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MONDAY, March 11th

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MONDAY, March 11th

Post by purrfect-lady » Mon Mar 11, 2024 5:41 am

Good morning,

I'm up at the same time, but with DST, now it doesn't seem quite so early since we're calling 3am 4am now. :lol:

MARY Q - We have one of those projection clocks, too. So nice! It automatically changes the time. It sets on the wide windowsill above the headboard and sometimes Foxy knocks it catty-wampus. Did you enjoy the birthday party at the bowling alley? Was there bowling or just partying? And what are you sewing today?

JANA - I love dishes, too! High Five, Sistuh!! I have service for 24 of my main set - Summer Chintz by Johnson Bros. Serv for 10 of Fiesta Ware in mixed colors. China for 8, American flag dishes for 6, plus my Christmas dishes. I had two other sets of Christmas dishes (for 8 each) but gave them away along with a set for 8 of ironstone with pine cones on it. But I have to start cutting down. I just do! It's too much.

SHARONA - Oh no! Not another ablation! Seems like things didn't go well after your last one. When is your OH company coming? Your DGD's? You can have my Christmas dishes if you want them! I can send you a picture first, though. My sister is visiting here in Aug. If you really love the dishes, I can send them back with her. She lives in Longmont. If you are serious, let me know and I'll send you a photo. They are cream ironstone, green edge, with snowman and trees in the middle. Stemware is etched with wintry snowy trees.

TINA - forgetting what I was going to say happens to me all the time, and I didn't have Covid! Guess you need a pad of sticky notes. They come in really handy!

LYN - I guess I meant roots AND plants! lol! Bummer about that C-Pap elbow connection. Will the trash still be there when you go back to the house? Or can you get a new one? Glad you caught the cross braces. I'm not sure I'd have noticed that. When will you go back to the house? When they are setting your cabin?

CHRISS - glad you were able to get your groceries. Do you have to go all the way to Merced for groceries or is there a store closer to you? Didn't some folks from your church offer to stay with Jerry so you could get out occasionally? I'm glad you let yourself have some pancakes with real syrup. You needed those pancakes!

JUDI - yay! You got that room done! Did you wash the windows in there? Are you going to sew today?

LORI - you are right about it being extra work to swap out sets of dishes. I do it less and less. The Fiestaware, which I love, is getting too heavy for my arthritic hands. We carry our plates downstairs (in winter) and eat in front of the fire, sitting in our recliners, holding our plates. Imagine the room I'd have in my cabinets if I sent my Fiestaware to Sharona with the Christmas dishes! ;)

LOIS - how is your pineapple adventure coming along?

Yesterday morning I finished cleaning the quilting room, covered the machine and frame with old sheets, and turned off the light. Whew! We quilted 11 quilts since we came home from Texas. I did 10, Bill did 1. I'm pooped! And a few days ago my SIL asked me if I would do free quilting for her church craft group! She really picked the wrong time to ask me that! It was a hard NO. I was proud of myself even though she looked shocked that I didn't say yes. And kind of angry. She left quickly after that.

And for 6 hours yesterday Bill and I sat together in front of his computer making Amara's 20-page, hard cover book through Shutterfly. It was just like scrapbooking with a computer. Fun, but we were tired when we finished. Whew! We had Amara's sent directly to her but four more copies are coming to us within 2 weeks. My POTD is more cleaning. I'm kind of on a roll. Dusting and vac'g the living/dining room and my sewing room, then do the main bathroom. And just maybe I'll actually get to go play with my toys in the sewing room. I'm getting anxious to start my Christmas quilts. I have the fabrics half pulled. JUDI is getting ahead of me!

Y'all have a marvy monday!
mary z

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Re: MONDAY, March 11th

Post by auntjana » Mon Mar 11, 2024 6:10 am

Good morning!

Still dark outside, but that will change in time. Michael got all the upstairs clocks changed, but the Batt Cave still awaits. There are just two that need attention. One upstairs he did forget was the clock/timer that the heater uses. So he just went and manually turned it on. Soon it will be warm!

Today is my uglies day, along with laundry. The bug boys will be here to spray as well. I have a great company we use. I hate spiders and ants! Later we need a run to Costco for milk and whatever else may jump in the cart. Also a stop at the pharmacy to pick up prescriptions. I love how here there are so many drive up windows to get things! Those were a thing of the past in California.

After all that, I may get to play. If not today, everything will be caught up, so play starts tomorrow! So goes the boring around here! It's even been quiet for Aaron on duty. But just wait, all the clientele of Aaron's come out when it warms up!

Enjoy your day!

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Re: MONDAY, March 11th

Post by FlorenceM » Mon Mar 11, 2024 6:49 am

Yesterday was tough loosing that hour of sleep.
Today is catch up on what I didn't do yesterday. Joe will pick up the bigger bush hog to go with new tractor...the old one was very small and went with Kubota. The bush hog is used to cut down the hay in the field.
Chriss, you and Jerry are still in my prayers.

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Re: MONDAY, March 11th

Post by grammiequilts » Mon Mar 11, 2024 6:52 am

Good Morning it is sunny bright and cold here but even though I slept to my regular time (6am) it was 7am on th clock...i tidied up the house and took out the trash...I am pretty much done for the day with chores...I havent heard from the lady who is supposed to come and learn how to make HSTs she asked if she could let me know today. but I havent heard from her.
My next rooms are the sun room and living room for dusting, cleaning and baseboaard cleaning,and the sun room floor...I had to borrow some knee pads from Ken for the baseboards so he went and bought me some...His were kinda big so I have my own...my arthritic knees cannot do floors or gardens anymore...this will help/ they are very soft...I will start those rooms this week/ It is still too early for the windows...
While I wait I will go down to the pantry and check for expired and make a list of stock ups...I may go to Costco this week and stock up...I have been using a lot from thre,,,I think it is the Mormons who keep a years worth of food in their homes (Jana ?)I do about 3 months max. I only keep what we use regularly...but I do have a lot of toilet paper ( not getting caught without that again) paper products and cleaning supplies down there. I also have 2 freezers that need to be cleaned and re stocked...I also been using a lot and I havent restocked this year either, so thats my plan...
I hope your plans work out for you too...Have a wonderful day.....XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: MONDAY, March 11th

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Mon Mar 11, 2024 7:06 am

Good morning my friends. It's going to be a marvelous day today. I woke up at 2am then again at 3:30 because Jerry had pulled the oxygen thing out of his nose. I didn't realize I was such a light sleeper but with the aid of my cheap baby monitor I heard him. Sadly, I'm not much of a napper so will just go to bed earlier than usual tonight.

Yesterday I was able to make headway on my lotto blocks, today I will finish them up and get them in the mail this week. It was nice to have time to sew. I'm thinking I should use some lotto blocks that I won last year for a wedding quilt for my nephew, so that quilt is almost done.

I took the flannel sheets off the bed and replaced them with regular sheets this morning. I love my bottom fitted sheet, it has deep corners and goes nicely over the bed and doesn't come loose. It cost as much as a regular sheet set but will last forever and for me was worth the money.

Soon I will clean the stove, microwave and convection oven then hit the showers and sew while the machine washes my sheets.

Lori, yes, I did see that Maryz needed pie plates. I have deep ones, shallow ones, smallish ones and larger ones. I may even have decorative ones. All glass no metal. I don't change out my dishes either. Recently I bought a service for 4 of Corelle, I donated the dishes I was using. Corelle is so much lighter than stoneware. I do have my ex MIL's China and one day my DIL says she'd like to have it. I had thought of having a yard sale but will need to see if I have enough stuff to make it worth my time.

I watched the end of the Oscars last night. I really wanted to see the beginning because I like to see the dresses. Although the dresses are getting skimpier and skimpier. I really have no clue what movies won, I haven't been to the movies in forever. I do like Jimmy Kimmel, he was funny.

Judi, I wish I could get half as much done as you do in a day. I'd be happy to just get my kitchen cleaned up. It's partially done, I'm doing it in sections. I don't keep too much in my pantry. But I could survive for a couple of weeks on what is on hand.

Maryz, guess in addition to a baby quilt I need to make a Christmas baby quilt, but not this year. Funny how people expect quilting to be done for free when it's a charity. Your sister will get over it. Yes, I go to Merced for groceries. Mariposa has a grocery store but is only about 10 minutes closer and way more expensive. I do have people who would stay with Jerry if I ask them to. I'm going to have those pancakes today, didn't have them yesterday.

Lois, did you see that MSQC had FQ bundles as their daily deal. Probably some nice bright ones for a pineapple quilt. I will likely go have another look but don't need anything.

Jana, isn't it amazing that almost everything you buy has a clock on it? Wonder why there is such an obsession with time? My bug guy was here on Friday and today I also have a load of laundry.

Flo, I have a weed eater taht sort of looks like a lawn mower, it uses string and it is for cutting down the high thick weeds in the field. But the dang things has a pull cord and is difficult for me to start. Once it's started I can go till the tank runs dry.

That's it for me, the sun is starting to come up and the dark grey clouds are floating across the light grey sky. The weather report says 90% humidity. Not sure about that.

You all have a marvelous day.
Proverbs 4:11-12

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Re: MONDAY, March 11th

Post by maryq » Mon Mar 11, 2024 7:19 am

Good Morning Everyone!

Happy Monday!

Not much news from this side of town... it's actually going to be a perfect spring day.. High Temp of 65* and whenever it's nice like this I have an urge to purge in my garage! BUT I have sewing inside to finish up so that's where I'll be!

Maryz...There was a mix up in the schedule for the bowling alley b'day party, so I just me them for dinner. Got to see my nieces Meaghan and Erin and that is always fun! I don't see them too often. Annie, my sis, has one son Jason (with a little boy named Bodhi) and the two girls. I got to be in the room when Erin was born!! I bet that was lots of fun making the book for Amara... a lot of work tho.. to get everything just where you want it. Shawn & Kris did that with all of Brennen's Sr. High School pictures!! I hope they do one for Evie next year!!

Jana... I'm with you when it comes to bugs.. tho I'm not scared of spiders and ants.. I just don't like them. Especially in my kitchen, where the ants have taken up residence lately. I think I finally have them out and gone now. I did get some "Home Defense" so I may just spray that around the house today! Good Luck at Costco!!! I've been trying to save up for a trip to Sam's as I know it's going to cost me a few bucks!! But I do love having a good supply of coffee and laundry detergent and stuff like that on hand!

Flo,... When you cut down all that hay, do you harvest it for animal food? There are a few hay fields left around me and because my DDIL has a horse, I've learned a little bit about different kinds of hay for feeding horses.

Judi.... Do you suppose it's just our age group, that we like to have a supply of things on hand. After Covid hit and you couldn't find TP anywhere, I guess it would be a good idea to stock up. I like to have lots of stuff on hand, just because I hate going grocery shopping and would rather have a lot on hand! But if I buy too much I don't have a lot of storage. I'm thinking when I go, Katie next door might go with me and we can split some of the things that come in bulk.

Chriss... Thinking about you all the time!!! I'm sure some days are very long for you. Days of uncertainty and worry. You are in my prayers constantly. I'm with you, the only reason I would watch the Oscars is to see the fancy outfits! (or lack there of) but I often think what a waste of money---thousands of $$!

Remember that link I shared last week for the Christmas quilt.... I was a bad girl.... I ordered it. I need another project like a hole in the head, and I have NO idea what I am going to do with it when/if I complete it---since none of my kids need/want quilts. But it sure was cute and I got it for 10% off --first time order! It will sit on a back burner for quite a while I'm sure!

Today I am headed to PO to get lotto blocks in the mail. Then to the computer repair place (luckily right across the street) and then back to sew. I got a few little things sewn for the friends of my DB Tim's in South Dakota yesterday and hope to finish today!

time for a coffee refill and a quick shower!
Wishing you all a glorious Monday

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Re: MONDAY, March 11th

Post by womster » Mon Mar 11, 2024 8:15 am

Good morning!

Just a drive-by today – the deck guys will be here shortly and then I’m meeting a friend for lunch.

Maryz – I would love to see a photo! I can’t believe you quilted so many quilts since you’ve been home. I stand behind you delivering the ‘NO’ to your sister. I love those shutterfly books.

Jana – it seems there’s always one clock that forgets to be set.

Flo – enjoy the bigger bush hog.

Judi – I need to add all those tasks to my todo list as well. Isn’t it great to have a fully stocked pantry?

Chriss – I didn’t even know the Oscars were on. I’m glad someone watched them. I’ll catch the fashions somewhere on the interwebs – I also love seeing what people are ‘wearing’. What’s up with the high humidity?!

Maryq – glad the b-day dinner turned out to be an intimate gathering. So was Erin born at the bowling alley? S

Speaking of the post office – I’ve been trying to mail a package back to Ohio since Christmas. The first time, they told me it would be cheaper to send with flat-rate postage. Ok – took it home and repacked it. Then came RSV and bronchitis (plus, I forgot about it!), I took it to the PO last week and they said I couldn’t use flat rate packages because I was sending an ipad in the box. GRRR! Hopefully the third time is a charm. Have a glorious day! xoxo Sharona

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Re: MONDAY, March 11th

Post by purrfect-lady » Mon Mar 11, 2024 10:17 am

Just a quickie to tell Sharona I sent photos of my Christmas dishes and stemware. Also to clarify - it was NOT my sister that asked me to do all that quilting, but my sister-IN LAW, who doesn't even talk to us since my brother died 8 yrs ago unless she wants something from us. So, it was a no brainer for me. If she were nicer to us, I might have considered doing select projects.

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