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Friday April 30th

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Friday April 30th

Post by grammiequilts » Fri Apr 30, 2021 3:45 am

Good morning and happy Friday. Today is ugly day around here, I have 2 bathrooms to clean and grocery shopping to do and a hair appt at 130. Kens brother and wife will arrive at 330 tomorrow. Since I havent seen the brother in law in 30 years I have no idea what to expect. I have no idea what to cook. And I have never met this sister in law or even talked to her, so prayers this turns out good.
We had a really nice dinner and dessert last night the custard shop hasnt changrd since it opened in 1947...and because of the rain there were only about 5 cars there,,,it was delicious.
I have almost got the mini quilt pieced...200 1 inch squares. it really wasnt that bad after I got going,,,I might hand quilt this one ( 24x24 in finished) in black and call it good. the pattern is called "Smack Dab in the middle" by Kim Diehl. When I bought the kit I didnt look at the finished size. I will next time. twice now I bought kits on clearance and they were minis...
well I need to get going or I will never get things done...have a wonderful day,,,,and prayers for all and Lori I will be sending up extra prayers for you and our family.XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOO

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Re: Friday April 30th

Post by fabricgirl » Fri Apr 30, 2021 4:50 am

Good morning Judi and all who follow,

Earlier this morning allergies were kicking my but I finished off the box of tissues and went back to bed for a while.
Today after the eye doctors we have a few errands but that depends on bills eyes we will both have our eyes dialed and for some reason mine take longer to go back.

Judi I will be saying some prayers that it's a good visit with Ken's family.

Well thats all the news here thank for the updates on Kathy.

Prayers go out to all in need.

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Re: Friday April 30th

Post by QuiltGram8 » Fri Apr 30, 2021 5:07 am

Good morning all. Judi, your mini quilt sounds like it would be a challenge. I would have to use that size as table topper or in our RV, I have a topper over my stove cover. I change mine with the seasons.
I need to do cleaning today, but first I have an appointment to get my hearing checked. I know it is getting bad, but curious just where it is. I know I am missing some bird songs, and some higher pitched sounds. It will be interesting to see just where my level is.
Need to give DH his hair cut today as well.
Have a great day!
HUGS, ๐Ÿ’• Vel

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Re: Friday April 30th

Post by womster » Fri Apr 30, 2021 5:50 am

Good morning!

I went to bed early so got up before the sun today.

Judi - happy haircut day. I will say a prayer for your week with the BIL and his wife. I hope all goes well.

Lois - I have that same issue after they dilate my eyes. Sorry to hear about the allergies.

Vel - good luck at the hearing check.

I got all my hairs chopped off yesterday. REALLY short - I've never had hair this short so we will see. DH didn't hate it, so that was good. Today we're doing yard work before the next round of snow and rain. In-between I will be out in my sewing spot - getting closer to the finish line there. Have a glorious day! xoxo Sharna

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Re: Friday April 30th

Post by auntjana » Fri Apr 30, 2021 6:00 am

Good morning!

A beautiful day here in the Mountain West! Sunny and Warm! Finally!

I did get my quilt off the LA and it's ready for binding. It's a big quilt, so hand stitching will take me awhile. I am old fashioned about my binding, doing them by hand. I will also get the pillow shams made. Need to do some marking on the next quilt top. I already have the scalloped edge marked, so I know where to quilt.

Not much here today. Just fussing around the house.

Many prayers for Lori, with all she has on her plate. Judi, too. Sometimes family can be difficult. Praying all will go well.


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Re: Friday April 30th

Post by Quiltmom » Fri Apr 30, 2021 7:23 am

Good morning all! Not much planned for today except watch horse racing. It is Kentucky Derby weekend so will be watching today and tomorrow. Will mow my yard on Sunday. Supposed to get a bit more rain today so will need to dry out a bit before I can mow. Got quite a bit of rain on Thursday.

Like others have said I too need to get a hair cut. It is getting so long. Will try to get in either Monday or Tuesday next week.

Well better go get some breakfast. The furbabies have been fed. Have to do that first in the morning or Sweetie walks around meowing to get my attention.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe.


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Re: Friday April 30th

Post by WeSignificant » Fri Apr 30, 2021 9:37 am

TGIF one more night and then I am off for 2. It has been a long week and feel like I am out of touch with everyone.

Lori I am so sorry to hear about your Mom. Hospice is a good program and hoping you can find some peace. Prayer for her and the family as they go on this journey.

Judy I love everything Kim Diehl! Hope you will be posting some pics. I don't know what to say about the visit, good luck. I would cook something I like and is not too complicated.
Lois allergies are bad around here too. Had an asthma episode the other night. First one in I don't know when. Took rescue inhaler and long acting and still tool 30 min before I felt like I could breathe right.
Vel need to hear those birds! I got a hearing aide when I was in my 30's. Premature hearing loss runs in my family. I hate the thing and haven't worn it in years. So If I don't respond to you, I am not ignoring you, just didn't hear you.
Sharna how short is really short. Mine is to my hips (cut about 3 inches recently). DH would freak out if I cut it short.
Jana did I hear on the news you guys had some snow recently? I all for hand binding too but may try to machine stitch the binding on this Hummingbird quilt.
Sherry I did not remember it was Kentucky Derby weekend. Love to see the fashions.

Not sure if Iet you all know Dad will start eye injections on Monday. He has bleeding and swelling behind the right eye and this is the only treatment. Without it, eye dr. said he will loose his vision. It has decline quite a bit in the past two years and since he likes to watch TV, we will get it done. Hoping he can manage it.

I am now up to 4 quilts to bind, 2 Bohemias, 1 turning 20, and the Hummingbird quilt. Will focus on those for now. Also focus on getting DS done so that can ship out too. The quilter I have been using gets them back pretty quick.

Well on my own today, no caregiver so lots to do. Will stay in touch as I can.
A Friend is God's way of making sure we never walk alone!

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Re: Friday April 30th

Post by QuiltGram8 » Fri Apr 30, 2021 1:16 pm

Well.... First thing before hearing test, is check your ears. Oops! I have one ear with wax built up deep in. So have to clear this first, then test. So I made a call to doctor, and on drops for a week, then doctor will flush my ear, unless the drops soften and remove within the week with this treatment. So then return for hearing test. Maybe some of my hearing problems is this wax build up. Possibly???? Hope that is it.
HUGS, ๐Ÿ’• Vel

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