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Good Friday April 2nd

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Good Friday April 2nd

Post by grammiequilts » Fri Apr 02, 2021 5:08 am

Good morning it is sunny and frosty here but we will high up into the 40s...I have a few chores to do today,,,Dont think I will cook for the kids today,,,,everyother day is fine,,also I am making meatloaf and they dont like meatloaf.
I did master one block of the quilt yesterday I am practically redoing each block but it will get done...every once and a while you need a quilt to get your brain going,
well I dont have anynews here,,,on the DD frint the counter tops have been ordered. the flooring has been scheduled...this weekend Ken will put together the island and the bar cabinet, hook up the stove and sink...fridge has been installed and the ice maker hooked up. then I think they can handle the rest without Kens helf till they get to the sitting room cabinets,,,then Ken will be needed one more time to build the base for nthose cabinets,
Have a wonderful day Happy Easter to you all XXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Good Friday April 2nd

Post by Becca » Fri Apr 02, 2021 5:16 am

Good morning everyone sunny here but 24 Mush ice outside Yesterday was a very cold windy day
Judi Glad it’s falling into place at DDs house Enjoy your Day
Chris we are not having any on Easter that I know of unless my DScomes I’ll call today to find out We had a great day yesterday and they leave today Of course she came loaded with gifts & food This was my Birthday celebration with her even brought me a key lime pie which I love
Everyone have a blessed Easter Becca

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Re: Good Friday April 2nd

Post by QuiltGram8 » Fri Apr 02, 2021 5:52 am

Hi everyone! I am HOME! Not settled completely, but boy! We got a lot done up until time to order a pizza... Then we just said, that's it, do more tomorrow.
Feels so good to be here at campground. Lots of neighbors were already hustling about getting their site cleaned up, mowing grass, etc. They all are not retired, so they come on weekend. They leave camper here all winter.
We never did that. We always towed our rig home for winter, but many don't have a place to park it at home.
Anyway, we got here about noon. Very chilly and windy 45 degrees. Today will be high of 52. And sunny. Much better. Predicting 70's next week.
Happy camper!

More later
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: Good Friday April 2nd

Post by suzette58 » Fri Apr 02, 2021 5:59 am

Good morning everyone.
I slept in this morning to 4am. When I took the dogs out we had a dusting of snow. Today is a couple of trips up Mt. Washmore. In a few minutes I have to go and switch the machines and I will stay downstairs and sew. I hope everyone has a great day.

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Re: Good Friday April 2nd

Post by purrfect-lady » Fri Apr 02, 2021 6:14 am

Good morning,

JUDI - It's good to have a project that stretches us now and then. MY DWR was that project for me. I thought floors went down before appliances went in. Won't they have to move all the appliances again?

BECCA - Happy second birthday celebration! I know you're having a wonderful time with Denise and Mark.

VELDA - welcome home!!

SUZETTE - I have to ask - if you slept in until 4am, what time do you normally get up? and when do you go to bed? I'm an early riser myself (5am~ish) and I go to bed between 8:30 and 9.

KATY - Sorry your back is giving you problems. I've had to change my yard around quite a bit to accommodate my back/hips. If you really want to see the Puyallup Daffodil Festival, you can Google it. They may have photos of past parades. This year it's going to be a stationary drive through event. Going to build all the floats and do all the normal things, but they will be at the state fairgrounds and people will drive through to look at them. I know this event has been going on for well over 100 years because I have a picture of my Aunt at the fair eating a Fisher's scone in 1915.

CHRISS - I understand your slight nervousness at that long drive by yourself. But the reward will be worth it! Perhaps next time you could plan your day halfway in between. Good on you for all the walking. Whenever I get to hating having to go up and down stairs in my house, I think about the extra exercise I'm getting and it doesn't seem so bad.

I've been a little nervous the past two days. My older brother was on a very dicey truck run in Alaska. He has been trucking up there for 50 years but he told me he wasn't looking forward to this run. Blowing and snowing the entire way - 300 miles each direction on the Alaska Highway. I'm sure he's had worse runs but he just never told me much about them before. He pulled two other loaded semis out of ditches with his loaded semi and towed them into town. What a snowy parade they must have made. His "turn", the truck that was supposed to meet him for a midnight switch of loads, broke down and was late so he had to hang around at the switch point an extra half-day. He finally got home last night about 10pm and texted to let me know he was safe. I worried and prayed for him every minute he was gone. I told him I'm getting too old for this! He said he was, too! (I'm 70, he's 86). I know he will be at Mass this morning, giving thanks for another safe return. Why couldn't he have been an accountant instead of a truck driver?!

Because my mind was so occupied I didn't get a lot accomplished yesterday but I did summer-ize our deck. All we need now is our TV and summer quilts and we'll be ready for long warm evenings out there, but those things can wait until the weather is a bit more trustworthy. I've been kitting up a small Halloween wool hand applique project but so far it's taken me two days just trying to get everything together and I'm still not finished! lol! Maybe tonight I can actually start stitching on it. Today is going to be some serious UGHlies, and maybe laundry. We invited friends for Easter dinner (we are all fully vaccinated) and I have a lot of tidying up to do throughout the house.

Be safe, be healthy!
mary z

PS Yesterday when I mentioned Michael's having fabric, I meant REAL fabric - two aisles of bolts - batiks, flannels, fleece, solids, holidays, and a fairly wide choice of misc. cottons. I didn't have time to check out all the brands and prices, but probably in the "Joann's range of quality". Most Micheals have always had a small selection of FQ's and jelly rolls, but it was good to see actual bolts of materials and an aisle filled with tools, supplies, threads.

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Re: Good Friday April 2nd

Post by auntjana » Fri Apr 02, 2021 7:01 am

Good morning!

Looks to be another wonderful day here in the Mountain West. Sun is shining through some very dirty windows! Boy, snow can make a mess on windows! Always looks so white and pretty, but y'all know about looks!

Finished up my tote bag and have Sarah's ready to assemble. I cut out a piece and really don't like how it looks, so cut a second piece to audition. I like it better, but need Sarah to stop by , since it is her tote and she picked the fabrics and where they were to go. Everything is ready to sew on her bag, which won't take long.

I will get a lot sewn this weekend. It's General Conference for us. That translates to church in your jammies! There is five sessions held, each 2 hours. Three on Saturday and the final two on Sunday. Love to hear from all the leaders of the Church. So, while each session is on, we watch in the Batt Cave and I sew! I have plans to start a sew along quilt I bought a kit for. And those two aprons.

A small tad of uglies to do this morning and then down to play. Oh, the DDS finally was able to set Sarah's implant tooth. We are now done with that!

Stay Safe! Michael is down to two days and that leaves me 6 more days for the two week wait for the vaccine to be fully effective. Who hoo!


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Re: Good Friday April 2nd

Post by WeSignificant » Fri Apr 02, 2021 7:09 am

Good morning everyone!

On Good Friday, may the sacrifice of our Savior give you strength and may His blessings always be with you and your family.

We have had some hot temps for this time of year. Over 80 yesterday. Cool off starting today. I had to turn on the air last night for about an hour. Once house cooled off I could shut it down and it stayed okay.

DS made it here safe and sound. He has now gone with his Dad to the Delta for their fishing trip. First time Dad has come out of his room to join us in the living area! He did not know who he was to begin with but once I told him he knew. Then we went to dinner. It might have been too much for him as he really had a hard time going up the driveway when we got home and was just exhausted yesterday. We will see how he is today. May or may not drive over there.

Izzy it is always hard to see the little ones grow up. I can’t believe Rosalina is just a month off of her first birthday. But new and exciting things for them. Almost time to start looking forward to Will’s first day of school. WOW!

Maryz I will have to check our Michael’s and see if they have fabric. Last time I was there there wasn’t a lot of quilting type stuff. Will think good thoughts for your brother. That sounds mighty scary. My town has no where to buy fabric. I can go to WalMart in next town over (just a few miles down the road) but I just don’t like their fabric. So Michaels would be a great choice.

Chriss yes I do think you are the most stable thing Marilyn has had in her life. I do believe that much of her success is due to the time she spent with you.

I keep wanting to get to these bindings but so far haven’t got it done. It has just been too hot to sit with a quilt on my lap. Maybe today as it is supposed to cool off.

Lois I have left overs in the fridge so don’t think I will cook today either. Caregiver always makes two meals for Dad so she left me a lunch for him today. And I have a left over pork chop and chicken thigh that will work for me and DGS. Maybe tomorrow I will do some boneless ribs in the crock pot.

We are supposed to join the rest of the family for Easter where they are camping. I think we will still go but will shorten the time we are there so as not to exhaust Dad again. I am hoping DH brothers from out of state have been vaccinated. Dad has been but these new strains concern me.

Well, need more coffee, breakfast and shower before Dad wakes up so best get. No caregiver today.
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Re: Good Friday April 2nd

Post by maryq » Fri Apr 02, 2021 7:23 am

Good Morning Girls

A little on the chilly side here this morning... so guess I'll stay inside and work on inside messes... Do you get the impression that I always have a mess somewhere around here? You are right!!!!

Judi.... Oh gosh.. meat loaf... can't remember the last time I made meatloaf... guess I had it so many times as a kid that I never think to make it for myself. Do you use bread crumbs? My Mom always used saltine crackers. It was always my job to crush up the crackers!

Becca... Key Lime Pie??? Oh gosh that sounds delicious... though I've never had it! :lol: :lol: No Easter Celebration here... Kevin and kids are in Florida on vacation... so it will be just another quiet day here.

Velda... AH.. home sweet home! Better you are thrilled to be back in your own setting. Even though I'm not much of a cook... there's just something about being in my own kitchen, with my own dishes that just makes life easier!

Suzette.. You slept IN until 4am!!! Are you crazy????? Since you are up that early anyway... would you want to go pick up Jen's boyfriend from the airport next week... his flight gets in at 6am! that would be great... thanks. :lol: :lol: :lol: I offered to go get him, but I told him he'd have to hang out at the airport for a little while.. Unless I drive down to get him in my jammies!

Maryz.... Last time I was in Canada... I checked out a Michaels... .they had fabric... really nice stuff.. But it was $22 (Canadian) for a meter... so it's pretty pricey up there. Not sure about the Michaels here yet.. There's one in the same neighborhood as Joann... will have to check it out next time I'm there. I'm thinking we need to talk your brother into retiring... what a worry to have him on the road in such crappy weather.

Jana.... So how well did you sleep in your new bed? Is that why my windows are so dirty... snow? :lol: :lol: No way I'm climbing on a ladder to wash them ... there's a local guy that does my whole house outside for $100.. well worth it!

Valerie... Good to hear your DS made it home safe and sound.. Is this an annual fishing trip? Nice to have him home for a while! Can't believe little Rosalina is almost a year old.. OMG.. seems like we were just waiting for her! Last picture I saw I thought what a darling baby!

Will need a whole pot of coffee to get me going today... lots to do! Yesterday my friend Vicki and I took a little road trip about 40 miles north of me. There was an ad on FB for a local gal that was selling fabric for $2. a pound... so we went to check it out. VERY interesting. The fabric was pretty much all pieces and strips from furniture manufacturers down south. Upholstery fabric and home dec stuff... She had large pieces of sheeting but I didn't think that would work in quilts and not much of a variety. I did grab a few pieces that will work for placemats and maybe potholders. But the most interesting thing about it was seeing what this gal and her Grandmother do with all the strips! They hand weave the most gorgeous rugs that they sell on Etsy... and before Covid, at craft shows. Young gal with 2 little kids... and she kind of showed me how they do it! SO interesting and SO SO much work. I bought a new little rug for my kitchen and as luck would have it, she had pieces of the fabric she used, so I can make placemats to match. (just what I need... another project on my to do list right) It was a fun day, that also included a little stop at Joann (shame on me, I bought more WOW fabric)

Time to get a coffee refill and get to work!

Wishing you all a blessed Good Friday!

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Re: Good Friday April 2nd

Post by womster » Fri Apr 02, 2021 8:33 am

Good Friday morning!

I missed yesterday - was working in the church office.

Well drat - our power keeps going out so I'll have to cut this short. Have no idea what is going on - complete outage over and over again. Good grief! Have a glorious day. xoxo Sharona

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Re: Good Friday April 2nd

Post by zfatcat » Fri Apr 02, 2021 1:05 pm

Sharona, sure hope you can get your power to stay on.

Maryq, your little rug sound interesting. Do you have their Etsy site name? I would love to see what they do.

Chriss, you are the most positive thing in Marilyn's life. Lucky her to have you. On your drive, just put on some good tunes and sing your way there and back. Time flies when you singing.

Valerie, sure hope you are able go out and visit with everyone. Maybe you could recline the front seat a bit so your dad can sleep on the way there and back.

Jana, so glad you finally got your bed. Sounds like everything is coming together for you.

Maryz, I saw that our Michael's had fabric too. I didn't really stop and shop though.

Vel, welcome home.

Judi, bummer about having to redo the blocks. It will come together.

My mom's dementia is getting worse. My dad called this morning and needed me to come up because she was being difficult. She wouldn't put her depends on. So I went up and that seemed to calm her down a bit. Sometimes you just need a woman to help you with the girlie stuff. I don't know how much longer he will be able to keep her at home. It's wearing him down a lot in the last year.

I need to finish up making potato salad for this weekend. Then I need to make a tray of salami and cheese and ham and cheese for a wine tasting tonight. One of my friends is having someone come out with wines. We'll be sitting outside and enjoying wine. It's going to be wonderful.

Have a great day.
Lori 8-)

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