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SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, Jan 14

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SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, Jan 14

Post by purrfect-lady » Tue Jan 14, 2020 6:46 am

Good morning,

We woke up to 29* and a winter wonderland in our yard! Snow! Maybe an inch or so is all, but it's so pretty! I love it, but then I don't have to drive the slick roads or work out in it.

Yesterday was a sewing day. I worked on my swap blocks and then switched over to my baby quilt bunnies. I got them all stitched down and they are ready for hand-embroidered faces. I would love to use heart-shaped buttons for noses but since it's a baby quilt and will hand embroider them. So that will be TV work for the next few evenings.

IRISH - your Kathy sounds like she is having a lot of fun and really enjoying life and retirement! Direct flights from you to me!? Sounds wonderful! The door is always open! Sorry about Dan and Casey losing a fur-baby. They are family! As for Cross-stitch, I have plenty of floss and aida. But not a lot patterns. I would take any loose needles . . . For the most part, I'm into Christmas. Is it possible to send pictures to me and I could 'shop'? You can save it and I'll come pick it up next fall if you want . . . :D Oh, as for pizza, maybe next time you are out and about, maybe you should pick up one or two small 'take'n'bake' pizzas and put them in your freezer. Next time you want pizza - voila`!

TINA - I know it all happened last night and it's over now, but You were at the ER with Holly last night with a migraine and numbness on her right side. And she was sent home with diagnoses of it all being caused by a migraine. (I only mention it here because it was already posted over in Sew-in so hope I'm not breaking a Hippa law here). I'm glad it was nothing else but I know, after the story you told us last week about your friend's DD, you must have been through the roof with worry. HUGS! I wish they could find what is causing her migraines. I know sometimes it's a food like chocolate, or a scent like perfume.

CAROL - haha! I broke out laughing when you said your DH was supposed to be cleaning the garage and he ended up at Home Depot buying something for the weed whacker! lol! At least Bill was standing at the work table he was SUPPOSED to be cleaning and didn't wander off! :lol: Men really are wired differently, aren't they! Truly, they can't think about more than one thing at a time, while women can be doing a mental juggling act! Home Depot .... Still laughing .... :lol:

BECKY - you really did have a day yesterday, didn't you! At least all your injuries were to the same hand so it left you one good one! And no, I think your hubby is pretty much normal - for a man, anyway. But we love them anyway! Mine can operate the TV, Computer, Phone, Truck, and Trailer, and he does the taxes and pays the bills. So he does earn his keep. You have a lot of people in your household. I've forgotten - who is who in your zoo? Children? Grandchildren? You've said in years past, but I need a refresher course! :D

JANA - you are no sorrier than we are about not having a rematch of my Hawks and your Niners! Now we have to figure out who to root for in the Super Bowl because we're invited to a super bowl party and we should probably be hollering for somebody . . . To be honest, we'd rather not go. My massage therapist invited us to his party and we won't know anyone there. We don't even know his wife. But we turned down his last invitation and we have no other S.B. plans so Bill said, we'll go. He's making pizza and I do want to see how my sauce turned out that I made him for Christmas, and his big pizza oven that he built. OH, and where did you find your quilt cabinet? I've been looking for a glass fronted one for 2 years to put at the end of our hallway to display folded quilts . . .

BECCA - praying for the best of all results for Brodee! I'm trying to envision giving a wriggly baby an MRI! I forgot - Bill does grill in the summer. And, when we're camping, he does quite a bit of the cooking outside because he has a big-a$$ outdoor cook stove that he insisted on getting with his points at Cabela's. Though I still do most of the prep work and clean up. But he drives and sets up the trailer, builds fires, and dumps waste tanks so it all evens out.

Supper tonite? Hmmm..... We need new food. We have no more left overs left over. My oldest DB, Gene, in Alaska, has been texting most evenings about his cooking experiments. He has never cooked but now that his wife can't, he is trying to learn. Gene will be 85 in March. He's definitely an old dog trying to learn new tricks and he is always asking me questions. He gets impatient with recipes so tends to strike out on his own with mostly sad to dismal results. He was making salmon soup off the top of his head the other night because his wife likes seafood. Gene, however, is no more a fish-lover than I am. I sent him a Mr. Yuk imogee and suggested he might as well be making Dill Pickle Soup and I sent him a recipe. (yes, I have a recipe). So he challenged me to make it. So I might just do that. If not, I think I'll make carrot ginger soup. I have lots of carrots to use up and I have a recipe for that, too. Anyway, I guess the take-away is we're having SOUP! The variety yet to be determined.

Got a plan for YOUR supper yet?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, Jan 14

Post by Becca » Tue Jan 14, 2020 7:30 am

Hello Everyone
Praying for Holly & hope she’s doing better

Maryz They give babies a slight sedative He’s already had 3 I think And Hadlee has had 2 concerning her Heart No we didn’t hear yet
I’m sure your snow is pretty Guess DGS has more
My soup will be veggie with lots in it & yes beans but no split pea here One I cannot tolerate C.A. will eat it

Jana I never heard of anything happening like you said you got a check from Class action law suit & knew nothing about it
I guess just enjoy your reward Glad the sick are doing better

Irish Hope the realtor gave you good news The house sounds perfect for you And having your sister close is a big plus There is so much to consider about a move Best wishes to you

Becky Sure hope your hand is healing

Tina Denise used to have migraines a lot & really bad The Dr gave her a med she takes if she feels one coming She does much better The Dr told her stress is a big factor & I’m sure Holly has plenty Prayers for all of you

Got laundry done & put up Got into more drawers yesterday And sewed some dish towels to embroidery
Have a wonderful day Our soup will be tasty It’s a rainy day here Becca

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, Jan 14

Post by gershwin64 » Tue Jan 14, 2020 8:01 am

Good morning!
Mary, thank you ❤ and no you're not breaking any heppa laws ❤ Yes. She's been having migraines since she was 16, she used to lose her vision, which scared me to death. And she would not be able to talk. It all would happen in about 1 minute so if she was driving she had to pull over, shut off her truck and call me so we could go get her. Thankfully she quit having such bad ones at least 10 years ago. But about 6 months ago she started having frequent and longer ones then they stopped and then started then stopped. This last month she's gone to the dr about 5 times, they're wondering if they're hormone related. But last night was the first time of her going numb and lisping when she talked. The hospital was worried she was having a stroke and so was I. She's already had to take medicine this morning because she was staying to get a headache. I think she's having so many because she's overwhelmed with all she had to do and has no help. Just like last night when all this happened Adam was arguing with her in the phone because she couldn't tell him what was wrong.... he was hunting. So she text me and she felt that she should go to the ER so Frankie stayed at her house with the kids and I took her and stayed with her. Adam showed up after an hour or so and all he did was argue with her. I had to bite my tongue. Then after they said she could go home he went to give them their insurance info and came back waving the bill under her nose and saying, look you just cost me $4000! Well I couldn't keep my 2 cents to myself and told him nice as I could that no she didn't cost him $4000, insurance would pay their part and then they'd be billed for their co pay. I didn't tell him what I really wanted to and can't post it here because I'm sure QIAD would kick me off the forum for it.
Mary, you'd cook salmon soup? That sounds gross even to me! LOL I can't even imagine.
Becca, I can't imagine them giving a baby an MRI, how do they hold them still?
Jana, I'd like to know where you got that quilt cabinet to 😊
I'm pretty exhausted even though surprisingly I did sleep last night.
Thank you all ❤
Supper tonight will be Schwan's chicken, rice and veggies.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, Jan 14

Post by FarmChick » Tue Jan 14, 2020 8:18 am

Good Tuesday morning! I’ve been practicing my yoga (short Program) , paying bills and filing annual report with State. DH should be back from coffee any time, but I’ll try to get back here after brunch.

Irish—love that you are going to donate to the animal shelter!!! Oh, not petting or looking??? I cannot watch those mistreated dog commercials without crying. I’m so sorry for Dan’s family’s loss! Would you happen to have any Alma Lynne cross stitch books? I have some 14 count Aida cloth that came from a yard sale, but I don’t have any 18 count. I think I have a couple of needles. It’s hard to find supplies around here now. I’ll pay! I heard you were having really warm weather! Keep us posted on the realtor visit!

Becky—you really had a day! I’ve had them too. I just want to go back to bed and wake up when the day is better. Hope your hand feels better!

Mary—our snow is gone. We only have mud. I wore my black rubber willies for walking Choc and Ava yesterday. Ava went with us to Choc’s, and she came home a little ball of mud! I took off her muddy scarf and wiped and cleaned her as best I could. I bet she got a bath last night, but she sure had fun on her walk! I have a glass fronted curio cabinet from a yard sale for quilt display.

As for husbands… I’m in your club. He will find any distraction he can in order to avoid fixing fence.

Becca—interesting about the baby sedative. Best wishes to the twins!!!

Mary—you have a recipe for salmon soup???!!! I’m impressed!!! I’m not sure DH would eat fish soup or chowder. He isn’t much of a soup guy, although he will eat my tortilla or taco soups.

Tina—I get the distorted vision migraines. They make large, bright, sparkling “bubbles” with auras. It’s so odd. They will come in clusters—several days in a row. I’m sure Holly’s are brought on by all the stress in her life. I might have decked your SIL! I definitely would not have bit my tongue!

Dinner tonight—I have some veggie soup, and DH has steak. I really need to get to the store today.

Bon appétit!

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, Jan 14

Post by auntjana » Tue Jan 14, 2020 8:22 am

Good morning!

Becca - that check from the class action lawsuit was sent by our car insurance company. Somehow we were included because of a accident many years ago and they used a inferior replacement part. We had no idea. It was a little over $100. We can't even remember a acident in the years of the lawsuit. Checked with our attorney, he said, just enjoy the money!

Mary - enjoy the SB party. Sometimes when you can't choose at team, just root for the NFC team, since the Seahawks are NFC. The pizza will be fabulous - you made the sauce!

Sickies are much better.

Dinner - saw a recipe for ravioli soup. So it is experimental night at our house. Maybe Gene should look on Pinterest for recipes to try. I love seafood, but salmon soup? I don't think so.

Need to sew!


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, Jan 14

Post by auntjana » Tue Jan 14, 2020 8:29 am

Tina - since Mary, Chriss, Lori and I are on the team that makes decisions about posts, you are good here to rant to your hearts content! I don't know, but maybe we could all make dolls and stick pins in them with his name on them.

It is a blessing you are there to help. Prayers for Holly to get a handle on these migraines.


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, Jan 14

Post by FavoriteGrandma » Tue Jan 14, 2020 10:03 am

Hi ladies....
Just hanging out here this morning....my hand is better, just feels like a bad sunburn now. It sure was sore for just a little spot that blistered....the whole top of my hand is red, but not as bad as it was. I think I will live.
Mary, beautiful view out your sewing room window. We are like Chickie now, mud! Our dogs love it, my kitchen floor, not so much.
Tina, hope Holly is feeling much better today. I am like you, sometimes it just comes out, in spite of my good intentions....
Becca, hope Brodee is doing ok. I, too, wondered about how they kept him from wiggling for the MRI. I like rainy days with no where to go.
I bet your cabinet is pretty Jana. One of my cousins found a really pretty cabinet at a custom shop for her quilts, but when we went over there, they were closing, and didn't have one left.
Mary, my DD, two granddaughters and one grandson live here. One granddaughter stays at her dad's about half the time, unless they are fighting, then she is here. Never know who will be here at any given time. With the girls working too, makes it harder to plan. Will be glad when they have a job with regular hours, but I guess by then they will be living on their own.
I think tonight that I will find something in the freezer. Have a couple casseroles in there, and I think a meat loaf, so I don't think we will starve....you all have a great day. Becky

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, Jan 14

Post by gershwin64 » Tue Jan 14, 2020 2:20 pm

Jana, love your idea ❤

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, Jan 14

Post by Quilter7 » Tue Jan 14, 2020 6:28 pm

Maryz - Glad I gave you a good laugh!

Tina - So sorry to hear Holly is having such troubles.

Today I have been working on hanging sleeves and labels. Two of the three quilts that will be in the quilt show next month needed hanging sleeves and all three needed labels. I didn't like the label for one of them and am stitching it out again as I write this. While I am at Road next week I can stitch down the sleeves and labels. I hope to have the quilting done on the third one finished as well. Maybe I can get the binding on?? It will be a stretch!

I am making Stuffed Pepper Casserole for dinner this evening. I am freezing half of it. When I thaw it I will add the rice. If I add the rice before freezing it seems like the rice absorbs all the liquid in a not tasty way.

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