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Wednesday April 7th

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Wednesday April 7th

Post by grammiequilts » Wed Apr 07, 2021 4:30 am

Good morning, We got up to almost 80 yesterday and more of the same today. I will do at least a couple of windows up stairs so we can have some fresh air up here tonight,
Yesterday I stresssed and fussed over what fabric to use for the sew along...I had a line of fabric with 5 or 6 matching and decided to go with that,,,I will have enough to do all 16 blocks with it and sashing...bcking and batting will come later.
Today is laundry. While it runs I will tidy up the kitchen. I will get outside and maybe rake up some flower beds...Rain is predicted tomorrow.
Hope you all get some stuff done...XXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Wednesday April 7th

Post by billizzy » Wed Apr 07, 2021 5:14 am

Good morning it’s a nice sunny morning already supposed to be 80 today and I finished another quilt that was on the long arm yesterday so I posted it in the UFO chat I also posted DD’s Easter dress I made from Marys fabric in there if anyone wanted to see that that💜

So today I do not have little man so I am working on another quilt top that is graduation gift and it deals with a fishing theme so I’m working on that today

Got little yardwork to do also but after that I am just going to enjoy the day hope everyone’s having a great great week

Hugs 🤗 prayer 🙏 happy stitching 🧵

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Re: Wednesday April 7th

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Wed Apr 07, 2021 5:53 am

Good wonderful morning, Crazy, as busy as I am at work this week is creeping by slowly.

I noticed that the QIAD sale in my email shows lots of cat stuff. I immediately thought of Maryz and Lori. Love the plaid cat pattern.

Velda, hope you got all your grocery shopping done and your fridge is full. When we were in Illinois, many years ago, I thought it was strange that just about the only grocery shopping was in WalMart or Aldi's. That probably isn't the case anymore. Illinois was my first experience with Dollar General.

Lois, happy second shot day. I haven't renewed any magazines yet. I do get a few but never make the patterns in them. I recently went through my stack of magazines and pulled out the patterns I liked and got rid of them. Whole magazines went to the thrift store the rest saw a burn pile.

Judi, I almost bought more elastic and those little elastic adjuster things to make the elastic fit better, but I am thinking masks won't be forever. I did see elastic spools of 200 yards on sale at QIAD for $5. I was thinking of getting some just incase. but am still on the fence.

Diane, Costco is a money grabber for sure. I went there after work yesterday. I wanted to look at some jeans. They had a lot but they were all too short. And they had some with strange ( to me) sizes. 26/34 etc. I have no clue which my size would be. hope your bill wasn't too high.

Maryz, scary stuff at Vicky's. Thanks for the bobbin full thing. if you could repeat it friday to cover the weekend I would appreciate it. Good to know you will be posting a couple of finished quilt pictures soon. I also plan to make a sew along block. The question was in the beginning post. I got busy working and forgot all about it. I was worried about our Costco trip when I read that furniture hops in your cart if you buy cheerios. thankfully we bought a different cereal

Valerie, wise decision staying home with dad. Your chicken recipe sounds good, did the mustard heavy cream make a sauce? I am a fan of brown mustard. Love your sew along block, I am going to make mine this weekend.

Jana, really? it's been 10 years since your exodus out of Cali? I will help pray Daniel there. It would be nice to have all your chicks in one coop.

Maryq, I also need to get some shorts and capri's. Haven't found anything around here. Maybe when Mar and I go shopping. Otherwise it will be Amazon to the rescue. I picture your house as a giant quilt store.

Judi, I have been thinking about sew along fabric too. I have a few FQ bundles form CT. but I just hate to cut up pretty fabric. Sort of defeats the purpose, but doesn't stop me, from buying fabric. Not sure yet what I will do.

Izzy, I hope you also have a great day.

Nothing new here, still walking when we can. still losing weight but very slowly, still 35 pounds away from my goal weight.

Looking for new jeans and shorts (knee length or longer) problem is, in Cali we can't try on clothes, dressing rooms are closed. And it seems the clothing stores aren't as stocked as they were last year. I really believe it's going to be an Amazon world one day.

And that is it for me, you all have a stellar day,
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Wednesday April 7th

Post by auntjana » Wed Apr 07, 2021 6:15 am

Good morning!

We are cold! But at least it is above freezing, just above at 34! Ethan will be here for another exciting day of school work. We did really well and did some extra yesterday , to get ahead for the week. More of same.

The Gnome wall hanging will be done today.

Today is I am free day! My time is up and I can, quoting Hawkeye from MASH, " go out " and go in", in, out, out in! A in-store, no senior hours, grocery run is needed! I can pick out my own, fresh veggies and everything else! Oh, then there is LQS run too! No more Amazon for everything too. It was a great lifesaver, but now I can be normal, well, maybe. Could be I wasn't normal before, LOL!

Michael has been redoing our communication panel in the utility room, making it all ready to change internet providers. Our current one is lousy! Michael is tracing all the wires throughout the house to make sure they are all working. He may add a few more runs into rooms as well. Keeps him busy and out of myhair! LOL!

All my uglies are caught up, so after school, it's play time in the Batt Cave!

Stay Safe! We can do this!

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Re: Wednesday April 7th

Post by purrfect-lady » Wed Apr 07, 2021 6:21 am

Good morning,

JUDI, you are really having a nice streak of weather! I'm still deciding what fabric to use for the sew-along. I love Christmas, but I already have 17 Christmas quilts. I considered Civil War, scrappy, batik and floral but I think I'll go with 30's. And I guess I better get busy! I forgot the Sew-Along started Monday. I think UGRR has a 12-1/2" log cabin pattern I'll use. Enjoy your weather! We'll be about 48* and rainy.

IZZY - I love what you did with that pretty fabric! Thank you for sharing a photo!

MARY Q - I love the "life's purpose" quote you posted yesterday. Thanks!

JANA - I will help pray your Daniel to UT, too! And I do remember Hawkeye saying that. It's a favorite quote - and activity - of my furbabies here. If I had a nickel for every time I open that sliding door . . . and they have their own flap door! But I digress. Hawkeye - Mash - you are going out into the world again! It's a heady feeling. Enjoy the freedom!

CHRISS - for heaven's sake, no, don't go to Costco for your Cheerios! Or milk! TOOO expensive! lol! We actually signed up for milk delivery yesterday! This should save us hundreds of dollars a month! I will be happy to wish you full bobbins for the weekend. I'll use my special 3-day wish! I already posted photos of the two quilts I quilted this week - back when I finished the tops.

VAL - sorry you didn't go to the Delta, but considering all the factors, especially extra, unvaccinated strangers added to the group, I think you were wise to stay home. Maybe today will be different. Your chicken recipe sounds delish! I like to make a white sauce and add Dijon mustard. It's great over chicken, or poached eggs, or anything you like sauce on. Sometimes I add a bit of horseradish or cayenne for just a bit of zip.

SUZ - sorry to hear that your local pharmacy is closing down. I hate to see any home town business close their doors.

Yesterday I quilted my "Get Together" quilt with the pieced Flying Geese. Today I'll put a binding on that and get my UGRR ready to put on the quilt frame. I also finished cutting out my "Scaredy Cat" Halloween tablerunner. It has a black cat on each end and 4 little pieced pumpkins in the center. Thank you, again, SS! This is going to be so cute. If I have time, I might start sewing on it.

I hope we all can grab a few minutes at our machines today! I just got my Bernie, "Chip" back from the Bernie spa yesterday afternoon, and I'm anxious to get re-acquainted with him!

Mary Z

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Re: Wednesday April 7th

Post by maryq » Wed Apr 07, 2021 8:38 am

Good Morning Everybody

Back in the clouds here... but it is April after all and the rain washes the air and makes the leaves pop and the grass turn green... and the best part it... it ain't snow!

Judi... Glad you found the perfect fabric for sew along.. I know I had plenty of fabric on hand to do it... but man when I saw those pretty batiks... just had to go that way. But who knows, maybe I'll put out some other stuff and make 2 sets! I have all the sample made up... so I COULD sew along another set!

Izzy..... Such a pretty dress for such a pretty daughter! The picture of the 3 of you is beautiful!

Chriss... If you need elastic... let me know... I have 5 spools of it! I'd be happy to share!!! You do have a pretty good picture of my house... the lower level at least. But it all has to come down by the end of May! All the rooms downstairs will go back to being bedrooms! But I am THRILLED. And it's only temporary.

Jana.... Have you not been OUT all this time? Oh my gosh, I'd have gone buggy! I'm kind of a home body but I do have to get out once in a while! Tomorrow is my "freedom" day... 2 weeks after last shot.. it's just nice to have it over.

Maryz... .You are going to have a milk man? When the kids were here I had a milk man and it was great!! You know how much milk 3 kids can go through. Now I buy a quart of milk and it goes bad half the time. Maybe I should get myself some Cheerios! Glad "Chip" is home.. hope he's happy to see you!

Still in jammies here, so I think with another cup of coffee I'll get motivated to jump in the shower then get to work.. Time to change sheets etc and finish laundry from yesterday. I saw a pattern on face book for a block that looks kind of ribbons... so am just kind of playing with it and not working on anything big for now. I have a couple quilts I could layer and pin but will save those for after BFF's visit.

so, off I go wishing you all a Wonderful Wednesday

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Re: Wednesday April 7th

Post by womster » Wed Apr 07, 2021 9:18 am

Good morning!

I didn’t make it here yesterday. Had to leave the house at o-dark hundred to take the dog in for her spa day. Then when we returned home I had to take a meal to someone from the church that had been discharged from the hospital after battling Covid. We drove home in a snowstorm – got another 4.5” on a day the weather people said there was only a ‘slight’ chance for precipitation!

Judi – wow – 80 - It will be nice to sleep with fresh air.

Izzy – I will go check out your photos after I post.

Chriss – haha I nearly did a spit-take about the Costco Cheerios warning. We can’t try on clothes out here either.

Jana – enjoy your ‘normal’ (!) time at the stores today. Have a great free day.

Maryz – I loved getting the milk delivered right from the dairy when we were growing up. That was a scary story about Vicky’s meter. Your Halloween runner sounds really cute. Enjoy your quality time with Chip.

Maryq – my milk also would go bad, but now I buy organic and it has like a six week shelf life. Hope that second cup of coffee pushed you into the shower.

Today brings more of the same – need to bake a cake and make lists of all the things floating around in my head. Our Bible study got canceled for the next two weeks. I can’t remember if I mentioned our church was identified as a source of an outbreak so there have been some changes they had to make. I still don’t attend Sunday services as they were not social distancing or wearing face masks. Nothing exciting happening out here! Have a glorious day. xoxo Sharona

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Re: Wednesday April 7th

Post by QuiltGram8 » Wed Apr 07, 2021 10:45 am

I was here earlier, but thought maybe I would go log in with laptop to reply better to each of you.
That's not going to happen as I am so busy with my outdoor chores still getting settled in here at our campground. Today I am adding new mulch around our shed and behind our camper. It looks so fresh and nice. We took a break for lunch, now we need to go and get more mulch. I couldn't figure out how much to buy. Now I see we need a few more bags.
Got my " sew along" block sewn yesterday.
Izzy: what a beautiful quilt, beautiful daughter, and the dress you made is gorgeous! I bet she feels like a princess when you get her all dressed up. 🥰
Well time to get back to work.
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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