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Friday May 24

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Friday May 24

Post by Becca » Fri May 24, 2024 5:36 am

Good morning all Beautiful day here We had a really bad lightning storm yesterday and thunder I was glad when it was over
Good for gardens and farmers
I have to go & returns top that didn’t work
MyDGD is going with me
My frig isn’t working properly so they are to come about thatTgey put a new fan on it yesterday It’s less than a year old UGh
I hope everyone has a good day

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Re: Friday May 24

Post by WeeOne » Fri May 24, 2024 6:09 am

Good morning Becca and all that show up today.

We spent the night in the MH. Got down the Mtn at 6, much later than I wanted, but stuff needed to get done at house. I will fuel this morning. I'm concerned about winds today. If it gets too bad, I will stop. We have reservations starting tonight in Hays, but if it's bad winds, we may be spending the night elsewhere.

I wish a good day to all of you.

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Re: Friday May 24

Post by FlorenceM » Fri May 24, 2024 6:12 am

Tina, trees all planted! 30 trees in total.
Today is grocery shopping. Last day of school and its a half days, so grands will be here early.
Need to scoot

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Re: Friday May 24

Post by fabricgirl » Fri May 24, 2024 6:23 am

Good Friday morning,

Today Bill has a stress test so I will go with him when we get out of there we are going out to lunch.

So no sewing today I can resume that tomorrow.

Becca we had that same type of storm yesterday afternoon but the lightning and thunder was that bad.

Lynn I hope its smooth sailing for you today.

Judi how was Graduation ?

Well will be leaving soon enjoy your day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Friday May 24

Post by auntjana » Fri May 24, 2024 6:26 am

Good morning, y'all!

A beautiful start to the holiday weekend. We will be warming back up to normal around these parts.

I will be heading off to get my haircut this morning. It needs it badly. I have been behaving in not trimming my bang.. They are driving me batty from being too long. Ethan is going with us, Sarah has her appointment too. Then Ethan and I are going to lunch, a bribe, then coming here to goop up the final spots on the brick planters. Tomorrow we'll get dirt and flowers, finally!

Ethan is such a big help. He helped me move the last big heavy bookcase. It is in two pieces and we moved it with the sliders, leaving the bottom section full. Next step is taking up the old carpet. But there's a slight hiccup. We need to have a place for said carpet and there's a big trailer in my driveway, Aaron's stuff. Only until tomorrow and then the little truck will be there for loading and a dump run. It's a dance here between all the vehicles, trailers, eagle projects, floors, flowers, and who remembers what else!

So, hopefully I'll get to sew today.

Enjoy your weekend. Remembering all those who serve for us,


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Re: Friday May 24

Post by purrfect-lady » Fri May 24, 2024 6:42 am

Good morning,

It's going to be a cool day here, only reaching 51 deg. It might be a great day to sew! :D

JUDI - congratulations to Nolan! I think he'll do well in life - look at all he's achieved already! He gives you good reason to be proud. Is the knee better this morning?

JANA - We tried having our grandsons do basic yard work last fall after we left for TX. Next winter, I think we'll hire out, too. Good news on Aaron's house. I bet they are excited! How far away will they be from you? Are you removing your old carpet yourself or having the carpet guy do it? Bill slit ours into 4' strips, rolled them up tightly, and secured them with duct tape and hauled them outside. We put one roll into the garbage can every week until it was finally gone. But it saved us a few hundred dollars by doing it ourselves.

CHRISS - we bought a 3" foam topper for our trailer bed. It's incredibly comfortable. Because our trailer is our guest room, many folks have slept on that bed and everyone remarks how comfortable it is. But it's also warm. Any you're not supposed to use electric blanket or mattress warmer with them. Could you put that big desk to use where it's at? I forget which room it's in and what that room is going to be. I use my dad's old desk as a work table in my sewing room.

TINA - what kind of shot did your dad get? I know they do some injections using stem cell therapy that is pretty effective. What a bummer about Jazmyne's car but she is so lucky you and Frankie are always there for her. I think holding geraniums over is possible but it might depend on the variety. I had a really pretty one once, I think it was a Martha Washington, and I just put the planter in the garage where there is a big skylight. No water. The next spring - there was new growth! It lasted 3 years.

BECCA - that is great that your church gives away veggies to anyone who needs them. And you get to be a part of it! Bad news about your fridge! Is it your fridge or was it in your apartment when you moved in? I hope it's still under warranty.

LOIS - I wish your hubby good results on his test!

LYN - Our bed is an I-10 (just like the interstate! :lol: ) and I have it set at 40. For the second morning now I've not had a sore low back when I woke up. Maybe my chiropractor won't be able to get that new boat after all! I've never heard of mattresses exploding. Our fiver has a residential mattress - I forget what brand - with the 3" foam topper. Even after about 9 years it's still SOOO comfy. Are you off to Kansas tomorrow or today? Be safe! I hope you put your hand over the dollar amount when fueling your MH! But at least it has to be cheaper than here. Diesel here is $5/gal, give or take a dime. Is Layne going with you or joining you later? It seems all you've done for the past 6 months is rush rush rush. I hope we all get to relax when you get to Canada!

MARY Q - 2 weeks! You better get crackin' on that garage sale! Anyone else joining you or just you and Katie? Maybe you should have gone to ARkansas with Katie. You could have dropped in to visit KC! :lol: Yes, so far we are liking our new bed. But I don't think Foxy is a fan. He seems to be sleeping more at the foot of the bed rather than on the pillows. I know some folks don't use a top sheet if they have a duvet. So much easier to make in the morning. But personally - I want a top sheet. We had to give up our mattress warmer. When you use the adjustment feature and raise the head of the bed, it can crack the wires in a warmer over time. So we'll get an electric blanket instead. But no rush as we're coming into summer now. As for hair and nails, I had one pharmacist tell me to take Biotin, which helper her hair/nails recover from the effects of chemo. Both my sister and I took it for a year. Nothing. Have you let Ferry out of her box and taken her for a spin yet?

VAL - You have your dad's uniforms? And a kilt??? If no one in your family wants to save them perhaps a museum? They use them in dioramas, etc. Yes, 'twas I who was asking if you have all your fabric out of your shed. I remember you putting up the shed and storing your material in there when Dad came to live with you. I can't lift boxes either. If Bill's not around, I empty out boxes (and grocery bags, etc) in place and carry items individually. Time consuming, but I get my steps in! And yes, we would never deprive Foxy of a comfy place to sleep - after all - he is the CAT! He always wants to sleep as close to me as he can get. Even right this moment, he's snuggled up against me as I type. Every morning. We have our routine.

FLO - how is everything growing that you've been planting? Trees? Flowers? Veggies? I'd be taking a nap, too!!

I'm not sure what I did yesterday. Made a big pot of split pea soup for one. It's my favorite. We'll have it again tonite and I put enough in the freezer for another meal. I got a little more work done on my butterflies and hope to get the next four finished today and start cutting out another set of four. Since there are four of each kind I make those four at the same time, assembly-line fashion. We might go to Costco to get new glasses ordered for Bill. I should have waited for mine so we could go together. We have no special weekend plans other than go to dinner at Doyle and Susie's on Sunday.

I hope we all get to have some quality time with our machines today! And I don't mean the clothes washer!

mary z

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Re: Friday May 24

Post by maryq » Fri May 24, 2024 6:55 am

Good Rainy Morning!

According to Alexa it's going to be rainy all day long!!! Guess it's a good day to stay inside and sew right? I had plans to run to Target today for a few things, but might wait until tomorrow. This morning I do have a funeral to go to. My neighbor, Jim, across the parking lot from me passed a couple weeks ago. He was 92.

Becca... We had a little thunder here this morning! And it's looking pretty wet outside now! But you're right... it's good for the flowers and the farmers! And it will save on watering the lawns around here.

Lyn... Wishing you calm breezes and not high winds!! Are you headed to Canada by way of Hayes this weekend? I hope you don't run into a lot of holiday traffic.

Flo.... Holy Moly .... that's a lot of trees!

Lois... Hope Bill passes his stress test with flying colors and going out to lunch after is a great idea!!!

Jana.... There's just something about a good hair cut that can a huge difference in how you feel!! Do you have to remove the carpet yourself? When I had Home Depot do my carpet last fall, they ripped up and hauled it away for free! No way could I get it all out of here!

Maryz.... Yup, Miss Ferry Vivienne is up and running. I've been watching youtube videos, so far from what I can tell, she's pretty clean inside. Glad you like the new bed. I'm with you, gotta have a top sheet. The "Hail, skin, nails" gummies are just that BIOTIN... we'll see if they make a difference.

Looking at the clock here I'm thinking I better get in gear. If I get a chance I'll come back and check up on Chriss and Valerie and Tina and the rest of the group.

Wishing you all a Wonderful weekend and Thank you to all who have served our nation!

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Re: Friday May 24

Post by WeeOne » Fri May 24, 2024 7:08 am

Yes, we are headed to Hays, today, for the weekend. Tuesday we'll go to Grain Valley, MO, for 2 weeks. See our Dr and Garry will have some Chelation treatments. Then June 12th we head for Canada.

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Re: Friday May 24

Post by gershwin64 » Fri May 24, 2024 7:26 am

Good morning everyone 🌞
Maryz, Dad said the injection has some kind of acid in it and it forms a gel, he said he's kinda sore from the actual injection but he now has no knee pain at all ❤️
I hate to be so zoom through but we've had winds and my flowers and lilacs need some extra TLC and water and I want to get out there early before the sun gets too strong, I'll try to get back later.
You all have a great day!
Prayers for those in need 🙏

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Re: Friday May 24

Post by grammiequilts » Fri May 24, 2024 8:07 am

Good morning (Almost lunch) I am late to the party...I was up cleaned up the kitchen made the bed and had some stuff to take to the basement...Got down there and the photo table was calling to me..I did finish up all the kids albums and still need more albums to put the rest of the photos in...many are old family photos from my mothers collection...I do have them sorted, Kens family too.there are tons more of colleen and many are dublicate already in her albums( yes plural),,the baby of the family has more than anyone else..but there is light at the end of the tunnel....I also have 2 envelopes of friend photos...Some are getting maile to folks we dont see or talk to anymore...they were friends of friends who died so not ours but I have photos of their kids when they were bab ies and thought she might like to have them...and the dead friends kids are getting photos of thoer parents I have a lot of... I have contacted them already and they said yes,,, Then I will be done with the photos,,I will print anything new and add it as I can....I hope they appreciate the hours and hours of work that wnt into it, off my bucket list...phew!!!
Graduation was long hot and emotional...I cried at my high school graduation...I hated leaving school...but these kids are a small class only 50 and they were pretty boo hoo. mostly the girls,,,Sophia cried too as she feels like she is losing her older brother...they are pretty close..But we are very proud of nolan and all he has done and will do...
I did start to quilt the #2 quilt and will see how much I can get doe today...Liam will be here this afternoon to dig up the tulip bulbs to store til fall...My other DDIL wants them I have about 50 that I can find but I cannot dig,,so Liam will dig and I will retrieve them for storage..them tomorrow Ken will til up a small patch for a garden,,2 each of tomato pepper and cucumber,,they grow along the fence and the fence acts as a trellis for them...it easy for me to access..and we shall see how that does...I will need to go up to the home depot for some compost,,,
My knee is a bit better today I think the water pill with all its issues has reduced the fluid in my knee making it feel a lot better....so we wait for the appt and or an earlier one,,,They have a wait list,,,

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