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MAY Lotto BLOCK - Nine Patch Party Block - Lori posted an Inspirational PICTURE of her quilt!!!

Fabric Swaps, Round Robins and Block of the Month Discussions.
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Re: MAY Lotto BLOCK - Nine Patch Party Block - Lori posted an Inspirational PICTURE of her quilt!!!

Post by TeresaK » Thu May 25, 2017 7:18 pm

Valerie. Scott said there is a package from you at the house. He will let me know when others arrive. We will be home on Sunday.

All is going well with MaryRose. The closet and the entry way into the room is all that is left of the flooring to do. Weedwacking the front yard and making a mulch barrier is finish. She couldn't decide if she wanted to rototill it into the ground but before she could do that she needed to get the paperwork to see where the utility's lines are. So the wall makes it look nice and they won't fine her for an unruly yard.
Need to prune some flowers and bushes way back. That is tomorrow.
Then the FUN begins when everything is put back and rearranged into the sewing room. I am eager to see the end results when a new sewing room emerges! Oh the FUN she will have sewing now.🙌🙌🙌🙌
Can't think of a better way to spend my birthday!!!

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Re: MAY Lotto BLOCK - Nine Patch Party Block - Lori posted an Inspirational PICTURE of her quilt!!!

Post by shelly322002 » Thu May 25, 2017 10:07 pm

Hi Teresa, It sounds as though you've had a busy but fun birthday this year!!!
I hope your day is filled with love and laughter!! Oh and CAKE!!!
Hugs dear friend xxx


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Re: MAY Lotto BLOCK - Nine Patch Party Block - Lori posted an Inspirational PICTURE of her quilt!!!

Post by sweetpeadesigns » Fri May 26, 2017 1:46 am

Everyone's summers sound so fun. Mine always sound like a stand up comedy routine. I've always described my life as "not boring". That describes it pretty well. I strive for boring, but just having fun along the way. I can't wait to see next months blocks? Is anyone signing up for the secret santa? Happy late birthday, our dearest Teresa! Am so glad you got to go and have time with a friend for your birthday.

Linda H

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Re: MAY Lotto BLOCK - Nine Patch Party Block - Lori posted an Inspirational PICTURE of her quilt!!!

Post by WeSignificant » Fri May 26, 2017 4:31 am

Oh tell Scott hello for me and Happy BD!
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Re: MAY Lotto BLOCK - Nine Patch Party Block - Lori posted an Inspirational PICTURE of her quilt!!!

Post by QuiltGram8 » Sat May 27, 2017 3:21 am

Happy Late Birthday, my special friend!!!
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: MAY Lotto BLOCK - Nine Patch Party Block - Lori posted an Inspirational PICTURE of her quilt!!!

Post by toekeyotow » Sun May 28, 2017 12:48 pm

One summer in the early 60's the family had taken a vacation to Nebraska, where I almost drown in my Uncles sand pit. So when we got home I took swimming lessons. The day of getting my certificate to swim, I was in the deep end thinking I was all that. Until the lifeguard blew his whistle at me and told me to swim the width of the pool. I was so heartbroken that I started to cry, then I said to myself I will show him I can swim. So I did just as he asked. He waved me on and said go ahead little girl you can stay in the deep water. I was so mad I got out of the pool and walked home.

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Re: MAY Lotto BLOCK - Nine Patch Party Block - Lori posted an Inspirational PICTURE of her quilt!!!

Post by TeresaK » Sun May 28, 2017 2:30 pm

WOW. Looks like we are all kids that along with the major hiccups had some lovely summers. It has been wonderful reading all the stories and how life went on in different ways around the world.

We are on our way home now. This mission trip to MaryRose's has been a very special time for all of us in many ways. I will post pictures soon.

The one thing I was not able to do was start June's Lotto. We get back home late tonight but if I get a second energy I will put it up tonight otherwise it will be tomorrow.

You will need your Patriotic Red and Blues Prints especially with white backgrounds. You will need Red Tone on Tones.
You will need Blue Tone on Tones.
Whites can be a Tone on Tones this month.
No Solids this month.

You will LOVE ❤️ this block 😁😁😁

Keep watch for tomorrow!!!

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Re: MAY Lotto BLOCK - Nine Patch Party Block - Lori posted an Inspirational PICTURE of her quilt!!!

Post by FlorenceM » Mon May 29, 2017 2:45 am

As a child, we didn't take vacations. But my family was the first to move from the city in north Jersey, to the shore of south Jersey. So every weekend during the summer part of the family would come for the weekend, and the party was on! MY dad was 1 of 8, my mom was an only child of a single mom..but my Grandmother was 1 of 10! Large Portuguese on 1 side, large Italian on the other, both sides from Europe. I think we invented block parties, because the entire neighborhood was there.

BY the time I was an adult, my dad's family had shattered...It was so sad. Let's just say money is the root of all evil.


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Re: MAY Lotto BLOCK - Nine Patch Party Block - Lori posted an Inspirational PICTURE of her quilt!!!

Post by TeresaK » Mon May 29, 2017 11:39 am

I am LOVING OPENING all the packages that arrived while I was away. Thanks to Scott I didn't have to wait unti tomorrow to open them all.

Valerie - Love the veggies and fruits. Very colorful!!! They will go very well with FLO's blocks. Among the boats flowers and polka dots she has some flower pots with gardening tools. Very PRETTY!!!!

Jacquie - Whew! Thrilled yours came across the pond with time to spare. Delightful choice of colors. Definitely will go with every other blocks.

The same with Linda's and Arianna's. Linda you are a great teacher! Arianna's stitching is WONDERFUL!!!! The fabrics are perfect for theis month and will go beautifully with every other fabrics in the group!!! You both get extra tickets for bringing a friend - YEA!!!

Katy - 5 sets of very delightful fabrics you have chosen. Definitely will make some pals smile along with all the other fabrics that will go with them!

I am sew very excited with everyone's blocks. Great instincts on choosing them. These will indeed make some LOVELY Quilts!!!

STILL TIME FOR your SUMMER STORY!!!! Last day is Wednesday!!!!!

WHO WANTS TO WIN?????? I know I would always LOVE TO!!!!!

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Re: MAY Lotto BLOCK - Nine Patch Party Block - Lori posted an Inspirational PICTURE of her quilt!!!

Post by WeSignificant » Wed May 31, 2017 2:48 am

My summer story - I guess I have had a somewhat boring life as nothing really sticks out. I can say when I was a girl, we lived just 3 blocks from the city pool. My Mom would pack us all up each day and swimming we would go. Our neighbors were from India so darker skinned. My sisters were all fair but I would tan wonderfully (burn now!) Everyone thought I belonged to the Indian family!

Speaking of this family, they had 4 children. 2 of them were put under Biliruben lights at birth due to the jaundice some babies get. Sadly, both of them were blinded by this process. But enough of that. I was young and apparently didn't know what "blind" meant. We were riding bikes one day and I encouraged Cindy to join in. As I think back, she actually did pretty good. One problem, she was riding right towards a white pickup truck that was parked on the street. I was yelling, "Look out for the truck!" Yes, you guessed, she ran right into it! That is how I learned what blind meant. I have many stories with Cindy and I but that is probably the best. She taught me braille (wish I had kept up with that), we flooded my Mom's kitchen together, played with Barbie's and all the things that normal girls did in those days. I saw her once after we grew up. She had gotten married and had a child. Her husband was also blind. She was quite self sufficient. Eventually lost track of her but sure wish I knew where she was today.
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