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May 26th 2024

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May 26th 2024

Post by grammiequilts » Sun May 26, 2024 4:50 am

Good morning it is another warm sunny day here. I was up early and took the laundry to the room but decided it can wait til another day, if I can get Ken up we might go to home depot to get a few bags of compost to spread in the garden area...then this afternoon we will head to Nolan's graduation dinner. it is from 3 to 6 at a restuarant near us. So no cooking, We did work in the yard yesterday and i am very slow( with the bum knee) but I did get the garden area raked and cleaned up. ready for a few veggies...Liam and Ken worked on my sisters truck. So far they have ordered parts...
When I got in last night I did a couple of passes on the LA. took a shower and went to bed,,,Got there and I was sleepless in Michigan,,,Or so I thought,,,I had my book in my hand and my glasses on when Ken came to bed,,but I was asleep..
Well I am about ready to get a second cuppa and see what is on the news,,,Hope you all have a blessed sunday,,,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: May 26th 2024

Post by Becca » Sun May 26, 2024 5:29 am

Good morning everyone Sunny here Storms expected this afternoon
I am ready for Church My frig finally got fixed on Friday I lost some food but had very little in it because it’s acted up all week I’m glad it’s right now
I went to check garden here & it looks good
Friday was a very busy one My DGDinlaw took me shopping Of course I didn’t find a new swim suit so she came back found one on line and ordered it It arrives today Sure hope it works I have already returned one
Took Grands to park to play & we had
A picnic
I’m ready for Church I get ready in plenty of time School was out on Friday here
Judi I do hope you can get earlier date for knee
Maryz There was a Birthday this weekend but I may not go I had a busy week and
I Will decide this morning and let them know
I finally found me another good pair of walking shoes Been looking for months and had to return a pair that was too tight
I will get myself in gear for Leaving Hope everyone has a good weekend and remember why we have a Holiday tomorrow Thanks for those who gave their lives so we can be free

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Re: May 26th 2024

Post by purrfect-lady » Sun May 26, 2024 5:55 am

Good morning,

LYN - I'm thinking you were tired and needed a good rest! Enjoy your few days off! I'll pray for no hail! Sorry Layne can't join you in Canada. But school needs to come first and maybe next year he'll work a little harder. Scritch Minnie for me!

CHRISS - congrats on fixing your toilet yourself! It's a heady feeling, isn't it. Smart to rethink your office needs. Maybe a combined guest room with one corner being your office? My sis has a desk in the corner of their bedroom and that is their office. And yes - what LYN said. Save some of those nuts, bolts, screws, and nails. They come in so handy. And you know- an old spice rack would be purrfect for such little bits of hardware. Make it a girl's garage.

LORI - I said I had all those chores to do. I never said I was going to do them! :lol: You've made quick progress on your hexie project! Judi has inspired quite a few of us! Now we need to circle back to her again one day and return the favor.

MARY Q - So what did you end up doing yesterday? Garage or inside chores? I have some of those house uglies still to do, but 5 days ago we invited friends for supper on a date of their choosing. They said they'd get back to us after looking at their calendar. And we're still waiting. I wanted the house freshly cleaned for that dinner, so I've been saving my chores, waiting. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. And I'm with you - I prefer sewing at home, alone, in jammies or what Sue would call my "house pants". If I were to go someplace else to sew, I'd have to pack up all my fabric, tools, machine and drive there and then they'd probably expect me to keep my clothes on all day! It's just too much. :P Secret Santa! I wasn't thinking of that yet, but I have wondered about the Christmas swap. I am going to be in Alaska all of Aug, plus my sis and dbil (Al & Tina) will be here last week of July and first week of Sept.

JANA - glad all is working out for your kids and their house. What is interest rate now? My first house, bought in 1976, was 18%. We refinanced after two years and were pleased to get 16%. I bought this house in 1986 and was thrilled to get 10%. I paid it off in 13 yrs, before rates dropped again. I think my grandson, Drew, got 3% eight years ago. Last I heard they are back up to about 7% now. Timing is everything in purchasing/selling homes.

JUDI - Glad you are feeling well enough to putter in your yard and it will feel good to get in a few veggies. You are still doing graduation things! have a good time at the dinner tonite! Good to hear your Val is showing some improvement. She is working hard for it. I love your Liam!

BECCA - I hope your on-line swim suit order works for you. My friend, Susie ordered one on line and she said it fits her purrfectly! As for the family birthday party I vote you go. Life is short. Don't waste a moment of family time. You can rest next week.

So, I admitted I didn't do my chores yesterday. Bad me. I did hang out in my sewing room some and have my next four butterflies about 1/4 finished. I washed our second set of new (cotton) sheets and put them on the bed. Those bamboo sheets were so slippery we could hardly stay in the bed all night without sliding off! Didn't make for a good night's sleep. The cottons are MUCH better. Today's plan - maybe do some of those chores, and work on butterflies. My pizza last night was sliced chicken sausages with artichokes, olives, red onion, bacon bits with alfredo sauce. There is enough left for another meal but tonite we're invited to Doyle and Susie's for BBQ'd ribs so I'll be making an appetizer tray to take - grapes, veggies, olives, cheese/crackers, and bacon-wrapped dates. So, a good part of my afternoon will be spent in the kitchen.

May all your bobbins be full!

mary z

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Re: May 26th 2024

Post by WeeOne » Sun May 26, 2024 7:10 am

Overcast day in Hays, America. There's a mural painted on a downtown building with that phrase, Hays America.

Judi, Sounds like your garden plan is coming together.

Becca, Glad your frig is fixed. Enjoy whatever you decide to do today, after church.

MaryZ, Prayers answered and the nasty storms went around us. Only had a couple 5 minute showers yesterday.

Yesterday we went to IHOP for brunch. Kids and I went to HL and the grocery store. Watched a movie. I fixed beef stroganoff wrapped in crepes, less carbs, and fresh veggies dipped in Ranch dressing.

Don't know what we're doing today. I do have a T Shirt of Amanda's to repair, now that I'm with my thread box.

Hope you all have a great day.

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Re: May 26th 2024

Post by womster » Sun May 26, 2024 8:06 am

Good morning!

Judi – did Ken wake you up to take off your glasses? You inspire me to keep moving even when it’s not pleasant. Have a great time at the graduation dinner.

Becca – so glad the fridge is fixed and that you found another good pair of walking shoes. Have a lovely time at church.

Maryz – yuck to bamboo sheets (and fabric). I have heard repeatedly that it does not breathe and costs a lot. My favorite sheets are from Costco and are called hotel sheets. A bit pricey but they wear well and are SO soft. What do dates taste like? I’ve wanted to try them, but they look kind of strange.

Lyn – haha! We also call it Hays, America. So glad the storms went around you.

I could have sworn I posted yesterday, but obviously dreamed it. Today is yard day – putting in all the flowers I’ve bought and moving the pots onto the deck (well, Jim does that part). You’ll never believe it – I went out to start quilting that darn quilt (TDQ), and I did not have the correct color of thread! Oh my goodness this quilt is snake-bit. So I ordered it from Connecting Threads via Amazon, and it will be delivered today. Our UPS deliveries get here after 4, so I won’t be out with TDQ until tomorrow. Made the flight reservations for the Ohio girls to come out. Jim does not want to drive through the big three cities (Kansas City, St Louis and Indianapolis), so I plotted a course around them. We almost wrecked in KC TWICE last year (not Jim's fault), so I can understand his hesitation. Have a glorious day! xoxo Sharona

Oh forgot about dinner. Tonight is leftover pizza. We had a reuben crescent bake last night that was delicious! I had to use up crecent rolls leftover from Christmas, as well as ham and turkey slices, plus some cheeses. YUM

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Re: May 26th 2024

Post by zfatcat » Sun May 26, 2024 8:14 am

I finished the hexie top yesterday. I posted a picture in the photo section.
Lori 8-)

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Re: May 26th 2024

Post by maryq » Sun May 26, 2024 8:18 am

Good morning Girls

Happy Sunday! I've actually been up for a little while, but decided to have a cuppa, surf around facebook for a bit, then take my shower. So I'm clean now and I smell better---you're welcome!

Judi.... All that work in the yard/garden yesterday must have helped you fall asleep! Fresh Air! Do kids in MI have big graduation parties and open houses? Or dinners out? Here it's a big deal to have a big open house. Shawn and Kevin had parties, Jen had the option of a party but she chose a trip to Hawaii instead. Around here it's almost a given that parents will supply the beer.... not at my house!! A lot of kids Didn't come to Shawn's because there was no beer!

Becca.... Glad to know your fridge is fixed, at the price of food these days, you hate to lose any! Did you find some new walking shoes? Sketchers are all my all time favorite shoes. Target carries some, but there's a Sketcher Store at the outlet mall near me. It's almost time for a pair!

Maryz.... Yesterday I did Inside AND Outside chores! But by afternoon/evening when I settled down for the day I ended up making more messes that are on the list of things to do today! I was thinking about Christmas Swap too. May be we should nudge Tina for an early start!!!

Lyn... Sounds like you had a busy day with the kids yesterday! Hobby Lobby is always a dangerous place for me... not just for fabric, but since I'm into knitting baby hats these days I can't walk through the yarn aisle without some falling in my cart!

Lori... Now I don't feel so bad that I have old UFO's.! Fifteen years? I would take me at least that long to do a whole quilt by hand!

Chriss.... It's always a challenge rearranging things isn't it. Do you have 3 bedrooms? You're converting your bedroom into the sewing room, the sewing room into an guest bedroom that leaves you with one more bedroom? I kind of miss having an office for my computer and file drawers etc.. it was nice to be able to shut the door so nobody would see the mess! :lol:

So yesterday, my coffee must have had an extra boost of caffeine! OR, did you guys, when you were younger and had a normal cycle, ever have a month every now and then that you got super ambitious!! Well I think I must be getting my period because I sure got a lot of chores done. Washed floors, cleaned toilets, vacuumed. Then since it was a perfect day I washed all nine of my windows inside and OUT!! Didn't see the sewing room all day, but in the late afternoon I played with some fabric. I've traced all the shapes for Lori Holt's Bloom quilt and started picking out fabric for that. I've also been cutting up a lot of scraps into 2.5" squares thinking that they would be fun to put together while watching TV , sewing on my little featherweight!

Now my coffee is cold so I'm headed to the kitchen for warm up... then I'll figure out what I'm going to do with my day!

Hope you all find something fun to do today!

Remembering why we celebrate Memorial Day!

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Re: May 26th 2024

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sun May 26, 2024 8:57 am

Good morning. what a beautiful day today will be.

Yesterday my bed left this house and last night I slept on the couch. It was actually quite comfy. Moose got up on the couch twice and we did well. He's not thrilled with the look of my new sewing room as it is just chaos. It will get straightened out and my plan is to have my house will be in order by the time the year is up.

My parents stopped by yesterday. My dad took my cutting table home with him because it's getting loose and won't stay standing up. He will strengthen it and when he's done an elephant could get on it and it won't fall. I am blessed with good parents.

This afternoon I will go help put library books away from the book sale. I'll get there a little early to see if anything catches my eye, then this evening is church.

My bed and mattress will be here by the end of the week, I still need to purchase bedding but have time.

Judi, happy graduation dinner. I love celebrating kids. I also love being so whooped that I get into bed and don't remember falling asleep. Those good hard sleeps are, for me, the most restful.

Becca, I am always looking for a good pair of walking shoes. what did you get? Enjoy that garden and church, two wonderful things.

Maryz, I really, in thinking about it, don't need an office. I will keep my filing cabinet for now and that is all that I need. When I say I am getting rid of things I'm not getting rid of everything. I have lots of plans for this place and know they will come over time. I have sorter drawer things for screws and such, but I still could open a hardware store. I also prefer cotton sheets. Got a set once at Costco and loved them. Hoping they still have sheets out. I will order a set of flannel just like the ones I had on my big bed. They were perfect, but won't be needing flannel for quite a while.

Lyn, I'm always looking for a good movie. Seems that they either have cussing or sex in the first few minutes. That's when I change the channel. I loaded the Hallmark app on my tv, hoping to find better things to watch in the evenings. IHOP sounds wonderful, actually anything with syrup sounds wonderful. They closed the IHOP in town and now there is a place called Bag O Crab in it's place. I've never been there.

Sharon, I love a good Ruben. Funny, I often have said if I lived alone I would eat more sauerkraut and cabbage, two things I love. I haven't fixed either since Jerry died. He wouldn't eat either of them. I've had bacon wrapped dates and they are amazing. Kind of sweet and savory, you won't eat just one. I get the same sheets and also love them.

Lori, so I stopped here and went an looked at that gorgeous quilt. Not sure which would be better, to hand or machine quilt it. Either way it's a pretty quilt.

Maryq, I sure hope you saved me some hot water, I really need a shower. I like my Skecher slip ons and I have a pair of Go Walks. The only thing I don't like about them is the tread is made so that rocks easily get stuck in them. I have a gravel driveway that Moose and I walk on many times each day. I've been wearing my New Balance lately. My third bedroom has shelves in the closet rather than closet doors and to take that all out would be a huge job. Plus I no longer have the drawers. I think that room will be a bedroom/storage area and it will include my file cabinet. You really did have a boost of energy. I think sewing on that adorable machine would be fun.

So here I go, breakfast, shower, then maybe into Costco. After that it's the book sale and then church. Hope you girls have a wonderful day,
Proverbs 4:11-12

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Re: May 26th 2024

Post by zfatcat » Sun May 26, 2024 10:37 am

Hope all in the Midwest are okay. One of my friends in Northwest Arkansas got hit pretty hard with the storm. Huge trees snapped and uprooted.
Lori 8-)

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Re: May 26th 2024

Post by grammiequilts » Sun May 26, 2024 11:20 am

maryq in the past we have been to graduation parties where beer and other things were served to minors...it is sad and did you know in Michigan the parents are held responsible if the kids gt in an accident or get hurt after a party at your house... my kids were no angels and at their graduation party held in our backyard some kids brought "their own" . it is hard to controll...At Colleens party also a bckyard for family and friends we didnt serve the kids and her friends didnt drink ( as far as i know) Nolan opted out of a party he said he had plenty of parties to go to and he wanted just dinner with family and that is what we are doing...He knows his first year at college will be plenty expensive...so this was his request,,,,,xxxooo Most families are doing open house,,,but some of my friends who kids graduated from high school got a hall ,a band ,and or Dj...had it catered...to each his owm I guess...xxxooo

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