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Thursday April 25,2024

Daily discussions.
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Re: Thursday April 25,2024

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Thu Apr 25, 2024 9:20 am

Good morning. This will be a great day.

So far, the plan is to package up the hamburger I bought at Costco yesterday and to also mix some up as meat loaves. I really like meatloaf. Also on the agenda is bathrooms, a load of laundry and if I feel really ambitious the kitchen could use a good cleaning. If there is time left in my day the garage is still a disaster area.

O'Dorothy, so nice that your sister lives nearby and that the two of you like each other, what fun to be you. Love a good pineapple upside down cake but try so very hard not to eat those sugar filled things anymore. I did buy some strawberries at the fruit stand and some yogurt at Costco, that will fill my yen for sweets.

Lois, after my shower I will start my only load of laundry. I also need to tidy up my sewing room but it is pretty far down on my list of things to do.

Judi, Sometimes I think I would like a trailer to pull around the country but then I think of how much I like being home. If you do get a new trailer I hope you love it. Sorry the cyst needs draining, hoping it's quick and easy. It's not worth making a pot of chili here but I did consider buying a can and a package of hot dogs. Then I saw the price of hotdogs and changed my mind.

Becca, you blessed 3 people with your snickerdoodles, how lucky they are. What are you planning on planting.?

Maryz, before I sat down to type I opened all the windows and grabbed a cup of coffee. It is just gorgeous out there. I like the EH butterflies, it will be a beautiful quilt. Funny, every time I go to the grocery store I look for clearance meat too. Our rocks are pretty stuck in the ground and the hole that would be left by trying to dig them out would put our squirrels to shame. I just didnt' do my yard work in the correct order. I should have used the weed wacker mower thing first then the weed eater around the rocks followed by the riding mower. It might be an expensive lesson, but thankfully I've learned it.

Tina, it is a perfect garage cleaning plan and I started yesterday. My goodness, so much junk, it's amazing. Jerry was many things but organized wasn't one of them. Hope that wind stays at bay so you can get some pond work done. Is there any sign your badger has moved on? Can he be trapped or smoked out. Yesterday I saw some things in the garage that ended up being smoke bombs to get rid of squirrels.

Maryq, hope you find that background fabric. Sewing machine stores and LQS's are over an hour away from me. The repair shop is just a vac&sewing machine repair shop, they have some refurbished machines for sale but nothing for me. I ordered my Singer last night, it has more features than my current machine. It's out of stock and they will ship it when it's back in stock. I also have other machines I can use in the meantime. I like Janome and have two that I have bought used. one is a 2212 the other is a 8900 Horizon. Both are good. And I have a Baby Lock Jazz2 that I can stuff a good sized quilt into for quilting. Fun to find a set of quilt blocks and whip them together.

Jana, duct tape and bailing wire, the fix for everything. Hope you can fix your oops at least long enough to finish the job

Sharon, I am glad you have extra t-shirt's. Phew!! Spaghetti sounds good. Sounds like baked spaghetti is sort of like lasagna but different noodles. God has really blessed me in many ways since Jerry's death. Things are getting accomplished and while I was concerned that I couldn't take care of this house or that I wouldn't be financially solvent I am being shown I will be ok. I'm not anxious or worried about my situation anymore.

Carol, Hi.

As I am thinking about what to do first I can already see my plans changing for the day. Funny how plans come and go.

Ugh, what's for dinner. Well I am thinking I may just have meatloaf after I package things up. Might make one for my parents too. And, since I don't have any carbs in the house, I may go buy a couple of potatoes so dad can have mashed potatoes with it.

I also need to do something with the rotisserie chicken I have in the fridge. Ugh, but what? Guess I won't know untill I get off my butt and get moving.

You all have a marvy day,
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Thursday April 25,2024

Post by WeSignificant » Thu Apr 25, 2024 9:39 am


Happy First Birthday Xavier! This is Josiah's younger brother.

Not too much else new. I think we have lotto sorted out. Still fighting the cold. No progress on my mystery quilt but did go pick up some more fabric in case I have to remake blocks.

Off to my first patient. Have a wonderful day everyone.
A Friend is God's way of making sure we never walk alone!

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Re: Thursday April 25,2024

Post by auntjana » Thu Apr 25, 2024 12:03 pm

Good thing I am married to a engineer! Between him and Sarah, we were able to jury rig my bobbin winder and I got enough bobbins filled to finish the quilt.

Also we are having a great thunder and lightning storm with tons of rain!

off to quilt!

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