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saturday january 16th

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saturday january 16th

Post by grammiequilts » Sat Jan 16, 2021 4:24 am

Good Morning all...I should know better than to go to bed early. I was up t 4,,,contemplating the fate of the world...Not much is planned for today we are dark damp and cold. we have fog too so the outside world doesnt look so great, we had white out snow yesterday rain and all the snow left as fast s it came.
I did sew some yesterday and chores are done...hoping to sew today, Ithink a pot of chicken soup will be cooking today. hope you all get to sew too...
I got an appt for the vaccine for next week...I am glad to get it...Texas vaccinated more than a million people already. Now to get Ken to do it....you have to log into your medical account to schedule...after i made my appt all the slots were filled...so Ken was unable to get a spot...we will try again today. I hope everyone who chooses get their...XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOO

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Re: saturday january 16th

Post by fabricgirl » Sat Jan 16, 2021 5:09 am

Good morning Judi and all who follow,
We had rain all night its suppose to be out of here by 9.
Judi we registered on line yesterday and they will email us when we are able to get it.
Today I will be cleaning and putting away fabric that I'm not using anymore.

Well thats all the news for today everyone have a good day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: saturday january 16th

Post by auntjana » Sat Jan 16, 2021 5:17 am

Good morning!

Here, the state opened the registration for Michael 's age group and the site crashed. It is walk in only right now, so we will wait until our county has the stay in your car option for our vaccine shot. My Sandee got her shot yesterday, as she is a teacher. My age group is not open yet, I am younger than Michael.

Not much here. Cold and the sun isn't up yet. I love fog! It's like a big quilt, wraps everything up!

So I am sewing in the Batt Cave today.


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Re: saturday january 16th

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat Jan 16, 2021 5:42 am

Good morning,

Judi, when will they schedule you for your second shot? I hope Ken can get in. Sounds like you are having winter weather there! Imagine that! Winter weather, to me, means either sew or snuggle up in front of the fire with a book!

Jana, same situation here. Bill was able to schedule February 20 for his shot but I won’t be 70 until March so no appointment for me. Never in 1 million years would I have imagined myself impatiently looking forward to turning 70!!

Lois, were you just putting away fabric at the end of a project or fabric that you are discarding forever? In putting my sewing room back together yesterday I took a second look at a few pieces in my own stash and started a donation bag of fabrics that I know I will never, ever use.

Our trailer is still parked way at the end of our shop. Our backyard flooding is receding so we should be able to maneuver the trailer into its shelter today or tomorrow. Then I will start unloading the rest of the stuff in there and get busy cleaning. In the meantime, I was able to Quilt and bind the village top I made while in Texas of all of the little houses. From Kaffee Fassett fabrics. It will be going to our Kathy as a comfort Quilt from El’s angels. I thought it appropriate as we are all a kind of village, and right now, she needs her village as She has a weak support system at home. Tina, the head of the comfort quilt group, is embroidering a label for it, so as soon as it arrives, I will attach that and ship it off to Kathy at the rehab facility. Thanks to Chriss for getting the ball rolling on this project.

Hoping everyone has a super Saturday!!!
Mary z

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Re: saturday january 16th

Post by FlorenceM » Sat Jan 16, 2021 5:46 am

Maryz, what a wonderful thing to do. I still cherish my quilt from Els angels.
Nothing new here.

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Re: saturday january 16th

Post by WeSignificant » Sat Jan 16, 2021 6:59 am

Good morning everyone.

Moving a bit slow this morning, spent the day yesterday in ER with Dad. He had another overnight vomiting episode and a fall Thursday morning and yesterday morning. After multiple blood test they thought he was dehydrated as his Lactic Acid level was high. So they gave him 2 liters of IV fluids, rechecked and level went higher. So back to the drawing board. Then another whole series of blood work and have decided that he is having a fairly common reaction to his diabetes medication. So we are to not give him his medication over the weekend and call his PcP first thing in the morning. If his blood sugar goes over 400 over the weekend, we will bring him back to ER. Didn't get home until 8 o'clock last night.

I will need to cancel my open sew Monday but maybe can reschedule for the 26th. I will call the shop today.

Judy I am contemplating shot. There are some untoward s/e and I tend to get drug S/E easy. I really don't think I will get Dad one. We gave one of our older patients one and he spiked a temp over 104. Wasn't sure he would be okay.
Janna I notice on facebook there are people posting pictures of them getting their shot and I know they aren't in the group currently to be vaccinated. Apparently that is a big problem here in CA.
Maryz what a wonderful gesture to send your quilt to Kathy. She will thoroughly enjoy it I am sure. And what symbolism sending the village.

Got some uglies to do today, living room is in a disaster, my sewing stuff needs reorganzied, need to make sure I have my projects together for my class. When I picked the fabric for the Dresden plate class I was short one fabric. Back to the reproduction tote to get one more. Also need to cut my 5 inch squares for the circles.

Well I need to go get the Ibuprofen bottle, that sitting yesterday set of the sciatica.
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Re: saturday january 16th

Post by mepeace2 » Sat Jan 16, 2021 7:00 am

Good morning everyone
Yesterday quite a day. First got just a .5 inch of snow. so I walked Boo carefully. Then my x fell out of bed and had a hard time getting up. No seizure. Thank goodness. I went to start my car and it would not start. My x had fixed a tire and I think he left a door open. So I took his car to town. I have no went a long but just stared out the window. I have no idea whats going on with him.
They had informed us to call hospital between 12 and 4 to get appointment for vaccine. I tried I guess the phones were really over powered. But about 3 they called me. So we have appointments for Thursday.
I sewed alot Thursday My back was not hurting and I took advantage of it. Got 7 rows together on my darn quilt. Three more rows and will be ready for borders. I found some fabric I got at a neighbors auction. and old quilter. She bought fabric by the bolt. So hopefully it will be enoughI think it has at least 8 maybe more yards got for 6 dollars.
O Maryz Its wonderful your sending Kathy a quilt. I may call and find out if theres anything she could do there. She is a real sweetie
Jana Have fun in your Batt cave
Well I need to take Boo out and get more coffee

You all have a great sewing day

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Re: saturday january 16th

Post by QuiltGram8 » Sat Jan 16, 2021 7:09 am

Good morning and happy Saturday to all.
Maryz, what a wonderful gift for Kathy. Lots of meaning in that comfort quilt. OMG! She will be so happy and so surprised. Your are a wonderful person to donate all your time for this. Thank you from all of us.
I registered here in the county last week as soon as the next phase was announced for age 65+. Then received email notification that we were eligible to make an appointment. So I got appointments for my husband and myself. Shocked actually, that we got an appointment for Tuesday morning. Appointments are 10 minutes apart My sister who lives near us here registered same day. When I called her to see if she got an appointment, her daughter said, no, not yet. I mentioned to them that you have to check your spam email, because sometimes important emails get lost in spam or junk mail. Sure enough, that's where her notice was found. They both thanked me. She got her appointment for same day as us, only 3 hours later. She was so happy! When she finally gets both of her shots, she may finally get to visit her dear husband in nursing home. They have been separated for 10 months. She misses him so much!!
I will continue tying my granddaughter's quilt. Starting to see a lot of progress. Makes me more motivated to press forward and get it completed. Glad it's turning out so pretty and looks very secure for future use and washings. I am sure that I will use this technique when the need arises in the future. I won't replace my normal quilting style, but this is a great alternative and especially now when I didn't travel to Texas to quilt in the clubhouse. The quilting friends that are there are not using the clubhouse this year due to virus pandemic, so even if we had traveled, I would have chosen to tie this quilt anyway.
Better go get more coffee.
Have a relaxing happy day. 🌄
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: saturday january 16th

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sat Jan 16, 2021 7:26 am

Good morning. Sitting here waiting for the car dealer to open so I can get my oil changed. I'm on my tablet and typing this with one finger.

The deal is1 1\2 hours from my house and it was a foggy drive. It took 2 hours get here. I'm first in line

Jerry and I are registered to get our vaccines. He is 64 and I am 57 but considered essential. We are in the next tier. I work at a warehouse for a California based grocery chain and I'm working from home so I'm not really sure if I am that essential. Our county is quite small and I'm sure we will get vaccines soon

Lyn. So glad you talked with Kathy. She really craves, as we all do, human interaction. And thanks for letting us know what can't be sent. I was going to have Jerry make cookies. I'm going to the dollar store today to look for some things to mail to her.

Maryz. I only mentioned the Kathy quilt. You and Tina flew into action. I'm still amazed that you had that quilt quilted and bound in less than a day

Diane. I hope you do find time to call Kathy. She loves getting phone calls from her friends.

Can't respond to everyone. First attempt at using a tablet to post

Don't forget prayer circle is today

You have a fantastic day and keep those bobbins full
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Re: saturday january 16th

Post by Quiltmom » Sat Jan 16, 2021 8:19 am

Good morning all! Got a couple inches of snow last night and fog this morning. Glad I don't have to go anywhere today. After Doug gets my Christmas totes back in storage I will start to do a good cleaning of all the rooms. I haven't done that for awhile and have alot of things I know I can toss. Also alot can be shredded. My new shredder is getting good use.

Today is sports watching day. My Wolverine's basketball team plays this afternoon and the NFL playoffs are also on today and tomorrow. I do hope my Cubs get to play baseball this year.

I will get the shot when it comes available to my age group (70+) which isn't until sometime in February. Don't know if they will be taking appointments though. If not will wait a few months to get it. I am not going to sit in my car for several hours to get the shot. I am being careful and not out running around though I am a little tired of just going to get groceries and some takeout once in awhile. Thank God for my hobbies.

Well, better go get something to eat. Hope everyone has a good day and a safe one.


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