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Wednesday August 10,2011

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Re: Wednesday August 10,2011

Post by purrfect-lady » Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:33 am

Good Morning, Cotton Pals!

We will be chilly today, and possibly rainy. I'm sorry for us, and for all you hotties out there who need this more than we do.

SHARONA, that's the way it goes - you find long lost things at the oddest times! And now that you've spent real money on more Best Press, you other bottle will probably pop out and cry, "Gotcha!".

LOIS - "see what you can get into . . . "? Let's just hope if it's trouble, it's fun trouble! lol! And that you share . .

VICKY - how great to have your friend there! And that your girls are friends, too. What is the steam fest? Hope your time at MIL's will be easy on you!

KATHY - Have a nice day at work! Yes, my yard is a lot of work, but I only go through this long session a few times a year - 3 at the most. Though each year is harder and harder. ugh.

JO - the big day!! Have a great time! Will it run through the weekend?

JUDI - you and JO give each other a big hug for me! You're right - unless you need them, fall is the time to do the quilting. My problem is, if I let them pile up, then I get bored doing one thing over and over whether it's piecing, or quilting, or gardening! lol! And when I'm bored, I get careless and often botch the job.

CHRISS - even when you're late, you're funny! Now I've had my morning smile! have a great day!

CHRISSY - welcome home! Glad you had such a nice time! your quilt top sounds beautiful. Is there any way to back it with muslin? Maybe during the quilting process?

KARLENE - the butterfly motif is the quilting pattern, right? Are you doing it on your regular sewing machine? What are the 'blind spots'?

Today will be my last gardening day and should only be a few hours. I've loved being outdoors, but my back and arms and hands are ready to come inside now. Last night, I designed my Chinese Lantern block for DD's quilt and I can't wait to make a practice block and see what it looks like. I also have to run to the library and to ACE Hardware to buy some spray paint for some wicker furniture. Going to be a busy day - if it doesn't rain.

I "introduced" two of our friends by e-mail last week and last night they talked on the phone for th first time. They both live 300 miles from us, and about 150 miles from each other. (Spokane and Walla Walla) Report (from her) is that they both enjoyed their half-hour conversation and plan to continue and get to know each other. Cross your fingers for them! Fun to watch from the sidelines!

May your day bring you what you need!

Mary z

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Re: Wednesday August 10,2011

Post by MissSongbird » Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:56 am

Hi everyone!

I finished my first quilt top for Quilts of Valor. Everyone loved it and I'm really proud of it. Once I get it back from the quilter and I bind it then I'll show it off on here.

I started my second one as well. It is going to be a lot easier than the first one but be just as nice.

I'm going to try to get as much done before I have to go back to school (in about 2 weeks). I'm sad that summer is almost over, but once I start school again I'll be ok.

Have a good day!

- Mariah

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Re: Wednesday August 10,2011

Post by womster » Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:03 am

Happy Wednesday!

Lois - Glad today is your short day. Hope you don't get into any trouble!

Vicky - how wonderful to be spending time with a good friend. I hope your visit with your MIL goes as planned today.

Kathy - are you stopping at a farmer's market for your produce? Have a great day at work.

Joanne - how fun to get everything ready for the show. It's also feeling fall-like here. Hopefully we'll see you this afternoon.

Judi - I bet your house smells yummy. I almost want to get a dehydrator too, just to get the smell! I'm so sorry you have a headache - hope it goes away soon.

Chriss - I hope you catch up with yourself sometime today!

Chrissy1 - welcome back! Your quilt find sounds really neat. I hope you can figure out how to reinforce the top.

Karlene - darn! You found out my secret. Jana swore herself to secrecy, so I guess you must have read yesterday's posts. DH was already awake, so the cat was out of the bag. I'm sure your butterfly quilting is wonderful - I know what you mean about going through the blind spots. Enjoy your cooler weather.

Cindyg - Stinking hot weather - I hope you can get some rest tonight. We have an Ipad - books can be downloaded on it and it is in color. I've not tried to read it in bright daylight. Plus then you can email us from anywhere there's a wireless link....!

Maryz - are you playing matchmaker? I will keep my fingers crossed. The world needs more happiness. Those fabrics you purchased for your DD's quilt are absolutely gorgeous. They are so rich in color and texture - I just love them. Your day is jam-packed!

Today I will do a quick tie quilt for our Aurora DGS - it's a sponge bob quilt I picked up at Joanne's for a steal. After that, I'll go back to the doll house quilts. I did manage to tidy up the sewing room - it's nice to be able to see the carpet.

Have a great day, all! xoxo - Sharona

Mariah - how wonderful to see you! Can't wait to see pictures of the quilt. what is your second one going to be? Wow - not much time is left before school starts again....

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Re: Wednesday August 10,2011

Post by MissSongbird » Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:18 am

womster - Here is what it will look like:


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Re: Wednesday August 10,2011

Post by womster » Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:06 am

Mariah - nice! Thanks for posting it. Did you design it yourself?

I hope Jules is doing okay as she takes Charley into London. Scary times...

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Re: Wednesday August 10,2011

Post by karpet » Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:21 am

CindyG - David has a Kindle and loves it. He said it is the one you can read in the sunlight because it is not back-lit.

Maryz - I am quilting it on my machine so I do one row moving the quilt towards me and the next row moving it away from me. These little butterflies are supposed to be symmetrical, but as I loop around on the wings, I can't see what is behind the foot so, as fits my style, these butterflies are a little wonky! It's always fun when one turns out really good, but the rest are not bad.

Sharona - It made me smile because things like that really tickle my funny bone too. No one is around and I'm just laughing at something - David is sure I'm a little touched in the head!

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Re: Wednesday August 10,2011

Post by auntjana » Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:24 am

Good morning!

I got the Master bedroom all done yesterday - even cleaned the very filthy plantation blind in that room - it was awful! Now on to the Master Bath - it is not that bad so I should be finished in no time -

My BFF just e-mailed me to let me know she was home from moving a child to Oregon - and she wants to sew with me - we have been trying to get together for months and something always comes up!

So just a few uglies and then it is play time!

I thought that I would explain all the fixing up of this old house before we sell it - the market here has so many short/foreclosures that I need to make mine the best out there and when we bought this house many moons ago - DH made a promise that we would leave it better than we got it. It was a rental and was in pretty bad shape when we got it and now I think we have fulfilled that promise.

So I am off -


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Re: Wednesday August 10,2011

Post by Irishgram » Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:54 am

Good early afternoon from sunny, warm, simply wonderful, SW. Pa...This is perfect weather, sunny and in the 70s....All the windows are open and it feels so good.....Jim has been mowing the grass and not working up a sweat, lol..........

Was that boom I heard Chriss breaking the sound barrier?????Almost knocked me off my chair.....

Yesterday I worked on a Christmas table topper...I started practicing making dresden plates and ended up with a topper...Sometimes, I surprise even me! Today, I'm working on one of Nicky's quilts...I had made this quilt a year or so ago and he asked if I could make it longer....It's going to be a challenge but for Nicky, I'll figure it out...Thank goodness I still have some of the fabric I had used.......

I'm not going to be able to stay and chat with you all...I'm anxious to get to the sewing room.....So, cup of tea in hand, I'm off....

You all have a great day...........

Hope to hear from Jules soon and praying all is OK.....

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Re: Wednesday August 10,2011

Post by purrfect-lady » Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:02 am

Whew! The yard isn't quite done, but I am. LOL! Now it's shower time! And then spray wicker furniture time.

KARLENE - wonky is good! It's OK if there's holes in our work here and there. Holes are where the sunlight shines through! Wonky describes my style, too.

CINDY - sorry you didn't get to sleep in this morning. But Saturday is coming!

SHARONA - Yes, I guess you could say I'm trying to play matchmaker. My friend tried on-line match-ups, and she's two for two on scary guys! So I figured I better offer up our male friend and see what happens.

MARIAH - love your quilt! Someone will treasure it!

JANA - I was wondering why you were doing so much to your house just to sell it. Here, realtors have told us that the BIG stuff is better left undone because A. buyers would want to do it themselves, and B. it might not bring the price up to cover the costs of the refurbishing. Though that was before the housing market fell apart. I hope yours sells quickly and for the price you want!

My DD#2 got a new job. She is the librarian for a technical college only 5 min from her home! The ONLY librarian, so she can do her things her way! She's pretty excited. She gets bennies! And good wages, too. She started a few days ago, and prayers of thanks are in order for us!

Well, I'm off to shower. I may get to sew today!! I'm SEW excited!!

mary z

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Re: Wednesday August 10,2011

Post by cindyg » Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:05 am

Maryz - chilly and rainy - could it get any better???? I'm so glad you are finishing up the yard. I was really getting tired. Do you have the pattern for the Chinese lanterns? Are you playing Cupid?

Songbird - seems like school was just over.

Sharona - thanks for the info on the IPad. I don't want one as fancy as yours. We can e.mail from our phones so I don't need that part of it.

Karlene - thanks for the info. I saw a Kindle3 on line and it seemed like one I should put on my list.

Jana - I can understanding fixing up the house you are going to sell. The competition probably has updated/upgraded theirs so you must stay in the running. Hmmmmm maybe I watch too much HGTV!?!?!?

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