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Monday April 5,2021

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Monday April 5,2021

Post by fabricgirl » Mon Apr 05, 2021 4:48 am

Good Easter Monday Morning,

Today we will be getting up into the 60's the temps are beginning to warm up and thats ok.
We had a great time with our kids yesterday it nice to catch up with them face to face instead of phone calls we are going wednesday for our second shot what a great feeling that will be my son and Melissa are going for there first shot today.
Sandi and family are going to a drive through on Saturday at a Waterpark.

Today I think I'm going to relax and read some magazines and enjoyed day that way.

Well thats all the news I hope you all have a great day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Monday April 5,2021

Post by Becca » Mon Apr 05, 2021 4:58 am

Good morning everyone sunny here today We had a beautiful day yesterday at 75
I think Spring is here already
Lois your day sounds peaceful Enjoy it
I think I may wash a few windows here but pollen is here so maybe I will wait until later
We have a nice week last week with family visiting Our niece is coming too soon
Everyone have a wonderful day and prayers to all in need. Becca

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Re: Monday April 5,2021

Post by auntjana » Mon Apr 05, 2021 5:15 am

Good morning!

We had a fun time with all the family last night. The kids loved their Easter Egg hunt and all eggs were found and accounted for.

Today will be a few catch up uglies, then I need to pick and set up the music for church for the next couple of months, then I can play!

Maryq - such great news! To have your kids back and a horse or two as well!

On the potato front, I too boil my potatoes in their "jackets", aka, skin, no poking when I am making potato salads. Jackets off for mashed. Baking potatoes , skin rubbed with oil, sprinkled with garlic and onion powder, and poked a few times.

We had good laughs yesterday, talking about food and it's place in our family history. The things from their childhood that they remembered and either detested or liked. Then of course, it went to who is mom's favorite. The kids here all say Daniel, but he is the diplomat and settled the issue, the grandkids! Such fun, you should try that discussion with your family at the table. What tradition in
your history,, food, etc that has been passed down, and on through the generations. Our "noodles" was the number one they all agreed upon.

Stay Safe! We are getting there!

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Re: Monday April 5,2021

Post by grammiequilts » Mon Apr 05, 2021 6:00 am

Good Morning...I am late to the table this morning,,,Doing the upstairs cleaning today which incluses changing the sheets,,,Running the sweeper and dusting, Sort of spring cleaning,,,I need to purge out more stuff and organize the closets here,,,I also need to run the sweeper under my bed...I cannot move the solid wood bed anymore so a long handled vaccume will do the job and me on my knees...pray I can get back up again ( i do)
I had a sew day yesterday and was able to finish all the tree blocks and cut most of the star pieces..later maybe I can sew a block or 2...I do believe I got this one...
We will probably head over to DD later this afternoon so Ken can finish some of the details perhaps get the sink water temprarily hooked up so DD can do her dishes...counter tops have been ordered. Floor installers have been scheduled. Living room cabinets need to be inplace before the floor guys do their magic. that is left to do...

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Re: Monday April 5,2021

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Mon Apr 05, 2021 6:03 am

Good morning, it's going to be a great day today.

I had more trouble sleeping last night, guess things are on my mind. Just couldn't get comfortable. Tonight I should sleep like a log.

Church was great yesterday, it was held outside. Lots of fresh air and a good sermon. I really enjoyed it.

Becca, you rebel, staying up late to watch the game. Going through pictures is fun. recently Jerry and I went through pictures so Marilyn could have some. we finally tossed pictures that were just scenery. I don't think kids even look at actual pictures anymore, everything is in their phones.

Maryz, hope Easter dinner with friends was great. Love ham and scalloped potatoes. Guess I could try scalloped cauliflower, but it would be the same as cauliflower mac and cheese.

Katy, why more black dirt in the garden, is it a soil with more vitamins for the plants? how is EX? A new dress? I don't even own a dress or a skirt or even dress pants. Jeans is all I have. Next time you fix steak I can make myself available for dinner.

Diane, it is so good to be you. how wonderful to have the kids moving nearby. make sure you add a few smooches from me with yours, what a blessing for you.

Jana, Amen! hope the kids enjoyed their egg hunt. I bet it was fun watching them seek out eggs.

Judi, we also had an uneventful Easter, My parents went to see my siblings in So Cal, My son went to the inlaws and Mar is over 3 hours away. kind of nice to have a quiet day.

Maryq, which won? the garage or the sewing room. I think for these coin tosses you should invest in a two headed coin. Hope the kids find the perfect property for their move back home.

Lori, I had cauliflower mac and cheese. but potato salad made with cauliflower is on my todo list. I think it would be very good. Nice to know there are times you don't poke your potato. I never poke but that's just how I roll :D

Lois, sounds like a wonderful Easter, enjoy your relaxing day. glad you are warming up

Becca, we are also in the 70;s here. even the fields are turning brown, not enough rain over the winter to keep them green. Seems as soon as the 70's hit the sun dries everything out, including me.

Jana, I don't poke when baking potatoes, seems you and Lori are pokers. I read that if you rub taters in olive oil and use sea salt you can put them on the oven rack and bake and they won't explode. Lori tested this theory and found it was wrong. If I ever eat a potato again I will try garlic salt and onion power, I bet that really adds flavor, but I am still not going to poke. My mother in law made noodles every holiday. Jerry used to make noodles as well. We never had noodles with holiday dinners.

Judi, is your basement on hold until DD's kitchen is done? I have spring cleaning needs here if you find you run out of stuff to do at your place come on over.

Today I was up early, finished my bible lesson and now am done here. Guess that means breakfast, ham and eggs, and get dressed and start the commute to work. You girls have a marvelously fantastic day
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Monday April 5,2021

Post by billizzy » Mon Apr 05, 2021 6:38 am

Good morning ladies got up this morning had coffee with DH then sent him off to work. little man is in bed sleeping still as I type this just got Dd up and showered I was working on my long arm quilting quilt top on it almost finished so took a break to come and chat😀

Easter service was awesome as always stayed up Saturday night till 11 o’clock making the Dds dress from the fabric Mary sent it turned out really pretty so we were all matching in our seafoam green😍

It’s a beautiful 74 yesterday today’s supposed to be 79 and 80s for the next two days I’m on spring break so plan to enjoy some outdoor work with the little man today in the next couple days before rain comes Thursday💜❤️

I did get all of my flowerbeds done out front then I was redoing I still have a bucket full of irises I’m gonna decide where I’m going to plant those🌼

I went and got some baby ducks Saturday and the lady was going on vacation so she had four more eggs peeping out in the incubator so she gave me those so I ended up with a total of 11 ducks unfortunately two decided to go into the water bucket and drowned so I am now down to nine, before you ask yes they can drown when they’re little they don’t have big feathers so can’t shake off the water they’re down will get too wet and we forgot to take a little swimming bucket out yesterday so it was our mistake☹️

Yesterday had Easter dinner just me and DH and dd the kids stayed home and rested and enjoyed their day at home with the little man and then DH and I decided we were gonna take a nap after church and after we eat lunch we had a lot of festivities going on also with the Easter egg hunt Saturday at church he had sunrise service and then regular service yesterday and then I got up with him so that I could make Easter dinner before I left for church so needless to say these old folks 😴

Nothing else new here

Hugs 🤗 prayers🙏 Happy stitching 🧵
Last edited by billizzy on Mon Apr 05, 2021 6:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Monday April 5,2021

Post by maryq » Mon Apr 05, 2021 6:40 am

Good Morning Girls

Hey.. Check this out! It's 0820 and I'm UP! :lol: :lol: Ok, I'm in jammies, but I'm out of bed!! It's such a beautiful day I didn't want to waste it in bed... Supposed to get up to almost 80 here today!

Lois...Isn't it great to see family "in real Life" and to be able to hug them! Gosh I miss getting hugs! Now that I've got my shot I feel a little more comfortable hugging!

Becca..... You had to mention "windows" :lol: :lol: I so love the sun shining through... but you can sure see how dirty the windows are! The front of my house faces east... so when the sun comes up through my living room window... I can sure see it's window washing time.!

Jana.... Do you ever have left over baked potatoes? Ever cut them up and fry with butter and onion! So NOT super healthy... but oh so tasty... Once in a while I'll bake up some extras just for that purpose! I laughed at "Mom's favorite" We've had the same discussion too.. but I don't think we ever decided who was actually the favorite. We've always kidded my brother Tim that he was adopted because he had a very different little nose as a kid. My brother Chris was probably the favorite because he was a special needs kid and Mom worried about him the most.

Judi..... Oh yes... so much easier to get DOWN on the floor... than getting back UP again! My Mom always washed floors on hands & knees... she said it was a good time to pray.. Usually I just pray I can get back up. Sounds like your quilt it coming together... I'll have to go back and look at the pictures Mary and Lori posted... to remember better what you are working on... Is it that one they did last winter?

Chriss.... To poke or NOT to poke? I poke when I cook potatoes in the micro, but not in the oven. Yesterday the garage won... but I got pretty far and still had time to play in the sewing room. Finished up working on my sample blocks for the sew along, so I'm ready to go! Wouldn't it be fun if we could travel around the country to help each other clean.... You come here, I'll go to Judi's, Judi can go to Maryz's, Mary can go to Valeries etc etc. I'm still wishing for a day we can all meet in the middle!

Can't believe I beat Maryz this morning! But then there is a 2 hour time difference .... :lol:
I need to shower up and run an errand this morning... then I'll come home, and start some more clean up --- keeping eyes open for stuff to throw in garage sale... then work on another UFO I found in my closet. I'm saving the real house cleaning until next tuesday, just before BFF gets here... I figure things will just get messy again if I clean now... so I'll wait.

Wishing you all a Marvelous Monday

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Re: Monday April 5,2021

Post by purrfect-lady » Mon Apr 05, 2021 6:51 am

Good morning,

Wow! What a busy group you all are this morning. The morning I overslept. Just so you all know, I poke baked potatoes ( or cut thin little slice off the ends), rub them with olive oil and S&P. For potato salad, I boil in jackets but do not poke.

We had a very nice dinner yesterday but boy howdy, do we have leftovers! I'm thinking of making a casserole with some of them and freezing it this morning. My friend brought a lemon cobbler (yum!) and a huge apple pie from Costco. For 4 people. And insisted we keep half of the leftovers from that. Whoo Whee!! Lotsa calories in this house! Plus we still have the cake I made 3 weeks ago in the freezer.

Our calendar says we are doing nothing today. Now that I have batting again, maybe I will piece my backing for the scrappy quilt I finished last week, put it on the frame, and meander it. I already have binding made for it. Yesterday I ordered a cross-stitch kit from Stitchery Magazine of a 14"x11" woodsy scene at sunset with a mama bear and two cubs. It's called "Ambling Along at Sunset" and it should keep me off the streets for at least the next 2 years to come, probably more as I'm not a fast stitcher like Sherry. Plus I'm still working on my third of four retro trailers and I still have a large Christmas scene I haven't even started yet. I need longer evenings! And more me's!

Have a Marvy Monday!
mary z

PS, Mary Q - you didn't beat me by more than seconds!! I've had potatoes explode in the oven before when I forgot to poke. What an awful mess to clean that was! But I did worse yesterday - I put our good instant read out thermometer in the ham - but forgot to take it out! Another mess.

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Re: Monday April 5,2021

Post by Quiltmom » Mon Apr 05, 2021 7:03 am

Good morning all! Hope everyone had a good Easter! Just a quick stop in. Spent Easter at my son's in Elkhart Indiana. So good to get out of Ohio if only for 3 days. Had a really good time. We took Smoke and Sadie to Sadie's dog park to play with other dogs. He had such a god time. He ran and ran with the dogs. He got so tired and has really been sleeping alot afterwards and since we got home. He is just used to having Sadie to play with so this was something new. It is a beautiful large park for the dogs.

Not much planned for today. Probably just rest myself. Had a great time but also good to be back home. I left early yesterday to beat the traffic on the turnpike and it was very empty. I am sure after everyone had their dinners it was very busy.

Will come back and read all your posts since I am 4 days behind. Hope everyone has a safe and happy day.


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Re: Monday April 5,2021

Post by mepeace2 » Mon Apr 05, 2021 8:11 am

good morning all
What a busy day. Made my bed dust mopped kitchen did two loads rugs that go in kitchen. Then went out side to see what trouble I could get into. X went to pick up load of black dirt. The garden gets flooded during hard rains . and it needed some new soil. So while he is gone I hoed the place where my snail goes , went and got newspaper to put under mulch. put mulch down and got my snail out of garage. I made hummingbird food . Gotta get ready my little friends will be in soon. I bought a fountain for them . Shish I need to go back to bed. But more coffee sounds good.
Yes Sherry a quiet Easter but nice.
Chriss If you fly to Illinois you are welcome to come for steak. Probably could have a sleep over too
Maryq I need to hit the basement and get stuff for Helping hands store.
Maryz Yes I am trying to do a little more each day.

Well are you all ready for your question at noon.
I need another cup of coffee

You all have a great sewing day

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