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Monday June 7th 2021

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Monday June 7th 2021

Post by grammiequilts » Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:15 am

Good morning i am gwtting ready to go to the grocery store I have several errands to run today including the meat market nd Joanns for some white thread....How do you run out of white thread? I usually buy 5 or 6 at a time...I will work on the baby quilt as my DDIL decided to throw a baby shower...on the 19th.. then my grand daighter from maine is coming for a 6 week visit. it will be a busy summer....I wanted to go camping but that is on hold as the basement remodel moves on. we do have a 2 week trip planned for the last week in august...for our annual trip to the Upper penninsula...Campgrounds here are packed and reservations are very hard to get...we already ( a year in advance) have ours made...
well I need to comb mt hairs strip the bed and get to the store while it is less crowded...for no reason except its easier to find things when it is less busy...hope you all have a great day....XXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Monday June 7th 2021

Post by fabricgirl » Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:23 am

Good morning Judi and all who follow,

I'm making this short I have to get ready as we are going foodshopping early.
Then when we get back I will go to the post office then I will get back to sewing.

Well thats all the news here prayers go out to all.

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Re: Monday June 7th 2021

Post by QuiltGram8 » Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:30 am

I doubled with you all again today. I don't know if I can copy and paste my message, but I will try it.

Good morning everyone. Yesterday I worked on Lotto blocks. Teresa always picks fun blocks.
Teresa wants me to share my picture, so here it is:
She would love to see more people join this month. I had kinda dropped off of participating, but came back last month. If we make two blocks, it doesn't take much time, or expense.
You might get lucky and win a nice amount of blocks to make some table runners, or a small lap quilt. It's fun to see blocks made by all our friends.
I made a few table runners and then gave them as surprise gifts to friends who did something special for me. Table runners are a good way to use those leftover batting pieces, too.
I appreciate all the time and effort that Teresa puts into Lotto. Why not give it a shot and support her efforts.
This is Red, White, and Blue month. You might get lucky. 🤗
Have a fun week

I was able to delete my duplicate post. So glad I was able to copy and paste my message here.
Took a little effort, but I finally figured it all out. I knew I would get caught. It always happens when I think I will start the messages for the day. A few of us are on the same time schedule. LOL.
Hope it's a good day for all of you.
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: Monday June 7th 2021

Post by purrfect-lady » Mon Jun 07, 2021 6:02 am

Good morning

JUDI - I sure hope you can get in at least one camping trip - perhaps just for a week? - before August. I hate to see someone who loves camping as much as you and I do miss almost a whole summer of it! At least here, we can go winter camping. Not so easy in Michigan. Will your DGD from Maine be staying with you this summer?

VELDA - I always have two tabs open when I post so I can flip back and forth to see what everyone is saying. If a day's post hasn't been started yet, I write an opening post, but before hitting 'submit' I go to my other tab, hit refresh, and see if someone has opened the thread. If not, I fill in the 'subject' field at the top of my post and hit 'submit'. If I see that someone has already begun the thread, I simply cut my message and paste it in the thread that's already begun. This isn't totally foolproof. Sometimes, in that 5 seconds it takes me to do that, someone can sneak in there. lol!

LOIS - are you making your mini stockings for yourself? All of them or are you picking and choosing? I think they are about 4"x7", right? They are all so cute!

TINA - I'm happy that you have that special daughter/mom day with Holly. :D

CHRISS - Well, maybe this job loss thing was a blessing well-disguised! Sounds like your friend might need you in days ahead. If you didn't find any good stuff for me, then I hope Jana posts soon so I can read what things you did collect for your $20.

MARY Q - Well, another blessing at your house. Now the kids won't have to store that bed but can simply move it right in! I sure can't wait to see if that townhouse will be yours! I love moving (though the last time I did it I was 35 yrs old and now I'm 70. Might not love it quite so much today.) But if I was closer and you were moving, I'd be helping!

Yesterday I got all my sewing organized for camping and pulled some R/W/B fabrics for this month's lotto . I also made a big pot of chicken soup and a rhubarb pie. Today I have chiropractor and meeting a friend afterward for coffee, then I have to get serious about some uglies here and packing the trailer. And I hope to sew those lotto blocks today or tomorrow and get them into the mail.

mary z

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Re: Monday June 7th 2021

Post by auntjana » Mon Jun 07, 2021 6:27 am

Oops, two of me!

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Re: Monday June 7th 2021

Post by auntjana » Mon Jun 07, 2021 6:28 am

Good morning!

Another beautiful day in the neighborhood! Also a hot one. We are still flirting with the century mark.

Chriss - how did I miss you, while you were browsing in the railroad section of my Batt Cave Saturday? There are trains, trains and more trains in there, plus just a tad of fabric! LOL! There are a few things I miss from California, and you are at the top of that list! I have even driven past your street a few years ago, coming from a trip to Yosemite, but it was too late at night to just stop in unannounced.

Well, it will be busy here this week. Stu will be over to prep the area for my new trees. The trees will be delivered and put in the ground on Friday, by the nursery we purchased them from. Sarah was over last night and put blue painters tape on the fence as to where each tree is going. There are 5 trees in all. This is to create a screening to block all the street lights brightness from my bedroom. And a stray soccer ball from the boys next door. Their goal shots miss all the time and so far have missed the four big windows in that area. Once they kicked a basketball over the fence, with such force, it dented my stucco wall. That I am not happy about!

So my uglies are caught up, I could play in the Batt Cave, but our handyman will be in the sewing area and hopefully get that wiring done, then onto the ceiling again.

Take care!

Many prayers and hugs,

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Re: Monday June 7th 2021

Post by maryq » Mon Jun 07, 2021 7:41 am

Good Morning Girls

Looks like another hot one here... 91 or so! But I am going to have to go out today and brave the heat!
So this will be quick as I most definitely need a shower after a couple of sweaty days.

There's a guy on FB marketplace that is selling his whole stash of "name brand" fabric at $4./yd and I'm sorry but I just can't pass that up! I certainly don't need more fabric and I'm guessing some of it will end up in the garage... but I gotta check it out!

When I get home I'll share what I found and chat with you all then!

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Re: Monday June 7th 2021

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Mon Jun 07, 2021 11:23 am

Good late morning, It's cooling off a very little bit, should make for a wonderful day.

I'm watching the Kennedy honor awards on demand this morning as I type this. Looking forward to the segment on Garth Brooks and Dick Van Dyke. I also have a load of fabric in the dryer that I bought at some sales I was at. Heaven knows I need more fabric.

Tina, so glad you get to help set up DD's classroom each year, what a great way to have girl time. hope it involves lots of laughs and lunch.

Sharona, what a vivid picture I have in my mind of your friend walking out of his wheelchair towards Jesus. A great way to think of him as his life ended.

Judi, if it isn't too late can you pick up a few things for me at the store? Here meat prices have skyrocketed. T-bone steaks are $16 per pound. Hamburger about $5. it's nuts.

Lois, happy food shopping and ultimately sewing. If you gather your projects you can certainly come here and we can have a play date?

Velda, great blocks. Especially the one with the snowball center. very pretty.

Maryz, chicken soup so can't be on the menu here. It's just too hot for soup. Freeze some and we can have it in November. Yep, I think both friends will need some support this year and maybe next year too. Something isn't it, how God makes things work so that you can be blessed and be a blessing too. My $20 got me a little fabric and some shirts. And I also found a cherry pitter for Jerry. I might just go to a fruit stand and get some to try it out.

Jana, Perhaps my browsing in your batt cave is part of the reason you have little fabric. If you ever drive through this way, or even an hour or so within this way, I would be thrilled to meet with you. I think you are pretty special too.

Maryq, it's such a good thing I don't live near you. You are always coming across a fabric deal. I do not even kind of need fabric but dang if I don't buy it anyway. Is everything ready for your kids to arrive. What a happy day that will be, I am so excited for you.

My severance check arrived and has been deposited. I have an appointment with my dad's financial guy on Friday to find out what my next step and options are. I have pretty much decided that I will collect unemployment and when it runs out I will apply for an extension. I'm so thankful this happened now rather than when I was young and had children at home.

I am going to also join the Planet Fitness gym (picked because it was the cheapest) and tighten up everything from my belly button to my knees. It's a 30 mile drive there and back but boy I need it. And once I do it for a week or two it will become a habit and part of my routine.

I'm also getting involved in volunteering. Going to do a walk for Alzheimer's in October. There are links on this page to learn more about it. https://act.alz.org/site/TR/Walk2020/Ge ... r_id=14320

I'm trying to figure out what interests me so that I can keep this body and mind in motion.

The only thing I am going to have to figure out for me personally is medical insurance. Funny, Jerry is figuring out Medicare and I am figuring out regular medical insurance.

You all have a marvelous day.
Proverbs 4:11-12

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Re: Monday June 7th 2021

Post by womster » Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:56 pm

Good morning!

Well I'm an idiot and posted this in Sunday's thread. So now it's in two places!

Judi – it seems that the summer is flying by already. Good luck with your errands and I hope you get to sew today.

Lois – glad you can get back to sewing.

Vel – love your blocks. You make it tempting, but new sewing for me until I get my machine back.

Maryz – I wish I could make rhubarb pie – the stinking deer ate ours and killed it. Sounds mighty tasty. Happy chiro-ing and enjoy the coffee with your friend.

Jana – double trouble! I really hope they finish up the ceiling today. I like your tree planting to block out balls and light.

Chriss - I like your plan of attack.

I didn’t make it here yesterday. It was a race to get eight more plants into the ground before the heat hit. Had a really good friend die yesterday. We worked together 30 plus years ago. He was a quadriplegic who had the best attitude and such a joy for life. He drew a picture once of him walking out of his wheelchair into the arms of Jesus - and now he has. Today we’re headed to Costco because I’m headed to Denver tomorrow. Someone has turned up the speed on how fast time goes! Have a glorious day. xoxo Sharona

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Re: Monday June 7th 2021

Post by zfatcat » Mon Jun 07, 2021 7:59 pm

Velda, I like your blocks.

Sharona, I read your message in Sunday's post. I figured you just hit the wrong day. It happens.

Chriss, glad you are there for your friends.

I didn't do too much today. A little cleaning and grocery shopping. Need to put my fabric from my trip away. We had a blast going to 10 quilt shops and 1 bead shop. Also hit a couple of wineries and the Sensorio light show in Paso Robles.

Have a good evening.
Lori 8-)

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