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Saturday June 12

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Saturday June 12

Post by suzette58 » Sat Jun 12, 2021 1:28 am

Good morning everyone.
We had a great adventure picking up my new machine. Someone asked if I had thought about getting a long arm machine. Yes, I have thought about it but when I looked through my quilting area I really don’t have the extra room. I sewed on the Jazz II machine in the shop and loved it. We had a great trip down but coming home we ran into some whopper rain storms. We were almost home and on the other side of the highway was an accident. Traffic was backed up about 5 - 6 miles. Today I have to do a couple trips up Mt. Washmore. I can set up my new machine and sew on the top of the quilt I am working on while the wash is running. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

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Re: Saturday June 12

Post by fabricgirl » Sat Jun 12, 2021 2:38 am

Good morning Suzette and all who follow,

Suzette congratulations 👏on your new machine I have babylock Aria I have her 4 years now and yes they have a nice size throat plate and I love quilting on it.

Today I have some wash to do they it will be a sew day for me and maybe a shopping trip I need new sneakers so we shall see.

Everyone have a great day prayers go out to all.

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Re: Saturday June 12

Post by suzette58 » Sat Jun 12, 2021 4:00 am

Lois - it sounds like you and I have some of the same plans for today. Enjoy

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Re: Saturday June 12

Post by grammiequilts » Sat Jun 12, 2021 4:21 am

Good morning, Ken is off to the rink this morning to do something and I am getting ready to go to a great grandsons t-ball game...at 10/ Usually he doesnt work on saturday but there is a special event going on. A dance competition. they take out the ice in the summer and use the space for other things.
I did finish quilting the baby quilt and got the LA covered back up. I have decided to move the LA up out of the basement to my laundry room...I dont make that many quilts. I might do 3-4 a year now. if it doesnt work there I have another plan...THis will open up the baseent space for more man cave...and family room. My laundry room was a 5th bedroom in my house so it is big enough... the closet in there is where my washer and dryer are,and a freezer in there,,, Moving a;l that to different spaces will give the LA a place to park...Freezer will go in the basement near the pantry.Other stuff will be moved to an office area down stairs...All this f the basement gets done...right now there is an issue of the building materials triple in cost since we started...but we will continue....Sheetrock tripled in price along with wood.
well I need to get dressed and get coffee and move have a great day SUzette enjoy your new machine,,,XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOO

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Re: Saturday June 12

Post by velvet » Sat Jun 12, 2021 4:28 am

Suzette- Good luck on your new sewing machine. Have you chosen a her name yet? Mine is a Janome I got last year and someone here mentioned "Miss Qutie" for her. I like that and sews that is her name. The machines today do so much more than years ago. Have a great time and fun with yours.

Today is Mr. Magtag and I doing the tango with the sheets. The rest of the odds and ends for awhile and then sewing. Of course, not in that order.

Yesterday was at the vet cafe for 6 vets. 1 was Norma who is a nurse and was stationed in Iraq. The men all came to her and thanked her for saving the men there. (Most of them served in Vietnam) Heart breaking.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

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Re: Saturday June 12

Post by QuiltGram8 » Sat Jun 12, 2021 5:01 am

Congratulations on the new sewing machine, Suzette.
Judi, I am glad you explained that your laundry room was a large room. I just couldn't picture LA in a regular laundry area. Sweet! Your place is going to be awesome when all remodeling is finished. I love that you share your QOV stories, Diane. Thanks
We have another very hot day here again. I am wearing my monitor. It was delivered yesterday, so we got it all set up about 1:15. Now it monitors me until Sunday afternoon. Then I package it up and return for evaluation. My appointment is set for June 22, so a little bit of a wait till I will get some answers.
Still struggling with a cough that popped up after anesthesia. I am such person who gets bronchitis so easy. So I guess it comes from being under. Hope I can shake it in the next few days. I have a prescription inhaler from last fall when I was being treated for bronchitis. Using that too, hope it helps.
Off to take a short walk for a little exercise.
Have a fun day.
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: Saturday June 12

Post by auntjana » Sat Jun 12, 2021 5:21 am

Good morning!

Should be a quiet day here. Will sew a bit and put my RS lesson on paper in order of topic discussion points. I think I have it cooked enough in my brain.

As we came home last night from a ladder run to Costco more on that in a minute, we drove by Sarah's house and the garage door was open. She left on Thursday to camp, so Micheal went in the house and checked it thoroughly for any thing amiss. All was well, and we locked up her house. She is out of cell phone range, so as she comes home, she will see my text to her. Now, Costco. Aaron called and needed to borrow one of Little Giant ladders to fix a light fixture at his house. We have three. Michael is always needing ours, so we went to Costco and got Aaron one of his very own. It was a total surprise as we dropped it off at his house. We sang Happy birthday as his is in a couple of weeks. Only two more things jumped in the cart as well. A couple of boxes of Rice Krispy treats and some new little flashlights. The treats are for a Ward activity on Sunday afternoon. It's a walk through the neighborhood, Ward area. Those whose house number is even, sit out in their front yard and meet those walking, those people's, whose house numbers are odd numbers. Well, we are odd, no laughing- but I can't walk that far, so we will join outside, greeting and meeting neighbors. With Covid, they asked if we wanted to share, for store bought wrapped treats , hence the pre-made rice krispies. I want to play up the old odd couple joke, Oscar and Felix from the TV series, but Michael can be an old stuffed shirt at times, we will see if I get away with it. We do fit the odd couple! Now you can laugh! My kids say, we are Frank and Marie as well, from Everybody loves Raymond. We heartily disagree!


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Re: Saturday June 12

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat Jun 12, 2021 5:36 am

Good morning,

We are cool and wet in Rockport, WA. We had lasagna for supper last night just so the oven would heat the trailer! Should dry out and warm to 72’ later today. We will explore town a little and then back to camp to relax. I will cut more blocks for my GD3.

Suz, congrats on your new machine!

Judi, a big deal, moving a quilt frame. How long is it?

Jana, what a great bd gift for Aaron! I got one for Bills bd years ago. He loves it.

Have a fun day!


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Re: Saturday June 12

Post by mepeace2 » Sat Jun 12, 2021 5:54 am

Good Morning All

I was up at 5 so I could go water my veggie garden before sun got up. I actually have 3 zucchini and one tomato growing. I also put up something to run the robin out of my green beans. Everything else is in bloom except for sweet potatoes. I then watered 10 of my pots with flowers in them.
I will be going to Galesburg later today. Need a couple more large pots. My shrubs came in but it is too darn hot to plant in ground. So more dirt and pots.
I have also been sewing on my large basket. I will sew the handle on tomorrow then start the flower work. Hopefully I can find the stuff Kathy sent at Christmas. Then hand applique them on and will stuff later.
I got the best news yesterday My sister is in remission. HAPPY DANCE She has the best Dr. in Chicago.
Maryz So glad your enjoying your camping trips.
Jane It was a good thing you checked . Around this part of the country we have had several break ins.
O Vel Glad your feeling a little better. Hope they find out why your heart was acting up.
Diane You do so much for our vets. I really appreciate your work.
Judi I know what you mean. everything I go to buy has at least tripled from 2 years ago. Its bad enough fabric has gone sky high but flowers.
Suzette So happy for you. I would just like to learn to quilt on my machine.
Well I am going to go grab another cup of coffee and watch my hummingbirds.
You all have a great sewing day

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Re: Saturday June 12

Post by Quiltmom » Sat Jun 12, 2021 7:29 am

Good morning all! Just a quick stop in today. Got laundry all done except for folding underwear. Also need to load dishwasher and get it done today. Got to get back to working on my sorting of pictures. Also need to finish sorting my files. Can't work on them for more than an hour at a time or I go a little crazy. Just can't believe how much I have got.

Lawn needs mowed but will do it tomorrow when the humidity is lower. Today with humidity it is supposed to be in the middle 90's. It takes me 2 hours to mow my 4 acres even with my John Deere zero turn so too hot for today. Already at 10:30 very humid outdoors. That is tomorrow's job.

Well better go get some breakfast for the furbabies and me. Hope everyone has a good, safe and comfortable day.


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