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Monday November 23rd

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Monday November 23rd

Post by grammiequilts » Mon Nov 23, 2020 3:51 am

Good morning,,dark and cold here,,,we still have snow but it will be gone probably today. I have my coffee and have stripped the beds started laundry, Ken has left for work/ I will clean the house today and get everything ready for the turkey funeral...the turkey is thawing in the fridge, I do need to run up to the market..for a few last minute things...but i will wait till around lunchtime when the market is less crowded...Mornings are bad... in the meantime I will wash table cloths and get out the silverware/
Might do a little more sewing,,,I dont have a batt but I dont think I will go to Joanns til next week..I try to patronize the stores and keep people working, when I can,
My son is doing a bit better as of yesterday,,,He sure was sick,,,His wife is making him eat and drink to keep up his strengh,,,no taste and smell makes it hard to eat...
Well I hear the washer coming to a hault...so I will head back at it,,,pray you all stay happy and healthy,,,we try....OOOOOOOOXXXXXXXX

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Re: Monday November 23rd

Post by FlorenceM » Mon Nov 23, 2020 4:10 am

Morning Judi & all to follow
Judi glad your son is on the mend.
My pet turkey is also hanging out in fridge.
Today I need to go to courthouse to renew tags on our truck. Then pick up my meds at Walmart, then run to Sam's to exchange 2 blankets. Joe picked up queen instead of king. Then come home and clean house & cook supper...hamburger helper or shepherds pie....
Time to scoot.

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Re: Monday November 23rd

Post by purrfect-lady » Mon Nov 23, 2020 4:13 am

Good morning

Judy, my condolences on your turkey. Have a good day preparing for his service. I will be joining you in the laundry, I believe.

Lyn, happy birthday to your dad! Sorry you couldn’t be with him.

Have to check the laundry room here in the campground. I have 2 1/2 weeks of laundry to do plus sheets and towels. I will be in there a long time. Got to see my Autumn last night and had a good visit. She is doing well for herself. So nice to be set up for a little while!

Be back later...

Mary z

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Re: Monday November 23rd

Post by velvet » Mon Nov 23, 2020 4:34 am

Good morning from SC Looks like a really sunny day here. We are making turkey breast for the holiday with the usual sides. It will only be the 2 of us. I read about the cases of the virus soar-rocketing and shake my head. Someone a while back said "you can't cure Stupid". Stay safe, do your best.
I hope your son is getting better each day.
URH!! Lap-top battery is shot. It drops words or just drops whole sentences.
Just now it did it.
Looks like I know what I'll be getting from Santa.
Enjoy the day.

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Re: Monday November 23rd

Post by Becca » Mon Nov 23, 2020 4:59 am

Good morning everyone sunny here but cold
Judi Glad your DS is getting better
Maryz So glad you got to see Autumn
Diane We too will eat alone but that’s fine DD & DSIL are coming today They don’t want to be on road for Holiday
Flo Hope you get your errands all completed
Lyn Happy Birthday to your Dad Sorry you can’t be there
Val HopeDD is healing each day

I have an early Dr appt Allergy & my shots Then fly home for DD
Have a great day & prayers for all in need

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Re: Monday November 23rd

Post by auntjana » Mon Nov 23, 2020 5:55 am

Good morning!

Another beautiful day here in paradise. Albeit cold! 25 at the moment. The Batt Cave will be warm a bit later and I will be sewing. That is after the mountain of laundry is going. I played hooky and didn't do any laundry last week, so that makes 2 weeks worth to get done. I so need jeans washed!

So not much new here. Same old same old. Matt did get Enoch back, his truck. He is so happy, but he now has to go through a carefully orchestrated break in on his new engine.

Still debating with myself on if I will do turkey on Thurday or wait a day or two. Yes, I do debate with myself, many times I need expert advice! LOL!

Stay Safe! It was our Governor that used the phrase, you can't fix stupid. He uses it now and started using it a couple of years back, when we had many many wildfires started by stupid people.


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Re: Monday November 23rd

Post by billizzy » Mon Nov 23, 2020 7:21 am

Good morning ladies all is good here of course I’m working two days this week DH is back to work

I just about have my hand quilting done I think I have one more row using my hoop all the way across and it will be finished and then I just have to do the edge work and then put on it’s binding an all finished. My goal is to have it done after Thanksgiving by the end of this month.

It was a cold one this morning out feeding but I could hear the birds chirping and was so thankful for all the Lord is doing in our lives

I’m working on a advent calendar quilt for the boy I got all the little number ready yesterday so now I got a quilt the top and get the hangers on it .

Went to put my borders on my Christmas quilt and realize I did not have enough fabric to do the mitered corners like I wanted so I’m just gonna do a basic green border

Well better get back to work talk at you girls later

Hugs 🤗 prayer 🙏 happy stitching 🧵

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Re: Monday November 23rd

Post by maryq » Mon Nov 23, 2020 7:30 am

Good Morning Girls

Happy Monday! Nice and sunny here today... cold of course... but it ain't snowing ..so I'm a happy girl. I promised myself I'd make my Target run today... and after a few cups of coffee I just might get myself motivated to actual DO IT. Don't need a lot of groceries, just really need to get going on Christmas shopping.

Judi.... Joann has their big Black Friday ad out... some things on sale starting Wednesday... so I'm headed there myself. Have you ever used their "Toasty Cotton" batting in the big roll? It's only $79.99 for 20 yards of 90". Warm and Natural is my favorite, but it's 19.99 yd at joann. I have about 1/2 roll on hand, but am thinking of stocking up. 50% off Christmas fabric! Glad your son is feeling better.... with so much good food at Thanksgiving... it would suck not to be able to taste it!

Flo.... Sounds like you have a busy day ahead! I was thinking that I hoped stores like Target etc would be okay with taking returns... just in case I get the kids the wrong size or something? Hope Sam's will take your blankets back!

Maryz.... So good to see you have arrived safely and were able to get an Autumn hug... How far is she from the campground? Could you take your laundry there? Is today the day Bill will get your computer set up... and you can set up your sewing machine...

Diane.... Oh boy.. time for a new lap top?? FUN... Mine is about 12-14 years old and I'm waiting for it to die. Good thing they aren't quite as expensive as they used to be. I have an old one of my son's in my office too, but I just can't get used to the different keyboard. Maybe Santa will bring you a new one for Christmas... or at least a new battery! :lol:

Becca.... Sounds like a lot of us will be spending TG home alone. What a crazy year... oh how I miss having my kids around this time of year. Christmas home alone is going to be even weirder.. no laughter of young voices.

Jana.... LOL "You can't fix stupid" Sounds like something could be embroidered on a pillow!
You talk to yourself too? I find myself even saying "Thank you" to Alexa! I even reprimand myself when I do something stupid.

Izzy.... don't you hate that when you don't have quite enough inches for the border. I prefer mitered corners, but sometimes have to give it up because there's just not enough inches to make it.

Lyn.... Saw the picture of your Dad for his 102nd birthday! What a handsome guy! He reminds me so much of my Dad.

Yesterday I finished the quilt I had to pick-pick-pick... binding and all. Even spent a little time cleaning fabric room and sewing room. Organized all white strips and squares. Dug through a tote full of UFO's and am getting ready for UFO contest! I think there's at least 7 years of Christmas swap blocks ... some are organized by year... some not. After Christmas I'll get them laid out and see what I can do with them.

TO ALL MY SECRET SANTAS..... I've been trying to keep track of who has RECEIVED their packages. We have a little bit of time until opening day (I'll make a post for that later) but I just want to make sure everybody has a package for the big day. SO , if you HAVE NOT received a package yet, please PM. I know a few are on the way, so there's no need to panic just yet. :lol:

Time get more coffee and get a move on.... Want to get that Target run over with so I can come back to SEW SEW SEW

Wishing you all a Magnificent Monday
Last edited by maryq on Mon Nov 23, 2020 7:36 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Monday November 23rd

Post by Quiltmom » Mon Nov 23, 2020 7:33 am

Just a quick stop in this morning. Have my turkey in fridge getting thawed. Going to run to store for the last few things I need. Since i worked in one for 28 years I don't want to be anywhere near there after today. The closer it got to the holidays the nastier people got while shopping. Made out my list so I don't forget anything.

Snow is still on the ground here but should be gone by this afternoon. We got 2" yesterday. Smoke doesn't like snow so he doesn't go out more than he has to.

Well, better get going. Have a good day everyone. I too saw on the TV how the virus is skyrocketing almost everywhere. Don't think we are going to get back to normal anytime soon. Did see where some governors and mayors want police to ticket people if more than 6 at their homes over the holidays. Sorry but that is going a bit too far. Most of the police have said they won't do it. Thank goodness for some sanity.


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Re: Monday November 23rd

Post by purrfect-lady » Mon Nov 23, 2020 10:14 am

I said I would be back and here I am! I’ve done, I believe six loads of wash this morning in the Campground laundry. I carried every load down and everyone back. Plus a few trips in between just to check on things. I am really getting in my steps! 7500 just to do laundry. Now I am dusting and polishing all my woodwork in the trailer, straightening cabinets, I’m cleaning everything. Will vac and mop soon. Don’t know when my sewing machine will come out to play. Tomorrow is my sisters birthday and the next day is thanksgiving.

We noticed as soon as we crossed the border into Texas that people seem very careless here compared to all the other states we’ve traveled through. And watching the news this morning I see their Virus case count is soaring! Masks are required in the laundry and I wear mine. A woman came in without one and said she did not believe the masks help. And when I very nicely disagreed with her she turned and left and a huff!

I read all your posts but just can’t respond on the phone. Hoping DH has time to get my computer set up soon. He ordered a new one, had it delivered to Autumn, and after one and a half hours with tech-support this morning they concluded the computer is defective so a repair man is coming to our campground on Wednesday to hopefully fix it. There really must be something wrong because Computers was Bill’s career for more than 30 years

Got to go, last washer is done. Hooray!


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