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SUNDAY, February 16th

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SUNDAY, February 16th

Post by purrfect-lady » Sun Feb 16, 2020 4:01 am

Good morning,

I don't hear rain, so that' a big YAY!! We are driving to Oly this morning to meet Bill's sister and DBIL for breakfast. HATE driving I-5 in rain.

Yesterday was fun. We went to the quilt show and it was the purrfect size - maybe 200 quilts from 12" square to kings. Lots of vendors and I have to admit, I bought a few FQ's and pre-cut 1-yard pieces plus two kits. I never buy kits but these were both too purrfect for my girls. One is called LOVE and it's of Mickey and Minnie Mouse. My oldest DD and SIL both LOVE all things Disney and their 30th anniversary is coming up. And these two are as devoted to each other as Mickey and Minnie. They other one is called Paris Patch Quilt Modified by J Wecker Frisch. Autumn loves all things Paris, lived there for a summer while going to the Catholic Institute of Paris, and later went there for her honeymoon, speaks French, and even taught French at a grade school for a term. Both quilts can be Googled is you are interested. So . . . . I've gone from no projects and wondering what to do to 5 or 6 orphan block quilts and these two. I'll be in my sewing room all this spring if anyone needs me!

CINDY G - Is Don still trucking 7 days out and 4 days in? Or is he able to take shorter runs now? Ever since I had a fungal infx in my hands I've not liked hand sewing bindings. I couldn't hand sew at all for a long time. Now I can but I have 4 other hand projects going on so I machine sew my bindings and have for years. I can make the binding and have it sewn on front and back, in less than an hour and it doesn't look too bad. Hand is still nicest, but I'm all machine binding now.

KATHY - good to see you even if you're cranky, though you don't sound cranky to me. You sound depressed. Have you had your Vit D level checked recently? A new doctor is a great place to start. And we're always here for you, even in the middle of the night.

In my lonely block box I found several blocks from QIAD's free block patterns that I'd cut out maybe 9 years ago and never put together. I think it was going to be a sew-along but we went traveling and I never got them finished, so I have one more of those to sew together that I'll do this morning. And then, I think I"m ready to start assembling quilt tops. Yay! So, other than running down to Olympia for breakfast - 100 mile round trip - I have the day to sew.

mary z

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Re: SUNDAY, February 16th

Post by WeeOne » Sun Feb 16, 2020 4:10 am

Good morning MaryZ and all who follow.

I think some of you who haven't been sleeping have passed it on. I woke at 4:30 and after an hour of trying to go back to sleep, gave up. I will sew quietly.

My life runs on count downs these days. 3 more weeks and I will be flying back to Colorado. I remind myself so I can try and get things done while I'm where ever, and not just goof off.

Prayers for your needs.

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Re: SUNDAY, February 16th

Post by fabricgirl » Sun Feb 16, 2020 4:14 am

Good morning Mary and all who follow,

Yesterday in between doing wash I started quilting the donation quilt I have 1 row finished its comming along I had music in the background 50's it was great so that's pretty much how today will play out.
Mary I'm so glad that you had a nice time at the quilt show and there were good vendors.

Well time for me to go get busy I hope you all have a great day.
Prayers go out to all .

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Re: SUNDAY, February 16th

Post by Becca » Sun Feb 16, 2020 5:06 am

Good morning everyone cloudy here after a sunny day

Maryz Glad the show was a good one for you & you found treasures I prefer smaller ones too Sure your machine will be buzzing

Lyn Always glad to hear from you Know you are always keeping up with the time to fly back I admire your taking care of your parents

Lois Enjoy your sewing day

Sherry I’m so glad DS is staying close & great about his bonus & raise

Kathy sure hope the sleep pattern gets better And you are able to be going to knitting & seeing others Sure the Winter gets to you being inside

Cindyg Praying for you. & Don for answers on categories him

It’s Church so must get going Have a wonderful day everyone Becca

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Re: SUNDAY, February 16th

Post by velvet » Sun Feb 16, 2020 5:07 am

Good morning to all. Today is a quick run to Costco LOL. They have little elves that put items in your when your not looking. Anyone else have this problem? I've heard that Sam's club and even BJ's have them now. Beware. If I catch them-I'll take them home and teach them how to clean my house. That will teach them.

Have to un-sew a qov top. I knew not to work on it late at night, now I have to re-set 2 of the blocks. URR!!
So happy the the borders were not done yet. Other than that it should be a quiet day .

Flo- how are you feeling. Did the meds works? Is the work in your house almost done?

Hope the winter weather has not caused too much trouble. Remember Easter is right around the corner.
Have a great day.

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Re: SUNDAY, February 16th

Post by grammiequilts » Sun Feb 16, 2020 5:19 am

Well I did check in yesterday honest I did,,,but I am no where to be found, I remember hitting the submit button and nothing happened so I did it again and thought I came up but NOOOO! We are off to meet my sister for breakfast in LaSalle Michigan, a 60 mile round trip but she is a widow and occassionally needs Kens help. We will also pick up another load of fired wood and bring it home as Ken heats his shop with wood and my sis has more than she will ever use. They felled a bunch of large trees and it will go bad if not used..we have been having a mild winter (40 today) so we are not using it up/ the shop is not really insulated so it burns a lot of wood. My sis is like me spends a lot of her time in the sewing room and not in her living room where her fireplace is. She has a (too )big house and her tv is in her family room too and no fireplace in there either. She also mows and takes care of 6 and a half acres and a large barn and shed. She is the one who just bought a new motor home. but she needs Ken to fix things for her every now and then....she will ask him how and do it herself as much as she can. We always meet her for meals as she loves to eat out. After we leave her house we will drive 2 more hours to Sophias playoff game in FLint Michigan so my day will be full...I sort of wish Hockey was played in the warmer weather so I could take my camper out to these games and just spend the night...we have a member campground about 15 minutes from the ice rink. it free for us to camp. but we dont pull the camper out in the winter unless we are going to florida for warmer weather,,,I have to say we having a mild winter are not sorry we didnt go.

I worked on the VC quilt and have one more row to sash and assemble. I will skip the pieced border and be done with it plain. it is still pretty but too much for me. I sorted book and mags and made a pile for my quilting friend. She is getting the VC book too...4 more wips to go after this,,,noone will be done for the UFO challenge at my guild. Our next project will be QOV so I will be looking at some R W & B fabrics here in my stash for that, ell almost time to leave...hope you all havr a blessed sunday,,,XXXXXXXXOOOOOOO

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Re: SUNDAY, February 16th

Post by FlorenceM » Sun Feb 16, 2020 6:04 am

Meds may be working, but I am still wheezeey in my chest. It takes time.
Joe is sick too, but he is getting over it quickly.
No sew time lately...just don't feel up to it.
Will check in later

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Re: SUNDAY, February 16th

Post by auntjana » Sun Feb 16, 2020 7:51 am

Good morning!

Slid into our pew, a bit lare, but so is everyine else! It is snowing! Sticking to the ground, but so far, not the roads or sidewalks, a good thing.

Not much later after church. Ethan will be over. Easyer is getting close, so Sarah is busier than a cat with nine tails in a room full of rocking chairs. Besides the big performances, she has college classes. She is stressing over one, as she has a 4.0 GPA and this class may just mess that up.

Working on some sewing projects for when I teach Relief Society. Chriss made me a purse tissue holder awhile back, so I stole her idea and I am making a bunch of them. Thank you Chriss! Probably making about 60 or so.


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Re: SUNDAY, February 16th

Post by Quiltmom » Sun Feb 16, 2020 7:57 am

Good morning all! It is a beautiful sunny cold day today in NW Ohio. Just got back from getting my newspapers. Fed the furbabies before I went because they are impatient once I get up. Today will be sewing and watching the Daytona 500 Race. Tonight I will be watching the new George Washington miniseries on the History Channel. I am a history "junkie",

Maryz - Our pets do crave our attention don't they? It would be so quiet here without them. Glad you enjoyed the Quilt Show yesterday. I have one coming up at the end of April that is really good also.

Cindyg - I hate to think about not having a newspaper or a book to read that I can't hold in my hands. It just isn't the same reading on the computer. The newspapers here are down to printing only 5 days a week. When the weather is like it is now my Smoke won't get off the porch and into the yard to do his business.

For those of you who asked about DS1's job offer that he didn't take it was in eastern Ohio about 250 miles from me. The job he does is Production Control Manager. He goes into factories and fixes their inventories and orders materials. He has done it for several factories over the years, but he really likes the place he is at now. He also said that he is tired of moving about every five years to fix up another company. I am so glad he got such a nice raise and bonus and is staying only 100 miles from me. I just get on the turnpike and shoot right over to Elkhart.

Well, better go get something to eat and have some coffee. Hope everyone has a good day.


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Re: SUNDAY, February 16th

Post by maryq » Sun Feb 16, 2020 8:12 am

Good Morning Girls

Tis a bright sunny Morning here in MN.... only 7* above... but the sun is shining and that's always a good thing.

Maryz... Is it even possible to go to a quilt show with vendors and NOT find something to love and bring home with you.

Lyn...Do you wake up some mornings and forget where you are? Texas or CO.?

Lois.... when I had my machine to the shop the other day, a gal that was there also suggested having music on while you quilt... helps to keep your tempo.... especially for free motion. Me, I gotta have TV on.... need the noise other wise it's just way to quiet in my house!

Becca... Hope the sun comes out for you today... it is SUNday after all!

Diane,.. Is there such a thing as a quick trip to Costco. I'm kind of glad I DON'T have a membership there (or Sam's) as I could spend hours there. Since it's just me, nothing I need to buy in bulk... though I could go crazy in the office supply area!

Judi... Another weekend of running for you I see... I admire your sis for all she goes by herself!

Flo.... Gosh I hope you feel better soon!!! Hard to feel like doing ANYTHING when you're sick!

Jana.... Great way to use up scraps.. making tissue holders. But if you run out of scraps... let me know LOL

Delivered all the baby blankets yesterday and got to talking with the gal I give them too. So now my head is spinning with other ideas of things I can do... They are having a big fundraiser in April and put together baskets of "stuff". After that I ran all over creation to find enough water bottles for family picnic... WM had some cool ones for 98 cents... so I grabbed 20 more and have been having fun with Cameo cutting names for them all! You should see my office... well maybe not... vinyl everywhere! As much fun as it is playing with vinyl etc.... my real goal is to cut fabric for applique... NO WAY would I ever give up quilting!

Do any of you guys know what "trapper" fabric is? I bought a bunch of it from the gal selling her stash.. I thought I could use it for wide backing... but it's kind of stiff. I'm thinking it might be good to make aprons?

Well, now that I have dilly -dallied enough... You see, when I'm typing a post... I get distracted and wander off and see something and sometimes forget to come back! ADD big time here. It's now after 10 and lots of little messes to clean up.... don't know why I bother tho… I just end up making more. But I would like to get in the sewing room a little bit today anyway. Just might pull out another UFO!

So... I'll wish you all a wonderful Sunday

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