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SATURDAY, February 17th

Daily discussions.
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Re: SATURDAY, February 17th

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sat Feb 17, 2024 8:09 am

Good morning beautiful ladies. It's going to be a great day today. We will see rain later today which should last, off and on, through Tuesday.

Maryz, OH NO!!! Almost out of cat treats? How could you let that happen? Sorry for all the plumbing issues. When you said you'd be home Monday I was thinking of tired horses that smell water and make a dead run to get a much needed drink. Safe travels.

Lori, Enjoy your grey fabric hunt and your sew with friends day.

Lois, instead of throwing the blocks out you could make pot holders for your craft fairs. I will be doing a load of laundry tomorrow so the laundry room is yours.

Katy, so glad that you had a productive day and made it home. Wonder why the car overheated. Hope it's a quick fix and you are back to driving soon.

Judi, I play the age and fixed income cards too. I also play the I live in Mariposa County which is a driving distance to any town, and now I play the husband on hospice card when needed. Hope you find a great spot to stay next year, I imagine by now you know the areas you want to and don't want to be in.

Maryq, UGH, a Monday flight? Perhaps she can stay at a hotel near the airport? That way she will be right where she needs to be to leave. I pray it all works out and you don't have to get involved and can remove yourself from the whole thing. Love the bear with the fish fabric, really cute.

Jana, I think a small home with a basement sounds wonderful. I wish we had a basement, I would do like you and make it a sewing room.

Flo, one of you will need to leave to stop spreading that cold back and forth. hope you feel better soon

Valerie, enjoy your class. I've never done a mystery quilt, I always want to know what it will look like before I start. Hope you find something special to buy while you are at the LQS. Yes, I gathered all the limbs laying around and am glad I got that done. Debating on having a burn pile before it rains or waiting until the rain lets up. I think with Jerry it's a mixture of the illness and the morphine that causes his mind to see things. I also go with it. Last night he said. Don't be surprised when Jesus gets here and wants to take me and Moose. So I told him I wouldn't be surprised and that I would be fine here and have good people around me to help. These are the times that make me smile.

Prayers for Chrissy and Theresa and their families.

Guess what? I'm almost ready to head into my room to sew. First I will see if I can get Jerry some breakfast. I really need to get on those lotto blocks so they can get them into the mail.

Enjoy your day,
Proverbs 4:11-12

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Joined: Mon Dec 29, 2008 6:42 pm

Re: SATURDAY, February 17th

Post by auntjana » Sat Feb 17, 2024 11:58 am

Whew! Got the embroidery figured out. Did sample for the bride and praying she goes with the elegant one. It's one I can do without worry. And it's not a continuous one, which is out of my comfort zone. Plus, Sarah needs to be done by Tuesday! With the elegant one, we'll make two belts, same style, just different in colors. There's a overskirt that has cherry blossoms and is a light pink, for the reception and we'll need just a white belt for the ceremony.

Mantra - simple and elegant, repeat!

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