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Saturday July 17,2021

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Saturday July 17,2021

Post by fabricgirl » Sat Jul 17, 2021 2:37 am

Good morning ,
Today will be going up to 90 but t storms will be coming into play by the afternoon.
Olivia is coming today to give me a very much needed haircut.
I don't think I will get a chance to sandwich my gnomes quilt together will see.
My dr apt went well now to make my mamogram and bone density apt.

Well thats all the news here everyone enjoy your day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Saturday July 17,2021

Post by grammiequilts » Sat Jul 17, 2021 4:12 am

Good Morning it is raining again ( we are building an ark here) it is supposed to stop today....we cannot get drywall in unless it stops raining, Lower yard is flooding again. and we have flood warnings issued for our county. I know how desprately you west coasters need the rain and wish we could send it your way.
We went and saw little River Lynn yesterday and you do forget how tiny a 2 day old baby is. But she is very very cute and we took the girls and they loved holding her,,,
I will be doing uglies today. More washing down woodwork and walls. kitchen stairway and walls today...and if i get to it the shower downstairs needs a good tile cleaning,
I have my star quilt almost together soon I can quilt it up here in my room...a new adventure.
Well I need coffee to get me started hope you all get rain where you need it and dry where you need it..My word of the day today is care.....care for others and yourself......XXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Saturday July 17,2021

Post by auntjana » Sat Jul 17, 2021 4:16 am

Good morning!

Lois enjoy the much needed haircut and your visit.

It will be a very laid back day here. Daniel and family will be on their way home from here in about an hour. Daniel has the car packed and ready to go, just need to put a sleepy little pixie in. She is worn out playing with all the cousins. Last night, Andrew babysat all the kids, while us 12 adults went out to dinner. We had so much fun giggling and stories.

The fire was our excitement. Ethan and Karlie loved watching the planes and helicopter fly right over my house, I swear scraping the wheels on my roof to make the retardant run. A wildfire, a block away is not my idea of having fun. Watching Daniel seeing the terrain and knowing as he does, where the fire and what the fire would do is amazing. Daniel could see where the fire would come up on fuel and what would burn and what would stop it. Even though he is well trained, I will worry as he is out on a fire, but maybe not so much. This fire was caused by some construction workers, building new homes.

The house can stay a mess for the day, I will be in the Batt Cave. My serger is running very well. I changed the needles, oiled, and rethreaded the machine and test sewed a edge. Whew, glad the timing didn't get knocked off. Sergers can be fussy little machines.

Do something fun!

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Re: Saturday July 17,2021

Post by QuiltGram8 » Sat Jul 17, 2021 4:17 am

Good morning.
Lois, always good to have Dr appointment go well. It always feels good to get a hair cut. Mine it scheduled, but about 10 days away.
My bangs always get too long, and then I am wanting to grab the scissors. So I decided to make my appointment ahead so I wouldn't do that. I chose 8 weeks. Any longer and I would be snipping away. LOL
Going with friends to a different music event tonight. This place doesn't have A/C, so I hope the temperature stays comfortable today. My DH sweats so easy. Will be sure to take our little portable fan in my bag ๐Ÿ›๏ธ. ๐Ÿค—
Wow Judi, you are a busy gal. Will be fun to try out your new room.
OMG! Jana, wild fire sounds too close for comfort. Prayers for you!
HUGS, ๐Ÿ’• Vel

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Re: Saturday July 17,2021

Post by FlorenceM » Sat Jul 17, 2021 5:22 am

Yesterday was nice. Making progress on quilt. My back is doing better , which us good thing because only have today to work on kids house.
Have a great day.

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Re: Saturday July 17,2021

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat Jul 17, 2021 6:03 am

Good morning,

JUDI - I'm thinking Mother Nature has gone off her meds. Weather everywhere is just getting weird! I hope you love your new quilting arrangement! Nice not to have to traipse up and down two flights of stairs to sew/quilt!

JANA - That would be so scary to have a fire so close to your house! But nice to have your own pesonal pro on hand to assess the situation and advise. And fight it if necessary. We have an arsonist going around lighting fires along the major highways here. I think they caught him yesterday finally.

LOIS - I should get a haircut, too, but then it always looks funny the first two weeks. and the last two weeks. I'm in the "looks OK" two weeks right now and hope it lasts until life settles down again here.

VELDA - my hair is so curly that my bangs, wispy as they are, curl up. Occasionally I have to take a snip at them.

DIANE - thank you again for the finished comfort tops and bindings. And double thank you for labeling them with the length! That will help so much and save time when we're looking for the right length!

LORI - I knew you would love your retreat! You're doing Vintage Tin. :D I love that pattern. I was thinking I had it, too, but when I went looking for it, could only find "over the River and through the Woods". This is a good thing. I'm half done with my current cross-stitch, have my bears on a mountain trail waiting in the wings, and Lord help and hide my credit card, but I ordered a third cross stitch yesterday - a Christmas stocking from Stitchery magazine of a red pick-up delivering presents. It's for Bill, though I didn't tell him about it. If you didn't know, we have a red pick-up that is Bill's baby.

FLO - Glad to hear your back is better. Hope you don't hurt it again today. So what were you trying to PM me about?

SUZETTE - How is the floor doing?

MARY Q - You asked if there are any quilters in our crowd. Sort of. Betsy loves quilting but has only made a few. Her health prevents her from doing much but you should see her beautiful light and airy sewing room! I love just being in there, it's such a happy place. Jackie has made a small wallhanging that I know of and has a passing interest in sewing but her passion is golf. Sherri doesn't have the patience to sew on a button. She asked me once what it would cost for me to make her son a Seahawk quilt and when I told her just what fabric would cost she kind of paled and I never heard another word about it. lol!

CHRISS - I'm glad you've found a brand of jeans that fit you well. I'm convinced that designers have no clue about womanly shapes! NOTHING fits me well! And don't get me started on bras! That's interesting about your grandpa parking everyone's vehicles for them. No way is Bill going to back anyone else's trailers! We'd rather they risk wrecking our property than we risk wrecking their rig! lol!

SHARONA - I didn't realize you had garter snakes there! That's the only snake in Puget Sound. Small, non-poisonous, and good for the gardens as they eat the pests. But I rarely see one. I saw them all the time when I was a kid, but I don't play outside now as much as I did then. Once, my late husband, Roy, was towing his work trailer and when he got where he was going, found that the salad oil had fallen out of the cupboard, broke open, and he had oil everywhere! And I wasn't there to help him clean it up! :lol:

I had time yesterday to start putting my GD3 together. Or "Pinkie" as Bill calls it. Progress on that will be slowing down this coming week, but it just might get finished before the end of August. lol! Our first trailer is going to arrive probably early afternoon today. We'll get them set up, get caught up visiting and then go out to a restaurant for supper. Probably Italian. Tomorrow they are going golfing at a course that is about an hour away and I will dog sit their Aussie while Bill and our oldest grandson, Drew, drive to Cabela's in Olympia (50 miles away) and do a little guy shopping. I guess I can find something to do . . . :roll:

Have a Super Saturday!
mary z

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Re: Saturday July 17,2021

Post by zfatcat » Sat Jul 17, 2021 7:30 am

Chriss, finding the perfect pair of jeans is a major task. Glad you found something you like.

Maryz, Vintage Tin is a big project. I take it out, put it away, take it out... Bill will be very happy with his new stocking for Christmas I'm sure.

Jana, so glad the serger was an easy fix. Have fun sewing.

Judi, how fun to see a brand new baby. They are so wonderful.

Bill's dad finally passed last night after a week of being unconscious. Bill's had a rough week trying to deal with everything.

I'll be cleaning today. My floor is a bit furry, and there seems to be a layer of dust on my tables. This afternoon I'll sew. But first I need to walk Jack. Then coffee.

Have a wonderful day.
Lori 8-)

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Re: Saturday July 17,2021

Post by WeeOne » Sat Jul 17, 2021 7:56 am

Top of the morning to everyone.
2 day old River Lynn, how precious those moments are.
MaryZ, no Garry doesn't have a port, they stick him each time in different spots. Remember we all want a picture of your campground when it's full. Maybe I missed it, but what is a GD3?
Jana, so glad they got the fire out quickly.
Lori, so sorry to hear of Bill's Dad passing, but glad he's at rest in heaven. Those last days with a parent can be very hard. Hugs to you both. I will have to look up Vintage Tin.
Velda, has the boat been in the water this season?

Glad we didn't have to go to the Dr office yesterday morning. I-70 looked like a parking lot for miles. Apparently someone rear ended a car, then another at a different location farther east, then a 3rd. All to the west of us (campground is near hwy) and probably before the next exit, since all the emergency vehicles came east to a turn around on medium and then went west. I grilled 2 racks of baby back ribs yesterday, so easy warm up and a veggie for dinner. More time to sew.

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Re: Saturday July 17,2021

Post by maryq » Sat Jul 17, 2021 8:22 am

Good Morning Girls

I'm hiding in my office this morning... as Shawn and Kris are working together to install my new dishwasher! Better I should stay out of the way! They have Kris's Dad on Facetime helping talk them through the process. I'm hoping they don't run into any problems. :P

Lois... another HOT one here too today... How wonderful you have your own personal hair stylist! My gal is changing salons so I have to wait for her to get settled in.. but man, I sure do need a hair cut. Which Gnomes are you working on? Did you make more Fat Cat Gnomes?

Judi..... Can you give your DGD a rag and a bucket and put her to work? I keep trying to find things for the kids to do here so they aren't so bored! Don't want to make them "Nana's slaves" but am thinking they should be out of their rooms and off their phones a good part of the day!

Jana... Yikes... that fire is awful close to you! Good you have an expert on hand to take care of you. Will send a little prayer for a safe journey back to CA for Daniel and his family!

Velda... Oh go ahead and trim your bangs! :lol: :lol: Even as a former beautician I am sometimes hesitant to cut my own.... I've been know to goof them up and end up with really short ones! Do you have your dancing shoes ready for tonight?

Maryz.... Know you will be crazy busy the next few days with company and all! Hope you have good weather. Good thing you visited all those wineries... you have enough on hand to keep everybody happy?

Lori.... So sorry to hear of your FIL's passing. An extra prayer for Bill. I now have a cat and a dog in my house... talk about FUR every where!!! I don't have any way to keep them out of the sewing room, so I think it will be a constant battle to keep up with vacuuming in there

Speaking of vacuuming... it is chore day.... As soon as the kids the dishwasher installed and hopefully running with out problems, I'll be able to get into the kitchen to wash the floor. In the meantime, yes I do need to vacuum... But first MORE COFFEE

I'll be posting the last week of sew along tomorrow or Monday!

Wishing you all a SUPER Saturday

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Re: Saturday July 17,2021

Post by WeeOne » Sat Jul 17, 2021 9:06 am

MaryQ and others with kids, small or big, here's a fun food activity. We do this at some happy hours with our olderly friends in Texas, over the propane fire pits.

Biscuits on a Stick
You need a campfire.
You need a few 5/8 inch dowels x 4 ft. (that's the length they usually come in at Home Depot or Lowe's)
Wash one end and mark the other as your handle, to not mix up what's clean. :lol:
Buy the cheap regular biscuits at Walmart or wherever.
Buy little hot dogs, Hillshire is what I get. Heat them up.
Also have on hand some honey or jelly or butter or anything that sounds good on a biscuit.

Cooking: Take a biscuit and center it over the end of the dowel. DON'T put a hole in it! Carefully shape the biscuit down on the dowel to make a tube. The more even you have it the better it will cook. I can usually shape it down about 3 inches. Next, hold it over the fire and turn slowly to cook on all sides. (This is a good time for a glass of wine for the adults to not get bored.) If you burn the outside, the inside will be raw. It is ready when you can turn the biscuit on the stick. Now fill with whatever goodies you like.

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