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SUPPER CLUB - Friday, April 16

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Friday, April 16

Post by purrfect-lady » Fri Apr 16, 2021 6:44 am

Good morning!

We are loving our weather this week! And it's supposed to stay this way through next Wed. The house is finally all back together (except for Bill's office, but he'll do that today. He's a special case. :roll: ). I also cleaned the garage, did 3 loads of wash, remade the bed. Then I made some appetizers and we went to our friends for supper, where I broke my tooth. Double Rats! I think it's the crown on my implant. Not sure what all that will entail. Or cost. We had a hummingbird in the house yesterday and Bill finally was able to catch it in his right hand and gently carried him outside. He was one happy bird when he was released! Today my plan is to FINALLY get outside and do some yard work. I got a start on it this past week, but I need a few more days out there. After that, I hope to get back into my nice clean sewing room. It's not right that it's so clean in there!

BECCA - the end is in sight for that baby quilt project! Then what's next? I'm so happy you have such a good doctor! I bet CA is too!

LORI - good to hear your hubby is OK, but he's wise to go get checked out - hopefully by a cardiologist.

JANA - Your house is lot like here - the fun never seems to stop! There's always 'one more thing'. You will love your new kitchen door. How big is your deck? Next on our agenda is to replace the kitchen floor. It's the last indoor thing that needs to be done. We've contacted our floor guy but we're still waiting to hear back. Bill was joking about it last week, but when I got down on my knees and looked more closely I decided maybe we ought to get serious about it. We really like our flooring guy and he's selling the business next year and retiring to FL, so we want to get all our floors up to speed before that happens.

I know I mentioned pork chops for last night, but I forgot we were going to friends for pizza. And now I'm not sure I want pork chops with a broken tooth. Maybe we'll have pierogis instead. I have some in the freezer.

What's your plan for supper?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Friday, April 16

Post by auntjana » Fri Apr 16, 2021 8:22 am

Good morning!

Mary - oh, ouch! Hope it's a easy fix. With today's 3D printers, it may be just that. Bill is very quick, to catch that little bird. Thank you for sharing your sunshine in the coming week. I need it!

We need a milk run to Costco this morning. Maybe find a little something for Lila's BD. Many times I find cute dresses there for her or a cute outfit. Hopefully nothing big jumps in the cart! LOL! Also a stop at the nearby Michael's for some fabric. Then home.

Dinner - leftovers are gone, maybe I will find one of Costco 's pre made meals. Then I can freeze some and have that for our dinner. A lasagna would hit the spot.

Well, it is still snowing outside. That groundhog was sure wrong this year!

Stay Safe!
Hugs and prayers,

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Friday, April 16

Post by gershwin64 » Fri Apr 16, 2021 9:24 am

Good morning!
I've been waving to myself coming and going. LOL I tried getting caught up reading yesterday bit didn't get finished. I read about Becca and Lori's hubby's, I hope everything is alright with them.
Easton has a play this morning, we've been practicing a lot for it. It's the Life Cycle of a Sunflower Seed, he's the sunflower seed and the rain in the play. Preston stayed home today but I've had all 3 every school day before.
I haven't gotten any sewing done at all.
Mary, good idea to get all your floors done before your guy retires and heads to Florida! Sorry about your tooth.
Becca, did you get your baby quilt finished? We'd love to see it!
Jana, I used to find little outfits for Jazmyne at Sam's when she was little little.
I gotta scoot. Supper will be tacos I think.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Friday, April 16

Post by Becca » Fri Apr 16, 2021 11:17 am

Hello everyone sunny here but cooler 68 today I had to take all my plants in & we are to have 2 more nights of low temperatures then 2 next week so it’s musical plants here no fun as they are heavy
Maryz I feel for you Anytime a crown is involved it’s not good
Glad you are all fixed now Bill must have been very patient
Jana I can’t imagine Lila being that old I think of her as a toddler I too love pink Happy Birthday to her
Tina You never get a break I hope you can get some R& R this weekend to recharge your battery
The baby quilt likes 2 blocks but my back has to recover & my hands & fingers mostly Those needles really hurt them
Got laundry done & DGS FaceTimed He is having a dreadful time finding a Home The one being built has now moved up to end of June It was end of February
That area is the fastest in the State & 2nd in the US
The birds are really singing today I love it
I pulled some weeds fed-hummers & made pimento cheese
We are having chicken n dumplings steamed cabbage stewed apples. Becca
Maryz We are so happy about our new Dr They called this morning to say the man will come out next week to line up Blood work She just tries to keep CA as comfortable as possible

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Friday, April 16

Post by auntjana » Fri Apr 16, 2021 1:06 pm

Not too bad at Costco. One box of milk and $300 more of things jumping in the basket

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Friday, April 16

Post by rosebud3 » Fri Apr 16, 2021 4:29 pm

Today was the capsule endoscopy procedure, so I was home wired up to the internal camera.

Sorry I haven't been here the last couple weeks. By the time I work all day I am too worn out to do anything else. However, my faintness and anemia are under control for the time being.

Supper tonight is hamburgers. My son stopped on his way home from work.


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