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Sunday May 2nd

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Sunday May 2nd

Post by grammiequilts » Sun May 02, 2021 4:59 am

Good morning I will make this breif I have to make breakfast, all is well. weather is warm. we will go visit family today. I will coook supper maybe chicken...
2 more family has been exposed to covid...one (grandson) is positive but not very sick. Other is oldes t son who says he feels like he has a bad cold and he is waiting for his test results. please pray they are ok. We cannot visit them because our guests have not been vacinated..( they did have a test before they we allowed to fly and were negative) XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOO

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Re: Sunday May 2nd

Post by Becca » Sun May 02, 2021 5:04 am

Good morning everyone Just a quick fly by
Judi Will remember your family
DD & DSIL are on their way here I must get moving to get everything ready

Have a blessed day Becca

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Re: Sunday May 2nd

Post by fabricgirl » Sun May 02, 2021 5:23 am

Good morning,

I'm sitting for a few bed is made dishes are done no plans for today .
I haven't started anything new I guess I don't feel like sewing waiting on my fabric to come to start my nieces tshirt quilt I have never made 1 so I've been watching videos to see what's the best way .

Well thats all the news here .

Judi I hope your kids get well soon and hope everything goes well with Ken's family visit.
Becca have a great visit with your family.

Everyone have a great day prayers go out to all.

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Re: Sunday May 2nd

Post by WeeOne » Sun May 02, 2021 5:54 am

Good morning All.
We made it to Nappanee, IN, yesterday afternoon. Newmar allowed me to come in a day early to their campground. Garry can rest today and I will clean the place.

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Re: Sunday May 2nd

Post by QuiltGram8 » Sun May 02, 2021 6:20 am

Good morning everyone.
Judi, hope all goes well with family. Hope the kids aren't too sick and get well quickly.
Lyn glad you and Garry are safe and sound. Good luck with all the maintenance.
Lois, Becca, and all, enjoy your day.
Getting ready for church. Then after, I hope to dust, sweep, vacuum, etc.
Hoping to try a lotto block this month along with our weekly sew along blocks. Having lots of appointments this week, so we will be busy.
Hugs for all... And prayers!!
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: Sunday May 2nd

Post by velvet » Sun May 02, 2021 6:58 am

Good morning to all whether at home, travelling or at campground. Did Mt. Magtag and the house cleaning yesterday. Today we're going to early dinner at friends house, we haven't seen each other in over a year. They are both close to 80 and we didn't want to take any chances. So happy so many have gotten the shots and with the warm weather coming in-brightens my mood.

Chris- you asked about my family--here goes: 2 children (both married)
4 grandkids (3 girls 1 boy) Paul is married to Amy
2 great grand kids (Paul and Amys)
Amys mom and dad also moved here last week. They are about 10 minutes away. Nicest people you could meet. Paul and Amy will move 16 sites from me probably in Nov. Now they are renting a condo a mile or two away. My son and DDIL should be here in Nov. Fran can retire on 10/31 family after 34 years with the post office. My DD and DSIL with 2 girls will stay on LI till DD can retire in 6 years.
Thought I had lost the post WHEW!! If I did I would be super mad.

I hope everyone will have a great day.

Posts: 2119
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Re: Sunday May 2nd

Post by velvet » Sun May 02, 2021 6:59 am

Good morning to all whether at home, travelling or at campground. Did Mt. Magtag and the house cleaning yesterday. Today we're going to early dinner at friends house, we haven't seen each other in over a year. They are both close to 80 and we didn't want to take any chances. So happy so many have gotten the shots and with the warm weather coming in-brightens my mood.

Chris- you asked about my family--here goes: 2 children (both married)
4 grandkids (3 girls 1 boy) Paul is married to Amy
2 great grand kids (Paul and Amys)
Amys mom and dad also moved here last week. They are about 10 minutes away. Nicest people you could meet. Paul and Amy will move 16 sites from me probably in Nov. Now they are renting a condo a mile or two away. My son and DDIL should be here in Nov. Fran can retire on 10/31 family after 34 years with the post office. My DD and DSIL with 2 girls will stay on LI till DD can retire in 6 years.
Thought I had lost the post WHEW!! If I did I would be super mad.

I hope everyone will have a great day.

Posts: 16093
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Re: Sunday May 2nd

Post by auntjana » Sun May 02, 2021 8:11 am

Good morning!

Oh, what a beautiful morning! Sunny and warm too! Church starts in a couple of hours.

Finished up one of two pillow shams. That second one, I cut the back 1 inch wrong, too short! So I will grab the leftover fabric and piece in my shortage. It is the back, than goodness! Thought I was going to bind the quilt in one color, but decided to use a different choice. It's ready to go as well. Looking forward to having this on my new bed. There is a story behind a quilt on our bed. When we were first married, church mice had more money than us. I fell in love with a ready made quilt - quilt and shams, but it was $250. There was no way we could afford it. So I always wanted a quilt for our bed. So all these years, I have made quilts for others, never us. Now I have! And we have finally caught up to the church mice. :)

Judi - my kids too have tested positive for Covid - again! The middle school Andrew attends has a large outbreak and Andrew tested positive. He had it at Christmas and brought it home to all that family. Matt went and had the whole family tested again, they are all negative. Andrew is in quarantine until his second test comes back. Uggh! Andrew is 15.

So time to get ready,

Hugs, and lots of prayers,

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Re: Sunday May 2nd

Post by suzette58 » Sun May 02, 2021 8:14 am

Good morning everyone.
Well, I have finished the Braid in a Day quilt. Tomorrow I will go to get the backing fabric. Our neighborhood is really quiet today. Not even much noise from the tractor trailer trucks. I cut the binding also today for the braid quilt. Well, that is it here. I hope everyone has a great day.

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Re: Sunday May 2nd

Post by WeSignificant » Sun May 02, 2021 8:52 am

Good morning everyone, hope you all have a blessed Sunday.

Grammie so sorry to hear about your DGS Covid dx. Prayers for a quick recovery. Both my kids had it. Moderate cases but no hospitalization required.
Becca have a wonderful visit with your kids
Lois I have never done a Tshirt quilt either. Thinking I probably never will.
Lyn glad you made it safe and sound. Nice of them to let you arrive a day early. I have a week off in June but can't find anywhere to go! Any ideas anyone? Has to be safe as I will be by myself.
Vel thanks for the reminder, need to get my weekly block done before tomorrow brings a new one. I may try the lotto block this month after instructions are posted. Don't trust my math to try and figure it out.
Dianne sounds like a nice family mix. Happy they are all so close. Mine have all moved away. Closest is 4 hours.
Jana OMG again? I so feel for Andrew, that must be so frustrating for a teen that age. Maybe the schools are opening too soon. Are the teachers vaccinated? guess it wouldn't matter if the kids aren't. I love the story about your quilt.
Suzette hope to see pics of the braid. I started one a few years back but couldn't figure out how to cut the excess off the edges of braid so put it away. And there it still is.
Vel watermelon isn't one of my favorites either but it gets fluids into Dad. He is so resistant to drinking. I have to fake him out. He gets jello twice a day too!
Izzy hope you got to watch the derby. My, that guy bet and lost 2.4 million! Wow.

DH working today. DGS has decided to go live with his Mom. I am getting older and it's getting to be a bit much for me. With his disabilities he will likely never be able to make it on his own. So I did tell her she needed to step up. I really am looking forward to the day I no longer have to work. DH started cleaning out the room yesterday. I will see how long the back holds out today.

Dad is still sleeping so think I will go do some quiet things until he awakens.
A Friend is God's way of making sure we never walk alone!

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