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Thursday May 23,

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Thursday May 23,

Post by grammiequilts » Thu May 23, 2024 4:12 am

God morning It is another 80+ day here, I dont mind the heat but the AC has been running a lot and I do mind the huge utility bills, Since we sleep upstairs it is always hot up there,,,Yes I am the same person who complains about the cold...

tonight is Nolan,s Graduation...It is happy/sad. The ceremony is in the gym with bleachers for seating...I therefore will take the seated walker and try ti stay out of the way...I cannot climb the bleachers..( no railings to hold on to) The swelling has gone down a little and the water pills kept me busy yesterday and will today also.
I have laundry to do and one load is in...I have 2 more. I only got one bathroom cleaned so the other will be today...It is right off the laundry room so I am good. After laundry I may do some quilting,,sewing room is right off the other bathroom...planning is everything,,Hope you all have a great day,,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo

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Re: Thursday May 23,

Post by fabricgirl » Thu May 23, 2024 5:04 am

Good morning,

Judi I'm glad some of your swelling is leaving and also you have bathrooms close by.
I hope you have a great time at the graduation.

Today it will be 73⁰ and rainy and cloudy I'm working on my cat blocks and I have a load of clothes in washing and will do 1 more load of clothes then thats done.

I don't know what will be fore dinner I haven't gotten that far yet.

Well thats all the news from here have a great day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Thursday May 23,

Post by purrfect-lady » Thu May 23, 2024 5:20 am

Good morning,

JUDI - happy graduation day! We had to sit in the bleachers for Drew and Alec's graduations, too. Ugh! I was a young woman of 61 back then, though. At least, with the walker, you will be assured a seat! Your day is all planned out - close to bathrooms! But glad you are seeing a little improvement. You seem awfully warm for Michigan. This is just a temporary heat wave you are having? I hope you can get into your dr soon. A few weeks ago we tried to make appts for our annual Medicare exams. The soonest they could get us in was December. That doesn't work for us, so we are seeing the ARNP instead in Oct.

TINA - I hope you slept better last night. Good that Dad is going to the orthopod. Glad he got in! Wouldn't it be nice if they could help him without surgery. Sorry your heat is already hitting. They say it will be a hot summer.

CHRISS - Costco has mattresses on sale right now. They deliver or you can order on line I believe. When I forget to thaw something for supper, I use a quick thaw method - put the sealed package in a pan of hot water an cover with a lid. Two chicken breasts will thaw in 30 minutes, though occasionally I have to refresh the hot water. And yes, I've used flannel as batting several times for very large quilts, quilts going to people in a hot climate, or quilts that already have an extra layer of fabric in them, like my crazy quilt. My hexie quilt has extra fabric because I didn't trim the excess from each hexie, And since I often back my quilts with flannel, I have a lot of scraps so I sew them together for this purpose. I'm saving my old king flannel sheets to use, too, as they are still in good condition.

JANA - glad things are all working out at your house. Old houses sold, camping fun, Mr. Grumpy's meds getting squared away, flooring on the way, and back to sewing! What are you working on? I hope you got a reasonable quote for yard maintainence. I got a quote for our yard and it was $900/4hrs/2men. Yikes! We'll do it ourselves for that.

MARY Q - When is your garage sale? And where is it? Glad you got your Cologuard test into the mail. One less thing to worry about. I've only been in our Tacoma Joann's once in the past year. I did notice dirty floors, broken bathroom fixtures, and no staff to help with questions, etc. Same with Michael's.

SHARONA - Like everything else in life, eye glass fashions change. They keep frames in only for so long and after a while, they stop making lenses to fit frames they no longer sell. It's a pither but that's the way it is. You have some big travelin' plans this summer! Your dad will be 90 in August? My brother will be 90 next March. How is your dad doing?

LOIS - rainy days and cats go together! Enjoy your project!

BECCA - you have summer events in your courtyard and you can see right from your patio? Sweet!! How was family night last night?

Yesterday we got our new bed. Foxy seemed to notice that he had less real estate so he was crowding me a little. I like the bed, but not the sheets we bought - they are bamboo and very slickery. I like flannel about 7 months of the year and cotton the rest of the time. But I will say, when I got out of bed this morning, my back wasn't as sore as it was yesterday with the old bed. My plan today is to keep plugging away at my butterflies. They are slow going. I never got my split pea soup made yesterday as we decided to go with leftovers so I'll make it today instead. Bill also wants grilled cheese sandwiches.

Happy Thursday!
mary z

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Re: Thursday May 23,

Post by FlorenceM » Thu May 23, 2024 5:41 am

Yesterday out the door early. Joe had his appointment for his physical to keep his class A license. Then we hit Sam's Club. We did get a nice long nap.
Then Granddaughter & Granddog came over for a bit.
Not sure what today will bring besides floors and laundry.

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Re: Thursday May 23,

Post by auntjana » Thu May 23, 2024 6:49 am

Good morning!

It's wind blowing season! We are so windy that I'll need to check the GPS for where my house has blown too!

I, with Mr Grumpy moved one of our smaller bookcases last night. Fully loaded too! I love those furniture slider thingys. Today will be the second bookcase , that's in my front room. Mr Grumpy has had that bookcase since before we were married, nearly 50 years ago. This old brain thought as we were clearing that room, good, I can give it a good vacuuming! Oh silly me, vacuum a rug that is getting ripped out, oh my not!

I'm just slowly working on OWL. No word yet on my landscape maintenance cost.
With most gone this weekend, Sarah wants to do dinner with us on Monday, a BBQ. She wants a brisket, but Aaron's gone. But mom has one already smoked by Aaron in the freezer, so we'll slice it on my meat slicer thin, and warm it in the oven for sandwiches. A Mac or potato salad too.

So in a few, I'll move that bookcase, and then head down to sew.


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Re: Thursday May 23,

Post by WeSignificant » Thu May 23, 2024 7:01 am

Good mornong ladies, thought I posted yesterday but must have just thought it in my head? Too many things in my head lately I guess. I have all my cutting done for the retreat. My Zen pattern and a log cabin I cut on the Go Big. I will also bring my BOM blocks. We've been doing 2 a month for those. Yesterday I did get finances settled for Dad's estate and checks mailed out. Will have the tax lady do the K1's next week sometime. Now to figure out what to do with the clothes and all that stuff. I do have a friend who has a friend who is in need of clothing so that will take care of some of it. But what to do with his last AF uniform, Kilt, and those special things? But not today.

Today is one patient, may drop by the quilt shop and see about a Go Me which is a small Go that is much more portable. The 8 inch block set also has very usuable dies such as 2.5 inche squares and 2.5 x 4.5 rectangles. I am thinking to purchase those. I have some charting to do, Relias classes, go visit the grocer, and still working on fabric sorting. I am pretty much down to just the scraps that need to be cut into usable sizes. and those 1/3 yd, 1/4 yd pieces I may leave whole for things like lotto or scrappy quilts. I think it was Maryz asked if I had my stuff out of the shed, that would be no. It is still all there. I really want to redo the shed but have to wait till someone can come help DH. I just can't be lifting all that stuff. I need to move my quilting stuff to wear I can easily find it.

Judi I do not envy your weather. I am so not a sun person. Yes, the utility bills can be a challenge. Hope those water pills are done working before the graduation. I understand your happy/sad. So proud of them and such an accomplishment but also the start of a new era in their lives. Does he have any specific post graduation plans?

Lois do you have much humidity there? I love rainy and cloudy! Thinking the 73 though may make it humid?

Maryz split pea soup is one of my favorites. Nobody else here likes it though so unless I buy me a can of it, I don't any. I try not to do that because the salt content is so high. Wow, that is a long time to wait for a medical appointment. Hope you stay well until then! Please assure that Foxy has room to sleep, he needs his beauty sleep afterall. My retreat is Friday, Saturday and Sunday. 9 am - 9 pm Fri and Sat, 9am - 5 pm Sunday. It is 24 miles from my house so not too bad. I usually don't take a lot for my headaches but when they are bad it takes 800 mg IBU and 1000 mg of Tylenol, 2 doses 6 hours apart and the headache will usually go away. But sometimes, they are there to stay a bit.

Flo sure wish my, well let me think that Grandkid thing again. They show up and it always costs me $$ so I think they can stay home. Now if my DD could just bring the GGK for a bit that would be fun.

Sharona what did the doctor say about the nail and hair problem? Wondering if those shampoos work.

Chriss I do not think I could buy a mattress online. I have to try it out, lay down on it, inspect it, all those wonderful things and then sometimes still complain about it!

Well I guess I have things to do so will get on my way. Have a great day everyone.
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Re: Thursday May 23,

Post by maryq » Thu May 23, 2024 7:30 am

Good morning Girls

Happy Thursday! Looks to be a beautiful day here today and while I did spend a little time in the garage, I'm thinking I should take advantage of the beautiful weather and go out and do some more "pre garage sale" work out there. Only trouble is.. I find pretty fabric and I get an idea of something to make and it ends up back in the house!

Judi... Aren't water pills fun!! You plan your whole first 6 hours of the day around potty stops. If you have HCTZ, generic for Lasix, it's named that because "It lasts six hours" Get it? I learned that from a TV show! :lol: :lol: I used to take that, then they changed me to something else with a long name, but with the same results. Add a little coffee to the HCTZ and you ain't going nowhere for a while! :lol: :lol: I think you can store geraniums over the winter... You cut them all the way down and keep them in a cool dark place, no water and they can come back. Katie does it all the time, but she can keep them in her insulated garage where it won't freeze.

Lois... Are you doing the Cats in Pajamas quilt? Scrappy or planned colors?

Maryz... Our garage sale is June 6 & 7 and maybe the 8th.. we haven't decided yet if we are going to go all 3 days. YIKES that's 2 weeks!! I better get in gear!! It will be in the little parking area between Katie's and my garage. I even thought perhaps we'd make my garage the "garage sale" and the put the "Craft sale" in Katie's garage. Katie's been in Arkansas visiting her sister, but will be home sometime to day so we can figure out it. I have 4 tote boxes full of KC's fabric that I hope to get rid of--if it doesn't sell I'll find a place to donate it to! So far you like your new bed? Did you know that it now seems to be a thing that folks don't use a top sheet? Just the bottom and blanket!

Flo... A trip to Sam's Club sure deserves a nap!

Jana... Aren't those sliders the bomb!! I have a set and they sure come in handy. I've had to move my Auntie's Singer sewing machine (1951 in the cabinet) a few times, so I just have left the sliders under it. You must have a LOT of books!!! I do enjoy reading a good book and haven't gotten carried away buying them at Goodwill or garage sales. Viv sent me home with a pile too. Only I have no book shelves... they all sit on the mantel of my fireplace.

Valerie.. You get migraines? I have a friend that gets them occasionally and can usually tell when one is coming... she slams 2 Tylenol and a can of coke and can usually nip it. I've had nasty headaches, but not migraines and 2 Excedrin is my go-to cure. Knock on wood I haven't had one for quite a while. I'm with you, not a sun person either, never was one of those folks that could lay out and get tan.

Sharon... What did your Dr. say about hair loss and finger nails? I am trying some shampoo I bought on Amazon, tho when that's gone I'm going to try some that Lois's grand daughter Olivie recommended. So far I don't see any difference, but it's only been a week or so. I did find some great nail polish as Walmart the really DOES work keeping my nails better. I have terrible ridges just like my Mom, and I think I heard that's from Folic acid deficiency. Dr. was going to put me on a supplement for that, but my copay was over $400. so I said forget it! I did buy some Hair, skin, Nails supplement gummies... but I'm sure it will take a while to see any difference.

Chriss.... Might be a good idea to test a mattress before you buy it. If you order one online and it sucks, it's a real pain to return! My DDIL Kris buys a lot of stuff from Wayfair and I guess they are good about return. She's even bought a toilet from Wayfair. Personally I think they are a little pricey--though they have nice stuff. Oh how I'd love to have you come visit my garage! :lol: :lol:

Tina... Don't you agree...having a hyster was one of the best things you've ever done! I used to say I wish I could have another one because I felt so good after the first one! :lol: :lol: It's so nice to go somewhere with out planning it around your cycle! but now I have to carry Poise Pads where ever I go! :lol: :lol:

Looks like the new plug for my Featherweight will be coming in the mail today!! OH BOY!! I'm so excited to try it out! Though I think I'm going to see if I can find a Youtube video on how to clean/oil it. I have no idea how it's been just sitting in its case.

For now I better get to work, I did bring in some fabric yesterday, some scraps I want to cut up and some fabric to measure and price so I think I'll work on that project today. I dug up some backings for some small quilts I can do myself, so I may get that organized today too!

Wishing you all a most wonderful day!

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Re: Thursday May 23,

Post by WeeOne » Thu May 23, 2024 7:36 am

Clear blue sky morning on the Mtn. Last one for me to see for a while.

Judi, Congrat's to Nolan. We have a Nolan in our family now. On Mother's day my nephew and his wife had Nolan Michael Hansen come into this world. Glad the swelling is down some. As for Geraniums, yes they can winter over. My Dad would put the pots in the garage a couple feet from door. The plus was the garage door was fiberglass and light shined in. When they were wintering in AZ and before we started traveling, I would give them a little water each week. In the spring he would trim them back and set them out. Some of those plants were several years old. Hmm, I don't know what my brother did with them, when Dad moved to the senior apt.

MaryZ, What number did you decide on your bed? The MH bed I have set at 37, don't remember the TX bed #. I do have to watch MH bed as we come up in altitude and adjust it. I have read on Newmar FB of people not adjusting and bed popped. So Bill took Nova's class. She's a nice lady and I learned a lot and have now forgot some, but the cheat sheets she has really helps.

Becca, It's so good to read your posts. You seem more at home now and enjoying the place.

Jana, With all those Gkids, don't you have one or two that could do the yard work and keep the money in the family?

Valerie, Enjoy the retreat, it sounds like fun. I've never gone to a retreat.

Hexi's.....I have mine in a small tote with fabric to put them on. Carried it to Canada last year but couldn't work on it, because I left the Bernina in Colorado. I'm going to zig zag them on blocks. Since I'm taking the Bernina this time, maybe I can get some done. Y'all have given me that itch to gett'er done.

MaryQ, You slipped in just before I posted. I had a hyster at 28 yrs old, best thing ever!! I'm sure you can get Folic acid supplement at the store or online and not cost that much.

We got down the Mtn yesterday and had our blood work done. Then went to the Waffle House for breakfast, it's not too far from Transwest. I took the MH for a test run this time and all was good, so hooked up the Jeep and took it back to our garage. I parked it outside and we went to Ft Collins. I returned my old phone which gives me $1,100 credit, so new phone only cost me a few dollars. Had to get new tags for the Lund boat. Had a few other stops to make then back to the MH. I had loaded the Jeep with my Bernina, sewing tote, flowers and some other stuff, so had to unload it. I was going to fill the tank but it was after 5 and I was tired. We stopped and got a Papa Murphy's meat pizza, with extra cheese. We like cheese.

Today I have to get the Jeep packed with fishing gear, our pills, CPAPS, etc. I need to do a couple loads of laundry before we close the place up. Hope to get down the Mtn early enough to get MH out and go fill the tanks, diesel and DEF. Then park outside of garage building and we will spend the night, that way we can get an early start for Hays tomorrow. Don't know what's for dinner. DH will probably want to go to Johnson's Corner Truck Stop just a block down the road, but I don't think the food is as good as it once was.

Whatever you are doing, may God bless your day.

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Re: Thursday May 23,

Post by Becca » Thu May 23, 2024 8:24 am

Hello Ladies I had repair man coming about my frig so I had to get dressed and everything done plus got my walk in before they come Fan was gone on it& it’s less than a year old Makes you real
Maryz Our garden at Church is gathered And put on tables for people to take what they want we have a real good variety of vegetables
Here I only have tomatoes cukes and peppers
Valerie the Twins have had sign language I’m not sure how much We just keep praying he will talk
Hope your little one is improving
Judi Glad you have a seat to sit on Yes it’s tough to see them go on their own but it’s happy too
Oh the fun of water pills lol
Tonight I choose grilled chicken with broccoli
Last night I had one of the best salads I’ve ever had One of my DGSs wife made it for me It was great We have really great salads at Chuch too
Have a great day to all

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Re: Thursday May 23,

Post by gershwin64 » Thu May 23, 2024 8:32 am

Good morning everyone 🌞
Judi, glad the pills are working for you and that bathrooms are close by.
Maryq, yes I felt great after my hysterectomy! I took water pills for several years and now I'm in the same boat as you, if I sneeze........
I think Wayfair is pricey too.
Lois, I'm putting in my order for your beautiful 73*, rainy and cloudy day ❤️
Maryz, so glad your back is doing better today, I hope it continues to be better with your new bed. Dad got the injection and says he's at least 90% less pain, he was walking a lot better last night.
Flo, are you all done planting trees now?
Jana, we usually move furniture on cardboard on carpet or old towels on the wood but maybe I should get some of those thingies for future, they sound great! Yard maintenance here is all over the place, some charge $10 an hour which I think is reasonable and others charge by the week for regular scheduling but there's some that want to make a weeks wages off of a days work, I hope you find a reasonable one.
Valerie, I can just picture you with your Go getting all organized with all your cutting, very cool. Enjoy your retreat!
Lyn, I saw on Pinterest hexi's sewn together with a cool decorative machine stitch, I want to try it. I think I saved it, I'll send you the pic if I did, I thought it looked so neat and pretty. I'm lucky if my geraniums last through the summer outside, I wish I could get them to last longer.
Becca, do you have to pay for a new fridge or does the management pay for it? And under a year old, that's crazy huh. I love good salads!
Jazmyne broke down in her car last night, I had to pull it home in the dark with Frankie's truck while Frankie drove her car, I was not a happy camper about that! It's dangerous enough in the daytime but at night.....we got home at 11:40pm. At least there was hardly any traffic and Holly followed us to our road with her emergency flashers on so we didn't cause an accident.
I need to go water my roses and trees and hopefully today I'll get my May lotto blocks done.
We have leftovers for supper: tamales, Chile rellenos and spanish rice.
You all have a great day!
Prayers for those in need 🙏

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