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Tuesday April 23

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Tuesday April 23

Post by Becca » Tue Apr 23, 2024 4:43 am

Good morning everyone Going to be a wonderful sunny warm day here Hope your day is filled with love and joy and sewing ๐Ÿงต
I have 2 early Dr appts back to back One for shots & bloodwork Sure hope itโ€™s better
Maryq Yes that was Kathy
Lynn Iโ€™m doing well Have made lots of friends and have a wonderful Church that I love the people & Pastor and have lots of friends there
Chris Iโ€™m glad you are accepting some help
We all need help sometimes I find it hard to accept it
I hope all the sick are healing and all your problems Small
I must run to go. Becca

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Re: Tuesday April 23

Post by fabricgirl » Tue Apr 23, 2024 5:14 am

Good morning,

Just finished breakfast and going to get my day started its sunny here but not warm we are suppose to be in the 60's today.
Yesterday I got the pineapple blocks together just need a border on so in between wash I will do that.
For dinner tonight we will have leftover chicken alfredo so no cooking just heating and eating.

Becca So glad your posting again have a great day.

Prayers go out to all.
Have a great day.

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Re: Tuesday April 23

Post by purrfect-lady » Tue Apr 23, 2024 5:41 am

Good morning,

BECCA - it sure is good to have you back "in the fold"! I hope your dr appts both go well today. Were you able to finish your baby quilt before you got sick?

LOIS - oooh, I can't wait to see your pineapple all finished! We'll be doing a simple "heat'n'eat" for supper tonite, too!

TINA - I think putting the stinky pond scum down the badger hole might be a good idea. On the other hand, I've heard how mad badgers can get. . . .

CHRISS - I'm a fan of cross body purses, too. Makes it harder to be a victim of purse snatchers, and it leaves my hands free to fondle fabrics, plus less stress on my shoulders which makes my chiropractor happy. You are making rapid progress on everything. How were your parents doing? Did you take your dad some deviled eggs?

LYN - you are off to the coast - safe driving! What day do you leave there for the summer?

MARY Q - no, I've never dreamed I had another baby, but I've often wondered if I did, what it would be. Not a Freddie for sure!! We already have/had 5 of them in our family, plus 2 pets, and a rattler my sister killed and then, for reasons unknown to normal people, promptly named it Dead Fred.

JANA - Did you finish that Star quilt for your nephew? You said you have a bit left to go on it. Definitely, kids need bike buddies these days! Congrats on finishing your Kimberbell project!

JUDI - did you get those HST's finished? After doing something like that it's a long time before I want to tackle it again. How is your knee? Do you think your anti-inflammatory efforts are working?

Yesterday I measured, ironed, and pieced backings for the next two tops I have finished, plus I put a fat binding on Cat Christmas - the one I forgot to add a border to. It works. Bill started quilting Posies with a sweet meander pattern with daisies. I'm not sure what I'm going to do today. I have two more Cat Christmases cut out. I might start one of them or I might start on something else. I have 3 that I HAVE to have finished by mid-July, but I have four more projects that have to be done by October. Not to mention 5 projects still kitted up from last winter's travels that never got done because I was too busy playing Gramma to sew! ๐Ÿฅฐ So you probably won't be too surprised to hear that we've nixed the three baby quilts. It's not like we even know the parents and we're only casual friends of the grandparents. We'll just get three gifts. I'm not even going to make receivinb blankets.

Now it's time to check the fridge for supper tonite so I don't find myself making PB&J's at 7pm. We should probably have Tacos since it's Tuesday but I think we have a choice of leftover chile relleno casserole or leftover chicken cacciatore. Fresh veggies are gone so no salad tonite but we do have peas in the freezer. Tomorrow - new food!

All for now!
mary z

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Re: Tuesday April 23

Post by grammiequilts » Tue Apr 23, 2024 6:15 am

Good morning I am up but not moving well Knee hurts today. I took tylenol ( all i am allowed to use). He told me to try Voltaran but I havent gotten any yet, I iced it and that seems to help/ Now to get some chores done...Ive started this post 3 different times and got side tracked.
I did get all the HSTs squared up last night,,,now to press them opened...then 13 blocks to go...Its slow but I will get there.
Tomorrow I have my nieces husband coming out to spray for the carpenter bees that are drilling holes in our lean- to. ..We normally do not use pesticides around the house...we dont spray or use chemicals but this is bad...So we are getting them taken care of...He will also coat the house with a deterant to keep bugs away from the house....they wont land on it but it doesnt kill bees are any benificial bugs...I have it done 3 times a year and it keeps the wasps out of my window tracks and the spidies out of the basement. But it doesnt harm anything,,, As if it was an omen I opened the back door and there was a honey bee stuck between the doors...As I went to open the door it landed on my hand...( they dont sting unless threatened) So I said good bye and let him out...he promptly flew away.. We dont see a lot of honey bees here but Im hoping there is a hive near by. I have a friend who raises bees and their honey is so good. We used to have someone on this forum who raised bees and she had good honey also.....
Hope you all have a good day,,,,Speaking of baby quilts my neice is having a baby she has a 9 yo son and has been doing IVF,,,finally they ran out of money for it and decided to just not have anymore kids.....she suddenly got pregnant on her own...this is my sister' s family,,,they have all boys in the family and my late brother in law was from a family of 12 boys. My sister has 4 grandsons....this one is a GIRL...so a very excited bunch they are,,,but I wont be making a baby quilt either,,,,I will leave that to my 2 other quilting sisters...XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooo

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Re: Tuesday April 23

Post by WeeOne » Tue Apr 23, 2024 6:18 am

Time to pack up the Jeep and head for the coast.

MaryZ, We will leave the coast on the 29th, heading for Nappanee, IN.

A plus having the kids here, there was only room to pack our 'must haves' since they had suitcases and such. So, I don't have much to pack in the Jeep. There will be room. Gee, I could take a tote of fabric, but don't need more projects on board right now.

May you all have a Sew fine day or a Sew fun day.

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Re: Tuesday April 23

Post by auntjana » Tue Apr 23, 2024 6:38 am

Good morning!

Another beautiful warm day here. I'm so good with that!

Yesterday we had a nice surprise. Our friend, who's assembling my brick planters in the front yard stopped by and started. He got one done and ready for the cap stone. Even got started on the second., longer planter. They look wonderful. He didn't have anything to do, so he came here. I have had all the brick since we moved in. I had a planter for years in the front, but the earthquake we had about 5 year's ago, broke that one apart. He's helping another friend with a dry stack rock wall, to help keep her house from flooding- that happened last year, so he'll be back in a few days. Then I'm off for bags of dirt and lots of flowers! I have a sale catalog from where I get my tulip and other bulbs and so will order a bunch from them too. These bulbs won't be here until fall planting. Always need more bulbs!

Just a few quick uglies this morning, then I'll get to sew in the Batt Cave. I would like to get a ufo on my LA. I have everything ready, just need to cut the batting. I have a huge roll, but I'm not happy with the thickness, too thin, so I'll double up the batt until it's gone. I have 90 yards, so it will be awhile! But there are plenty of ufo to help! I'm trying hard not to buy anymore fabric until I get what I do have, done. We'll see how long I hold out. I'm getting nasty grams from some of my LQS shops, that they miss me!

Well, off to feed Mr Grumpy. He's close to being on my list. He's really good about keeping his part of the closet organized, hanging things where they go, but yesterday he misplaced two new refill prescriptions. Tore apart the whole house for more than 3 hours looking for them. At one point, it was suggested I threw them away while cleaning. I let him look and finally I went to where he started with fixing all his prescriptions for daily use, sat down, and saw the empty bottles that he had, and looking for the new refills. Noticed that one he had was empty and in it's place was the new missing refill. I know better, so I stopped, called him in, to see exactly where i found it. All that time wasted and I found it in less than 5 minutes. Men! He did put back everything he messed up. He's still fussing, at this very moment, saying I squireled him in the middle of originally taking care of this task! Saying, I disrupted his routine. Uggh, he's on thin ice of being for sale!

Enjoy your day,

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Re: Tuesday April 23

Post by zfatcat » Tue Apr 23, 2024 6:43 am

Chriss, don't forget to take a little time for yourself.
You've been working around the house like crazy.

Lyn, enjoy the coast.

Judi, bummer about the knee. Thanks for saving the bee. I pick them up sometimes and put them on a flower.

Maryz, that's a lot of quilts.

Day one of class was great. Walked around after going to the Georgia O'Keefe museum.

Hi Becca. Good to see you post.

Off to breakfast and class.

Have a lovely day.
Lori 8-)

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Re: Tuesday April 23

Post by gershwin64 » Tue Apr 23, 2024 7:19 am

Good morning everyone ๐ŸŒž
Becca, I'm glad you've made good friends there. I hope your Drs appointments are A-ok.
Lois, yay for finishing the blocks! One step closer to completion. I'm excited!
Maryz, yep badgers are mean little cusses, I tell Frankie to take a gun out every time he's out there now. I've read and read about them now, when they bite they won't let go, it says there's nothing you can do to make them either other than kill them. It seems to walk around after midnight. Frankie is still closing the coup door and taking the ramp down every evening and he has to go out early cause the girls can't get out till he goes and opens their door back up and puts the ramp back on..... it's a hassle but we don't want any more killed. I don't care for piecing backs, I'd rather get the wide backings but I still have to sometimes. You have quite a few projects lined up, that'll keep you off the streets ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚
Judi, Voltaran works pretty good, I alternate between it and Arni care cream or the roll on jell.....I seem to not get the benefits from them if I use them for very long so I'll use one for about a week and take time off and see how it is and then next time use the other. That's terrific news about your niece! Congratulations to you all!
Yay for getting those HST finished! We don't like spraying anything either but sometimes it's a must but we're like you, only when absolutely necessary.
Lyn, safe travels! I loved seeing all your pics on Facebook, looks like you all had an amazing time!
Jana, that's awesome that your friend stopped by and did your planters! Is he coming my way by any chance? I need mine done too ๐Ÿ˜Š
Frankie does that to me too about saying it was me that caused him to get sidetracked or misplace something etc....one of these days....pow, right to the moon! ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚
Lori, I bet the Georgia O'Keeffe museum is amazing . Is the weather nice in Santa Fe, it is down here, we're about 4 1/2 hours south of you right now ๐Ÿ˜Š have fun!!
Tonight is little league and pizza night so we'll eat pizza first then go watch the game.
You all have a great day!
Prayers for those in need ๐Ÿ™

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Re: Tuesday April 23

Post by maryq » Tue Apr 23, 2024 7:22 am

Good morning Girls

Outside the window right near where I sit at my desk, there is a huge maple tree ( I think it's a maple tree or maybe an oak tree) Anyway, I'm finally able to see buds this morning, which means it won't be long until the leaves are in full bloom and green again--and that dear friends, is a sure sign that summer is returning to Minnesota!

Becca... SO good to see you start us out in the morning, but my goodness you are up early. And I'm happy for you that you've made a lot of new friends in your new home! How long have you been in your apartment now, seems like just yesterday you were moving and getting settled in.

Lois... Once you get the borders on that quilt, be sure and text me a picture so I can post it for you. I'll be out and about this morning but will be happy to post it when I get home! I'm anxious to see it!!

Maryz.. You're not a fan of the name FRED either? Here's a good one---DEX went to High school with a guy named Fred, (we called him Red Fred because he came to visit us once in a red Leisure suit--remember those?) Any way his real name was Ferdinand Leo Jr. Years later we met him and his lovely wife after the birth of their first son--- You guessed it, Ferdinand Leo III. She was out after a C-section and he filled in the birth cert. I wonder if Fred III ever had son and named him Ferdinand IV! I do also know a kid who is a 4th in a line---and they call in "Forth" for a nick name! (BTW, the wife's maiden name was Rosella Rosell) Good choice to not make 3 baby quilts, you will be busy busy busy with your other project!

Judi... Sorry your knee is bothering you this morning. I've often wondered if folks that can't take oral Ibuprofen or ansaids can use a topic one instead and what the results would be. If it's okay to use, I think I'd slather it all over my aches and pains! How exciting to have a new baby Girl after all those boys. I bet your sister is thrilled!

Lyn.... A few more days relaxing at the coast then off to Indianna! How long do you usually stay in Indianna before you head to Colorado? Will you stop in Kansas on the way west?

Jana.... Now that the sun in shining and the weather is warming up and the planters are being built---you're right.. it's definitely time to get flowers!!! I can't plant a garden here, but I sure can have as many pots on my patio as I want. I'm getting the bug to pick up some plants too. We still may get frost at night here, so I'll wait a couple more weeks. I went back to read your post from yesterday----so right about the "Planned obsolescence" The other thing that bugs me... You can buy a printer for reasonable price, but the ink cartridges are crazy expense!

Lori.... I'm guessing you are a retreat or something? I'll have to go back a couple days and see what you are up to!

TinaR..... All my married life, my DEX weighed the same as he did in high school... ticked me off.. Once he lost a few pounds for some reason, I said "Oh they aren't lost, I found them and I'd gladly give them back to you!" Great idea to syphon the pond scum and blow it down the badger hole!!! That'll teach them to eat your chickens!!

Chriss.... You've been working your little tush off!! Take a couple off for heavens sake ! ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿ’• Too bad there isn't a local "Buy Nothing" I did check and there is one in Merced--which is pretty close to you. Let me know if you want to check it out. You go to the Buy Nothing website and it connects you with a group through Facebook.

Well, it's a good sign spring is here!! Our lawn crew is out mowing the lawn for the first time this year!!

And it's time for me to get in gear. I'm actually going to get out of the house today. Am headed to Hobby Lobby-- fabric is 40% off so I'm going to try to find the perfect backing for the wedding quilt. Then off to WM Or Target for Groceries---no good veggies in the house.

Wishing you all.... well you know.... a Terrific Tuesday!

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Re: Tuesday April 23

Post by womster » Tue Apr 23, 2024 7:33 am

Good morning!

Becca โ€“ how lovely to see you! Iโ€™m so thankful that awful kidney infection is behind you. Good luck today with your appointments. God is goodโ€ฆ

Lois โ€“ you have made short work of that pineapple quilt. Your leftovers sound really good.

Maryz โ€“ dead Fred โ€“ oh my gosh that made me spit my water out! I so agree with nixing the baby quilts. You are spoiled for choice with what to have for dinner.

Judi โ€“ so sorry to hear your knee is paining you. I also can only take Tylenol. I have that Voltaran but have yet to use it โ€“ I hope you can get some relief with it. Re those carpenter bees โ€“ drastic times call for drastic measures. How exciting for your niece โ€“ a girl amongst all those boys.

Lyn โ€“ have a great trip to the coast. Itโ€™s been fun โ€˜watchingโ€™ your trip with all the FB posts.

Jana โ€“ your planters sound wonderful. Mr. Grumpy โ€“ that a good one! Sorry about the snipe hunt you went on.

Lori โ€“ how exciting to be in class. Enjoy!

Tina - one of my sisters used to have the temperament of a wet badger - meaner than all get-out. I hope Frankie heeds your advice to take the gun with him. They are not to be messed with. Pizza sounds good - I'll get my slice today at Costco. YUM!

Maryq - Red Fred - on my gosh! And leisure suits - what were we thinking? The concept was nice, but why make them in colors that glow in the dark? Have fun at HL and Wally World.

Yesterday I met my BFF of 50 years for lunch. It was grand. I cannot believe we are this old! I finally got our Icloud calendars resynced โ€“ it took too long to get that fixed. I think this month is when a lot of our appliances have decided to give up the ghost. First it was DHโ€™s laptop, now mine, and as of this morning, the toaster oven went kaput. Oh well. I hope to get two tall planters at Costco โ€“ theyโ€™ll have to stay inside the garage until Memorial Day because our nighttime temps still drop to the 20s. The flowers there are less than half the price than even those at Walmart! We are having leftove calzones and a big salad for dinner. Have a glorious day. xoxo Sharona

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