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Friday April 9,2021

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Friday April 9,2021

Post by fabricgirl » Fri Apr 09, 2021 1:16 am

Good morning Everyone

Thank you Everyone for all the birthday wishes my birthday was low key because we had gotten our final shot on Wednesday and yesterday we just weren't up to doing anything mostly tired.
Today we have uglies on the list and the bed linens need to be washed so thats on the agenda for today.

I hope you all have a great day prayers go out to all.

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Re: Friday April 9,2021

Post by suzette58 » Fri Apr 09, 2021 3:16 am

Good morning everybody -
Happy belated birthday Lois. For some reason I woke up around midnight and did nothing but toss and turn trying to get back to sleep. I was planning on doing a couple trips up Mt. Washmore but I am not sure. Hopefully I will find some energy somewhere. I have started trimming the braids and have the framing borders cut. But, then I do have to go to the fabric store to get the rest of the fabric for borders. I hope everyone has a great day.

Lois - it sounds like your day is about the same as mine. Enjoy

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Re: Friday April 9,2021

Post by grammiequilts » Fri Apr 09, 2021 4:05 am

Good morning We had a busy day yesterday,,,took a trip to Perrysburg Ohio to get some special underlayment for the SIL/ Cane home and had soup and sandwiches for supper// (Perrysburg is about a 45 minute drive) It rained all the way there and back. last night rain too but we will have 70 for the next 3 days with more rain. I did get new gardening gloves but I wont need them till it dries out. Maybe Monday.
Today DD has a job interview so Liam and Sophia will come here for a few hours...It needs to be quiet and they tend to get loud at times... She will only take this job if the job is remote and pays more than her other job. With her degree she can gt both. so fingers crossed and grammie time with the kiddos/
I did get some of the quilt assembled yesterday After some hair pulling and gnashing of teeth, Reindeer are next...then I think I will open up the LA and try to quilt the 3 I have waiting in the wings. then I will be on hiatus for a while while I work outside and in the basement remodel. Of course I will be on the look out for the next project...well I need coffee and check the pantry for the kid food...hope you all have a great day XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Friday April 9,2021

Post by QuiltGram8 » Fri Apr 09, 2021 4:42 am

Good Morning 🌞 Nothing new here.
Lois, it's good to have a resting day now and then, just because. Hope you didn't have any other negative side effects.
Suzette, you are getting that quilt done pretty fast. Judi, enjoy the kiddos! And hope your reindeer quilt comes out perfect.
Guess I better do some cleaning. I have kinda neglected that department. Soon it will be time to reveal our next "sew-along" block.
Katy, are you planning to make us guess again?
Will you reveal on Monday?
Ok, back to my coffee before it gets too cold. ☕
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: Friday April 9,2021

Post by Becca » Fri Apr 09, 2021 4:52 am

Good morning everyone sun is peeking out
We had a shower yesterday We are in 70s & 80s now
I have DDS appt this morning I didn’t go at all last year It’s cleaning time
Also hardware store for chain for hanging baskets They are so heavy I want stronger chain
Lois Hope the uglies& laundry goes fast
SuzSorry you couldn’t sleep I hate those nites
Judi Hope Dd gets the job if that’s what she wants
Maryq I know you are beyond excited With your BFF coming & family to live close Good to be you I’m happy for you
Chris I do hope they honor your Grandmother & I hope the bill passes
Flo That’s a lot of trees & hard work too Take it easy on yourself
Glad you got someone to finish the drywall
Today I will get my baby quilt in frame to hand quilt Got it sandwiched yesterday
Everyone have a wonderful day

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Re: Friday April 9,2021

Post by fabricgirl » Fri Apr 09, 2021 5:05 am

I just saw on the news that Prince Phillip has passed away.

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Re: Friday April 9,2021

Post by FlorenceM » Fri Apr 09, 2021 5:32 am

The trees we took down were storm damaged from before we moved here. The property had not been kept up for years, so we chip away at it a little each year, now we are almost caught up.
Today I am up and dressed. The drywall guys are coming back to do a few repairs. And I will mow with push mower. Zero turn won't start. Joe did bulk of mowing with tractor, but I need to do within front yard fence.

Have a sew great day.

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Re: Friday April 9,2021

Post by mepeace2 » Fri Apr 09, 2021 5:50 am

Good Morning All

Not much going on . I have a chiro appointment . Then need to go fast care. Got a tick bite that needs looked at. The dang ticks are really bad this year. Going to drug store to see if I can get something to keep them off of me. Then to grocery store for a few things.
Hopefully get home to sew. I messed up one of the sew along blocks. So will do over. LOL Then next week make a dog and cat for Teresa.
Vel No questions from me . Monday is Maryq's week.
Lois A Belated Happy Birthday. Yes I seen where he died.
Sorry girls but I must go. I may be back later
You all have a great sewing day

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Re: Friday April 9,2021

Post by purrfect-lady » Fri Apr 09, 2021 6:04 am

Good morning,

The first thing I saw this morning was that Prince Philip has died. I'd say that was sad, but he WAS 99 and had a long, good life. When I was little I loved all the Princess stories - Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, etc. And I thought all the princes in those stories were named Prince Philip. I was an adult before I got things straightened out in my mind!

LOIS - more birthday wishes for you!

JUDI - 3 days in the 70's is worth a few days of rain. Does Ken take the 5W hitch out of the pick-up when you are home - or for errands like yesterday? We use the tractor to lift our hitch when it needs to come out but mostly it just lives in there. You will have those reindeer herded up in no time. I'm sure of it! What is the job your DD is interviewing for? Is she working now?

KATY - yikes! Ticks! I hate them. Fortunately, while we do have a few, they aren't common in Western WA. I hope you have no problems with that.

FLO - I bet all your neighbors are happy to see what you are doing on your formerly neglected property.

SUZETTE - I'm getting eager to see your braid!

VELDA - speaking of rest days, you have earned one for yourself, I think!

BECCA - I heard the upcoming hurricane forecast on the national news last night -17- and immediately thought of you and all our other friends and family on the East Coast. I'm glad you live inland!

Yesterday We took a trip to Bremerton (30 miles) to deliver some of our old deck furniture to our grandson's house to break up the quilting. I did get the UGRR quilted and the binding is half on. I'll finish that UFO up this morning. Then some uglies. Some friends are coming over tomorrow night to share a big pot of split pea soup with us so I need to dust the "message boards" we've got going on around here. MARY Q - want to come share soup with us?? :lol: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Wishing us all, especially CHRISS, full bobbins for the weekend!!

mary z

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Re: Friday April 9,2021

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Fri Apr 09, 2021 6:42 am

Good morning, it's going to be a marvelous day today

I am on the prowl for new jeans. Not sure what to buy. Any suggestions for a brand? I wear a size 16 tall. I prefer stretch and I don't like teeny bopper jeans and in no way can I wear skinny jeans, well I could but it certainly wouldn't be attractive. It's quite difficult to find jeans that aren't faded down the front or have tears in them.

Lois, low key birthdays are nice too, glad you enjoyed yours.

Suzette, sorry you couldn't sleep, I've had the same trouble here. I wonder if it's the weather change? I also need to go to the store and get some backing. Joanns has decent wide fabric and with a coupon it's affordable. I really should piece fabric I already have together and use up what I got.

Judi, hope DD's job prospect is a perfect fit. I laughed when you said gnashing of teeth. It always makes me chuckle when I read that phrase. I picture caveman looking people grinding their teeth making grrrr noises. Looking pretty fancy miss new garden glove lady, enjoy them.

Velda, cleaning has been neglected here too. Seems I have big plans to tackle a job then something comes up, usually going someplace or playing in my room. I will make block one of the sew along this weekend so I will be ready for block two when it is ready. I'm going to try to use scraps, we will see how well that works.

Becca, it must be so nice to have a green thumb. I have no landscaping here, I am not a yard person and I am not a decorator. Bet your hanging baskets are beautiful. The hospital seemed happy to have the information from my grandma, I just hope it helps. I remember you have a new baby coming in your brood but don't remember when it's due? and how are OUR twins doing?

Flo, there are lots of dead trees here, mostly oaks and bull pines, that need removing. the oaks got some kind of disease and are falling and the pines were in the fire a couple of years ago. sad to see the bare land where thick trees once were.

Katy, just curious, which block did you mess up? LOL, just trying to get the name before anyone else. Hope the chiro appt goes well. and the tick bite doesn't affect you.

Maryz, I bet the grands will love having "new" patio furniture. Thanks for the full bobbin thing, now I don't have to keep checking. I use my bobbin winder and usually wind about 10 at a whack. so frustrating to have to stop in the middle of something and wind a bobbin. I love split pea soup, are you adding chunks of ham? I'll pick up Maryq on my way. Exciting that Tuesday is window day. will they be able to get it done in one day? how many windows are being replaced?

Maryq, squirrels are a pain here too. Jerry mowed an area around the pasture so I could walk but the squirrel holes were a real issue for me. and the distance was the same as walking down my driveway. I don't like squirrels, not only do they eat bulbs and make holes they cause other distractions, hence the dirty house. Jerry makes a cake from the recipe on the Hershey cocoa can. it's a marvelous chocolate cake. While the costco chocolate cake is better, the Hershey cocoa cake is nearly as good.

Sharona, are your sprinklers all fixed? The grandma from the hospital stuff is my dad's mom. the grandma next door is my mom's mom. My dad's family has the history here. I am loving the bible history class. Amazing how much the scriptures affect what goes on even today.

Not a lot on my docket this weekend. Tonight is dinner with the parents. We will take lunch fixins and I made tomato, cucumber and red onion in Italian dressing last night. A light dinner and a fun visit. Tomorrow the quilt group I belong to is having an outdoor meeting at 1pm. I don't like late things, it really chops up a day. I am a do it early and get it done person. Sunday is church.

that concludes this update, hope you all have a stellar weekend,
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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