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April Monday 8

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Re: April Monday 8

Post by womster » Mon Apr 08, 2024 7:34 am

Good morning!

Katy – sorry to hear you’re not feeling up to par. I hope it passes quickly. Poor Jim – he is on such a roller coaster. I wish we could meet Barney.

Judi – too bad about your trip. I’m having the same issues with my laptop – it wouldn’t connect to anything but the cell phone would.

Becca – get well soon!

Maryz – I love Ms Boot’s picture. What a party dress she is wearing. I think I’ll come to your house for dinner.

Jana – hope you’re done with straightening the kitchen and laundry in time to see the eclipse.

TinaB – enjoy your hand sewing. It can be so relaxing.

Flo – I’d love to see a picture of you both in the welding helmets.

Tina – I love roast from the crock pot. Have fun building your log cabins.

Chriss – you are in my prayers. Much love to you.

This morning is a haircut and then back to the closet to dejunk. We are having potato soup made from leftover scalloped potatoes that were put in a casserole with ham. Yum! We will get about 65% totality. My DS2 in OH is almost 100%. They shut down the schools today because it is so crazy in their town. Have a glorious day! xoxo Sharona

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Re: April Monday 8

Post by WeeOne » Mon Apr 08, 2024 7:47 am

65°, mostly sunny at the moment.

MaryZ, Thanks for sharing the photo of Miss Boots.

Yesterday I had to run to town for an ice cream cake. Learned that DQ doesn't make them. Found a Reese's ice cream cake at H-E-B. Also bought a carrot roll cake and a chocolate roll cake. There was no swarm of people. Friends came over, day was good. I have 3 votes for the floor color I was liking the best.

It's Eclipse Day. If it happened right now we'd have a clear view. Hope it's that way mid day. I talked to the ranch manager, Brad, this morning. He told me Burnet, 25 miles from me, has 80,000 people there. He also told me the reason Google maps shows our road going farther north, which is on the ranch, is because many years ago it was a highway to Kingsland with a bridge over the Llano River. I like learning the history of this area.

Chriss, Sending you Hugs and Prayers.

I need to go back and catch up on what y'all been doing the past few days.

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Re: April Monday 8

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Mon Apr 08, 2024 8:19 am

Good morning. It's going to be a productive and beautiful day today.

Happy Birthday Lois, hope it's wonderful.

I am going to go into town and get Jerry's cremation started. Jerry didn't want a service or obituary and I will honor those requests. When people ask and I say no to both the obit and services I am sometimes told what I should do. My answer is I should do what Jerry requested. End of discussion. The last thing I am able to do for him is follow his direction.
I got some weed eating done yesterday and will try to get to more today. I also emptied Jerry's stuff from the bathroom. I also want to gather up his clothes for donation tomorrow.

Also tomorrow my paper shredder will come. Once I get the piles of paper out of the house I will look a lot tidier.

I was also able to go to church last night. I missed church. It was wonderful.

Lyn, I pray your skies are clear and the eclipse is a fun event. Looking forward to hearing what Maddox thinks of it. I wish that eclipse would happen right now. As I type this the sun is about 3 inches from being out of my eyes as it shines in my window. I could lower the blind but that would mean standing up, removing a quilt from my lap and settling back in so I could continue typing. Instead I will sit wonkily in my chair and wait.

Tina, great quilt, it's going to be beautiful. Sorry Jaz didn't make finals but ranking 8th isn't bad at all. high five to her. My son was in all of those FFA contests.

O'Dorothy, woo hoo, a new baby. what fun to be you. How was dinner with your sis?

Katy, I am putting off starting the riding lawn mower, not sure how to work that machine. And I know, once I turn the key and start cruising around the property, I will wonder why I hadnt started it long ago.

Judi, sorry the trip got canceled. but at least you aren't without things to do. Are we ever without things to do?

Maryz, what a perfect picture of that beautiful little girl. Oh gosh, my heart just melted. The zoom gathering sounds like it went well, glad your Lara was there.

Jana, wow, nice to have a temple being built closer to you. Yay.

Maryq, I'll meet you at Tina's for pot roast and we will all hang out. Sorry about that store closing Seems like the world will be ruled by Amazon sooner than I thought.

Sharon, oooohhhh, scalloped potato soup. That sounds sinfully wonderful.

All righty, time to get dressed and call the funeral home. I would love to get this taken care of early in the day rather than later in the day. I also need to go to the post office and the grocery store. I think everything should start at 6am so that I can get it done and come home to do more.

I do want to say thank you for your prayers, it must be why I am doing so well.

Hope you all have a fantastic day.
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Re: April Monday 8

Post by zfatcat » Mon Apr 08, 2024 8:30 am

Happy birthday🎂 Lois. Make it a great one. Eat Cake!
Lori 8-)

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Re: April Monday 8

Post by purrfect-lady » Mon Apr 08, 2024 8:59 am

LOIS - my bad! I just realized it's your birthday! Happy happy birthday! What are you doing to celebrate? I hope you have a sparkling happy day!

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Re: April Monday 8

Post by Quilter7 » Mon Apr 08, 2024 9:41 am

Happy Birthday Lois!

We have clear skies this morning in Southern California. We will have about a 50% eclipse today. The entire United States will see at least a partial eclipse. Maryq - you and Judi will have about a 75% according to the map that was in the paper yesterday.

Chriss - My prayers are with you. I am so sorry for your loss. I know you will miss him. You have lots to make decisions on in the next few days and I am glad you know Jerry's wishes. I would like to suggest a quilt for yourself made from his shirts but don't want to offend you. Do whatever you want. (((HUGS)))

We went to the Angel vs Red Sox Baseball game on Saturday. I had invited my brother and his wife to join us as a surprise for my DH. He was so happy. Everyone had a great time. I have been working on the Intra-Guild challenge.

Maryz - Happy Birthday to Amara! The picture is adorable.


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Re: April Monday 8

Post by Quilter7 » Mon Apr 08, 2024 9:59 am

Here is a link to watch the eclipse. It runs from 10:00 AM Pacific Time until 1:00 PM Pacific Time.

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Re: April Monday 8

Post by grammiequilts » Mon Apr 08, 2024 10:19 am

The clouds have gone and the sun is shining patiently waiting for the moon to step in front of it,,,I have cleaned up the down stair and emptyed all the trash cans,,,The cans go out ot he road tonight,,,when ever ken is gone and its my turn to do it,,,I think of Joannquilts who used to post here about the excitement of watching the handsome garbagemen from her front porch on trash day,,,Now the truck just pulls up and 2 arms comeout and grab the can and empy it into the truck...no handsome trashmen here,,,,,
Happy Birthday Lois,,,,hope you have a great day, I'll have some cake please.....
My dear friend just called and invited me to supper,,,,she is single so I will join her for I think burgers,,,,
All is well...Ken arrived safely and is busy on the job...traffic here is horendous,,,bumper to bumper for the ohio/michigan border. there is a state park there that is fulled to capacity,,and all the small towns down there ( about 20 minutes from me) are packed...I just dont get it,,,even the schools are either closed or will close at lunch....xxxxoooo Happy eclipse watching, Hmmm there are 2 welding masks in my gagrage,,,xxxooo

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Re: April Monday 8

Post by auntjana » Mon Apr 08, 2024 10:32 am

Happy birthday? Lois - the whole country is celebrating!

Yes, welding helmets work - we used them here the last time, which seems to me, was just a couple of years ago. Karlie was here and they have 9nly been here about 2 years.

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Re: April Monday 8

Post by WeSignificant » Mon Apr 08, 2024 10:58 am

I am just checking in for a bit. I am actually at home. Woke up Sunday 1:45 am sick. Vomiting and the other end. Everybody went to a family memorial service so wasn't able to go to the dr (er) until evening. They ran every test they could thing of and really have no explanation. Did get out of there until after 2 this AM so came home as it's closer than the RV site.

Good think we did cuz some how, some pipe or something back filled and filled my washer with water and now it's all over the carpet. DH went to get an extractor so he is working on that now. I may just stay home for the next few days so the little ones don't get sick.

Everyone is going on a deep sea fishing trip tomorrow so they won't be there anyway. They are catching some fish but I don't really know how many.

Happy Birthday Lois! Save some cake for me, I don't think I can eat it today.

Chriss thoughts and prayers are with you. Yes, you must follow Jerry's wishes. I applaud your ability to get everything done so quickly. Dad's clothes are still handing in the closet!

Time to go back to sleep so I will check in again when I can. Have a good day.
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