calls it. It's put together in 9 sections and I'm working on Sections #1 and #2. It's not terribly difficult but is kind of intense. I made some mistakes with my first two quilts, though with this pattern, who can tell!? I dreamed about it all night long.

VELDA - you have really been having some kind of weather. I hope Mother Nature gets back on her meds soon and straightens herself out!

JANA - bummer about the serger needles. Did you get it all squared away? I don't use mine much and have never even changed needles. In fact, I don't even know anything about serger needles. Do they take the same ones as regular machines? I have a Bernina serger, though it's not as good as my old White. Live and Learn. So is Daniel going home today or yesterday? When I read in two different threads sometimes I get my timelines confused. 😜 Sorry he had to go back so soon. Especially to a probable fire.

Well, I already told you my supper plans. Now you tell me yours . . .

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, July 17

Post by QuiltGram8 » Sat Jul 17, 2021 7:36 am

Good Saturday Morning. No cooking here today. My pork chops were ok, but I think I had the marinade a bit off. Still not very good at fixing the right combination.
Weather is beautiful today. Weekenders will love it. They wait all week long for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!
Hope your weather turns out perfect for your camping friends. Hope the neighbor, Vicki stays quiet and keeps to herself.
We will be eating out with friends. There is a nice restaurant at a local small airport. We were with these friends earlier in the spring and found the food really good. I am looking forward to it tonight.
That's all I have going on today.
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, July 17

Post by auntjana » Sat Jul 17, 2021 10:44 am

Good morning!

Daniel left this morning and since I know that boy's driving and I-80, they are in Elkp Nevada getting gas. That would be milepost 303 in Nevada on I-80. Then a few more hours and they are home. That particular milepost has a gas station we always stopped at for fuel and a potty stop. It was so good to have them here for two weeks. Kari's dad came through his eye cancer surgery and treatment and all looks well. Just check ups and watching the small spot on the back of the eye. My little pixie Karlie is a sweetie!

So it will be eating all the dibs and dabs left and what we brought home from the restaurant last night. No cooking for a looong time! LOL!

Michael helped me straighten up the house, he was looking for missed Daniel stuff. So far, so good, nothing. That is, upstairs. Batt Cave hasn't been checked. Daniel even cleaned up the garage and put all the tools away. He is a good son!

Well, better see the Batt Cave,


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, July 17

Post by zfatcat » Sat Jul 17, 2021 2:19 pm

Jana, I bet you are missing your boy. I know I always do when Jonathan leaves.

Mary, it's the beginning of lot of fun to come. Enjoy your company.

Bill dad passed last night. The kids came over and went to the mortuary with him this morning. Most everything was already taken care of. We went out to lunch afterwards. So probably just cereal for dinner.

I didn't get to my cleaning as planned this morning. Too many people in the house. Maybe tomorrow.

Have a lovely day.
Lori 8-)

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