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Friday July 16th 2021

Daily discussions.
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Re: Friday July 16th 2021

Post by womster » Fri Jul 16, 2021 8:45 am

Good morning!

Judi – I bet your sister was glad to get the motor home back. Enjoy the two granddaughters. I think a trip to HL sounds wonderful. Thanks for chiming in on the red fabric woes.

Vel – glad you had a contingency plan for your dinner.

Flo – happy quilting. That’s great advice about the wet carpets.

Suzette – oh NO! That is awful. I also hope nothing was ruined.

Jana – thanks for the advice on the Retayne. I also ordered Synthrapol. I bet the girls have a blast shopping for school clothes. It won’t be long now until all that construction is done.

Lois – yay for finding background fabric. Good luck at the gyno. I bet that gnome quilt is adorable. I also hope it gets a ton of money. Cancer in kids is absolutely horrible.

Maryz – I agree with ditching that fabric – it just isn’t worth the risk. That is such a bummer about christening the new floor with salsa – ugh. I did that with some greek yogurt and still find little places it managed to splash into. I think they have a life of their own. Enjoy your last easy day before company.

Sherry – y’all are getting so much rain! Have fun with your sports-a-thon.

I’ve already been out and weeded the front area. I was surprised by a 3’ garter snake – I’m quite sure the entire neighborhood heard me scream. It was only ¼” around, but good gravy Marie he gave me quite the fright. I’m going out to my SSSS to look for a different red, but will wait to wash it until the stuff gets here. Not much else new! Have a glorious day. xoxo Sharona

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Re: Friday July 16th 2021

Post by maryq » Fri Jul 16, 2021 8:46 am

Good Morning Girls

I've actually been up for a little bit, but enjoyed a 1st cup of coffee with Kris before she and Evie head to the barn. Even Evie has to muck out horse stalls!

Judi... Congratulations on your newest GGD! Love her name.. kind of unique! Smart to start early looking for a painter... I know my house is going to need a whole new paint job once the kids move out... maybe I should book something now for NEXT summer!

Velda... Congratulations on your Anniversary WOW 54 years! That's awesome! It's not just about loving someone like crazy... if you are going to spend that much time with one person... you have to LIKE them an awful lot too. My folks were always just "Nuts about each other" and that's the best feeling ever!

Flo... .How is your back doing? Better enough to do a little sewing?

Suzette... Oh Yuck... I so hope nothing is ruined in your sewing room! I've had my whole lower level get wet one year.... before we had a sump pump... what a mess! Flo's vinegar and baking soda sounds like a good cure!

Jana.... Holy Moly... that's a some wind!! I wonder if your neighbor might want to consider a more sturdy shed... ! Daniel and family are leaving already! Gosh that time went by fast. Don't forget to stock up on hugs and kisses before they leave.

Lois.... Hope all goes well at your Dr, appointment. Evie wants to go to Hobby Lobby one of these days... oh darn, I just might have to take her :lol: :lol:

Maryz..,.,. So if we don't see you for a few days... we'll know you are all wrapped up with company. I'd love to see a picture of your RV park once every body arrives.. though I don't think I want to see your electric bill after every one plugs in! :lol: :lol: Are there quilters in your company coming? Oh yuk..., tomato sauce every where! That stuff does tend to make a big splash!

Sherry.... If I don't get here everyday I sure feel like I'm missing things too! With the family here, I just don't seem to get to the computer much... Maybe after every body goes back to school it will be different.

Yesterday I took Bren and Evie with me for a while. Bren is looking for a new reel for his fishing pole and just can't find the one he wants... Even Cabela's doesn't have it. But the place I took him to yesterday is right near the fabric warehouse, so of course I had to stop there too :lol: :lol: Restrained myself pretty well tho and only bought 1/2 yd of something I was really looking for, not my usual 2-3 yards! I did grab some more white, well, because you can never have too much white!

Time for more coffee.. then heading down to wash my new fabric and tidy up sewing room!

Wishing you all a fabulous Friday and a super weekend ahead.

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Re: Friday July 16th 2021

Post by auntjana » Fri Jul 16, 2021 1:06 pm

My oh my ! The excitement at my house right now. A grass fire broke out about a block or so from me. We are OK. But the fire is being fought from the air with retardant. Two single engine airplanes, playing like they are crop dusters, swooping at second story roof heights! Scary! It was rather startling to see the first pass they made swooping in low. Daniel is in his own element! He immediately went out as we saw the fire start and accessed the danger to my house. It is great having my own personal fire fighter -on duty! The planes have left, fire is out, took about an hour. I am getting too old for all this excitement!


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Re: Friday July 16th 2021

Post by suzette58 » Fri Jul 16, 2021 3:31 pm

Thanks for the vinegar and baking soda hint. I have been spraying Lysol on the place and it has gotten better. I will let you know tomorrow.

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Re: Friday July 16th 2021

Post by zfatcat » Fri Jul 16, 2021 6:27 pm

Jana, OH MY! Glad they got it out quickly and you weren't affected. I live with my personal firefighter too. It's a good thing.

Maryz, Yes, I'm back from retreat. It was wonderful. Sewing, games, shopping, wine tasting, and lots of laughter.

I've been tracing for the "Vintage Tin" quilt. I still have a few more to go. I'm going to wait on the rest until I get caught up with my hand stitching.

Have a lovely evening.
Lori 8-)

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Re: Friday July 16th 2021

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Fri Jul 16, 2021 8:21 pm

Here I am fashionably late. It's been a busy day.

Went to the gym this morning and will go again on Saturday morning. I have some classes coming up but plan to go as often as I can. I have a pretty new phone that doesn't have a jack for my ear buds so now I have to get an adaptor jack thingy. UGH. I don't know what happened with the girls I was walking with, it's all sort of faded out. They don't seem to want to do as much as they used too.

Judi, hope you find your painter and that the girls day was fun. It's going to be awfully quiet when your granddaughter goes home.

Velda, so glad the rain stopped so you could enjoy going to dinner. Sounds like a lovely night.

Flo, nice to have the kids come visit sounds like you had a fun afternoon.

Suzette, oh my gosh, water is so not what a person wants to find. hope it all worked out and all machines are in working order.

Lois, what a generous donation giving the gnome quilt to your niece's son. I just said a prayer for him.

Maryz, My grandma had a first cousin, when he would have a family party the rule was you drove up and gave him your keys. He would park your car how he wanted it done and go get it for you when you wanted to leave. He had limited space but was still able to fit all the cars in. your trailer rodeo reminds me of him. My pants fit just fine. the 14's are just right and the 12's a smidgen snug. the button of the pants sits at my belly button. I love these Amanda jeans by Gloria Vanderbilt. I think it was Lois that suggested them. Google Chaffles, it is sort of like the hearty pancake you describe.

Sherry, there you are. I don't watch many sports anymore. hope the tour of France was fun.

Sharona, I think a different red is a great idea. That snake will eat mice one day, he is your friend.

Maryq, did Bren ever find his reel? I really hope he finds it. Has he looked on Amazon or Big 5? I so wish I had my granddaughter closer so we could have a play date. You are very blessed.

Jana, glad you are safe and the fire is out. How did it start? Air craft is so amazing isn't it? When the Detweiler fire was going on the airplanes carrying that red fire stuff flew right over out house. They have a Large Air Tanker ( LAT) and a Very Large Air Tanker ( VLAT) I am in love with VLAT.

Lori, glad you had a good time at the retreat.

Lyn, I didn't know that veins changed size with weather changes. I bet Garry is glad to not have to go to the doctor as often.

I had applied for some jobs and got an email requesting an interview on July 29th. But, it's the same day as my HICAP training. I'm going to stick with HICAP and not go to the interview at Human Services. I am also thinking of volunteering for the Committee on Aging in my county. They have a zoom board meeting on the 21st and I will check it out and see what I think of it. There is no one to represent my district so I think it might be up my alley. Things regarding aging and senior's are falling in my lap. Hopefully it's the route I am supposed to take.

Most are probably asleep now, the rest are watching shark tank. Hope you all have a good night.
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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