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SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Aug 10

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Aug 10

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat Aug 10, 2019 6:37 am

Good morning,

Can you believe August is 1/3 over? I just finished saying goodbye to July! It's been a warm August so far, though not particularly hot compared to the rest of the country. But last night a T-storm moved through and now we have rain! Big, LOUD rain! I'm loving it! I should take my coffee out on the deck, wrap in a quilt, and listen while I sip. But I can't take all of you with me so first - Supper Club.

We did nothing yesterday after Bob & Betsy left but drive to Seattle to visit Bill's uncle in the hospital. 45 miles each way, mostly on I-5, and half of that trip is always 5 lanes of stop and go traffic, plus a lot of heavy construction. Uncle Ernie is still out of it most of the time, is confused and agitated when he is awake, which isn't often, and restless when asleep. I believe they will soon have to move him to a long term care facility. Bill's cousin, Fredd, has durable power of attorney. He says he's found a facility close to Ernie's home. He's led a normal, active life until now. We are praying he will snap out of it soon.

We are taking the weekend off from our demolition work. Maybe Monday and Tuesday, too. Next week we'll have to remove the toilet, vanity, washer, dryer, and hot water heater. With a hand truck, I think we can do it all ourselves. Plus a lot of small incidental stuff like end table, floor lamp, ottoman, etc.

I did get in a bit of sewing time yesterday. I've been working on 14" log-cabin blocks. Strips are 1-3/4" and there are 5 rounds of 'logs'. Takes a long time to do 8 blocks, and I'm on the home stretch. And discovered I've been making 9 blocks! lol! Guess I'll make a matching tote for 'presentation'.

IRISH - glad your sister's operation is behind her. From all you say, she's a trooper and will be good with her therapy. So nice the PT lives so close to her! And something fun to look forward to on Monday! Your family needs that! The day after Uncle Ernie's surgery Bill's sister had a new grandbaby (boy) that came a day earlier than his scheduled C-section delivery. It happens! :D

JANA - our news is full of your rain and mudslides in the mountains. I hope none of your family ran into any of that! But I always think of Aaron . . .

BECCA - Nice that things are calming down enough that you can get back to the quilt. Maybe the babies can come home from the hospital wrapped in your quilts. I always felt that going home outfits and blankies are extra special. I still have my kids'!

TINA - We have a family member we refer to as a "waste of skin". They pop up from time to time in all families. I'm so sorry you have one, too. At least ours doesn't have kids. Did I see correctly that you've been diagnosed with Bell's Palsy??

CHICKIE - you've been busy, busy, busy. Like the Energizer Bunny! (I love him!) I'm amazed you had time to finish quilting that quilt! But now - on to more fun stuff - BABY QUILT!! Can't believe with everything else you are mowing the rentals! I say hire a high school kid or let the renters mow their own yards. But that's just me. I'll do most anything that needs doing but (even windows!). But I do not mow.

After three days of tacos, wrap us up in a tortilla and call us done! haha! I need new, and very different food. Maybe burgers. I'm kind of in a meatloaf and mashed potatoes mood.

What mood are you in?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Aug 10

Post by auntjana » Sat Aug 10, 2019 9:00 am

Good morning!

Waiting for Michael to get back. His blood sugar number was quite high for him, so he is out a walk. That usually lowers it quite quickly. Then, we need a milk run and stop and get my haircut this morning. It is such a mop right now, can't stand it any more! I have a picture for the girl, not much different than I usually wear my hair, but it makes it easier to get what I want.

Dinner tonight will be a copycat of Mary - meatloaf, mashed taters, and green beans, fresh from the farm.

Sarah's DH wrenched his knee and is now hobbling around, using a extra cane we have. He will be fine in a couple of days.

We are getting some of the escapade stories of camp from Sarah. It is always a hoot what those girls can do at camp! Sarah had plenty of food, no one was hungry and what was left was shared with some families in the Ward. The girls got yo see many stars with the telescope we took up on Thursday. In between storms! Sarah watched the sky and the clouds and had all the girls move up to the covered pavillion to stay dry. They did.

Time to scoot and load the dishwashers,


Worked on the wall hanging and will do more today. Hope to have it ready for my LA today. Then I will start the November one.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Aug 10

Post by Becca » Sat Aug 10, 2019 9:56 am

Hello everyone,sunny here.
Maryz They are doing brain scans.We are all praying for a miracle.Denise & Marty are both over there.Taylors DS put on there were small victories this AM.I will know more when Denise lets me know.Its very hard to deal with each day & I feel so bad for Taylor & Levi.
.prayers for Uncle Ernie.Glad you are almost finished with moving.
Oh my quilts have been finished.I am putting on labels.

Jana Those campers had fun I’m sure.Sorry DSIL messed up his knee.I did that on big muscles in my leg playing ball with Grands.Dr asked me how I did it & gave me a look when I told him.lol

CAs first cousin who is like a brother to him has been in Hospital this week with his Heart.They put in a couple of stints.He died about 20 yrs ago & was brought back from a Heart attack.He has had several things done for his Heart.
CA is under the weather today & wants soup.Easy for me.Ill have Sautéed Squash,chicken breast short cuts.Grapes Becca

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Aug 10

Post by Irishgram » Sat Aug 10, 2019 12:18 pm

Good afternoon from a sunny, warm very pleasant, SW. Pa....We're not as warm as we had been and I haven't had to turn on the AC for days...I have ceiling fans in almost every room and that keeps the house nice and cool....

WELL, we have our baby! Little Emma Rose didn't want to wait until Monday and made her appearance early this morning...When Kevin called, he didn't have any of the particulars and was just a bit excited, to say the least....Kevin and his family (well all the family) have been through so much in the past couple of months, this new baby has certainly brought back a lot of joy...I just think, how much Cindy would have loved being a Grandma...
And my sister was waiting to be discharged from the same hospital, one floor below the new baby....She had given me orders to stay home today, I was off duty! She also said, therapy was rough and the doc had taken out the drain so she was hurting....And being the nice older sister that I am, I told her to "Buck up"! And if you believe I told my younger sister who is much bigger than me such a thing, maybe you'd believe, I'm 5'5", blond and a figure made for a bikini!

Mary, I can't believe you're really moving all that stuff....What all are you having done? I thought it was new carpet in a room or 2.....I love the idea of sitting on the deck wrapped in a quilt while sipping coffee, listening to the rain.....This morning, instead of jumping out of bed as Baby Girl had wanted, I stayed bundled up and listened to the birds...But, also while I was laying there, I kept thinking, by now, Donna probably has her laundry out on the line! Well, I fixed her, I didn't do laundry today, lol....

Becca, Those little miracles are proving to be quite the fighters...And also the power of prayer! Sorry to hear DH isn't feeling up to par today but maybe he just needs a little down time...

Tina, As Mary said, each family has a "person", sometimes even 2, lol...And it just makes you wonder! But, you know, we all can't be perfect, takes a couple strange ones to make the world go round...Years ago, I had a friend who had Bell's and recovered quickly...Hoping you also have a quick recovery...You need a rest from all these nasty things......

I need to run....I need to finish up chasing the dust bunnies...I did stop at the grocery store last night and now have a few "new" things in the fridge but not sure what's for dinner....Might just make a burger but haven't gotten that little grille yet so will have to cook it inside....Oh well, sometimes life is tough!

You all have a great day....

Happy eating............

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Aug 10

Post by Quilter7 » Sat Aug 10, 2019 1:51 pm

Today has been busy with chasing a few dust bunnies, polishing floor, having a manicure, going to the store, and working on the flowers for Guild installation. Oh yes I am sewing a little of my own blocks too. Maybe you remember last year I made 30 or so fabric flower corsage name badges for the officers of our Guild. This year I only need to make about 6 flowers and quite a few new leaves as people changed positions. One leaf has their name the second leaf has their position. Several people have more than two leaves though.

Tonight's dinner will be Roasted Chicken Breast. I make it so I can take half and have either Chicken Salad Sandwiches or Chicken a' la King. It works great to make a second meal.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Aug 10

Post by gershwin64 » Sat Aug 10, 2019 9:43 pm

Hi everyone! We just got home, It's 10:36pm, I'm wiped out! Matthew's birthday was very fun, I was tired but made it through, took pictures and pictures LOL the kids had a jumping balloon and a Pinata and there was so much food! Burgers and Hotdogs were the main fare and then fruits, salads, jello, candies, cookies, cakes, punch, all too good to pass up a bite. 😛
Yes Mary you read correctly, Bell's Palsy, it hurts my face. It. Didn't droop a whole bunch but the pain is not fun, it wears me out. My balance is off too, pretty sure it looks like I've been hitting the bottle pretty hard....I ran into the hall walls all day at the party LOL stairs were so fun, not.
Maria did an awesome job on the cake! It looked amazing and was yummy too!
Becca, prayers for good scans.
I'm gonna go shrink some pics so you all can see.

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