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IT's Saturday June 6,2009

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IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Post by fabricgirl » Sat Jun 06, 2009 1:51 am

Good Morning Everyone

Well Im finally finished with everything for my nieces shower I made a last minuet pillow cases to match my quilt .

I made 3 diffrent batches of cookies to bring.

and today It's a me day Im going to get my nails done I have realy yucky nail they crack and peal and I wan't them to look nice when I go away next month .

MY DGD will be comming later she is going with me to the baby shower my DD can't make it she has to work no way to switch .

so my dance card is filled have a great day.


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Re: IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Post by vivian1970 » Sat Jun 06, 2009 2:05 am


Gotta tell ya all that when I opened the quilt pieces from the 4th of July swap and the Map Lotto swap I was absolutely blown away. These are some of the prettiest quilt blocks I have ever seen. I can't wait to get started on them making them quilts.

But today I am going to Germantown Oh to visit my aunt that is home from Florida. I am making a chicken broccoli casserole to take with me so that we don't have to go out for lunch. I am taking my 2 DGD's and my DD with me. We are just going to spend the day catching up and visiting.

So have a great day. It is going to be really nice here is SW ohio.


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Re: IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Post by WeSignificant » Sat Jun 06, 2009 2:41 am

Good Saturday Morning!

Up early to get DH and DGS off on their 20 mile hike. I am staying home to go to the scout store for court of honor awards, prepare for DGS 13th birthday tomorrow and start packing for their big trip. I have a few more odds and ends to purchase for them. Pack inpection is Tues night so time is drawing near. They leave a week from today.

Will likely get some sewing in and probably some laundry.

Have been dealing with what I thought was a broken toe since the 26th of May. Finally went and got it looked at last night. Dr. says it is not broken but was dislocated and I got it set right (yep did it myself!) but when it dislocated, it tore the ligaments and that is the pain I am feeling. So gotta wear a special shoe and not supposed to walk/stand for more than 15 min an hour. Take Motrin and give it two more weeks.

Have a good day all!
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Re: IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Post by KATHYSQUILTS » Sat Jun 06, 2009 2:47 am

Good Morning to all!!!!

The rain has stopped. Thank goodness....the grass is way out of hand. I am not going to count on anyone for this even for $$.
My plan for today is mow, weed wack, plant 2 tomatoes, plant the basil, ugle work and boarders on the baby quilt. That seems like a managable list.

Lois... Good job finishing your quilt and a matching pillow case. I like that idea of a matching case. I might do that. What do you ladies think large or small case? I love making cookies they make any gathgering yummmmmy.
Have fun on your "me" day. I am sure most of us would love to join you.
Your dance card is sure full...But I do not see any dancing?? LOL

Vivin...You did 2 swaps at once?? Your good. It is like a little Christmas when they arrive.
I am so happy to see you and your DGD&DD are going to visit your aunt.
I miss my Aunt Frances so much..I have photoes of us taped here on my desk. Hope your day is blessed

Off to prep the mower...Kathy

WS..your poor toe! 15 min per hour?? How will you get all you need to do done??

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Re: IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sat Jun 06, 2009 2:47 am

Lois, I had my nails done ONCE...lol... as the gal was doing her nail thing she told me my nails were awful... I grew up pushing my cuticles back not cutting them off...I have one nail that has a crack clean down the center.... the gal said I needed more calcium...

Vivian, I wish I was going with you today.. sounds like the perfect day... visiting family and a casserole... hope you hear stories you've never heard from your aunt... what great memories for the grands...

my plan is to sew today.. I have a few things to catch up... like my barn block, my sweet blocks and I really would like to put the UGRR blocks together... and make someone some shorts...but DGD is here and she may have different plans...

hope your day is fun

Oops Kathy, looks like we posted at the same time... enjoy the mowing...
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Re: IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Post by Joannequilts » Sat Jun 06, 2009 2:53 am

Good Morning everyone!! Sunny, a little cool yet, but beautiful here! "June in Ole' Williamsburg" is going on this weekend and we live only 2 doors down from all the activity! We went to see the parade at 6pm yesterday and then to eat!! DH and I LOVE to eat!! DS2 brought the two GKs and little Ryan was beside himself with excitement over the parade...the kids love the candy that everyone throws and he is NOT shy about grabbing it! He won't be rude and try to grab it out of the reach of the other kids, but anything near him he gets!! LOL! His sister, Ashley, is 12, so she's a little shy about getting it, but I helped her.
We had a great time, visiting with everyone we knew!

This morning I have my monthly breakfast with my ex coworker at Mama's Grill. I really enjoy visiting with her and hearing all the stuff that I no longer have to put up with!! lol! It's good "therapy" for her and reminds me why I retired! lol! The only thing I miss about working is some of the people.

DH and DS2 and DSIL are all at the showgrounds working on finishing the ceiling with the tin tiles. It should be done today! We'll have dinner at the festival again, so I won't have to cook at all this weekend! Whooo Hooo!

Vivian congratulations on winning the May Lotto!! I won once just a few months after I joined the forum, too! The Lotto was the first "swap" I ever joined and I loved it! Caroline1947 was the hostess then. Have a great day with your aunt...where exactly is Germantown??? I usually ask DH where all these towns are...

Everyone have a wonderful day!!


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Re: IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Post by Joannequilts » Sat Jun 06, 2009 2:59 am

Holy cats! I must be a SLOW typer!! All three of you guys posted while I was typing!
Chriss, DON'T cut your cuticles!! I was a manicurist in the stone age and you can really mess up your cuticles by cutting them incorrectly! Just push them back after a shower, when they are soft, trim any that are ragged or torn, and use hand lotion to keep them soft. By telling you how awlful your nails are, they get you to come back to them so they make more money! lol!

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Re: IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Post by macdor » Sat Jun 06, 2009 3:24 am


Everyone is busy today. From the read sound like fun busy for most of all.

Vivian1970 - have fun putting the quilts together. Will keep a eye out for the posts when they are done.

WeSignificant - sorry to hear about the toe. I broke my big toe, I know how much that hurt. Did they put you in the funny looking shoe?

Kathy - the mowing part of your day doesn't sound like much fun. Rain makes things green, it also makes things grow. You do have a long list today. In the list take sometime for fun.

Chriss - have a great day with DGD and sewing.

Joanne - sounds like you have a fun day planned.

Everyone enjoy your Sat., take a few min.'s for yourself.


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Re: IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Post by grammiequilts » Sat Jun 06, 2009 3:31 am

Good Morning. I was up early this morning. Had my coffee and I am getting ready for a baby shower. At 12;30. It does mess up the saturday but I will play with my new machine when I get back. I haven't even opened the software package yet. I am scared to find out how dumb I am. But I do have unlimited free lessons from the shop I bought it from. Today I am going to try to make a quilt label....Well have a great day you all sound like you are going to have a great weekend.BBL

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Re: IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Post by beccasmom » Sat Jun 06, 2009 3:36 am

Good morning everyone. A friend of mine asked if I could embroider a hot air balloon on an outfit so I have to search in my programs this morning to see if I can find one before tomorrow so I can show her.

I am also still working on my king size quilt but I am quilting the outer border so it is going fast now thankgoodness.

tonight I work at Joann's but I have to get laundry done before that and at some point I want to clean my house before surgery on the 9th.

It sounds like we all have a busy day planned.



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