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Thursday April 17

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Thursday April 17

Post by patches4 » Thu Apr 18, 2024 5:05 am

Good morning one and all,
Prayers especially included for Stu, TinaR, Jana
May all be comforted and protected today.
Glad Stu is ok hopefully today he is not more uncomfortable and getting better. TinaR perhaps you can jot down yesterday activities and food eaten. For me next week is a long ways away and if the Dr asks how much water you drank for instance who remembersJana may you be a little more relaxed today even though you are put out ask for a rental the other insurance may give you one for awhile. Our cars are worth so very much more to us than the adjusters book. They they always seem to low ball in favor of their ins. company not considering our inconvenience and impact of loss is car to us the victim. Sorry
Hugs, and prayers of comfort, patience and guidance to all.

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Re: Thursday April 18

Post by patches4 » Thu Apr 18, 2024 5:06 am

Thursday the 18

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Re: Thursday April 17

Post by grammiequilts » Thu Apr 18, 2024 5:18 am

Good morning another 60ish day...Sun is shining now but clouds are moving in although no rain is predicted....We has a rockin rollin thunder storm yesterday no damage but quite a show...I sat on the front porch untill the wind decided to blow the rain at me..
Ken has his appetite back and feels much better,,,I have called off the funeral...he actually got the riding mower out of the leanto and cut the grass...there is still weed eating to do but we need Liam to do that for us.
I trimmed a bunch more of the HSTs but it is slow progress I havent been sleeping so good and dragging during the day....no sewing mojo. I too am anxious to get into a new project but need to get this top together,,,I have most of the christmas fabric stowed so that will be my Christmas sewing, I will have these 4 tops to quilt...
I hope Bills eye surgery went well and he can see better,,,
TinaB hope you both are healing well and can get home soon...you are luck to have family to count on when you need.
Chris you are an amazing person to handle the past few weeks...as well as you have....

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Re: Thursday April 17

Post by fabricgirl » Thu Apr 18, 2024 5:24 am

Good morning Tina and all who follow

It's not to nice out there today and only going to get into the 50's.
I made eggplant parm for dinner lastnight and it's I have a leftover but will have that tomorrow .

Today we have to do a bjs run then I'm coming home to sew I'm only making it 20 blocks with a border the blocks are 10 inches.

Well it's off to get dressed and straighten up.
I hope Everyone is doing better today .
Everyone have a great day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Thursday April 18

Post by purrfect-lady » Thu Apr 18, 2024 6:07 am

Good morning,

TINA B = Good morning to you. May your day be blessed. Are you starting to smell the barn yet?

LORI - the lady who fell at Target yesterday picked a good place to do it - in front of you! So glad you were there for her. I suspect you are good in an emergency. After what I saw of the quilts made by your class teacher (forgot her name. sorry.) you're going to want those ice dyed fabrics! Beautiful! And colorful!

CHRISS - So nice of you to give your friend a ride. I'm sure she's relieved you are there for her, willing to help. There are so many details to take care of. At my banks (had 4 over the years) I had to close my joint accounts and open a new one. It's not easy to simply remove another person. When I was on my own I added my brother to my new accout so someone I trusted could get to money to pay expenses, bills, etc if I was unable.

LYN - gosh, has it been 10 years since you had your scare and went to the ER?! I remember that. And that it was stress. I recall being relieved that it wasn't worse. We've been friends a long time!

MARY Q - Sorry the wedding quilt still isn't behaving. Setting it aside for a bit is a good idea. Then maybe lay it out on a flat surface - bed? floor? big table? (I think there's one in your garage.) And measure each block. Or each log if necessary. Or forget it and leave it as is. They probably won't ever notice. My DMIL used to make her own homemade teriyaki sauce. She made teriyaki steak for all birthdays but mine, marinating the meat all day long. (I got her homemade mac & cheese! :D ) But if she ever wrote her recipes down, they didn't come to me when she died. And I was the only one who wanted them!

JANA - I hope Stu has no residual effects from his accident. Sometimes it takes a few days for pulled muscles, whiplash, etc to show up. How did the open house go?

JUDI - I hope your antinflammatory regime works wonders for your knee. So the bugaboo causing the problem is the cyst and nothing more other than the arthritis that might be causing it? Trimming lots of HST's can cause me to lose my sew-jo pretty quickly! I'm anxious to clear my Christmas fabrics away, too. Good to hear you were able to call off the funeral before we all bought airline tickets!

LOIS - What chicken dish were you planning to try? We eat more chicken than anything else. I'm always on the lookout for new recipes. Sounds like you are coming down to the finish line with your pineapple blocks!

DIANE - how did the presentation go yesterday? And as for Ms Boots - I think she was headed out to "pose the Ave" all the way to the end of the 40-ft driveway. She just needed to don her shades so she would look cool! :lol:

Bill's surgery went well yesterday. By 9:30 am we were home and he was eating a big pancake breakfast. But since the operative eye was very blurry and he's blind in his back-up eye, he struggled to see anything so mostly he just laid in his lounge chair in the dark and slept the day away. He couldn't even see enough to use his phone. Last night I sat in the dark with him and watched TV. He "listened" with eyes closed. This morning he's much better. We go for post-op appt later this morning. He is VERY appreciative for all the good thoughts, vibes, and prayers all y'all sent his way. And he asked me to tell you thank you.

I had all afternoon to sew and got my piano key border on my Christmas log cabin. I love the way it turned out and I'll take a picture when it gets light and post it later today. I'm going to cut out my last two Scaredy cat Christmas quilts, set them aside for a while, and put all my Christmas fabrics away again. What a mess in my sewing room! Then I'll get busy making those 8 dinner napkins for my friend from the Hawaiian fabric. It's a smaller project that I can get crossed off my to-do list more quickly. Then I want to make a small lap quilt to take to my brother's lady friend this summer when we visit him in Alaska. The quilt I want to make is called Patch of Posies and it's in the latest issue of AP&Q magazine, pg70. It's done in pastels but I think I'll use floral prints in more vivid colors.

I'm still trying to think of supper tonite. If it's nice, Bill might like to grill a steak to split and have a baked potato and salad. If he's not inclined, I have four different leftover meals (soups, etc) in the freezer and I will pull one of them out.

Group hug to you all!
Mary z

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Re: Thursday April 17

Post by WeeOne » Thu Apr 18, 2024 7:35 am

Overcast with temp hitting 90Β° today.

It's only 76Β° right now. I need to get out and get as much yard work done as possible. Rain predicted on and off next few days.

Prayers for those in need.

Dinner will be little pigs in a blanket and asparagus. Trying to use up some food, so I don't have to take so much back to the Coach.

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Re: Thursday April 17

Post by Irishgram » Thu Apr 18, 2024 7:47 am

Good morning from a dreary but warm, SW Pa....We had more rain over night and boy are the plants, trees and grass growing....I keep thinking, we might still have a cold spell but sure hope not.....

I'm going to be extra speedy this morning....Bright and early, JoAnn and I did our thing at the Food Bank, then came home to do some odds and ends and will be picking her up for bingo shortly...She normally does the driving but I need to pick up 10 bags of top soil at Lowes and it's almost on the way...My poor car, 1 week it's mulch and now top soil...One of these days, Ruby will go to the "beauty shop" for a good cleaning....

MaryZ, have been wondering how Bill was doing with his eye surgery...Hoping and praying everything turns out OK....AND, that picture of Miss Boots is the best....Right away, I thought next she'll be hooking up a camper to her little car and be joining you on your jaunts.....She is adorable!

TinaB, love the way you open every day...Most days I might not see it until lunch time but it makes me feel good, it's special!....

Judi, thank goodness you were able to cancel the funeral...Just don't have time to do all that planning! And I think, good news about your knee...Hopefully, the Tylenol and the ice will give you some relief....I passed that "rx" along to Kevin and he said, he'd give it a try...But, he did say , with him doing a lot of walking, his seems to be feeling better..He think's by tearing out carpet, being on his knees really aggravated it and now it's going to take time...But, so far, it hasn't stopped him for playing golf 3 times a week, lol......I know what you mean about the sewing mojo...But, it will come, I'm sure!

Chriss, you really are making progress in your de-cluttering....Would you like to stop by my house and give me a hand? When I moved, I had gotten rid of alot of stuff and now I wonder how did all this new "stuff" find me .....And, aren't you the sweetest, helping out that lady...You really are special!

Jana, hope your day goes nice and smooth and you can spend lots of time in your Bat Cave...I think, you really need to have a "me" day......

Well, time's up, gotta run.....We will probably be eating at bingo and if not, we'll stop some where afterwards...Dyan, the gal who used to live in the park and cat sit for me is coming up from NC today and will be here for a week or so...She has a bunch of doctor's appointments and also needs to spend time with her Dad, who hasn't been well....But, it will be so nice to see her again.....

You all have a great rest of the day..............

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Re: Thursday April 17

Post by gershwin64 » Thu Apr 18, 2024 8:31 am

Good morning everyone 🌞
Tinab, funny you should mention about writing foods down, I've been doing that for quite awhile now because of my lymphoedema but thank you for thinking of me. How are you doing?
Judi, glad Ken is feeling better. I hope your knee starts feeling better fast. I love sitting out when it's raining too.
Lois, I bet your pineapple quilt will be so pretty, I'm looking forward to seeing it.
Maryz, I loved the pic of Ms Boots, sunglasses would've been icing on the cake LOL I think she's gonna be a little character like Elijah. Kevin sent me a pic of him last night and the look on his face you could just see the wheels turning in his head πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ I told Kevin that and he said he was figuring out more ways to get into trouble πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ the little monkey is a climber and has been since before he could walk, he even made his daycare lady cry from stress because he kept getting hurt, she was going to quit him but Kevin and Maria told her he's like that at home and it wasn't her fault.... he's getting better about not scaring her now. I hope Bill has crystal clear vision soon!
Lyn, I remember you having stuff happen like me, 10 years, gosh it sure doesn't seem possible that it's been that long already. I love asparagus now, didn't as a kid though.
Irish, we just have to get chicken food and Frankie doesn't want to use the Acadia πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ I think it would be fine, he's washing the van to take instead, oh well it needs it. Win at Bingo! I love playing!
We're to hit 87* today and only a breeze so hoping it's a nice day. I'm feeling better today, I still have some pains on my left side under my boob but they aren't anything like the chest pains I was having.....they kinda feel like a soreness maybe? And I didn't wake up exhausted today which is good. The boys won last night and night before, it was nice setting in my chair watching, we get happy smiles when they spot us at the beginning and a little wave and we get great hugs after the games ❀️ I love watching the kids do anything, brings a smile to my heart and soul πŸ₯°
I still have closet stuff sitting on the kitchen table where things came to a halt at..... it's kinda driving me crazy but I'll wait till I see the Dr today and see what she has to say. And coincidentally the LQS is right next door to her office so I'm going to see what white prints she has and hopefully get a few 1/4 yard cuts so I can get back to my Sew Along......I think it's finished online but that's ok I'm not the only one behind.
Thank you all for the prayers and good thoughts, I really appreciate them all ❀️
I hope you all have a great day!
Prayers for those in need πŸ™

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Re: Thursday April 17

Post by auntjana » Thu Apr 18, 2024 8:49 am

Good morning!

Just a tad bit late this morning. Been up and have the one load of laundry I needed to get done, the kitchen all done and readied the rest of the house for my Yoohoodi to do his chore. Even got breakfast done and those dishes too. Now on the the car saga in a few minutes. I need to make a couple of phone calls and then drive to the tow yard to retrieve whatever is in it. I also want my personalized license plate. It says, Janatoy. Then I'll be home to play.

Stu just came back from taking his friend to work and headed to his bed, mooing a good morning to me. He's still hurting. The insurance company called and I will be slow in settling his part of the accident.

Aaron's house has a completion date of sometime 4 1/2 months from the foundation pour. Which has happened this week. Lila played her first t-ball game yesterday. Watching t-ball is hilarious! It's less baseball and more picking daisies in the field. She did well and can easily hit the ball off the tee.

Things will progress fast on my floor and deck. Our floor guy has a job in California the end of May, so around the first of June he'll do mine.

Here's a thought, where we look is where we go.

Hugs and prayers,

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Re: Thursday April 17

Post by womster » Thu Apr 18, 2024 8:53 am

Good morning -

Truly a drive-by. I had a very angry afib attack Tuesday night. BP and HR were high so I took an extra pill and went to bed. I also had shortness of breath, which I've never had before and do not care for! Had the meeting with the surgeon yesterday - he says he figures my gall bladder doesn't work anymore as there is a ginormous stone in there. Due to health concerns, he felt if it ain't broke, don't fix it and I agree. My third sister down is in town - her oldest stepdaughter is getting a cervical fusion and is having complications. DS2 will hopefully have his roof completed today - just in time for tornado warnings! I haven't even had time to read - hugs and prayers to all of you xoxo Sharona

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