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SUPPER CLUB - Good Friday, April 2nd

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Good Friday, April 2nd

Post by purrfect-lady » Fri Apr 02, 2021 6:46 am

Good morning,

We had another beautiful, albeit slightly cooler, day yesterday. I got the deck swept, the big run out, and arranged the furniture for summer sitting. Cushions are out, and all that's left now are the quilts and the TV, best left until a bit later in the spring. Looking forward to long summer evenings out there.

Today is going to be an UGHly blitz. Time to get this house back in order. We have friends coming for Easter and we still have messes leftover from BR reno. And then we'll be messing it up again for window installation. And so it goes.

JANA - yes, grocery shopping will be lengthy endeavor until you learn all the brands and products Sarah can eat. My DIL can't eat eggs, soy, walnuts, gluten, or any wheat. But she's never here so it's not a shopping/cooking issue for me. Your bed sounds beautiful. Any progress on that quilt yesterday?

IRISH - I didn't really know my gramma, my only grandparent left alive when I was born, and she lived in AZ and died when I was 9. However, Mom told me that Gramma Sophie insisted that all handwork look as good on the back as on the front. Sounds like your Cindy subscribed to that stitching philosophy! This is why I frame all of my stitching! lol!

I think we'll gtill burgers tonite or else have some of the tamales I made last month. I'll see what Mr. B is in the mood for. Or maybe I should skip him entirely and figure out what I'M in the mood for. :D
Though come to think of it, it's Good Friday so perhaps tomato soup and grilled cheese. B would be happy with that.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Good Friday, April 2nd

Post by auntjana » Fri Apr 02, 2021 7:40 am

Good morning!

Mary - I am looking at setting up the deck here too. Michael doesn't realize yet what that will entail. All he knows is a few rugs I have shown him and I want some new deck furniture. I have even mentioned a TV too.

Here too, the handwork needs to look as good on the back as the front. I taught Sarah that and she always shows me the back of her work, and says see, it looks good! It was my Uncle who taught me that when I was a little girl. Even my patchwork needs to look good on the wrong side. I know, Iam silly!

Sarah is so funny these days, she takes a picture of her "legal finds", the ones that make her happy and sends them to me. No potato chips, most are cooked with soy, but she found that pork rinds aren't- she loves those and then I told her that she could grind them up as a breading, that made her happy too.

Ethan was here for dinner and Grandma spoiled him. He loves "hamma-burgers" and French fries. So he helped by using the air fryer for the fries and I made a juicy Lucy- the cheese is in the middle. He was a happy little boy! Dinner tonight could be the same as Maryz. Works for me!

Finished my tote and have Sarah's tote ready to assemble. I am unhappy with one piece, so she will need to come and see before I sew. She picked out the fabrics , and needs to decide. It is General Conference weekend, so I will watch all the sessions and sew. We have a TV in the Batt Cave , just for such occasions. I will start a sew along kit I have and those aprons. I will LA between the sessions, as the LA is quite noisy. There are five sessions, each 2 hours, with 2 hours between each session. Three on Saturday and the final two on Sunday. Love it!

Well, a tab bit of uglies to do and then head to play.


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Good Friday, April 2nd

Post by zfatcat » Fri Apr 02, 2021 1:12 pm

Mary, I bet you are glad to be able to be on the deck again. We use out patio
year round. When it gets too cold for us, we have a gas heater to turn on and sit by. And of
course the dogs lay on my lap to keep me warm as well. Our little lap doggies. lol

Jana, I agree about handwork. You don't want a messy back.

Had a little mama drama this morning. She would put on her depends for dad, so I went up and
she did it for me. My dad said she was fine, then all of a sudden her personality flipped and she
got mean. I know there is much more of that in the near future.

For dinner we are going to friends for wine tasting and bringing hors d'oeuvres. So snacking will be dinner. Which is perfect for us.

Have a lovely day.
Lori 8-)

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