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Tuesday June 9,2009

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Tuesday June 9,2009

Post by fabricgirl » Mon Jun 08, 2009 11:17 pm

GoodMorning Everyone

Just Breezing by with a cup of coffee I haven't been sewing and I don't think I will get the chance today either I have been doing that ugly stuff again I have to catch up we have the state Quilt show this weekend and I can't wait.

The Curves Gym that I go to is closeing so we are going to check out a new gym .

I Hope everyone A Great Day BBL


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Re: Tuesday June 9,2009

Post by suzette58 » Mon Jun 08, 2009 11:31 pm

Good morning. Well, my stepdaughter's quilt is on the way to the quilter. I started cutting squares for a quilt I am making for one of our dogs. He loves to have a cover. I had some fabric leftover and bought a little bit of fabric that had paw prints on it. Anyway, have a good day everyone

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Re: Tuesday June 9,2009

Post by macdor » Mon Jun 08, 2009 11:55 pm

Morning all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lois - that ugly stuff is not fun, but we all have to do it. Hope that you get the stuff done so that you can do some sewing.

Suzette58 - My cats like to sleep on the batting, they all like there own blankets. Have fun making it.

I have some of the ugly stuff myself today to do. Then hope that I get to sew a little. Working on a scrappy quilt.

Everyone have a great day.


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Re: Tuesday June 9,2009

Post by KATHYSQUILTS » Tue Jun 09, 2009 12:01 am

Good Rainy Morning....We might have thunder too...

Waiting for my tea, then I must get ready for the other ugly work. I have a 4 month old in my day care room that needs a Nanny/Slave.LOL

Have a great day every one 12 hours....Kathy

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Re: Tuesday June 9,2009

Post by girl » Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:32 am

Good morning, I'v not posted in a while. Been so busy with work and all and we went to the doctor yesterday and she gave the hubby a good report and said I will let you go three months and said you will probably miss me!! We laugh and so does she! She is the best ENT we ever had and is very caring. Just up north of us had hail the size of grape fruit. We have a garage to keep the cars in but, I can't inmagine the damage that had done. We watched the storm on the back deck go by us and the clouds are!! Just can't decribe them. Moving fast and some swirled. I hope everyone has a good day. Enjoy quilting and I just about got my first quilt done. Have one more block then the binding. YA! YA!. The grandbabys quilt is next. Have a blessed day. Bye for now. Barbara

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Re: Tuesday June 9,2009

Post by Chrissy1 » Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:57 am

I have today off from the office. This dizzy thing makes me feel like I am on a toot sometimes (not a big deal) but a dr. appointment is a great way to get the day off. And the quilt shop I love is only about 10 miles down the road WOO HOO. I have to come up with a very simple (as I am a very simple quilter) pattern for a quilt to make for my sister Robin. she is a gentle loving soul and I think she really needs a quilt. Any suggestions on something not to complicated. Seriously, not to complicated for someone with the mind and talents of a 9 year old!!! Have a wonderful day

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Re: Tuesday June 9,2009

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:58 am

Lois, do you have a local community college? sometimes you can use their workout equipment for free...

hope you all have a great day, I am off to work

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Re: Tuesday June 9,2009

Post by cindyg » Tue Jun 09, 2009 3:11 am

Good morning y'all.

Lois - how exciting - the state quilt show. Have a great time there. Do they have vendors? LOL

Suzette - sounds like a cute doggie quilt.

Macdo - what scrappy quilt pattern are you making?

Kathy - please please please send some of that wet stuff down here. We are toast.

Girl - thank goodness the grapefruit-size hail missed you. I can only imagine the damage that would do. Hail that size could kill somebody. Mother Nature sure can vent sometimes.

Chrissy (Toots, LOL) - why not try some pattern that's a little bit harder than what you normally do? I almost always do a little bit harder pattern each time...I don't get bored and I learn that I shouldn't be afraid of the harder stuff. I'm not saying I make intricate and difficult quilts but I make a different pattern every time and that's challenging enough.

Chriss - have a great day at work. I'm at work, too. I was a lazy bones last night and did nothing. Tonight I need to work on the last border to French Braid. I want it done so I can go quilt it not this weekend but the next.

Y'all have a great day.

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Re: Tuesday June 9,2009

Post by Tulpje » Tue Jun 09, 2009 3:32 am


Good Morning from the Left Coast.

<waving a hearty 'Good Morning' to all here>

I finally had a good night sleep. Kinda different hours, but at least I slept, on only half my Rx. dose as usual. (Go figure)

A good nights sleep can do wonders for the human body and mind, that's for sure.

Lois, Yup check your local community college. That's a LOT cheaper, and kinda fun being back onto a college campus. :)

I have only 30 minutes left before getting ready to leave the house.
I do NOT enjoy being chaufuered (SP) around. I like doing things in my own time. :) But I better be gracefull about it, I am still capable to do most oher things besides driving a car.

I'll be working on my 5/31 El's Angels quilt project today. Barn BOM for June is today. So yes, I'll be at QIAD store 9am - 9 pm WooT

(((Brenda))) will be on my mind with prayers on a continued basis today.
(((Becca))) Hang in there cookie.

Toots, cute nick-name.... Have a *Great* F.A.R.T. today at your LQS.
Hope you'll feel better soon. I'm glad you're going to your Doc. to get it checked out.

Barbara/girl So glad to see you here again. Glad it all worked out with your ENT problems.

Have a *great* day every 1, with a ray of sunshine in your Heart.


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Re: Tuesday June 9,2009

Post by purrfect-lady » Tue Jun 09, 2009 3:40 am

It's another beautiful day in the neighborhood! 76 and sunny! But we'll be getting our rain this weekend. I didn't get a lot of sewing done yesterday, but I did all my uglies and some of DH's so I can sit and sew without guilt today. And my plan is to finish quilting the queen quilt on my frame and then study it for binding ideas. If that doesn't take up the entire day, then I have a pillow to make from a cross-stitched top. That should keep me out of too much trouble!

Suzette - anyone who pieces a quilt for their dog has to be a fun person to know! I hope your dog doesn't tell my dog!

Macdor - My cats love my batting, too. I have a big roll of it on my quilting frame and they crawl inside to catnap. I hate to think of all the quilts that leave my house with cat hair sewed inside them! I do try to consider if allergies are a problem with my quilt recipients!

Kathy - I'll take that four-month old! for a few hours anyway. I'm in need of a baby fix.

Girl - congrats on your hubby's reports and on your first quilt! You must be walking high today!

Chrissy, whatever pattern you make, you might consider looking for some bird fabric, cut out the robins, and applique them hopping across the quilt or down the border or something.

Everybody else - have a super day! I plan to.


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