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Wednesday September 25,2019

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Re: Wednesday September 25,2019

Post by auntjana » Wed Sep 25, 2019 6:42 am

Good morning!

This is to say Hi and that I am still under the weather. Horrid headache and I ache from coughing. Don't get this cold, it is miserable!

Hugs, at a distance,

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Re: Wednesday September 25,2019

Post by womster » Wed Sep 25, 2019 6:47 am

Hello ladies, and good morning!

Lois - yay that you found fabric a Hobby Lobby. I guess I've never tried pumpkin bread - maybe I should make a loaf and see if I like it.

Suzette - I hope you find extra energy once your thyroid starts behaving with the new med.

Izzy - what a great age to work with! Sorry about your nerve pain - how awful. I get something akin to that up and down the stroke side of my body and it is NOT pleasant. It is decreasing - sure hope yours does as well.

Judi - prayers for your bones.

Valerie - sorry your mouth is still hurting. My DH had acupuncture for his back and he has to be one of the biggest doubters of alternative medicine I know. He was shocked at how much it helped and has become a believer.

Flo - isn't it nice when there's not much to report? I hope Joe is liking his tax class.

Becca - I am so sorry to hear about your pain. I sure hope you can rest some today. Prayers for you, the twins and your family.

Cindyg - good luck with all that year-end work.

Maryz - Cheerios - the very name brings a smile to the face. Do you eat the honey nut or some other kind? I'm having steel-cut oatmeal. Too bad you weren't clued into the plan about Uncle Ernie's house. Thanks for the advice on the spaghetti-brain front. Alexa has become my new best friend.

Jana - feel better soon. Poor thing.

Today is Bible study and my turn to bring treats. Good thing I went and checked on my egg casserole - it had six minutes left to cook but smelled done - it was almost ready to burn! Not sure about the rest of the day but there will be napping. Have a wonderful and blessed day! xoxo Sharona

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Re: Wednesday September 25,2019

Post by maryq » Wed Sep 25, 2019 8:41 am

Good Morning Girls

Having a cup of my "liquid ambition" before I get to work this morning. Have the usual shine up to do upstairs then I'm headed down to clean up a mess or two down stairs … kind of made a mess in the sewing room, but that's a good sign right--means I've been busy!

Lois... Isn't BJ's your grocery store? I bet you are excited to get your Gnomes put together. I have my pieces all traced on fusible, but think I'll wait on it for a little bit until I get the tree skirts done!

Izzy... So sorry to hear you are having such pain. Makes everything more difficult when you hurt! Sounds like you are having a lot of fun with your little ones... isn't technology great!

Judi.... Gosh, I sure hope the results from your bone scan is good news. I'd sure hate for you to have to have the injections, as I imagine Medicare doesn't cover them.. or Medicare Part D. At least not without a HUGE co-pay. Guess you won't be playing hockey with Sophia any time!

Velda... When you make your quilts at the quilt group, do you just sew top, batting and backing all the way around, then turn? I think they call that "birthing"... Then tie them? So you get the job of closing them up?

suzette... Yep, Synthroid on an empty stomach! They discovered it works much better that way. My Sis is on it too... Her thyroid "died" after my niece was born. I keep having mine tested--trying to chalk up weight gain to low thyroid... no such luck :lol:

Valerie.... Sorry to hear your mouth is still hurting! Shouldn't it be feeling better by now? How expensive is gas in CA these days? I hadn't been out of the house in over a week, but when I was out on Monday, gas was up to $2.69 here.

Flo..... A rainy day is a perfect day to stay in and sew and with Joe out for the day... GO FOR IT!

Becca... Those little miracle babies are in my thoughts and prayers all day!

Cindyg…. Are you starting to BOING BOING BOING for the Houston Quilt Festival?????

Maryz… My computer was definitely a boy... he did sound kind of cute. Ernie had been in that same house since 1960??? Oh my gosh... I can imagine what kind of stuff you found. When we cleaned out my folks house after my Dad passed... we had to get the BIGGEST DUMPSTER we could find and it was over flowing. Good thing Fred decided to call somebody to come and clear it out!

Jana.... "Air hugs" back to you.... hope you feel better soon!!!

Sharon.... Any day that includes napping is a good day! I try not to take naps too often, but some days it's a necessity! Enjoy yours!

Well, now that I've had a few cups of ambition, I better get to it. Only problem with drinking so much coffee is I spend a lot of time you-know-where! :roll:

Have a great day everybody

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Re: Wednesday September 25,2019

Post by zfatcat » Wed Sep 25, 2019 9:59 am

Good morning.

Maryz, yuck! Now I'll have to clean out my cupboards. They aren't that bad, but I'm sure the top shelf needs dusting. Maybe I'll get rid of some stuff too.

Valerie, my bio mom live in Oakland. Just up the hill from Montclair. It's a cute little shopping area, and Colonial donuts is fabulous.

Jana, hope you feel better soon. Maybe Sarah will bring over some chicken soup.

Well the boys have been walked and I've had my coffee. Now to get busy. I've finished up 9 of my Granny's Garden blocks. I got behind when I went up to Utah for the week. I'm hoping to get at lest 4 more done before Monday when the next 4 come out with instructions.

Have a lovely day.
Lori 8-)

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Re: Wednesday September 25,2019

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Wed Sep 25, 2019 8:29 pm

Good evening.

Valerie, I'm not sure sporange counts as a rhyme for orange. I believe it is in the dictonary. but I think I like orange being an underdog. glad the tooth is feeling better. I bet you have really gone through the ice packs.

Maryz, I remember the orange quilt you made for Alec. I think he and I will be orange buddies. Let him know he now has a fellow Orangite? Or maybe we just ssay we are spoangites? I don't know

Sherry, hope you feel better very soon. Made me laugh when I say you say "not going to mow either"

Maryq, I love the self check out lines at Walmart and at Target. But I don't buy groceries at either. Jerry makes the sweets around here but he does buy bear claws from time to time. and yes maam, cream cheese is a wonderful thing. Just saw today cheese cake ready cream cheese. I had never heard of it, sounds interesting.

Kathy, how was Kimberly's first day back to work? Hope it all went well.

Sharona, I am sorry you have spaghetti head. Sometimes I do too.

Lois, you are really kicking butt on those gnomes. Have you seen her other patterns? some are just adorable.

Izzy, Valerie looked up sporange but I can't hear her. my fingers are in my ears and I am la, la, la ing. I like that orange is in a category by itself. Funny DH laughed at your voices. My supervisor, bitter unhappy woman, often uses a whiny baby voice to talk. I love that you are excited about your elf. Can't wait to see who she is. I also have a pretty special elf. prayers for that pain you are getting.

Judi, my mom also has bone issues. Hope you find a solution that fits your budget. xoxo back.

Velda, sorry the kid quilts were put on hold. but boy girlfriend, you sure got a lot done.

Valerie, Marilyn would love to go to Oakland with you, actually I would have loved it too. It's a quirky town

Becca, what wonderful twin news. I sure hope they put on lots of weight and heal completely. Very cool they might get to go home.

Maryz, we had an estate sale for grandma's things that no one wanted. the earnings form the estate sale paid for cleaning up the property and cleaning out the house. We let some one from habitat for humanity take some things and we let a homeless person who was given an apartment tons of furniture. I was happy that the sale paid for the cleanup.

Jana, hope you feel better,

Maryq, after cleaning grandma's house there will multiple trips to the dump. the man I hired to clean had a big horse trailer and a tractor. He is a wonderful man. There is a way to make your computer read everything on your screen. I bet if you google it you will see what you did.

Lori, always fun to go through the cupboards and drawers and get rid of things.

I am taking Friday off as a vacation day. No real reason but I will make my SS gift and get it ready to put in the box. I hope I find some things my elf will like. My head is swimming with ideas.

Hope you girls are having a wonderful night,
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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