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Sunday May 9,2021

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Sunday May 9,2021

Post by fabricgirl » Sun May 09, 2021 3:44 am

Good Morning Everyone and Happy Mothers Day,

Today is going to be a quiet day and I will do relaxing and putter around in my sewing room
We visited with my son on Friday and today I will talk to Sandi she had her second shot yesterday and by evening she wasn't feeling to well.
I went to Joanns yesterday and got what I thought was 6 yards of interfacing was only 5 when I got home slip says 6 so I will take it back let them measure it and get my other yard.
Well thats all the news here Happy Mothers Day Everyone prayers go out to all.

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Re: Sunday May 9,2021

Post by velvet » Sun May 09, 2021 4:41 am


Today hubby is making pork roast on the bbq spit. Yummy! Laura and my nephew will be here for dinner, so should be a lot of fun. She is feeling better for the time being but the shots wear off in a few months.

The king size quilt top for my bed is done. Thought I would never finish it. Now to get batting and the backing and hopefully get one of the LA'ers who can handle the size and time to do it. So this morning I hope to pull the fabric for 1 of the raffle QOV quilts- the panel is Kincad named "Hometown" and it is beautiful.

So today here is quiet, doing little odds and ends.
I hope everyone has a great day!!

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Re: Sunday May 9,2021

Post by Becca » Sun May 09, 2021 4:43 am

Happy Morhers Day to all my friends here Hope you have a great day
Yesterday Our DS 2 came & his fiancé came & brought us Breakfast A smorgasbord of Goodies from my DGDs Bakery It was delicious but the visit was the best We had a great time & he brought me a beautiful hanging basket My porch is lovely with all kinds of flowers
So it’s been a wonderful Mother’s Day already for me & our DGS FaceTimed and caught us up on his family
Today is another beautiful day Yesterday was windy all day
Our DGS just sent me a picture of the quilt our GDGD made her Mother for Mother’s Day She’s 9 yrs old Did a great job She used fabric I gave them It was a complete surprise to her parents
I must get ready for Church & put my meal in oven Have a great day Becca
Last edited by Becca on Sun May 09, 2021 5:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Sunday May 9,2021

Post by purrfect-lady » Sun May 09, 2021 4:55 am

Good morning and Happy Mother's Day to all our moms here!

LOIS - sorry you got shorted on your interfacing. I hope they straighten it out for you. And that it's not a long drive back to the store.

SHARONA - I hope your new gutter guards do the trick for you this time. Here we have fir needles (much smaller than pine) and maple "helicopters". They get into everything! We also have a gutter guard. His name is Bill. But like everything else around here, Bill is aging, so maybe another system is in our future.

VAL - one good reason to delay buying a new mattress is the cost. Yikes! And then, how do you know you've chosen the right one until you sleep on it a while? Fortunately, this place offers a 3-month exchange policy. And yes, that accident on Friday involved 2 semis and several other vehicles. It all started when a pedestrian tried to cross I-5 at 3:30am. He was hit by two cars. In the ensuing back-up the second accident and big snarl happened. Totally destroyed the semi's and spilled thousands of gallons of milk all over the highway from one and 30,000 pounds of fish from the other. What a mess! Injuries but the only fatality was the original pedestrian. Sounds like you are working days now. Do you rotate shifts?

MARY Q - my gosh! You've been a busy girl! No wonder you are spinning in place! I hope the garage sale is a success for you and you can sell all of David's stuff. Is he coming back or is he gone for good now?
When does his house go up for sale? Nice that it's so close to yours.

BECCA - your home must look like a flower shop by now! Or a garden nursery. So nice your son came to visit. And has his girlfriend been upgraded to 'fiancee'?? Sweet news!

JUDI - I keep thinking Colleen's kitchen is done, but I guess I keep thinking wrong! Aren't you glad you did a sample block on that new quilt!? My neighbor that I walk with each morning is starting to quilt and I told her - make a sample first! But she didn't. And she cut it all wrong. So, who won last night's hockey game?

DIANE - your day sounds so nice! Enjoy!

SHERRY - so sorry your knees are still giving you trouble. Do you have a diagnosis? We automatically think arthritis, but sometimes that's not the case. What do you do for the pain? A lilac festival sounds awesome! My favorite flower! Spokane also has a lilac festival I think. Here we have the daffodil festival which has kind of fizzled the last two springs with Covid.

JANA - life keeps you hopping! I hope you don't fall off your bar stool in church! (sorry, I couldn't resist teasing you a bit!)

Yesterday we finally went bed shopping and my hubby changed his mind AGAIN and finally decided to keep our king bed instead of downsizing to a queen. So we just bought a new mattress and box springs which will be delivered on Wed. I think when he looked at prices he got sticker shocked. lol! I'm glad. I didn't want to buy a new frame and headboard but it wasn't worth a debate to me.

Today we're taking a picnic up into the Olympic Mtns, going to revisit old places where I camped as a child with my parents. We want to do a scouting expedition, sans trailer, to see if the old campgrounds will accommodate modern RV's. Ours is only 30' but it's still big for some campgrounds. I'm looking forward to this! And old fashioned Sunday drive and revisiting old memories!

Wishing you all a lovely day!
mary z

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Re: Sunday May 9,2021

Post by QuiltGram8 » Sun May 09, 2021 5:22 am

HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: Sunday May 9,2021

Post by grammiequilts » Sun May 09, 2021 5:32 am

Happy Mothers day to all...there was an old song..."If it wasnt for your father, your mother wouldnt be a mother, so rememeber Dad on mothers day".
it has been non stop around here,,,up to go to a hockey game yesterday at 820am, left the game which the kids tied and came home did a load of laundry cut the grass and headed to Colleens house. They worked on the finish panels for the cabinets and we went back to the second game,,,they won. Went back to Colleens house and had supper and Ken finished the last panel..Jeff has now learned how to do the finish work and he can handle the rest. so today I will finish the guest room and spend the rest of the day sewing and making 2 meals...one for today and some fermented pizza dough for weds or thurs, It is a new recipe the dough stays in the fridge for 2-4 days and makes a chewy dough that is crispy on the outside just like a fine pizzeria. It has become our new favorite.
I will pin the mini quilt to hand quilt and do a new block for the star quilt. Maryz I learned the hard way to always make a sample block.
We are headed to the last hockey game, Ken just informed me that we have one more game this morning,,,so plans can change very quickly here, will be home around 1030. glad te rink is close by, have a great day XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOO

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Re: Sunday May 9,2021

Post by auntjana » Sun May 09, 2021 5:41 am

Good morning!

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters and all who help us along our way! They are great!

I will be careful and not fall off my barstool! It's already loaded, tee-hee, and in the back of the wagon! Otherwise known as the Highlander. Michael will help me with getting things set up. You see, us women in the Relief Society, try to set up a pretty display, flowers, do-dads, pictures, lace tablecloth, etc, on the big table we have in the front of the room. Just because. All the men in the Ward laugh as we do this. They just pull up a table and plop down their lesson papers. It is a well loved tease in the church, no matter what Ward, anywhere in the world is. I even have a special hand out for the Relief Society sisters to take home today, something that goes along with the main focus of my lesson. My lesson is on kindness, so because I have scraps of fabrics, I made a purse size tissue cover with a packet of kleenex in it for all the sisters to take. It relates to a story in my lesson. I made 80 of them, so I will have enough. Thanks to our Chriss, here, who gave me one of these once. I used it as a pattern to make more. Thank you Chriss! Once I finish today's lesson, I will need to start a talk for the main church meeting on the 30th. The Ward wants both, Michael and I to speak. Not one of my favorite things to do, but will because I was asked.

Should be, after church, a quiet day here. I will hear from my kids sometime today. It is warming up too, weather wise.


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Re: Sunday May 9,2021

Post by FlorenceM » Sun May 09, 2021 5:56 am

Happy mothers day all

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Re: Sunday May 9,2021

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sun May 09, 2021 6:25 am

Good morning, what a glorious day.

Lois, ugh, sorry you have to go back to Joans, hope you find yourself something else there to buy yourself for Mothers Day, they do have lots of sales going on right now.

Diane, yay for finishing that quilt top. Hope to see a picture of it soon.

Becca, what a wonderful treat to have the kids come for breakfast. I'd sure like to see a picture of the quilt that GDGD made. I bet her parents were very surprised.

Maryz, what a great day you are going to have. hope those campgrounds are functional for your trailer and that they bring back scores of good memories. I have a friend with a motor home who wants to start traveling, when you have time can you email me some of the tricks of camp reservations? Glad you chose only to purchase the mattress, furniture is quite expensive. Milk and fish spilled all over the highway, a cats dream come true.

Sherry, happy mothers day to you as well, I hope it's a marvelous day

Judi, yay for having Colleens kitchen almost done, I bet she is overjoyed. Have a fun play in your room day. I would ask more about the pizza crust but am not eating breadish food. My pizza crust is now made with ground chicken. Hope yours turns out wonderful.

Jana, I bet you can sure tell if it's a mens lesson day or a womans lesson day just by the way the table is decorated. I'm glad you liked that little kleenex holder. I was on a roll and it was something I made and gave out often. It's a great little gift, and kleenex can be purchased at the dollar store which makes it so inexpensive. My other go to gift was a thread catcher pin cushion, which I also made a million of. Just ask Valerie, not remembering I gave her the first one I sent her a second, I need to keep better track. As for the barstool, I'm pretty positive it will be set on a firm foundation and not sinking sand, you will not teeter or totter.

Flo, happy mothers day to you also, enjoy your day.

Yesterday the boys next and I made vases with those glass rock things and fake flowers. they decorated the gift bag with markers then we went to their house so they could hid the gifts in their room. Then, not 5 minutes later they wanted to give their gifts to their mom.

It was fun watching them. Both boys started just putting a hand full of rocks in their vases. Then they poured their rocks back into the container and started over. Emiliano, 7, decided green rocks were best and was quick and got his vase put together Leonardo, 6, needed to sort the glass rock things by color first then choose blue. both boys helped me make one for my mom, hers is pink. They had fun and are already planning a Fathers day gift. I am over the moon having kids around.

Today will be breakfast at the Elks club with the parents. Afterwards I am going to stop by Kohls and pick up some smaller jeans I ordered. I am going to go down one more size then call it done. I have looked at the weight and height charts and mine says I should be between 118 and 159. I am still in the obese range at 193 and in no way will I ever be the weight I was in high school. I decided the chart was full of bologna.

I pray you all have a marvelous mothers day. I treasure your friendship and value our time together, thank you for being my friends.
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Sunday May 9,2021 - Happy Mother's Day

Post by Honeybrown60 » Sun May 09, 2021 6:39 am

Happy Mother's Day to all! Have an outstanding day!


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