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Tuesday September 10,2019

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Tuesday September 10,2019

Post by fabricgirl » Tue Sep 10, 2019 2:50 am

Good morning Everyone,

Its Tuesday yesterday I didn't get any sewing done it was my DH birthday and all he wanted was a nice relaxing day here and for me bake him a bunt cake and dinner so when I made the bunt cake it stuck to the bottom of the pan I guess the pan got old so we went to bed bath and beyond and got a new 1 the reason why I went there is because I have coupons.
Well I did all that and no time for me.
So today after our BJ's run I will have the rest of the day to sew.

Well nothing else is new everyone have a great day
Cindy G did Hanna have the Baby.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Tuesday September 10,2019

Post by mepeace2 » Tue Sep 10, 2019 4:56 am

Good morning Lois and all that follow

Yesterday went to guild meeting. They are asking for suggestions to get new members. If any of you have any please let me know. I have a couple but was shut down quickly on one. They think a tea would bring them in. I have my doubts. The reason I joined the guild was to show my quilts after showing them at other shows.
Today have a on line class then will sew later. First want to finish bathroom up. Started cleaning Sunday.
I have my lotto blocks started. lol Just need to put rows together.
Lois I have several on hand. It seems bunt pans just tend to get old. I finally bought a temptations one from QVC
I need coffee then to work
You all have a great sewing day

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Re: Tuesday September 10,2019

Post by Becca » Tue Sep 10, 2019 5:11 am

Hello everyone,sunny here & still having hot days.

Lois All my butte pans are old but they still bake good.

Katy I agree I don’t think a tea would entice anyone.

Cindyg Hope the baby arrives safely & Mom & Baby are fine.

Have laundry to do even though I did sheets yesterday.And towels.And some cleaning of closets.I purged on sheets last week & donated some sets.Must get going to walk.Before heat gets here.Have a great day everyone. Becca

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Re: Tuesday September 10,2019

Post by grammiequilts » Tue Sep 10, 2019 5:27 am

Good morning we are in camp having a relaxing day, our friends are going to another casino. I have opted out... gave them enough money, will straighten up around here and do a little sewing, a quiet day for sure,,,Might go out but its raining so not likely, Love these days in the camper....maybe find a movie to watch hope you are all doing fine,,,XXXXOOOO

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Re: Tuesday September 10,2019

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Tue Sep 10, 2019 5:33 am

Good morning, it's going to be a marvelous day today.

Flo, I took archery in a high school PE class. We had to take two years of PE in high school. I hated to dress out so flunked and had to retake a year. Thankfully they added a non dress class and archery was one of the things they did.

Maryz, you won't be putting that closet cleaning off for long. I bet you a nickel you will be in there making donate and toss piles this month. Nice that Bill is helping with Uncle Ernie. I want secret Santa too. I just don't understand how everyone isn't as anxious as we are. Most of the people on the list have never been my elf.

Cindy, well? did you get a great grand kid? what is the baby's name.? do tell.

Jana, what a great skill to teach the kids. Sewing will always come in handy and they will have the memory of grandma telling them to sew straight. I have to say I am pretty excited to see Ethan's quilt.

Lyn, your mom's communion story melted my heart. God doesn't care how she swallows, just that she get a chance to take communion. Glad she got to take part. you are a good daughter to make it all happen.

Kathy, I am so into get rid of it mode. I don't believe my son will ever have children. they are already 30 and not sure how much longer they can wait. If they don't have kids that will be the end of my line. No one else to pass it down to. And that makes my stuff just stuff. Not sure protein powder would be a filling enough lunch for me, how is your diet going? I blew mine as usual, and so it goes.

Maryq, what chores did you find for Kevin to do? I think you should just add Cindy to the SS list, tell her she signed up but doesn't' remember and then draw names.

Maryrose, I was just thinking bout that Halloween swap. Gosh that was a long time ago.

Becca, I read the twins are doing well. yay.

Lori, what other hand projects do you have that you are taking with you.?

Katy, I'm not sure a tea would draw me into a guild. But maybe we are wrong. I haven't had a bunt cake in years. Not enough frosting for me,

Valerie, I didn't end up going to San Juan Bautista for that quilt show over the weekend. About 1pm I got a text saying the location of the show, which started at 9am, had changed to Los Banos. Imagine if I had gone 2 1/2 hours away to find the show was only 1 1/2 hours away. Ugh. Let us know the real due date of the baby when they find out.

Lois, I think pans just wear out. I see so many of them at garage sales.

Judi, enjoy your nice quiet day.

I gotta get moving, you all have a fabulous day,
Proverbs 4:11-12

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Re: Tuesday September 10,2019

Post by FlorenceM » Tue Sep 10, 2019 5:42 am

Lou's try bakers ease to grease your pans. It's near the Pam and is in a blue can. It's just for baking.
Woke up this morning with sore throat. What Joe had I am getting.
Been working outside weeding what didn't get done for 2 months. Weeds are up to my hips and burn pile growing steadily. I work 15 minutes at a time.

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Re: Tuesday September 10,2019

Post by purrfect-lady » Tue Sep 10, 2019 5:55 am

LOIS - nice that you got a new bundt pan for your hubby's birthday! lol! I bake so few bundts that mine will still be like new if I live to be 99 yrs old! Hope you get to sew today!

KATHY - I'm glad to be an inspiration to you - I think. I gave away a set of Christmas dishes. In fact, two. But I had three! :lol: So you can see why I had to start purging! lol!

CINDY - well??? Are you a great gramma???😊😊

LORI - I think we're all relieved that I settled down here and quit cleaning! haha! But if we have many more rainy days, I might have to start again. Have a fun time in Utah!

LYN - what a nice story about your mom and a testament to the power of faith. I'm smiling again!

JANA - gosh! I hope you don't get snow in 3 weeks! What is your elevation? I think each boy would like their own individual sewing lessons. But start with the eldest first! My DGS's wanted to learn to sew but by the time I saw them next, they'd lost interest.

MARY ROSE - you had a busy and productive day yesterday! I love Halloween sewing in the fall. But everyone in my family has their Halloween quilt so I probably won't do any this year. But I know you'll enjoy yours!

IZZY - I missed what your "second grade throw top" is about. But glad you're almost done with it. Hope your license arrived.

CHRISS - I went to an all girls private school and we had to take PE, too. And I had to wear an old fashioned knee length gym skirt thing from the fifties that my mom got used from an older student. All the rest of the girls got to wear the cute little shorts sets that were new that year. Color me :oops: . Then we had to duck walk around the parking lot for exercise and the boys from our counterpart school would drive by and hoot at us. More morification. I knew they were singling me out! Sports and I have never been friends! Glad you didn't go to that quilt show! and yes, you and I know I'll be sorting out that closet soon, possibly today.

JUDI - I'm so not a casino person. We stop for free overnights in their parking lots sometimes and if so, we patronize their restaurants. But we just aren't gamblers. Mostly because we can't figure out the new machines! haha! I'd be in the RV with you, in jammies, stitching away!

BECCA - sheets are another thing I need to purge. Every closet I go into, I find another set! We have a queen in the trailer and a king in the house. End of beds. I don't need twins or doubles any longer! lol!

FLO - sorry about the cold coming on. Fluids and rest. And still they seem to be 3 days coming, 3 days here, and 3 days going.

Yesterday Bill and his sister visited Ernie and his older brother, Jay. Ernie seemed a little bit better and it looks like he will be transferred soon to a skilled nursing home near us. I spent a lot of my day preparing documents re Vicki to take to the courthouse to petition for involuntary hospitalization. That is going to happen this week. Praying something comes of it for her sake as well as ours. Though, come to think of it, if she leaves her home, who's going to feed the rats???! Yikes!

I did play in my sewing room a bit. I cross-stitched a pillow for my mom at least 35 years ago. It has her name, Marie, on it with blue/yellow flowers. I've re-backed and re-stuffed the pillow twice before but finally I had to rip it apart again and I made a small wallhanging from the stitchery for my sewing room. I also started cross-stitching a quilt label. I have the words done and am doing a little house on it as well. It's a house-warming quilt for Bill's sister's new home.

Funny story - a few weeks ago Bill asked me if I'd ordered Lori Holt's Farm Girl Vintage II because he had received a shipping notice. I hadn't. Turns out he did some early Christmas shopping and forgot all about it. And the book arrived yesterday. He insisted I open it. lol! Yay for me!

Time for another cuppa!
Piece, ladies!
mary z

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Re: Tuesday September 10,2019

Post by velvet » Tue Sep 10, 2019 6:17 am

I've had it with this new format. I spent time typing all about a qov yesterday Hit submit and saw it post. But now--poofed-- gone. I'll be back when the problem is solved


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Re: Tuesday September 10,2019

Post by cindyg » Tue Sep 10, 2019 6:26 am

Hi girls. I have read all but can't stay. I didn't even get my purse put away before I was bombarded. Maryz, what's a duck walk?

Hannah and Gavin are having the baby today. She got to the hospital at 6 PM yesterday and they started her on something to soften her cervix. I think they started the Petosin because she's having contractions. She had some pain meds and at 8:00 this morning they were coming in to give her the epidural. So today I become a great grandma. I'm going to the hospital after work today. For now I have to get my payroll done.

I hope you can all fondle fabric today.

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Re: Tuesday September 10,2019

Post by WeSignificant » Tue Sep 10, 2019 7:09 am

Real quick as I am running late. Wash hair day and now to comb it out. Even with conditioning it's a chore. I should just cut it! 🌩 < Mom raining lightening bolts down on me for saying that!

Due date baby likely May 7. Date of late cycle Aug 1.

Becca continued prayers for the twins. Wow 2lbs!

Off I go, hair comb, dressing and teeth still to go
A Friend is God's way of making sure we never walk alone!

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