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Monday May 25,2009

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Re: Monday May 25,2009

Post by KATHYSQUILTS » Mon May 25, 2009 7:05 am

Good Afternoon....

The 3 windows are done!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sore, sore, sore I might need rotater cuff tranplants..LOL

Dorothy..You are in my prayers. I hope all goes smoothly for you tomorrow.

I have a tall glass of ice tea and I am going to start sewing. Happy,Happy me!!

I defrosted some groung beef to make sause & meatballs. I am feel to lazy for that I think I will just do meatsauce. I can freeze some and give some to DD#1. I think it does not work well WW..LOL


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Re: Monday May 25,2009

Post by cyberspacequilter » Mon May 25, 2009 7:23 am

Irishgram, OD..other Dorothy...
When I was having all those brain studies, my family was stunned that they found a brain but at least I finally had proof. Nah nah na boo boo to them. LOL
One of the most important scans that I had, the girl was in a hurry and she put foam blocks to place my head evenly the cage contraption for part of the scan and didn't take time to get it even. Make sure it is even so you don't have to have a "do over". I close my eyes and "veg out" I think of my favorite place or beach or I visualize quilt blocks and colors and keep my brain busy. I don't open my eyes when I am in the tube so I can be somewhere else the whole time. I just imagine the noise to be some annoying construction work nearby my escape place. HAHA
Hope this helps. Good Luck

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Re: Monday May 25,2009

Post by auntjana » Mon May 25, 2009 7:35 am

Good morning everyone - Happy Memorial Day

I am trying to type one handed - holding littlest GS going to go ride some trains at the park and then the merry-go-round

Chriss - Kyna posted the pic of the dessert block in the swap thread

Have a great day


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Re: Monday May 25,2009

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Mon May 25, 2009 8:14 am

Carol, I think your're right about adding sashing around my skimpy blocks...

Thanks Dorothy, I am putting that UGRR aside for a while.. I am finishing up my tossed 9 patch... I have to add to the backing.. I guess I measured wrong... but if I put a strip down the middle of the back it should work... my measuring skills are really going downhill... ugh... lol.

Sharon, your ice cream cone will be perfect...

O'Dorothy, prayers for a quick and clean MRI... they are noisy but like Sue I didn't open my eyes while I was in the machine either.. I just thought of other things.

Jana, I saw your dessert block.. really cool...

Well, I need to have some lunch and get back to that quilt back.. ugh...

Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Monday May 25,2009

Post by quiltnewby05 » Mon May 25, 2009 8:22 am

Can't believe the day is half over... why do holidays go so fast?

Chriss-- one of my blocks for the UGRR was just a little small too. I ironed the heck out if it, and stretched a little as I was sewing!! But since I used a dark fabric for the lattice, I would have sewn some of the fabric around it, to make it 12.5"....

Went to our parade this morning to see my niece march-- left the camera in the car!! Put my binding on the log cabin for DF, took a nap, and am going to start piecing an Irish Chain I started a long time ago. It was going to be for me, but I found a pattern I like better, so will be giving to a patient where I work.

It's a little chilly today, but beautiful day.

See ya later:)

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Re: Monday May 25,2009

Post by Quilter7 » Mon May 25, 2009 9:53 am

Chriss - You might also try spraying them with water and like Quiltnewby said iron like crazy. That will sometimes flatten the blocks out so they are the correct measurement.

I did go to the gym with my DH so I got in my exercise today. I am working on my list of sewing things. I have a long list! I haven't been sewing very much lately.

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Re: Monday May 25,2009

Post by Tulpje » Mon May 25, 2009 10:40 am


My hats off to the ones who have served this country, who are still serving and to the ones getting ready to serve.

My thoughts and prayers for our Kadie-Roo.

Judy, I am SO sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are winging their way to you.

CarIn, I'm also very sorry for your loss. I understand the extend of such an exhausting time. May God wrap his arms around you for comfort and Love.

Irishgram, this is YOUR time to prove them OH so wrong. Proof will be in those pictures that YES there IS a brain inside that pretty head of yours. A fact all of us knew allready. LOL "Oh Ye of little Faitth".

'Jester-of-the-Court', how are You doing? Do we have time to open that 'Quilting bar'?

Is our Queen Peach in excile? (I better go look that word up, it sounds good, but I have NO clue what-so-ever what it really means)
<'waving arms franticly in the air' "I am a foreigner and only speak, read and write 3 languages fluently, and enough words in 2 more languages to get me in trouble">

For us (Jeff and I) this is a day to rest, relax and reflect.

Jeff is resting and relaxing, and I am reflecting and relaxing.
I tended to my vegie plants. Took out all the weeds.

Has any one ever grown yellow squash? Each morning when I go look at them, leaves have been 'chewed on and chewed off'. I can't find any pests.
Maybe I should plant some Mary-Golds there as well? Should I add my lovely mixture of coffee grounds and banana peels there as well?

I transplanted my Morning Glories, and think I found them a perfect place along the wooden fence that devides our property from our neighbors propperty. They need early morning shade and plenty of water in well draining soil.

LOL, I had my husband buy some beer, and do you think he left me a bottle? Nope, we took it all with us to the party we went to last Saturday. So now I still have to go to my Hawthorn bush each morning to give it a hardy "SHAKE", enough so that it sends them slugs flying.

Ever since I've given my rosebushes the coffee grounds and banana peel concoction, AND the clean crushed egg shells, it is growing healthy and strong.

In the mean ime, I have not done any sewing/quilting since last week Tuesday.

I hope and pray that they have nothing scheduled at QIAD tomorrow, since Jeff will drop me off at 9am, at which point I want to do the sit'n'sew. Then at 6pm I'll join Anne Dease's class untill 9pm. We're going to have to be creative to make my 2 identical 'Orion Star' quilts from the fabric that I bought for them.

Time for me to add he remaining ingredients to my crock-pot meal. Hopefully I will get some sewing done after that. There are days I look into the mirror and go "How did THAT happen?". Know what I mean?


PS, edited to make the appropriate corrections.

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Re: Monday May 25,2009

Post by fabricgirl » Mon May 25, 2009 10:52 am

Hi all well we went shopping my DH got some stuff and I got a few more things we came back and had lunch and then I binded my quilt and it realy came nice so it's all done now Im going to prepare the chicken for the charcoal grill then after dinner I will play for a while with the wizzard but tommrow Im going to get some ink for my printer I just need black.

Lois bbl

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Re: Monday May 25,2009

Post by vivian1970 » Mon May 25, 2009 11:05 am


I watched the parade this morning and was at the cemetery service. It was just wonderful. The high school band played all the themes songs from the military and taps at the end of the service.

Then went to a birthday party/cookout. Just got back from there. It is raining so now that I can't spend any more time outside, think I will rev up the sewing machine and get some much needed sewing time in.

Nascar is having trouble finishing the race due to rain but I will keep watching while I sew.

SEW I have to go.


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Re: Monday May 25,2009

Post by mequilter9158 » Mon May 25, 2009 1:31 pm

Hello to all, Irishgram......good luck tomorrow at your mri...I've had four this past year and all have confirmed that yes, there's a brain in there (although dh sometimes thinks otherwise!). Your dr. can always prescribe something to sedate you if you feel claustrophobic (sp) and it does help. Prayers for grammiequilts with her dad's passing this day and for Kadie, her children may have left and she may be alone now. Friends of ours came over today and they planted our garden, brought over two beautiful hanging baskets & took two empty baskets & will return those filled with flowers. They asked what else needed to be planted & will take care of those tomorrow night. What wonderful friends they are and refuse any type of payment whatsoever. There's no way that I would've been able to do any of that today.

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