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Sunday April 4 Easter

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Sunday April 4 Easter

Post by Becca » Sun Apr 04, 2021 5:43 am

Happy Easter The Lord is Tisen
It’s a glorious day here
I got up late because I watched the final four game last nite What a game Went into overtime And I went thru a box of pictures
Brought back sweet memories
I must get going to get ready for Church to start I do have my Baby quilt ready to sandwich And backing is ready
Maryq I am so happy for you
Chris You will be fine on your trip You are a wonderful person for Marilyn
And a great influence in her life
Sure you enjoyed the boys Easter
Happy Easter to all Becca

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Re: Sunday April 4 Easter

Post by purrfect-lady » Sun Apr 04, 2021 5:46 am

Good morning,

HAPPY EASTER to all my invisible friends! Remember the reason we celebrate Easter and be joyful!

CHRISS - you had a marvelous day - donating goods and time and love all around! People like you make God smile. And God needs good reasons to smile these days!

BECCA - I would love to see your baby quilt! You've worked hard on it and I know love went into every stitch!

SHARONA - I would be happy to make your hubby all the deviled eggs he can eat! But he has to come get them and bring you along!

MARY Q - I'm so glad your kids are coming home!! I know you are jumping-over-the-fence happy! And the horses will be content in your back yard! And no mowing will be needed! So, do you get to keep just one room for sewing??

VAL - may your Easter be happy no matter how you end up celebrating. It's so lovely to still have your dad to celebrate with you!

KATY - hope your back is feeling better today.

JANA - by "having none" do you mean embroidery thread? What colors do you need? I have a few extra skeins I can share.

Spent the past few days cleaning the house, yard, deck, roof, clothes. Now today we invited another couple to join us. We are all vaccinated. So this morning I'll be getting ham and scalloped potatoes ready for the oven. Also making brussels sprouts w/bacon and fruit salad and homemade crescent rolls. They are bringing dessert. Wish it were warmer so we could sit outside on that new furniture, but at 46* we'll just admire it through the sliding glass door.

Happy Easter to you all!

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Re: Sunday April 4 Easter

Post by mepeace2 » Sun Apr 04, 2021 6:00 am

Good morning and Happy Easter

Yes Maryz my back feels better but I did not do much yesterday ,and the onions I thought I was going to plant will have to wait. My x wants to put more black dirt in garden. I will plant a few potatoes today .
I already have a loaf of bread baked for dinner. Going to grill steaks I bought potato salad and will fix deviled eggs. I fixed some cinnamon rolls for breakfast.
I also bought a new dress this morning. Happy Mothers day to me. LOL I guess I been a busy girl.
Now I need to go fix a cheesecake for dinner. Then into sewing room. I do have fabric picked out for two more sew along blocks .
Well I need more coffee and then get dressed and cook.
You all have a great sewing day and a wonderful Easter

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Re: Sunday April 4 Easter

Post by velvet » Sun Apr 04, 2021 6:07 am

My DS and DDIL went home yesterday and they will be back in June-ish. They found a new devolpement 12 miles from us. Unfortunately they put in a reservation for the lot. (Have to wait for the builder to release it) It is good because DDIL last day is New Years Eve. If the house is not finished by then-they will drive down with their furniture and use a storage unit and stay with us until. DDIL's son and dil with the 2 kids will live 15 lots down from me. They are renting a condo 5 minutes from me until their home is ready. Riley is a sweet 4 year and Harley is 9 months huggable quiet baby. They are my 2 great grand children who will be smothered with love and kisses while I can (before my DS and DDIL get here)
My DD and family will stay for 6 years ion LI for her to get full retirement. But, who knows.

Well, I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter.

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Re: Sunday April 4 Easter

Post by auntjana » Sun Apr 04, 2021 6:08 am

Good morning!

What a glorious day, He is risen and He lives! That wonderful message of Easter gives each of us blessings unmeassured, that we too will live again.

We will watch the last 2 sessions of Conference and then head over to Matt's for family dinner. The kids will dye eggs and then have a hunt in the backyard. Since the ages are so great, we have set rules to make sure the little ones have a equal chance.

I layered and started quilting my Gnome wall hanging i made at Christmas. Also Sarah's tote is ready to sew, as she agreed to my ideas on color placement. But then, she added one of her own, but it won't be too hard.

Stay Safe!

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Re: Sunday April 4 Easter

Post by grammiequilts » Sun Apr 04, 2021 6:19 am

Good Morning and Happy Easter to you all. We are not doing anything special for Easter...#1 son is in the midst of painting his house and didnt get it done in time for easter,,,#2 son has plans with friends,,,#3 son took his family down to Ky to visit relatives and DD is going to her inlaws for supper. So that leaves us quiet for today, Ken had a new med reaction yesterday and being lightheaded and dizzy He sat around the house and didnt do anything we ate leftovers for supper. He is fine today but will not take that stuff till he talks to the dr, there was a drug interaction and the pharmacist or the Dr did not catch it.
I did get some blocks done on the quilt last night,,,finally a finished block to show its posible..I had my doubts it would com together. but it did,,, :D
Well I think I need to get some brunch going...A HAppy and Blessed Easter to you all. XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOO

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Re: Sunday April 4 Easter

Post by QuiltGram8 » Sun Apr 04, 2021 6:26 am

Happy Easter! Hope you all have a very Happy Day!
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: Sunday April 4 Easter

Post by maryq » Sun Apr 04, 2021 8:17 am

Good Morning Every one!

Happy Easter to you All. Nothing planned here for the day... just trying to decide if I should work in the garage today or play in sewing room... decisions.... decisions..... Supposed to get up 70* something so I think a day OUTSIDE is in order!

Becca.... Yes I am quite over the moon happy to have my kids coming home! If I could just get DD back from Alaska... well.. I'd be in heaven for sure!

Maryz... Three years ago on Easter Sunday.. we had 16" of snow! So I am quite happy today to see the sun shine... and to open the windows! I will have that "family room" downstairs still as my sewing room. But all my fabric stash will be in totes in the garage.... temporarily! The kids will be looking for a house to buy once they get here. Kris would like about 20 acres so she can keep her horses.. Do you have a stash of embroidery thread too! I have 9 of those little boxes full... plus some "back up"

Katy..... Glad your back is better... Hope you get Ex to do the heavy lifting!!! I'm getting anxious to get my tomato plants in the box garden, but it's a little too early... Memorial Day is the tomato day! We can still get frost up here. Might even throw some flowers in my huge pot ! Can't wait to see you get us started on Sew Along! I'm READY

Diane... Sounds like you will have guests at your house too! Won't it be great to have your DS and DIL so close! I take it your DIL is retiring? Bet they are anxious to get out of NY and NY winters!

Jana... What a fun memory for the kids... Coloring eggs! I can still picture my kids doing the eggs! Once my Dad hid the eggs and wrote money amounts on the shells... 5c... 25c etc... He went broke when the kids turned in the eggs!

Judi.... Hope Ken is feeling better today! Funny the pharmacist didn't catch it... computer programs have a way to check one med against another. That's why we always used to tell people to pick one pharmacy and stick to it.

Velda... Are you all settled in? Happy Easter to you!

Guess if I am going to get anything done today... I better get in gear.... Need more coffee, then I think I'll flip a coin and see which direction I go.. garage or sewing room!

Wishing you all a Blessed Sunday

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Re: Sunday April 4 Easter

Post by womster » Sun Apr 04, 2021 8:31 am

Happy Easter to all! I'm late signing in for church. xoxo! Sharona

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Re: Sunday April 4 Easter

Post by zfatcat » Sun Apr 04, 2021 10:02 pm

Chriss, I boil my potatoes skin, (no poke,) on as well for potato salad. How was the cauliflower, instead of potato, salad?
Lori 8-)

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