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SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, April 20th

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, April 20th

Post by purrfect-lady » Tue Apr 20, 2021 6:01 am

Good morning,

Busy day here. I made good progress on Snail Trail plus we have the lowest section of our stairway finished. I took a break to see the dentist about my chipped tooth. It is the crown from one of my implants but he says, unless it keeps breaking, it's not a big deal - fixing it would only be cosmetic. I told him that he's the only one that sees that tooth so if it doesn't bother him, it won't bother me. I was in and out of there in 15 minutes and most of that was chatting with staff. I was saddened to hear that my hygenist for many years, "Tom", who retired March 14th, passed away suddenly last week. He had become fanatical about getting healthy, using his elliptical machine and I guess he was drinking protein shakes. He collapsed while using the machine. Such cruel irony. And such a nice guy. He was in my late hubby's high school class of 1969. There's a moral to this story I think. All things in moderation - even healthy things.

Today will be more of the same as yesterday - quilting and 'stepping' and not much else.

TINA - Small wonder you are sleeping so soundly! I'm glad you were naughty and stopped into S.C.! You keep so busy. All those baby animals were so cute, I'm sure!

BECCA - I love the name Xander. Our younger grandson is Alexander, though he goes by Alec. I hope you can find some healthy snacks to tempt CA. Maybe Beth can come up with some protein-filled cookies or "bites" that you can keep at his elbow for snacking. Or give you recipes filled with oatmeal, dried fruit, and other hidden healthy ingredients.

IRiSH - so happy to see you here! We've missed you! Covid has so many different and lingering symptoms and after-effects and they seem different for everyone. I can't believe you flipped your mattress all by yourself! I guess we've given up flipping ours as we haven't done it for a few years. Just too heavy for us anymore and we have always done it together. Valerie said her DD lives in Sparks, 4 hours from Val. Wouldn't it be funny if she and Kathy knew each other. .

JANA - I figured you really knew that star but it has so many different names. On one website that star is called "Austin", which is my maiden name, so it's a favorite of mine. But for now it's set aside so I can do the Snail Trail. Too funny about your Smurfette experience. :lol: I've seen fabric do that, and jeans, too, but not after a few washings.

LORI - I'm sorry your family is traveling this journey with your mom. What you are describing is exactly like how my brother was describing his wife about 3 yrs ago. She was even hitting him. But eventually, after about a year, the anger faded away and she became more docile. He kept her at home with him until last Nov 30. Partly because of Covid, partly because of lack of beds in Fairbanks, partly because of expense, and partly because he felt guilty "putting her in a home". But finally, just as she became too heavy care for him a bed opened up. And after both being vaccinated, he's able to see her again and says she's happy and thriving and even put on a little weight. And if I show you pictures that make you want to sew something, then good for me! lol! How many projects have I done because I've loved something you've done! Turn about's fair play.

Supper tonite? Could be anyone's guess here, but maybe something on the grill. I have chops and steaks. I forgot we bought steaks but noticed them in the freezer last night. So perhaps that, a potato of some sort, and salad.

What sounds good at your house?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, April 20th

Post by Becca » Tue Apr 20, 2021 8:24 am

Hello everyone sunny here but windy blowing all the pollen around & ushering in the cold coming tomorrow
Maryz I make those energy bites He just had no appetite I even tried giving him elderberry syrup but he won’t take it
Hope your steps project goes smoothly
Your DDS is an honest man I would stick with him Glad you don’t have to get anything done
Irish I have heard of so many different symptoms & things people deal with I’m not surprised Just take it easy and don’t push
Lori That’s a difficult thing you are dealing with & your Dad who is there 24/7 I feel for him Prayers for all of you
I found out yesterday my niece has now had called in Hospice for her It made me so sad They found another huge mass inoperable
I got walk in laundry done & we went for CAs eye exam & Dgeneral run too
We have leftovers so I will boil some corn on cob & that’s it. Becca
Last edited by Becca on Tue Apr 20, 2021 11:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, April 20th

Post by auntjana » Tue Apr 20, 2021 9:51 am

Good morning!

Got down here in the Batt Cave earlier than normal. I have laundry running upstairs, and the kitchen is clean, so here I am! Michael just brought over a new emergency light for my sewing area, when the power goes out. It does quite often, well in the past, with all the construction going on around here. He found this light at Harbor Freight the other day - very bright LED lights and easy to turn on - just pull it up by it handles. So I had to find a place - he wants it on my desk, I don't, but so far it is there - for the time being. I am sneaky and when he isn't paying attention, it will get put where I want it! Runs on 3 AA batteries.

I am making some masks for Sandee. She needs quite a few as she teaches now in person. It is a different pattern than I have sewn before - but it fits her very well, so I will use it. It is called a Origami Mask - it is folded in places and has some of the folds stitched - the pattern looks like a placemat with the corners clipped - weird!

Dinner - I am experimenting with some short ribs I got at Costco the other day - going to try them using onion soup mix, similar to my very old recipe for pot roast. We will see how that works. May serve them over mashed potatoes or noodles.

Mary - Bill is as fast as you are with quilts! Those steps will be done in no time. While he is in the fix up the house mood, you need to quietly mention something you may want next - just to place the bug in his ideas. Good hints! Happy day for no tooth repair!

Becca - hope you find something that will tickle CA's eating fancy. The pollen is swirling around here too.

Well, time is not standing still,
Hugs and prayers,

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, April 20th

Post by gershwin64 » Tue Apr 20, 2021 4:30 pm

Hi everyone!
I knew I'd jinx myself, I didn't sleep last night LOL hopefully tonight.
Mary, wow Bill sure gets his projects on the roll! He should rub off on Frankie LOL
Becca sorry your DH isn't in the mood to eat.
Jana, Frankie is always taking things outside that I want inside, I don't think we have a screwdriver or hammer in the house anymore... drivers me crazy! He says they all belong in the garage with all his tools.
I made meatloaf, potatoes and carrots for supper. I have a busy evening planned so I need to scoot. I have that box ready to send to you Mary, just adding that last item.
Holly gave me a new printer for my birthday and I ran out of ink in my other yesterday so finally was getting the new one set up....5 hours later I was ready to cry so I started deleting all of it on my laptop and started over not following their instructions and had it printing in less than 30 minutes. I can print from my phone now too, very nice!
Enjoy your evening!

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