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SUPPER CLUB - Friday, June 4th

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SUPPER CLUB - Friday, June 4th

Post by purrfect-lady » Fri Jun 04, 2021 1:36 am

Good early morning,

Well, I finally got all my sisters' Christmas things wrapped, packed, and stashed in the garage. Then I got all my new fabrics put away. After that I made my sew-along block and started cutting some background pieces for my Star Bright. And blessed Judi found some more of my background fabric on e-Bay, let me know, and we were able to snap up the last 1.5 yds. I hope that's enough but I fear I'm going to need another half-yard or make the quilt smaller than I was planning. This is the fabric I am running short of because of errors in the magazine pattern. It's a Maywood fabric, ultra white Solitaire 206, and it's called Winding Rope.

During the evening I also finished my fourth and last cross-stitched 6x8 seasonal retro trailer and got them all framed. Now to figure out where to hang them in our fifth-wheel. That project took me about 8 months to do. I will take a photo in better light and post it later. Now I think I'll start my Christmas picture of a red pickup with a tree in the back of it and a golden retriever and her puppies romping in the snow. It's my TV work.

The other day I started polishing the kitchen cabinetry so I will work more on that today and maybe get the floor mopped. We finally got a date for install of the new floor in the kitchen - July 6th. I was holding out, but I guess if it's still a month out, and I'm sticking to it when I walk, I best mop it. And I hope to have time to cut more little stars and maybe get a few sewn, too.

BECCA - glad you were able to get the car inspected. There is talk about doing away with inspections here because they are finding so few cars anymore that have a problem. It's not required next county over. Boy, grocery prices have really taken a hike, haven't they. For that chunk of change you left at the store, you probably brought back fewer bags than you did a year ago.

TINA - painting the house is a BIG job! I sure don't envy you that chore. Especially in the heat. Are you using a sprayer over the larger surfaces? The winds must have died down for now.

JANA - glad you can now sew - if you want to. Is there a projected completion date to this project? And do you have another project waiting in the wings? Seems to be project season, doesn't it. Bill has circled back to our deck stairway, sanding the rail. I think/hope he'll stain it today.

My supper plan for tonite is leftover pizza. Unless 'someone' gets into it for his lunch. And I think I'll put beans to soak for chili for the weekend. Going to rain on Saturday and get really stormy on Sunday. I think a pot of chili will be a welcome meal.

Have you got some ideas for your supper tonite? Sometimes when I see what tasty things y'all are cooking up, I change my mind!

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Friday, June 4th

Post by QuiltGram8 » Fri Jun 04, 2021 4:23 am

Good morning! We will be heading to our son's today. Day trip only as we have to be back for me to get a Covid Test on Saturday morning. This was ordered prior to colonoscopy on Tuesday morning. But it should be a fun day. Don't know what's on the table for today. It will depend who's around and how many mouths to feed. I made 3# of BBQ / sloppy joes, if they want for today or use for any day while grandson is home on leave from Marines. The BBQ's are our grandson's #1 favorite, so it made get served today. Otherwise it will be Pizza. Either one is fine with me.
I haven't worked on the sew along wk #9 yet. Will need to get it done over the weekend.
Nothing else to say from here.
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Friday, June 4th

Post by purrfect-lady » Fri Jun 04, 2021 6:26 am

VELDA - enjoy your day with your family and especially your Marine. Please give him agrateful hug for me. It's a very brave thing in this day and age for anyone to enlist. And I'm partial to the Marines, having one in my family, too. So what did you BBQ? ribs? chix? burgers? brats? They will love it, whatever it is.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Friday, June 4th

Post by QuiltGram8 » Fri Jun 04, 2021 9:34 am

In our family, BBQs are Sloppy Joe's. I have never got used to BBQ meaning grilling. 🤗
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Friday, June 4th

Post by Becca » Fri Jun 04, 2021 9:54 am

Hello everyone sunny here at 82 Got walk in early then weed eat for 11/2 hrs
Made our lunch
Maryz I try to not think about prices or it makes me sick Beef here is super high As well as lots of other items
So glad Judi found your fabric for you
Velda Enjoy your visit It is a very brave One to enlist our DGS did as soon as he graduated Tell him & your DGD thanks for me I have great respect for them
We too think of BBQ as Carolina BBQ We call grilling when we cook on grill
I am having a burger with sautéed squash n onions They have good squash at our store

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Friday, June 4th

Post by auntjana » Fri Jun 04, 2021 10:02 am

Good morning!

Well, I finally finished the main floor public areas of the carpet. I am pooped! A little later I will tackle the stairs, one set of steps at a time. I am hoping that I can sit on one of the stairs, clean one step and move on to the next. The worst part is getting up and down so many times to change and dump the dirty water. I am going to try to enlist my handsome assistant to help with that. He is doing the bulletin for church right now, so it's not a good time to ask. Later after my rest!

Dinner - I have a hankering for a pizza - one like we used to get at this great pizzeria in Concord, but alas I am in Utah, so will settle for a Papa Murphy pizza. With a nice tall glass of very cold root beer.

Mary - what fun to start a new cross stitch. In hanging the others in the RV, have you thought about using those commands picture hanging velcro type strips? No nails in the walls. Easy to move and they stay put.

Vel - bbq sloppy Joe's sound yummy! Around here these days, all my kids have learned how to do smoked BBQ meats. Aaron is the master so far. So now, all this mom does is the macaroni salad or a potato one. I am good with that.

Time to change laundry, but in a minute,

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