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THURSDAY, March 14th

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THURSDAY, March 14th

Post by purrfect-lady » Thu Mar 14, 2024 5:23 am

Good morning,

It's going to be a nice day here today. 55* and sunny. Just have to get through the freezing morning first.

CHRISS - I hope you got your Chriss time yesterday - away from the house. Nice to have a friend come by to help. Did you pick up your machine? Wish you had been with me at Goodwill. There were tons of baby clothes!

JANA - got snow? Hard to build decks in a snowstorm. When does all this construction start? Did you get your Halloween wallhanging quilted and off the frame. I hear you on the red snappers and arthritic thumbs. I can't do them either. Google thumb arthritis. Who knew it was a thing?

MARY Q - is that picnic quilt called Summer Stars? There is a Jenny Doan tutorial on it if you're interested. Hope you got all your other little chores done. They plague us all through life, don't they. No, I don't have 8 sewing months ahead of me - only 6-1/2. We will be gone the entire month of August plus my sis and dbil will be visiting a week on either side of that August trip (they are going with us). The good news is that only 4 of those 8 quilts HAVE to be done by October. The other four can go with me for winter sewing if we go south in November and I can quilt them when we come home next year.

JUDI - at our house I'm the one who gets up early, or middle of the night some might call it. I am quiet when I slip out of the room and take the fur kids with me. I should get your recipe for cabbage roles. I used to really like them but haven't made them in years. I wonder if you could just assemble all the ingredients together and lay shredded cabbage in a casserole dish, layer in the filling, and top with more cabbage and bake it . . . .I'm so lazy! Is your housecleaning flurry over now? Mine is - at least for the moment. It will start over again next week but just not so intense.

VAL - you are a busy gal! Glad you got your class in. How do you store your Go-Big when it's not in use? I don't think I could cram so much as another pair of scissors in my sewing room.

LOIS - yoo hoo! I was at the grocery store yesterday, saw fresh pineapples, and thought of you!

TINA B - how is your hubby doing? And when is your surgery? You didn't have it yet and we missed it, did you?

Yesterday I left the house at 9am. Came back at 1pm, unloaded groceries and Goodwill haul, loaded up Bill, and off we went to Costco. By the time we got home, unloaded, and I put it all away and packaged meet for the freezer it was 4pm. My entire day! But I did find lots of little clothes at Goodwill and now they are all washed and folded to tuck into Amara's birthday box. 4 onesies, 6 little pants, 2 2-pc outfits, 1 dress, and two sleepers. Today is going to be about cooking for company. I'm making chicken cacciatore, salad, roasted winter veggies, garlic bread, and we'll have pineapple sherbet and Pepperidge Farm cookies for dessert. Plus I want to try some appetizer recipes - cocktail weenies in puff pastry, and stuffed cherry tomatoes. Maybe I'll see my sewing room sometime today.

Happy pi(e) day! Are you baking?

mary z

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Re: THURSDAY, March 14th

Post by WeSignificant » Thu Mar 14, 2024 5:39 am

Good morning everyone, long day yesterday but hoping today is a bit easier. Only 2 patients scheduled but that could change in a heart beat. 1 nurse has come back so we are only down 5 now. Today is St. Helena day.

Chriss did you get to town? What did you find at the thrift store? There is one in St. Helena I may stop at today. I like cabbage in certain situations like St. Patricks day. I also like cabbage steak but to just eat cabbage, no.

Jana don't tell me you believed the weather people?

Maryq Uhm, both you and Chriss get a SS Wednesday? I must figure out how that is done.

Judi you know what, I had not thought that maybe the daylight savings time is a sleep wrecker. I did sleep pretty good last night but I never sleep through the night. When I do, it will be because I am no longer here. I have pretty bad insomnia and my body is used to getting up at night to go see patients so it gets up even when it doesn't have to.

Maryz what patterns are you using for your Christmas quilts. I do have fabric to make a 3 yard quilt but not sure when I will get it done. I still need to do the little wall hanging for DS. FYI In computer network communications, the HTTP 404, 404 not found, 404, 404 error, page not found, or file not found error message is a hypertext transfer protocol standard response code, to indicate that the browser was able to communicate with a given server, but the server could not find what was requested.

Lori I don't do a lot of pillow cases either. Had not thought of using a serger though. I have one, my sister used it once and that is it. Hasn't seen the light of day again.

Lyn progress on the sewing cabin. What a cool idea.

Tinab I guess I should know you are having surgery but I missed that tidbit of information.

DH told me last night the repair man found yet something else wrong with the boat. This started as a $500 job and last I heard we were up to $1200. I am now wondering if he is just ripping us off. Not somebody we know, DH found him online. I am getting a bit worried. Guess we will see.

Nothing much else new. I am still cutting for my 3rd mystery quilt class on Saturday. Almost done. Halfway through one color and then one more to go. But for now, off for more coffee, woke up with headache and was hoping coffee would help. Not so far but will try one more cup.

Have a great day everyone.
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Re: THURSDAY, March 14th

Post by patches4 » Thu Mar 14, 2024 5:46 am


I think in Mathematics it’s 3.14 and keeps going. Will have to have pie tonight DH is a mathematician. But which one?
Boy this month is flying by so quickly. DH is doing well with his ankle and therapy is going well, still awhile to go. But is pain free.
Bunion hammer toe surgery next week but walking boot from get go. I was home a couple of weeks ago and tried to catch up stuff and made 7 tops for church quilt group. Most likely here till mid May, need to be home for DGS Confirmation and 8th grade promotion. I will most likely stay home and return mid June final check then home.DH most likely to return for therapy till mid June. No definite plans
Prayers to all in need and happy pi day

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Re: THURSDAY, March 14th

Post by grammiequilts » Thu Mar 14, 2024 5:48 am

Good Morning It is rainy and will be in the high 50s today,,,It is still winter. I sorted out the spring decor yesterday then realized it is a bit early to put it out...I usually do it around Easter, we dont have any special plans for Easter, just another sunday here,,,,no one dresses up anymore...Today I will make the stuffed cabbage,,,they are known as Golupki ( gowomki) in Polish and Halupka in gaelic..Im not sure how they are made in Ireland but in poland a mixture of pork and beef along with par cooked rice and sauted onions along with salt and pepper,are mixed and cabbage leaves ( par boiled) are rolled around the filling..they are cooked either in the oven or on the stove for about an hour and a half..some add canned tomatoes to the cooking some add the cabbage water, some add saurkraut, it seems there are many reipes for them. it is a bit of work but I make a large amount and freeze them to have,,,for future meals...that is my plan for the day,,,and I will continue to spring clean the christmas strorage room as time allows...I did order 2 more photo albums for the kids pictures and tht is spread out on a table in the basement...I will get back to the sewing room maybe tomorrow... that is the busy here,,,,hope your busy is fun....My DDIL left today for texas for a new sort of MS treatment please keep our dear Val in your prayers,,,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Lori twice a year it takes maybe a couple of weeks to adjust,,,,This morning I got up at 6 to try and ajust,,,my usuall time to get up in 6,,,but the time change made it 5...My body complains all day even my arthitis is worse...
TinaB prayers for you and your aventure,,,

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Re: THURSDAY, March 14th

Post by auntjana » Thu Mar 14, 2024 5:57 am

Good morning!

Yup, I've got snow! About 8 inches and it's now giving us high winds! You see, there's the storm front and when is goes through, there's a backside that will wrap around and give us those ugly canyon winds, in the range of up to 80 mph! So it's batten down the hatches and stay inside and sew! And warm too!

My deck is about 4 feet off the ground and Daniel and Stu can work, as it covers them. The place they need to dig is up against the house foundation. The hole will be about 3x3x3, so it will be hand dug. Nothing pretty, it will never be seen, it's just a footing to distribute the weight of the fireplace chimney. I don't think that all the pretty work will be until June? or so. We have to check the schedule of Daniel's buddy. But all the materials will be here and ready. Daniel thinks about 2 weeks for all to be completed.

Decided that my quilt needed a bit more quilting. And then I need to add the finishing embellishments by hand. It's now, where did I put that bag with those embellishments?

Not much else going 9n here. Just tired of the cold. I've been pretty good trying not to complain, most of the winter, but I now want to be warm!

Since it's PI day, the request has been made for a small pie. I have some individual pie plates, so I'll make Michael a favorite, my lemon cheating cheesecake. And me, a lemon meringue or a chocolate cream, I see what I'm in the mood for. Maybe even splurge and get a pizza too!

Enjoy a slice,

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Re: THURSDAY, March 14th

Post by maryq » Thu Mar 14, 2024 7:28 am

Good morning Girls

Ok, it's not happened to me again!!! Had a WHOLE long post all typed out and bam... hit the wrong button... Even control-z didn't work! OH well

As much as I'd love to stay and recreate the whole thing---not that there was any exciting news.... I better get butt in gear. There's a little clean up to do around here this morning. but then when ISN'T there. Need to jump in the shower as I have errands to run to CPA and need to drop off a load of crapola at the Thrift Store right next door. But first I'm meeting 3 gals that used to work for us when we had the drug store, and that I worked with when I worked for the company that bought our store. Margie.. just lives down the street from me here in the townhouses---she's the one that told me my place was on the market, and Jan whose birthday is the same day as mine, and Jenna who has moved back to MN from Florida! We try to get together now and then.

So... off I go, I'll catch up with y'all tomorrow!

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Re: THURSDAY, March 14th

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Thu Mar 14, 2024 7:57 am

Good morning girls, what a beautiful day it is going to be today.

The weather report on the computer says we will be in the mid 60's for 10 days, the tv says we will see 70+ degrees for the next 10 days. Either way, things will start drying out and I can weed eat. I need to at least get around the house, as it warms up the snakes will be out. Can't see them when they are in the high grass.

Maryz, I might bake, sort of, but it won't be pie. It will be 90 second bread in the microwave. I made meatloaf last night and think a meatloaf sandwich would be a marvelous idea. Didn't pick up my machine yesterday but did go to a thrift store and grocery shopping. My machine is 1 1/2 hours away and 1 1/2 hours home. It's in the same town where I get my oil changed. I have about 800 miles before I can get my oil changed. The two things will likely happen some time next month. There are recipes for unrolled cabbage. Also cabbage roll soup.

Valerie, I did get to the thrift store but didn't buy anything. I couldn't find even a doo dad that I couldn't live without. The only raw cabbage I will eat is coleslaw, but I could eat cooked cabbage many ways. I get Jerrys SS check next Wednesday, I don't get one for me yet, just way too young. I think I'd ditch the boat guy, sounds fishy to me.

Tinab, glad things are looking good for DH.

Judi, prayers said for DDIL. Gosh I hope this works for her. My grandma made her cabbage rolls just like yours. She added tomato sauce over the top and potatoes and carrots baked alongside the rolls. I can smell them now.

Jana, my grandpa used to always say Batten down the hatches. Great smile making memory.

Marq, enjoy your lunch with the girls.

I don't have anyone coming over from Hospice today so it's my day. Jerry is breathing loud enough to be heard throughout the house so I can play in my sewing room and still hear him. He can't hear a word I am saying unless I am sitting directly in front of him. Marilyn is supposed to call him this morning, he wants so see her so they will video chat.

Hope you girls have a fantastic dy

Need to go clean the kitchen and get started.
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Re: THURSDAY, March 14th

Post by womster » Thu Mar 14, 2024 8:58 am

Good morning -

Found out why I couldn't get on yesterday - our internet provider had a major switch go down. We had no internet at all until this morning, and it's only spotty at best so I'll make this quick. We've only got about 8" of snow, but it's going to continue to snow until tomorrow morning. Maryz - had to laugh at the shovel being one of my quilting tools. Have a glorious day! xoxo Sharona

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Re: THURSDAY, March 14th

Post by zfatcat » Thu Mar 14, 2024 10:07 am

Maryz, did you see QIAD has a Scaredy Cat Christmas pattern on sale. Yes, I bought it.

Chriss, Things are drying out here and spring is in the air. Lots of pretty flowers popping up that I see on my morning walk. I worked in the yard a bit yesterday. I have a planter on the side of the house that is out of control.

Maryq, have fun with the girls. I love getting together with friends.

Jana, I guess spring is not in the air at your house. Soon though. Before you know it, we'll be saying how hot it is. Hope you find your embellishments. I lose things like that all the time. I put them in a safe place that I know I'll remember, and then don't.

Judi, I got up at my regular time 4 days in a row, then today it just wasn't happening. I slept in until 0730. I wish we could just stay on one time. I don't even care which one.

Val, at least you get to go to a pretty place. I love St. Helena. I'm going to make a trip up there this year for sure.

Yesterday was a busy one. I decided since the rain is over, I'd do the front window and the back sliding door. They look really nice, but it was a job. I also got some laundry done and worked in the backyard a bit. I guess the spring cleaning bug hit me. I'll be doing more today.

Have a wonderful day.

Lori 8-)

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