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SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, Sept 19

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SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, Sept 19

Post by purrfect-lady » Thu Sep 19, 2019 5:15 am

Good morning,

I am groggy this morning, so bear with me. We were both awake at 0330 with no hope of going back to sleep. Yesterday was a DAY! Bill's cousin, Fredd, met Bill at the care home we chose for Ernie so both were there when the ambulance bringing Ernie from the hospital arrived. This is not a Hospice home but they take Hospice patients and a hospice nurse visits there. She took one look at Ernie's infected wound and decided he should go to a different hospital for treatment. We had no idea it was so bad. They called 911 and off Ernie went! Bill came home and switched vehicles (can't put 1-ton club cab pick-ups in little hospital garages.) I went, too, and we met Ernie at the hospital. The adult home owner and manager both went, too! This really surprised me! They spoke up for us when we were at a loss for words when being questioned by staff. They were wonderful advocates. These people go all out for their patient AND the family! The upshot was, Ernie got some IV fluids, pain pills, had his wound examined and redressed. Several doctors and specialists conferred and all concurred that our options - #1 - ICU with IV antibiotics, major surgery to remove the new, infected hip and debride the wound, let it heal, and in 8 weeks put in a new hip. It was obvious Ernie would never survive that ordeal. Or #2- return him to the home and keep him as comfy as possible for as long as possible and let nature take its course. Oral antibiotics wouldn't help much, but would have unpleasant side effects and only possibly prolong his life a few days, which at this point, would be doing him no favor. So back he went in his third ambulance ride of the day. We went to dinner with our friends and stopped by to see him on our way home. He was sleeping soundly and naturally. He was clean, comfortable, positioned properly under a pretty comforter. He looked better there than he has in the last two months! We knew then, if we'd had any reservations, we'd made the right decision. We told the caregiver how pleased we were and she got tears in her eyes and hugged me. She knew the story of Ernie's Journey. So now the goal is to keep him as comfortable as possible for as long as God lets us have him.

One thing we have noticed is that Ernie's "girlfriend" hasn't visited him or called about him since we took his truck and credit card away from her last August 6th. :twisted:

In sewing news, I had about an hour yesterday to start a gift for my Secret Santa Elf! Amazing that on her wish list was something I happened not only to have a pattern for, but the pattern was sitting on my work table! So, I got to have a little sewing fun. I will probably work a little more on that today.

TINA - I'm glad you got in a little sewing yesterday. I can't believe your doctor has to put up with negligent staff. He should at least give them a good talking to. But happy you are getting some action. so very sad about Frankie's aunt. Sounds like all she really needed was maybe a college girl or a "widow lady" to live with her to help out. You are so sweet to make things for her!

IRISH - for years now, I've been noticing incompetent staff in doctor's offices. It's nearly criminal! I, too, left a skin specialist and drove clear north of SEattle to get a good one - 60 miles! But so worth it! (that first dr wasn't any better than his staff!). I'm happy to say that my GP has good staff. Really saves on the headache medicine! I hope you get your leaf peeping trip in. Maybe your sis will go with you.

Our two grandsons are coming for supper tonite. Alec (our chef) is vegetarian whereas Drew will eat anything that doesn't move! lol! I'm thinking mac & cheese (the REAL stuff!) made the old fashioned way like my mom did it. I will have a salad on the side and maybe roasted carrots. I should have a dessert, too, shouldn't I . . . . hmmmm.... I might make a pie of some kind, but I'll have to run to the store to get the fixin's. So I might just buy the pie!

What might you be having for your evening feast tonite?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, Sept 19

Post by auntjana » Thu Sep 19, 2019 8:02 am

Good morning!

Mary - it is wonderful that Uncle Ernie seemed to settle in so quickly. But also sad at the options in his prognosis. Many prayers.

Becca - oh, those prayers include that sweet baby. What a choice time, that he has been sent into this world, with all the advancements in medicine, it is a blessing for him.

Not much here. My friend is coming by for some sewing help. Then I will sew on my stuff. Ethan has piano this afternoon, so no sewing.

While we were at the quilt show I bought the new FGV2 book. Also, one other I didn't have of Lori Holt's books. My bookcase is getting full! Sarah picked up for us, several Jillily Patterns and Kimberbell patterns. The Kimberbell patterns can use my embroidery unit on my sewing machine for applique. Sarah has a cricut and it will cut the appliques from fabric, from the Kimberbell patterns too.

Dinner - lasagna roll ups - simple lasagna noodles, spread with filling, rolled up, placed in pan, cover with sauce and cheese, bake. Salad and french bread.


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, Sept 19

Post by gershwin64 » Thu Sep 19, 2019 8:11 am

Good morning!
Mary, so sorry to hear about Ernie but sounds like he is in the perfect place. We think the same exact thing with aunt Jody. One of Frankie's sisters said she would've came and lived with her and taken care of her full time if they would've just let her know! She just did a major move from Missouri to one of the Carolina's and they moved to take care of her husband's sister and weren't there 2 weeks and were told to leave so they found another place and moved, she was exhausted. I guess his sister has PTSD and can't be around men and apparently when she asked her brother if he could move in and help she didn't realize she couldn't even be around her own brother either. I think he should've stayed with her at least a month first before they totally moved and my SIL quit her job to move, what a mess!
Becca, prayers for the babies.
Jana, I just got my FGV2 also, I've been admiring it so far. I want to make me a Block of the week schedule so I have a plan for things I want to make. I want to make so many that I'm not getting anywhere fast but thought if I make a schedule it might help me and I shouldn't feel so overwhelmed by wanting to make so many things 😊
Today I'm going to be using my embroidery machine a little more, Can you believe it made me sick sewing yesterday.....well not sewing but just cutting the thread?! I shake so bad that to cut the thread I had to really concentrate and try to cut the thread and it made me nauseous and made my shakes worse, crazy!
Friday morning at 8:30 I go for my tests/scans/ultrasound things, I have 3 of them scheduled, she said it's going to take most of the morning, about 3 hours, so I think my reward should be lunch out tomorrow hehehe
We were 61* this morning, so nice!!
Frankie said he didn't have much to do at work yesterday so he played on the backhoe all morning LOL he says he pretty much does what he wants to, he just keeps himself busy.
Tonight's supper will be cleaning the fridge out! I know we have a little green chili stew left and then I just gotta see what else.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, Sept 19

Post by Irishgram » Thu Sep 19, 2019 8:36 am

Good morning from a very sunny but a little chilly (for me) Sw. Pa...It's really been a goofy morning...Today is garbage day and I don't like to put it out the night before because there have been times I've been cleaning up the street, so get up and put it out in the morning...Normally, they don't come until 10:00 but not today, 7:45, I hear the truck..I jumped out of bed, threw on the robe and flew down the steps..By then the truck was up the street and ready to start back down and I ran outside only to see them fly down the street, me standing there holding the bag! Not a pretty sight! Not being home next week, I didn't want it sitting so I called Dan and he said, just put it with his, if they've already gone, he'll keep it for next week....As I said, not a good way to start my day.............But, had the neighbors been watching, good for a laugh...

Mary, You certainly have made the right decision...Hearing you talk about the new caregivers and that he was sleeping soundly, content and under a pretty blanket was good..No matter how long you'll have him, he will be well taken care of...Interesting about the gal friend or do we have another word for her.....

Tina, sounds like you will be making progress, one way or another...I think the best treatment when you have a problem such as my bad hip, make that appointment with Dr. Hunk..Would you believe, my hip hasn't been giving me any problems since I set the date....But, no matter, I'm going to be in that office on the 11th....But, hang in there, better days ahead, for sure......

Other than trying to chase the garbage man and failing, nothing exciting going on here...Today is bingo day and then my sister and I are going to Texas Roadhouse for dinner...She is so funny, she has a stack of gift cards and each week, she'll say, which way???? And after dinner, I need to run in JoAnn's and get just the right shade for a valance and then I'm going to Kevin's...He baby sits little Emma every Thursday so Grammy needs to get her baby fill....Tomorrow, I need to think about packing and get things in order and then Sat. up, up and away.............

Don't have to think about cooking... :D

You all have an extra special day....

Happy eating.................

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, Sept 19

Post by rosebud3 » Thu Sep 19, 2019 2:47 pm

Becca prayers continue for the babies and family. It is the first and the last thing I do each day.

Tina so glad you finally have the appointments and the insurance approved the tests to be done. You are also in my prayers.

Mary it makes my heart glad that you were able to get Uncle Ernie transferred to the group home, even with the detours. My prayers for Uncle Ernie's comfort as well. Hugs to you and Bill as well as the rest of the family.

Jana your lasagna roll ups sound really good. What a nice surprise for Ethan, getting to go to Disneyland.

As for supper, I haven't decided what I want, but thing I will take myself out so I don't have to cook tonight. Work was really busy today and I am too worn out to cook.


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