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Wednesday March 6

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Wednesday March 6

Post by patches4 » Wed Mar 06, 2024 4:02 am

Good morning fellow quilter friends. Hope everyone has a great day doing whatever has to be done AND then something that makes you happy.
Prayers to all in need as well. It’s 49 now in VA going to 57 and rain. DH came through hernia surgery very well and is doing so much better. Ankle replacement in January was much different he slept so much more afterward the surgery. I really love the Drs out here and wonderful people in the two different hospitals we’ve been at. Bit the bullet and will have bunion fixed on right foot it’s been awful trying to find shoes and wide sneakers aren’t comfortable. Got 7 tops done last week at home for church group and will be able to be home mid May to put good foot pedal to metal as Eleanor says when I get one in May. Surgery in two weeks. I thank the good Lord daily for our blessings. He is orchestrating the timing of all of this for sure.
Have some paperwork to do and some hand stitching is in the plans for today. Thanks for listening and hugs to all,

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Re: Wednesday March 6

Post by velvet » Wed Mar 06, 2024 4:34 am

Rain rain and more rain on the schedule for today. Tonight there is a good-bye dinner for 1 of the our group of qov- she is moving back north. Colleen is a great quilt maker and will be missed. She will be starting up a group when she settles in her home there.

The name of the quilt is "Melissa quilt" by Sue Pelland. Yesterday went slow and we'll meet on Monday to get a little more done. I'm not an applique person so this will be funny. Misty fuse and wonder under gave almost everyone a problem, so that held every one back for time. But laughs and trading hints was well worth the time. Being around women who share the same interests was great.

I'll check back later to catch up have a great day!

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Re: Wednesday March 6

Post by fabricgirl » Wed Mar 06, 2024 4:40 am

Good morning,

Well I didn't do anything after the gym so today wash is already going and the dishwasher is already empty.
So in a while I will go upstairs and see about some scraps.

Tina I hope your surgery goes well and glad your husband came through with flying colors.

Judi are you going to the quilt shop?

well that's all the news from here have a great day.
Prayers go out all.

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Re: Wednesday March 6

Post by auntjana » Wed Mar 06, 2024 5:36 am

Good morning!

Looks to be a nice day here. Busy too. It's my Wednesday cello run with Ethan. I will miss these in a couple of weeks, as Sarah is training her replacement at work. She'll then be home on Wednesdays and will be taking Ethan.

Got my laundry all caught up and the uglies too. So now, if the little gremlins don't make any messes, the house will stay clean until next week.

I found and ordered a new shower curtain for the guest/family bathroom. Now I'll need to make a small window curtain to go with it. And get a few nice towels too. You know the towels, the ones that if you touch and use, you're in big trouble! LOL! They are just for decor looks. I have plenty of others to be used. Oh, and a new bath mat is needed too.

On fusible for applique - I learned a long time ago, from a forum member here to use a product called - Soft Fuse. It is wonderful! So much better than Wonder Under or any of the others out there. No gumminess as you stitch with your machine needle, it's not stiff and hard, it's just right! As Goldilocks would say! I use it in my Skinnies, and all my Nancy Halvorsen projects, like OWL. It fuses and holds beautifully. Soft Fuse comes in a wide roll, which I buy,, or in sheets. I get mine at my LQS, but also have found it on Amazon. It's not cheap, but well worth it. I even use Soft Fuse when I'm mending a hole in pants for my littles, to make a patch and hold it in place till I have the mend sewn down.

So, join me in the Batt Cave, we can get into trouble together!


Oh, saw another ad for a product to remove smells from fabric, besides the Downey one, Tide has one too.

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Re: Wednesday March 6

Post by FlorenceM » Wed Mar 06, 2024 5:38 am

Maryz, the tractor is a 1970 John Deere. Don't remember model, but it's a lighter duty 60 horse...its bigger than our Kubota. Today we will ho pick up a 6 ft bush hog. Our trailer is too small to move it and truck is down, so we know someone with a flat bed tow truck and paid him to move it. The Bush hog we can move with the small truck and small trailer.
Need to get moving, busy day again.

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Re: Wednesday March 6

Post by purrfect-lady » Wed Mar 06, 2024 5:49 am

Good morning,

TINA B - glad you made it back to VA and all went well with your DH's surgery. And I hope yours is a piece of cake. All the exams, tests, and forms leading up to a surgical procedure are a bigger deal than the operation itself!

DIANE - I like the pattern you are doing in your class. I don't like Wonder Under. It's too flimsy to work with and I always make a mess of it. I much prefer Steam-a-Seam Lite or II. Or lightweight Pellon fusible.

LYN - You are working so hard to get your new sewing cabin set up have you had any time to actually sew lately?? You are one busy lady!

JUDI - are you off to that quilt shop today? Anyone going with you? Take me! Take me!

FLO - happy new tractor!!

LOIS - Is today the day you start playing with your new toys?? You are kind of making me itchy to try another pineapple.

CHRISS - I hope the mysteries of the O2 concentrator are unfolded for you. This is the time of year when all yards are looking pretty shaggy and unkempt - Especially mine! Don't sweat the small stuff. Sit with Jerry. Play Scrabble or Yahtzee in his wakeful times or talk about how to run the riding lawn mower. As for Vicki's house - nothing is going on. Yet. But it will. Sometime this year. Her beautiful property with a grove of giant western red cedars will be bulldozed flat, and a bunch of big new homes will be built. Ugh.. Vicki would cry.

LORI - I really like most of Jen Kingwell's patterns. I've made her Gypsy Wife 4 times in different fabrics. I have a few other patterns I haven't tried yet. Sorry you have two houses to purge and organize. We completely purged our house about 5 yrs ago. It felt so good! I hoard books like fabric, but otherwise, I don't keep much. Now I try to keep on top of things. I always have a donation box going. And when we go to friends' houses, I can see we're in pretty good shape here! Well, except for books and fabric. :lol:

JANA - did you get those stars finished and on the quilting frame?? Cheering you on from the sidelines!

MARY Q - How goes the pillowcases. I have some leftover unicorn fabric if you'd like it. Happy to share! Tell me how much you need.

Yesterday was Bill's pre-op appt at Ophthamologist. The guy doesn't have much of a chairside manner but he says he's done 30 or 40 cataract surgeries a month for many years so he must be pretty good by now. We do have to cancel our next camping rezzie for April 21-25 though because it conflicts with surgery recovery. Now we are hoping to find something in May instead. But our state park system really socks it to you with cancellation fees. In sewing news, Amara's Fab Farm goes onto the quilting frame today. Yay! And I've been slowly working on the little book we want to write for her with pictures of us with her from this winter. And I've got a good head of steam up now on my hexie project. Thanks to that darn Judi!

Make it a great day! Only two more weeks to spring! My daffocils are almost in bloom and my lilac bushes are ready to bust out.

mary z

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Re: Wednesday March 6

Post by grammiequilts » Wed Mar 06, 2024 5:58 am

Good mornng,,it was up at 6 and got some chores done...I too emptied the dishwasher,,,took the dirties to the laundry room. and cleaned and filled the bird feeder,,,I just remembered to buy seed yesterday, so the birds wil be happy...it takes a few hours for them to realize there is fresh food out there,
Now I need to get dressed and head out to the quilt shop. I am quite excited,,,so see a new shop...its about a half hour away according to the map but I think i have fiund a short cut on country roads...so nice to stay off the freeways,,,ken is home working on his class and he wont be any company anyway,,,He will leave around 3 to teach and be home around 10pm. I will have the evening free with no cooking to play with the new goods I found,,if I find them...I do have a list and some swatches to match,,,I did work on the hexis last night while I chatted on my phone and listened to an audio book. I am going by myself as I have a couple of other stops to make before I go home...I like shopping with other quilters BUT I am much more generous with my self if I am alone...and not rushed,,I dont keep a stash anymore but all I by will be for WIPS,,,ope you all find some adventure in your day,,,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Wednesday March 6

Post by maryq » Wed Mar 06, 2024 6:23 am

Good Morning Everyone

Happy Wednesday... here we go again! Another sunny day and man oh man am I loving this!! Temps up to the 50's today and I just might open a window or two for a little fresh air!!

Another day "on the run" for me, as I'm headed to KC's to rescue stuff from the dumpster. I don't know if it's just me, that I'm old, or that I hate to waste things, but I just can't see throwing perfectly good items in the garbage when some one somewhere can use them. There are boxes of knick-knacks that I can take to Goodwill or other thrift shops, there's stuff that I can give away to anybody that would like/need. There's got to be about 100 plastic hangers still in the closet-and not that I'm a huge environmentalist, but gosh darn, what a waste to send off to a landfill. There is most definitely stuff that CAN go in a dumpster, but the facility will be handling that. I think her kids went over and got what they wanted anyway.

And it just so happens that the fabric warehouse is on the way, so I'm going to make a mad dash to there to find basketball, minion, unicorns fabric, (maryz--I'll buzz you if I don't find any). I just know that if I wait until after KC's I'll be too tired to stop.

So I'm going to run, but I'll be back tomorrow!

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Re: Wednesday March 6

Post by WeSignificant » Wed Mar 06, 2024 6:30 am

Good morning ladies, been busy last few days. I am making a dent in my classes at work. I think I am down to about 5 or 6 left. I don't have any patients today until after noon so can do a few this morning.

DH hurt his arm at work, they are not sure what the full extent of the injury is. Waiting for an MRI to be scheduled. He is not to use his right arm at all until they sort it out. That puts a damper on things. He is right handed. They think he may have torn the muscle at the elbow region. He is supposed to be getting ready for his fishing trip. I told him it is pretty hard to reel in a fish one handed!

I have made some progress cleaning up and organizing in the extra room (I have sewing stuff there too). I am working on trimming the extra off the blue quilt so I can put the binding on. I have the binding made for another quilt and need to get that attached too. My Starry Night still needs binding and that is what started this journey was looking for the fabric for it. I have no idea where it could have gone too. I went through both boxes of batiks and not there.

DD said Josiah is doing pretty well. He still has to rest more frequently than the other kids but he seems to have learned that. I will go up this weekend and see first hand how things are going.

Chriss some things about the oxygen concentrator. Make sure you have distance between the wall and the machine for air flow. Other wise they can get too hot. Some older ones still have an outside filter, looks like a piece of foam, that needs to be rinsed and cleaned once a week to get all the dust off. Finally, the DME company if servicing a hospice company should have 24 hours service for just these types of issues. Ask that they show you how to use it.

So today, done with work at 8:30. Then need to take a shower, get a few groceries, 2 charts to finish, some classes to do and first patient around 1:30 this afternoon. Not sure I will get it all done but I will try.

Off now to go finish trimming that quilt. Have a wonderful everyone.
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Re: Wednesday March 6

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Wed Mar 06, 2024 7:53 am

Good morning. 3:30, yep, that's the time I chose to wake up.

I have a baby monitor so I can hear Jerry during the night and his breathing woke me up early this morning. He's still sleeping, but not me. Nope, I'm wide-awake listening to Jerry sleep on one side and Moose on the other side of me.

Yesterday I got the kitchen cabinets wiped down and the sink and counter tops cleaned. Today I will tackle the floors and the appliances. I emptied the ice from the ice maker bin. We really don't use a lot of ice, so it ends up being a clump of ice that takes more than a day to melt in the sink.

Tinab, I hope your bunion surgery goes well, I am glad DH is doing better.

Diane, is the Melissa quilt applique or is it curved piecing. I do love the pattern.

Lois, hope that laundry is done soon, I need to put in a load.

Jana, I could use a new shower curtain. Before long I will be in "tackle one room at a time" mode. What on earth will you do with your Wednesdays? my gosh, a whole day to fill.

Maryz, I have blossoms on my peach/apricot tree and my plum tree. The maple tree is getting ready to sprout leaves, but my pear tree is bare. Love the book for Amara idea. The concentrator issue has been resolved. Seems there is a little filter at the end of the tube in the water bottle. Well we have really hard water and the calcium deposits clog the filter making the machine put out an error code. They said to just clip off the filter and use the bottle that way. I was extra irate when I called the DME people and demanded they resolve my issue and when they showed up to fix what needed fixing I apologized, guess the stress of it all got to me yesterday and the concentrator not working was all it took for me to be just short of cussing. Jerry isn't awake long enough to play Yatzee, or discuss riding lawn mowers. He sleeps more and more lately. Sorry to her about Vicky's property, hoping the permitting process takes a very long time.

Judi, what a fun day. a quilt shop, no dinner to cook and no time line. it's good to be you.

Maryq, I don't like to see things go to the dump either. Hope you find things that you can use and donate. I love the temps lately too. Hope you get to open those windows, I'd sure love to open mine but Jerry gets too cold.

Valerie, believe me, the DME company and the Hospice people know my feelings. The DME person said he will use some of my suggestions when talking with his people. My complaint was that when Jerry came home I had both Hospice and DME people here at the same time. Instead of the DME person saying he needed to show me how things worked and taking 5 minutes of the Hospice persons time he just left. The Hospice person should have also told him to let her know when he was ready to show me stuff. They needed to take turns. But now I know how things work. The concentrator has about 4 feet of space on two sides and maybe a foot of open space on the other two sides. The filter is internal and has been replaced, and now I have a booklet to read through. I think the final straw with the DME person was when I was talking to him and he said "It wasn't me" Well dang it, I don't care who it was, fix it. The nurse also had the doctor increase Jerry''s morphine from 2.5 to 5.0. Waiting isn't easy, I'm trying to keep busy. So glad Josiah is doing well, he will be so glad to see you, give him the required smooch for me. Hope the MRI finds DH's arm an easy fix. Glad you got ahead on your spare room, mine is still a disaster.

Funny, Jerry is talking a bit in his sleep. It sounded like he just said "take a number" He sleeps so soundly he doesn't even hear Moose barking in the same room.

I'm hoping by now everyone is out of the shower and has left me some hot water because it's my turn. Hope you all have a wonderful day.
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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