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Wednesday July 13th

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Wednesday July 13th

Post by TeresaK » Tue Jul 13, 2021 10:57 pm

First of all - Miraculous News Shirley Mae. Yes when the Angels pray the Lord definitely hears.

The last few days for us in SUNNY HOT California City has been a tic shy of unbearable. Having no Swamp cooler would have sent us down to the Strata center for relief from the heat. 116*, 114*, 111* I think today but we are blessed both of ours SC's are working. Gloria has come over a number of time which gave me peace of mind. I get up to do things and before you know it I have worked up some glistening drops tickling down my back and need to sit down with a cold towel. Life will go on. This is life in the desert in which the home Spa turns into a tiny swimming pool.We also go walking again inside the Strata Center Monday, Wednesday and Friday and then swimming in the City pool for Senior Swim - YEA!!!

Today we are headed for Tehachapi. I am having so much troubles with horendous cramps in my fingers, wrists but also from the little toes to halfway up the outside of the calfs. In both feet so we are going to see the Foot Dr earlier than next week. I have been walking around today with a calf that just won't let go no matter how much I stretch and massage it.

If you get a chance could you please please please check out the Lotto for this month. I made it VERY VERY easy 6.5" Blocks to make. Velda and Maryz have pictures posted.

Chriss - How is your weight going on WW? I have been struggling a bit here so if you have any tips from a great week you had I would love to hear them or from any one else.

It is HUMPDAY so I hope it is a Wonderful Day for you ALL. Be Cool and Stay Safe but above all Be Kind to others no matter how HOT you get and have FUN!!!!

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Re: Wednesday July 13th

Post by grammiequilts » Wed Jul 14, 2021 4:00 am

Good morning, It is humid but not raining, I actually saw the sun a bit ago. Teresa hope you get some cooling weather,
Well the verdict is in Ken will get his knee replaced in Sept after we get back from our vacation. Lookes like our plans to do so many things will have a couple of months delay. if all goes well he might do the other also...both are equally bad Dr said which one hurts the most,,,left it is.
May LA is set up and ready to roll. I havent turned it on yet but Ken will lter today,,,it fits ok and I still have all the room I need to sew and cut We put it on disks that slide on the carpet so it can be moved around a little as needed,
I did some assembly of th star quilt...I have 3 rows sewn,,,More in a few after I get dressed and get coffee.
I hope you all have a great day.....XXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PS just got the news my grand daughter is in labor,,,baby was due yesterday

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Re: Wednesday July 13th

Post by QuiltGram8 » Wed Jul 14, 2021 4:25 am

Good morning Teresa and Judi. OMG, the heat sounds awful. Sorry you are having still so much trouble with legs and feet Teresa.
Judi, sounds great that Ken can start to get his knees fixed. Hope is goes well. All the home projects will have to wait. Getting knees fixed is definitely more important.
We have a day without rain today, but it will be hot. All those that love the pool will enjoy it today. The park here has a brand new pool. They added a slide. Very popular with all the kiddos.
Today I plan to clean, dust, vaccum. Then do nothing the rest of the day.
Teresa, thanks for coming up with the easy Lotto block this month. Y'all need to take a look at Maryz's blocks. So cute with the fussy cut circles. Kinda reminds us of a snow globe, as Teresa suggested. Great job, Mary!
Off to get more coffee.
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: Wednesday July 13th

Post by fabricgirl » Wed Jul 14, 2021 5:17 am

Good morning Everyone,

Today it cloudy here humid but not raining .
I will finish up the wash and do some sewing.

Teresa I hope you get some cool weather.
Judi glad that your able to have some vacation before Ken has to have surgery.
Velda have a great day.

I went outside to check our garden its really thriving alot of tomatoes some peppers and cucumbers are wild.

Well thats all the news here I hope Everyones day is a great one.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Wednesday July 13th

Post by purrfect-lady » Wed Jul 14, 2021 5:46 am

Good morning,

TERESA, so sorry you are so hot and feeling so bad. Makes everything worse, I'm sure. I hope your dr appt has some answers for you.

JUDI - Well, it's good to have answers and dates for Ken's surgery and now you can make plans. I'm so happy you can still go on your camping trip. And so exciting about the new baby coming! Bet you won't be leaving your phone today.

VELDA - Isn't it nice to have the house all clean so you can relax! Ours is that way now, but probably won't be by end of the day.

CHRISS - I know you are HOT, too, with that fire not so far away. Keeps one alert! This might be a good time to revisit that relocation idea you were considering a few years ago. I hope all is OK.

MARY Q - so how goes it at the Q-Zoo? Is everyone settling in? How is Kris's job hunt going? Just one more sew-along block to do! It's been fun.

LOIS - I see some tasty salads in your near future! Is your weather as bad as Philadelphia is having?

Bill finished pressure-washing the house and all our cemented areas, plus the woodshed roof. And I have the house all clean inside and the laundry done. I got to spend yesterday sewing! I have my Christmas swap blocks almost finished. I hope to do that today and get that mess cleaned up. Then I can turn to assembling my Gypsy Dancer in Pink.

So, some friends from Bend, OR planned to visit us in their RV. Great! Then our friends here decided to have a big summer party. Also great! Since all our friends know all our other friends, the OR folks wiggled their dates around so they could go to the party, too. Then our LaGrande, OR friends said they are coming as well! OK. We have room for two trailers. Then last night friends from Olympia, also going to the party, called and asked if they could bring their trailer and park here so they didn't have to drive 60 miles home. So Bill and I walked around our yard last night mentally parking trailers. (All Arctic Fox trailers, of course! :D ). We can fit them all in but we'll move our trailer to the back and let Bend, OR have our spot so they will be level. They will all arrive Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Party is Tuesday. Everyone will leave Wed or Thursday. We think. We are going to look like an RV park here! Oh,, and everyone has a dog. Foxy is NOT going to be a happy cat! It will be a lot of fun and we'll love seeing everyone. I just need to figure out what we're going to do about meals.. . Off to Costco today! The party hosts just have a small yard and they have their own Arctic Fox parked there as well as their visiting brother from TN, so they are full up, too. And then we'll only have 10 days until my sister and DBIL from CO show up in THEIR Arctic Fox trailer! They know all these friends, too, but just can't make it for the party. It's good to be popular. and have parking room. :lol: It will be better when I get all the food worked out!

Well, as you can tell, I have things to do! hope you all have a super duper day!

mary z

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Re: Wednesday July 13th

Post by FlorenceM » Wed Jul 14, 2021 6:37 am

Was using walk behind weed whacked yesterday and took a stumble. So my back is out.
Will catch up later

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Re: Wednesday July 13th

Post by auntjana » Wed Jul 14, 2021 7:13 am

Good morning!

I can feel some humidity in the air and we had a small thunderstorm yesterday morning. All which brought some relief to the heat. The kids postponed their adventure until today. Besides the planes and dinosaurs, there are trains too! The train wasn't open yesterday.

Aaron and Daniel fixed our little truck so I had the little girls, while the moms went shopping. Lila needed some new shoes. So I played with the girls and called for pizza!

More ceiling was done . I need to go down and see. I also need to hang up my last load of laundry I did, first. So that's my day, resting and sewing!


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Re: Wednesday July 13th

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Wed Jul 14, 2021 7:33 am

Good morning chickadees. it's going to be cooler today, maybe 5 degrees cooler. yay.

Got my hair cut yesterday, layered all over and shorter.

My plan is to work on swap blocks and do my history of the bible class. I've really spread that class out.

Got a call from HICAP yesterday. they are going to start training in August. I think this will be good for me.

Costco online had crop jeans ( Gloria Vanderbilt Amanda) on sale. I ordered 5 pair and got them for just under $10 a pair. It will allow me to get rid of some of the garage sale things I bought that just don't fit me right. It is so funny. If I wanted them here on Wednesday ( today) I could pay $2.00 for each pair for shipping. If I wait and receive them on Thursday there is no shipping. I wonder how many pay the $2?

Teresa, It is quite hot. We used to use a swamp cooler but now have window a/c's. It's been crazy hot outside and nice and cool inside. I am not doing WW but am doing low carb. I stay under 20 carbs per day and only eat when hungry. I don't eat because it is meal time. I don't eat sugar. Since September of 2020 I have lost almost 80 pounds. Now to tighten up that loose skin.

Judi, happy great granddaughter day. how exciting. I'm excited for you family. make sure to add a smooch from me. Glad Ken will get his new knees soon, I bet he will be glad too.

Velda, enjoy your day, glad you don't have too many uglies, Here Moose barks when he hears the closet door open that hides the vacuum from his view. He is not a vac fan at all.

Lois, what a marvelous garden. sounds like you have the perfect veggies ready to pick. Our cukes aren't more than an inch long but our peppers, onions and tomatoes are ready to pick. We also have lettuce coming up. I love being able to just go outside and pick what I want.

Maryz, wow, sounds like a Artic Fox palooza. I vote for sandwich making ingredients. Everyone can assemble their own and use paper plates. Sounds like a really fun time. The fire is quite a ways away from me. We smelled the smoke yesterday but today not so much. I will never move. My dad is here and I am the closest family member for he and my step mom.

Flo, hope the back feels better soon.

Jana, it's good to be you, playing little girl games and pizza. what fun.

You girls have an amazing day.
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Wednesday July 13th

Post by maryq » Wed Jul 14, 2021 8:12 am

Good Morning Girls

YEAH, it's cooled down just a little here finally (though I hate to complain about heat to those of you over 100!) Looks like we might get a little bit of rain... this afternoon... crossing my fingers for that!

Teresa....So sorry to hear you are having so much trouble with your extremities! So hard to feel like doing anything when you hurt all over! I'm going to try to get at my Christmas fabric in the garage today.. maybe I'll get a chance to try some lotto blocks.

Judi... Good to hear you were able to get Ken scheduled for his surgery. At least he has a little time to play before then and you'll get a chance to go camping before. Your LA fits! Yeah!

Velda... Sounds like a nice relaxing day at your house! Are you starting to pack? Have you listed your RV for sale yet? When you move to your condo, maybe you can just drive the RV to it and unload without having to pack much at all right?

Lois. Must be a good year for cucumbers... I have a ton of yellow flowers on my plants. Though my tomatoes aren't doing super great.. one plant (of 4) doesn't have hardly any buds! Are you going to be making pickles too!

Maryz... Oh yes it is a Zoo here! I'm still trying to find homes for all the "stuff" that has ended up in my living room. You've seen my living room.. how tiny it really is... Picture HUGE Armoire and another huge wood cabinet in it. Sounds like your house is going to be a bit of Zoo too in the next week or so! or should we call "Z's RV PARK"?

Flo.... Hope your back comes back in soon!

Jana..... Resting and sewing sound like a perfect day!

Chriss... OH gosh, now I wish I had a Costco card! I need some crop pants! I've been to 4 different WM's looking for inexpensive crop pants! Shawn has a Costco card, but he has to convert it to a USA one instead of Canada!

Not sure what the day will hold here... Yesterday Evie helped me clean out a couple cupboards... my Tupperware cupboard was a hot mess and we got rid of a lot of junk. There's a group on FB called "Buy Nothing" . Great place to give things to someone who can use what you can't. I did get a quilt top mostly done yesterday,,, at least the blocks are together, but I have to do borders yet.

Shawn is always up and out to work by 6:30 or so in the morning, Kris is out working at the barn this morning so the kids are here... Might see what I can find for them to do so they are not super bored. Bren loves to go fishing so he's exploring the river that's just down below from my house. I tell him he needs to catch something for supper. Kris is kind of a leave-of-absence from working for a couple months.. she's had an offer she's considering, but they don't need her for a while, so she is enjoying being on hiatus for a while.

For now I need more coffee ... then make a plan for the day!

Wishing you all a Wacky Wednesday

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Re: Wednesday July 13th

Post by womster » Wed Jul 14, 2021 9:04 am

Good morning!

Teresa – sorry for those cramps – they can be so very painful. I hope they can find you some relief.

Judi – Ken will love his new knees after all the rehab is finished. I almost forget what it was like to have that grinding, bone-on-bone pain. What a blessing they are. Congrats on seeing the sun, even though it was a brief glimpse.

Vel – a swimming pool sounds like the perfect way to cool off. Enjoy your cleaning and then time off day. My recently-diagnosed friend with afib has an implant that checks on her heart constantly. They put her on blood thinners (Eloquis) and a cholesterol drug. She also has bradycardia. She had no symptoms of afib so she’s still in shock over the diagnosis.

Lois – that’s great that your garden is thriving! My DS2, who lives in Ohio, took his garden surplus to neighbors yesterday. He said his garden is running amuck. What a great problem to have.

Maryz – holy guacamole – it sounds like the march on Atlanta took less planning than your upcoming party! What a blast y’all will have. Poor Foxy. I hope Vicky continues to behave.

Flo – sorry to hear that yard work has claimed yet another of our members. Hope your back feels better.

Jana – soon the entire ceiling will be done. What a great day that will be.

Chriss – congrats again on your weight loss. And on your great Costco score! I would have also waiting a day. Glad you can stay cool inside.

Maryq – how fun to have your family all crammed into your house. I’m sure things will get sorted before too much longer. I remember how free I felt after going through all my storage containers – now I only have what I can use instead of fifty-billion lunch meat containers, etc. I’ll have to check out that FB group.

Today I am headed out to sew after rotating the mattress and changing the sheets (with the cat’s ‘help’, of course). A couple of other uglies out of the way and then I’ll be sewing. Have a glorious day! xoxo Sharona

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