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SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, Sept 22nd

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SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, Sept 22nd

Post by purrfect-lady » Sun Sep 22, 2019 7:15 am

Good morning!

We've had some beautiful fall days this week with temps hovering around 68-70, but today we'll be only 62* and rainy. and that's beautiful, too!! Our nickname is the Evergreen State and this is how we maintain it! :D

Yesterday morning I got the whole house cleaned. Bill finished quilting my queen red/white/black quilt, vacuumed everywhere, 'blew' the garage and cement parking area, and picked up all the hoses, sprinklers, and timers. A very busy morning. Lee & Lara arrived about 12:30 and we really enjoyed our 4-hour visit. We went out for Mexican, which is her favorite. They won't be too near to us this week - about 50 miles north. Lee will be working every day, plus they have a lot more family and friends to see so I doubt we'll get to see them again. But it would be nice . . . We ARE on the way back to the airport . . .

I also cleaned my sewing room and made a little more progress on my gift for my Elf. Then we relaxed the evening away and slept late this morning. Today is laundry and football in front of the fire. I have no intention of going anywhere or doing anything else for the rest of the day. :)

MARY ROSE - full retirement is only 2 years away?? From your perspective, that probably seems a long time. But I was thinking you still had about 12 yrs to go. Do you have any big plans for after retirement? Or just relax and sew? And that's not a bad plan - not a bad plan at all!

JANA - I love it - "gravity hotspots"! I remember those days! Not always fondly. Nice for the family to know they don't always have to go fast food when the cook is off-duty, but can hit Mom's house for a good dinner! And it must be fun to watch the snow as it does its thing, day by day! We are deep in the tall evergreens here so we see nothing like that. Ahh, I wish it were all so simple with Ernie and the Big Bad Girlfriend. Ernie was not in the hospital yet when she got the ticket or when the accident happened. Only the missing cash (no proof she took it, but odds are in her favor), and the $750 in CC charges. Ernie made the choice to pay her bills so while we decry her taking such advantage of him (paying her bills in the range of $2,000 a month for four years), it was his choice, bad as it was. I'm trusting Karma - or Bill's sister - whichever gets her first! lol! (If you're putting money on this, go with Becky. She's pretty feisty! :D )

BECCA - I think we're all very relieve that Brodee's surgery was cancelled. Go Brodee!! and good news about Adalyn! I bet she doesn't miss her cast at all! I'm sorry to hear your wonderful CA is doing poorly. he is always on my prayer list. I just have a section on that list for your whole family!

TINA - for a sick person, your Friday and Saturday were jam-packed with action!! If you were feeling up to par, I wouldn't be able to read your posts without a nap and an energy drink! I hope you get your results quickly and they all definitive and easily addressed. Now go take a nap!

CHICKIE - Poor Tinkerbell! I hope the medication works for her. Do you know how old she is? And I do remember how silky soft her coat is, and how sweet her temperment. Give her a hug for me!! And oh, how I WISH we could recoup everything from Ms. Goldie Digger. But KNOWING and PROVING are two different things. Some we could prove, some we couldn't. Doesn't make sense to spend $$$ on a lawyer and court cost to try to recover just $. And we probably never would anyway. I'm going with the Karma/Becky plan. lol!

Supper tonite - hmmmm... maybe chicken burgers and salad. While the buns and veggies are still fresh.

Have you got a plan for your plate tonite?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, Sept 22nd

Post by gershwin64 » Sun Sep 22, 2019 8:39 am

Good morning!
Mary, I want to visit you and your evergreen state so badly, it sounds so beautiful! I hope your kids stop back by on their way to the airport. I just keep pushing myself to do what I can but I do feel like I'm being pretty lazy, I think Frankie thinks that too. Oh speaking of Frankie, he almost stepped on a rattlesnake yesterday, thankfully they were cold and not moving! He went to get the shovel to kill it and he was looking at it and noticed 2 tails! 2 of them bad boys! Now all dead!
I threw some things in a pot last night and ended up with potato soup, and was it ever good! We had an actual Fall breeze come in yesterday and really didn't need any cooler on and by 5 even the ceiling fans were turned off, we loved it! This morning a thick fog rolled in, it was awesome! I love Fall!!
Tonight Dad will be here for supper, I think I'm making pork tenderloins and need to decide what's going with them.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, Sept 22nd

Post by auntjana » Sun Sep 22, 2019 9:31 am

Good morning!

Mary - we too have evergreens here, they are just 20 miles away! LOL! Sarah was up in a canyon south of here - the fall colors have arrived. She and her DH, Matt and the oldest 3 boys were all on the same service project for a girls camp down there. Cleaning up before the snow falls. Trees, brush, etc. The church owns many properties along the Wasatch for camps, and we volunteer to run them and clean them as well. Matt's boys were there as scouts, doing service.

Tina - oh, I hate and that is not the strongest word either, snakes of any kind! They are a fear here, but since so many homes have been built in the area, they are staying farther out than me.

Church is in a few minutes. Will need to get dressed. Dinner tonight is green Hatch chili enchiladas. They are so quick and easy with precooked chicken. Then maybe some time in the Batt Cave.

Sorry, Mary, I will root for the Saints. Since the starting QB was injured, a QB from BYU is taking his place. Gotta root for the BYU kid! ;)


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, Sept 22nd

Post by Becca » Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:02 am

Hello everyone,sunny here &86.

Maryz Thanks for including my family.We always seem to have a lot of needs.Especially when you have 47 people involved.CAs COPD is so bad,that & the pain is taking a big toll.
Do hope somehow that Person whatever the name can be punished.That amount he paid her is incredible plus the truck & damages.

Tina Oh my Snakes are a big no no.I detest them.They die here unless they are black snakes.We don’t see them here anymore which Im So thankful.
If you are ever lazy that will be a big switch for you.You were busier than most people on a very hard day.Take it easy I say,you earned it.

Jana We too have evergreens but hardwoods dominate.You keep the. Snow you way.They are predictioning a hard cold Winter here,Hope They are wrong.

I’m making Steak n gravy with creamed potatoes.Hard tocook for someone who has no appetite. Becca

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, Sept 22nd

Post by rosebud3 » Sun Sep 22, 2019 1:36 pm

I haven't decided what I want to thaw for supper tonight. If I have some pork steaks that I can thaw, maybe I will make some country fried pork steaks and make some biscuits and gravy and a vegetable to go with them.

Tina, you and I should go to Mary's evergreen state together. We could make it a retreat trip. Hope you are feeling better now that the temps have cooled off a little.

Mary and Becca prayers continue for both your families.


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