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SUPPER CLUB - Wed, April 21

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SUPPER CLUB - Wed, April 21

Post by purrfect-lady » Wed Apr 21, 2021 6:46 am

Good morning!

We are having one last day in the low 70's. Then 2 cloudy days of 63' and after that a week of rainy 50's. Just in time for camping. Sigh. But I've done a lot of rainy camping and many were in our tent and outhouse days. So guess I won't complain now that take along our own bathroom, a queen-sized bed, TV, sewing machine, and shower.

Yesterday went according to plan - sewing for me, stair-ing for Bill. He got the lower landing on the stairway yesterday. We are both about 40% done. Today we both have appointments at different times (him dental and me chiropractor) and we need to grocery shop and hit Costco tonite or tomorrow morning.

Yesterday evening, while relaxing on the deck, Foxy brought us a baby bunny. 'Tis the season. I picked it up gently, stroking it's soft little head and crooning to it. It settled right into the crook of my arm. I carefully carried him back out to the woods and, making sure Foxy wasn't watching, turned him loose and he took off like a shot! He probably thought he'd been on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride! The evening before we received a bird which we also rescued. He is a giving cat.

JANA - I read that poor Enoch is back in the hospital and on the 'transplant list' once again. Matt must just feel like banging his head against the wall! Even I do! We have several of those emergency lights. Upstairs, downstairs, trailer, truck. They are great! But I wouldn't want one on my sewing table ALL THE TIME. Maybe Michael can put up a small shelf close to your table and let it rest there until you need it, you know, for emergencies. . . You know, Bill and I were talking about what we would like next for the house/yard and there really is nothing. Our kitchen floor is in the works but it will be a while as the flooring place is swamped and we're not in a hurry. But that's it! It's taken us almost 7 years, but I think we're good now perhaps for as long as we'll live in this house. And hopefully that's a long long time.

BECCA - Looks like some cold weather is headed your way! Better bundle up! I'm sorry to hear about your niece. I pray she has loving support nearby.

TINA - sorry for the electronic woes. Sounds like the directions for setting up your printer are much like some quilting patterns. lol! Better off doing it your own way. Ask the kids for your own set of girly tools for Mother's Day. They make them with pink, purple, floral handles, you know. Frankie won't want THOSE in his toolbox! I actually have the opposite problem. I have a small hammer with a handle that twists off and becomes a screwdriver. I keep it in a small drawer in the kitchen with tacks, a few tiny nails, masking tape, etc. And Bill keeps adding some of his tools to it until the drawer is jammed and I can't find anything! I have to clean it out now and then and return his tools to the garage.

I think tonite we're going to have some of those tamales I made last month. And maybe refried beans, maybe rice, maybe everything! We'll see how tired we are tonite.

Hope your supper is as good as I'm hoping ours will be!

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, April 21

Post by gershwin64 » Wed Apr 21, 2021 7:59 am

Good morning!
Mary, you both with be done in no time on your projects! How nice to have run out of redo projects though, we're just starting LOL
I wouldn't put it past Frankie to take girlie tools to his garage LOL
Frankie gets his second covid vaccine today at 4, we have a Walmart order to pick up for Dad after.
I was up till 12:05 last night and thought I'd fall right to sleep, nope I was still wide awake an hour later and then after I did fall asleep I kept waking up soooooooo I'm tired starting my day.
I think we'll just grab a pizza and bring it home for supper, I think I'll even have a glass of wine. Which reminds me, remember I said I slept till 8:15 on Saturday and how that's totally not me, I had a glass of wine Friday night... maybe that's what had me sleep so good.... I'm willing to sacrifice myself for another glass of wine and see if it works again 😂🤣😂🤣

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, April 21

Post by auntjana » Wed Apr 21, 2021 8:09 am

Good morning!

Busy getting ready for our handyman to come. I thought you would have a good snicker at his name and company - Tim - with Home Improved. I do have to say, he is not like the character from the TV show. He does know what he is doing.

Dinner was postponed from last night until today.

Mary - yes, Matt is not a happy camper. In fact, he hasn't told Crenda yet about the new needed engine. At least it is under warranty. I should make up a bunch of sawtooth stars for a scrappy quilt. My mom loved quilts with stars, so every quilt I made her had stars.

I did up the new mask pattern for Sandee. Two versions. I was going off one that she really liked for size. But my first attempt was longer and slightly wider. So I did a second, smaller. The first one was what she loved! So I will make more today. With Sandee 's allergies and asthma, she wears her mask all the time. Sure helped her not get sick this last winter. She loves Peanuts, so she has quite the stash of fabric. Sandee does sew a tiny bit, but is so busy with paperwork from the state and her students, she doesn't. She keeps saying she needs to come across the street and learn to quilt from me, before I die. I tease, she'd better hurry up! LOL!

Tim's here -


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, April 21

Post by Becca » Wed Apr 21, 2021 10:26 am

Hello everyone sunny here but windy and cold Tomorrow & Thursday is to be our coldest days we are 62 but it feels much colder
Maryz Judy my niece does have DH & 1 DS & DDIL But here she has a sister 1 son & 1 DD so she has more here They are going out taking turns She’s in TX so not close at all
You are Bill are really making good progress on your projects
Tina Your key is probably you have so much on your plate and mind it can’t slow down Hope you can get some ZZZs
Jana Your poor DS & his truck That’s terrible but it’s good they found it was dropped & took the blame instead of him being responsible
Hope it all gets straight one day
Yippee for everything getting in place
I got my few groceries & went to Bakery It can make you wild to go in I got Earl Grey Apricot bread today Her sandwich loaf wasn’t out of oven & I wanted to hurry home
I got here before Tina left I will go for walk at least try with the wind I started more tea towel embroidery A bird & birdhouse I love doing them because I love birds Hope everyone has a terrific day
We had a subway sandwich with Beths apple pie cookies Yummy. Becca

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, April 21

Post by zfatcat » Wed Apr 21, 2021 11:13 am

Mary, Foxy brings you gifts. What a good kitty. Molly used to bring birds and lizards in the house. Nothing like going potty and having a lizard scurry by your feet.

Becca, I love to embroider on tea towel. I keep them on hand always. It's a fast easy project and poeple love to get them as a gift.

Jana, what a bummer about Matt's truck. What is the handy man doing today? I saw that origami mask. It looks easy to make.

Tina, I hate when I can't sleep. Sometimes I go to bed, fall asleep and wake up an hour or so later. Then my body thinks I had a nap and is ready to get up. I've been reading before bed, and that helps me fall asleep. A glass of wine is good too.

The boys have been walked. I need to run to the grocery store today. Sewing later. I been working on my "Vintage Tin" embroidery in the evening. I would like to get it finished this year.

Dinner will be chicken noodle veggie soup with homemade corn bread. It's only getting up to 64 today. Monday it was 90. I don't know if I should get out my shorts and sandals, or keep my sweaters handy.

Have a lovely day.

Lori 8-)

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, April 21

Post by auntjana » Wed Apr 21, 2021 1:58 pm

Good afternoon!

Well the elevator is in place! Works too! Just needs a little bit of trim pieces that he will be back to do on Monday. Looks wonderful! Adjusts to the right height I want and I can now sit in front of the needle - before, I was off to the side just a tad. Maybe that will now help with my seams and matching! LOL! If my lovely assistant brings down my phone, I can take a picture to share with you. But right now, he is taking care of the specs for the new door to the patio.

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