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Supper Club. Sat, June 12

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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Supper Club. Sat, June 12

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat Jun 12, 2021 5:19 am

Good morning!

Here we are in cool and rainy Rockport Washington. Going to be a quiet day today. At least the rain should stop. We will take a short drive into town. Town being a relative term. There is a gas station and I think a motel and a bakery. A few homes. Also a quilt shop of sorts. The owner is kind of a hoarder and the front part of her house has dusty fabric and other sewing notions stashed everywhere. I had to climb over stuff and paw through things to find what I could. An experience for sure!

Lori, It’s my other daughter, Lara, that is coming June 19 through July 3. From Alexandria, VA. She did not tell us until last minute. She said they will come by our house for breakfast June 25. We will be home by then.

Jana, we drove through Lynnwood on our way here. We are maybe 50 miles north and then 30 miles east of Lynnwood. Tomorrow we will go over the mountains to see what we can see.

Supper last night ended up being frozen lasagna from Costco. It was a cool, rainy evening so we used to oven to help heat the trailer. It was surprisingly good! Tonight will be rest of lasagna.

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Re: Supper Club. Sat, June 12

Post by zfatcat » Sat Jun 12, 2021 8:56 am

Mary, that sounds like an interesting quilt shop kinda. At least the town has a bakery.
Glad you will make it home to see your daughter Lara.

Well dinner last night turned out to be a lovely piece of Halibut, with rice and fresh broccoli from the farmers market. Molly was very happy to get some delicious fish. She loves her expensive cat food. lol

I have a guild get together this morning. We drop off and pick up stuff in the church parking lot. Hopefully we'll be meeting in person again soon.

Tonight will be grilled chicken and potato salad. I made the potato salad yesterday so I just need to grill the chicken today. I'll take some up to my dad as well. His kitchen it torn up because of a leaky faucet that he put off for a long time. He was too busy taking care of my mom to do anything around the house.
Lori 8-)

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Re: Supper Club. Sat, June 12

Post by Becca » Sat Jun 12, 2021 9:38 am

Hello everyone sunny here today after showers this week
Got laundry done meds done & walk in too plus some gardening in my big flower bed I sprayed some azaleas around the base to kill the new growth I thought they wouldn’t come back but everyone did
Got lunch made Now need to water all my baskets & flowers
Maryz The quilt shop sounds like a jottem down store lol
Enjoy all your adventures

Lori Sure understand about your Dad If it wasn’t for Marty it would be the same here He always takes care of what needs fixing I love grilled chicken & potatoe salad So yummy
We had a nice visit with Scott & Lois yesterday She brought me a Shasta daisy yellow She knows I love flowers

CA wanted Mac n cheese so I made that black eyed peas & some sautéed zucchini for me
Have a wonderful day everyone

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