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2021 Sew Along--The Real Deal

Fabric Swaps, Round Robins and Block of the Month Discussions.
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2021 Sew Along--The Real Deal

Post by maryq » Tue Mar 02, 2021 7:28 am

Update: 03-13-21

Okay Gals... Let's get ready! Gather up your fabric, find your rotary cutter and rulers.. We're almost ready to get this show on the road! Actually.... you do have some time!

Katy will be posting the 1st block on April 15th... An easy day to remember right? The day we cough it up for Uncle Sam!

I will post the 2nd block on April 22nd. And each week there after Katy and I will alternate posting our choice of block. So it will take 16 weeks to complete this quilt.

Now.... if you find you don't have the book for a pattern we've chosen... just give a holler and either Katy or I will do our best to help you achieve that block. OR if you just gosh darn really hate a block we've chose... by all means, feel free to sub a block of your choice. No rules here remember??!!
Once you have your block done... post a picture if you can.. If you can't let me know, I've finally figured out to make that happen and will be happy to help. Sending a picture to my cell phone is all it takes, and I can take it from there.

sounds like Katy has a way, with prizes, etc to make this even more fun... I'll let her handle that part of the sew-along! Unless I come up with a little contest of my own. :lol: :lol:

Also... free free to PM with questions too!


UPDATE 03-10-21
Just wanted to add a little note to let you know we are still putting together The Sew Along... we haven't forgotten.. Katy is working up samples of her choices of the blocks. I have mine chosen and will be working on my samples soon (as soon as I finish up one more UFO) Looks like the date to start will be APRIL 15th... So gather up your fabric and get ready... I'm thinking Katy will make a separate post for her FIRST block.. she will start us off on the 15th. More details will be available soon.

1. DISCLAIMER: I have never hosted, nor participated in a sew along before... :o SO please bear with me... as I am sure I will inevitably screw something up. :evil:

2. Katy and I will be co-hosting this sew along, so... the chances of a major screw up on my part will be reduced. :D

3. We will each be picking 8 blocks for a total of 16 blocks. IF you choose to make more blocks to add make your quilt bigger.. feel free to GO FOR IT!

HOWEVER.... I don't have ALL of El's books, though Katy probably has every one ever printed :lol: :lol:

Before we post what blocks we will be doing.... We'd like to get a feel for who is interested and what books you have. We sure don't want to pick a bunch of blocks that you don't have the directions for.

As a general rule, we are likely do one block per week.... Though I can't say for sure if we will give you all a full schedule so you can play forward... or just release one per week... Those are details to be determined. I'm thinking that Katy and I will make a sample block of our choices and post a photo .

SO there's the start to the Sew along... I will try to keep everything under THIS post... and edit along the way.. Eventually the title will be "El's Sampler Sew Along" as all the blocks will come from Els' Books.

Holler if you have questions... or suggestions..

Addendum 03-03-21: Maryq's Two Cent opinion

Additional rules:
Rule Number One: There are NO Rules
Rule Number Two: See Rule Number One.

The guideline for this quilt sew along is to HAVE FUN. Don't stress. There are no judgements here. If you absolutely hate a block we've chosen... pick another one of El's pattern... Sub with one of the free patterns if you'd like. Heck, if you want to make whole sampler quilt of all the free patterns.... go for it. Pick your own fabrics from your stash, your scrap bucket or treat yourself to a trip to the LQS for all new... grab a pack of FQ's and see what happens. If you don't have the book for a particular block and really want to try it... don't worry, you can probably google Youtube and find it or we can talk you through it. Not to put Jana on the spot, but she's an official QIAD teacher! Sometimes I can figure out how to make a block by looking at the picture and getting the measurements and cutting instructions. Please don't make copies of El's books to share.. that's a big No-No and we don't want to start any trouble.

The goal here is to have fun... be creative.... make ourselves a quilt to honor Eleanor and all her great patterns. A company like Quilt in A Day doesn't have to create a forum for its customers, but they did and look how it's changed all our lives for the better. I for one, will be forever grateful for finding this forum back in 2007
Last edited by maryq on Sat Mar 13, 2021 8:45 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: 2021 Sew Along--Preliminary Info

Post by QuiltGram8 » Tue Mar 02, 2021 8:04 am

I am truly undecided about sew - a - long. I don't have a lot of El's books. Egg Money for sure. Day / Night. But... There are a lot of patterns in "free patterns" on web site, if you might consider that.
How do we determine amount of fabric to purchase or have on hand? I would hate to start into this, then several weeks down the road find out I am short on the right color/colors needed.
So far, I am just thinking about this whole deal. Not commiting yet
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: 2021 Sew Along--Preliminary Info

Post by mepeace2 » Tue Mar 02, 2021 8:47 am

As Mary said I have a lot of her books.
Egg money quilts
Underground Railroad Sampler
Forty Fabulous Years which actully has blocks from her other books
Quilts from Els Attic
Quilt Blocks on American Barns
Victory Quilts
Quilts through the seasons
First lady Book
Christmas at bear Paw ranch
All Star quilts
Day and Night
Just make a list of what you got

I would like to choose several blocks from what you have. There are Youtube videos for most of these .
Let me know .

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Re: 2021 Sew Along--Preliminary Info

Post by auntjana » Tue Mar 02, 2021 8:50 am

You name El's book and I have it. I have made many of her quilts and will be willingly to do any one. It's just fun to sew along.

Have you thought about using Zoom as part of the sew along- one of you sewing the block, showing how to make it. You can get a Zoom account for free, it is free time for a meeting of about thirty minutes. All you need is a camera hooked by a cable to your computer. You could move it easily to show you sewing. You could have lots of fun! Even enlist some of the "sew alongers" to share their screens and sew a block. Or their progress.


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Re: 2021 Sew Along--Preliminary Info

Post by zfatcat » Tue Mar 02, 2021 9:44 am

Sounds like fun Mary. I have many of her books, though I have given a few away. Looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with.
Lori 8-)

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Re: 2021 Sew Along--Preliminary Info

Post by gershwin64 » Tue Mar 02, 2021 12:09 pm

Sounds like fun, I'm in!
Jana zoom sounds fun too!
Here's the book's I have:
Underground Railroad
Quilts from El's Attic
Forty Fabulous Years
Tales of the First Ladies
Christmas Traditions
Stockings and Small Quilts
Still Stripping
Orion's Star Quilt
Egg Money
Christmas at Bear's Paw Ranch
Victory Quilts
Quilts Through the Seasons
Christmas Quilts and Crafts
Bears in the Woods
Quilts from El's Kitchen
It's Elementary
Pioneer Sampler
Nana's Garden Quilt

I think that's it, I have bunches of her patterns too.

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Re: 2021 Sew Along--Preliminary Info

Post by WeeOne » Tue Mar 02, 2021 3:49 pm

MaryQ and Katy, when are you thinking of starting this? I probably have 5 +- of El's books, but they're on the bookshelf in my sewing room, in Colorado :roll: I won't be there until the middle of May. And of course that's where the stash is, though I have NO problem shopping for fabric....love a good F.A.R.T.!!

I see Velda's comment about El's free patterns. There are lots and lots of people who are on this forum, but don't participate much on swaps and such, maybe because of the rules. This might be just the ticket to lure some others to join in the fun! And if all the patterns are from the free ones offered here, everyone could access them, which may be an added incentive if there's a limit in their quilt funds. HEY, maybe El would even consider adding a special Free block for the project!?!

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Re: 2021 Sew Along--Preliminary Info

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Tue Mar 02, 2021 9:15 pm

This sounds like fun. I have most of El's books and a lot of her patterns.

I think that directions for most of the blocks in her books can be found online. Quilters Cache is a great resource.

In the event I don't have a pattern or don't want to make that particular pattern I will replace it with another one of the same size.

Can't wait to see what you girls come up with.
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Re: 2021 Sew Along--Preliminary Info

Post by WeSignificant » Wed Mar 03, 2021 12:28 am

I have several of her books. Many though packed away in the shed. She has a lot of youtube videos also.

Sounds like fun. Not sure I can keep up with 1 a week but willing to give it a try.
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Re: 2021 Sew Along--Preliminary Info

Post by grammiequilts » Wed Mar 03, 2021 4:48 am

I too have a bunch of Els books so many of them personally signed from the trips to Paducah, I someone doesnt have a pattern for a perticular block one of us could maybe email it to them..I dont ever participate in swaps and lottos no matter how simple. I am afraid of deadlines and know something will come up. I also cannot post pictures since my apple phone wont play nice with my laptop. But this sounds like fun without the pressure, I will watch the site for further marching orders. I also dont know how to use zoom and since we are all on different schedules and time zones I am not sure how that will work.

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