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SATURDAY, February 17th

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SATURDAY, February 17th

Post by purrfect-lady » Fri Feb 16, 2024 6:14 pm

Howdy there!

I missed y'all yesterday! Sometimes, when traveling, Internet gets sketchy. And yesterday was a sketchy day. Today we are starting up I-5 through California. We have about 1100 miles left to go to home. Hoping the CA storms don't get us!

Chriss, I hope you were able to get your burn pile going. Are you done with all your dental work now for a while? Did you make your appt for 6 mo. cleaning yet?

Lyn, sorry Ctrl Z didn't work for you. Depends on what youv'e done to lose your post. Usually I lose mine by my finger accidentally brushing a wrong key. And Ctrl Z works for that.

Mary Q - Fingers crossed that KC gets off to Arkansas and out of your life soon!

Sharona - if you have extra shirts, and you don't want to make a huge quilt, maybe you could use some of them to perhaps make a column of shirt blocks down one side of the backing. Or otherwise "artfully" arranged . . . You sure dont' want to leave any important shirts out!

Judi - glad to hear you enjoyed that interactive dinner. What fun! How much longer do you have in FL?

Lois - so you are starting all over on your Dutton quilt? How far had you gotten? I was thinking it was almost a done top.

Unless the weather forecast changes our minds, we're going to skip our second night here in Bakersfield and hit the road early tomorrow morning. From what we can tell, the storms will move from north to south over two days. If we travel south to north maybe the storm will blow over us tomorrow night. Fingers crossed. If all goes well, we'll be home Monday night. It's time. Our toilet is broken, our water hose developed serious leaks. Ditto our back-up water hose. And we have a leak in our shower. And we're almost out of cat treats!

Take care! Be well!

mary z

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Re: SATURDAY, February 17th

Post by Quilter7 » Fri Feb 16, 2024 8:21 pm

Maryz - Sounds like you did a plumber. I hope you can drive without rain for the next two days. Prayers for a safe trip home!

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Re: SATURDAY, February 17th

Post by zfatcat » Fri Feb 16, 2024 9:49 pm

Mary, I sure hope your drive is uneventful. Bummer about the toilet and water leak. Will Foxy be able to survive without treats?

I will be sewing with friends again today. I got the quilt top sewn together of the January lotto blocks. It came out really pretty. I also worked on a small wool project with cute bunnies on it. I need some grey fabric for a background, so a few of us will hit the LQS today .

Have a wonderful day.
Lori 8-)

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Re: SATURDAY, February 17th

Post by fabricgirl » Sat Feb 17, 2024 4:07 am

Good morning,

Today we have 8 or 9 inches of snow it's still coming down but its light so I might venture out to help.

Also there is laundry that needs to get done and now that I changed my mind I took my quilt apart got another background so I can finish what I started not a big fan of throwing blocks out so that's what I will do today in between everything else.

Mary so sorry about the leak and the plumbing issue I hope you make it home safe and sound.

Well this will be my day .
I hope you all have a great 1.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: SATURDAY, February 17th

Post by mepeace2 » Sat Feb 17, 2024 4:54 am

Good morning Ladies
Yesterday got interesting . THe roads were terrible but I decided to venture in to doctor appointment.
I went in early. Got my grocery shopping done then went to library. Got to Drs office early and was called in immediately also got my blood work done. Was out of there when my appointment was supposed tpo be.
Everything was gpoing fine until I got just about to my drive way. My car got hot. My new baby. Yikes. My dear sister Tina took over called the dealership and got everything arranged. They come got the car. GM was more worried about me. That I was safe. They are supposed to fix my car today If they cant fix today I will get a loner. My sister played the age card. My sister is 75 and in the boonies all by herself. She needs her car. Hopefully they can fix today and I will get it back.
Today I have one wing on a baby chick I missed when I done the Chicken Salad quilt. Need to get it done. Three quilts will be going to local quilter. Finally got on her list.

Please put Teresa on your prayer list. I spoke to her on Wed. Shes hanging in there but needs us to pray for her. She will be in care center for at least two more weeks. What happened her cat bit her,which caused an infection. While dealing with this the doctors discovered she had a very large blood clot in her leg. They put a mesh bag around it so if it decides to break it will not go to her heart. As she put it thank goodness the cat bit her.
The weather is cold with snow for today and tomorrow. Then into 50's and 60's. I cant wait.
Lois O my I only got 2.5 inches and made quite the mess. Maybe the snow will be gone soon. I had to laugh I have taken a quilt apart once and changed things. I swore never again. I never throw blocks away
I give them to someone. Even my extra blocks get made into something by someone.
Maryz You be careful out there . I hope you have safe and dry travels. Sorry to here about your water issues. I finally got mine fixed. The well guy came Wed. He tested for gas and sure enough it had some . So he put a vent in pipes however it did not fix problem. He ended up pulling pump and replacing wireing and pipes. $1900 later it was fixed. However when he checked the filter it was slimy. This may be my stomach problem.
Thats all ladies I need to go get Barney up. .
Y'all have a great sewing day

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Re: SATURDAY, February 17th

Post by grammiequilts » Sat Feb 17, 2024 5:01 am

Good morning It is very cloudy 60 and supposed to rain all day...They are expecting rain for the race here too...and Monday...but thats ok I am as relaxed as I can be, I pick up the hexis when I feel like it been listeing to a book and we played another game of UNO last night,,,( they like it cause its fast and easy) Mexican Train will be tonight I think or Phase 10.
Lois I cant believe you got that much snow...
Around my house
got a light dusting and it melted...I talked to my kiddos and they are heading up skiing next weekend. North has plenty of snow...I am glad to be here...
Kkaty sorry to hear about your car.....glad your sister played the "age card" We do that here alot lately...We also play the "fixed income card " too///.
Lori have fun sewing let us now when the photo has pictures..
Carol long time since you popped in here goood to hear from you..
Maryz having had trips with wrong doings I hope you make it home soon...Will you shower at the camp grounds,,or make it home ..When we stop for the night, we usually dont set up but just use the campground facilitues...We have been lucky to find them clean and sanitised...I always carry lisol wipes and shower shoes and towel mats I made for the floors ( Half a bath towel with binding around it)..just in case I need them at the various campgrounds...
We will be leaving friday for home...Our friend will fly out on thursday...this week doesnt seem to be very good weather so I dont know if we will make it to the beach again..but I can sit on the ocean in any weather except wind and rain.. Try as we might we cannot find a place near the ocean camp ground or other wise that a second mortgage on the house is not needed. Things are very expensive here,,, We are already looking for next year and it seems harder each year to find a place that suites everyones budget...but we will continue to try...
Chrissy1 hubby is in ICU with a brain bleed,,,(stroke) not sure how bad it is...but prayers for her and her family will be appreciated...I will speak to her later this morning...

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Re: SATURDAY, February 17th

Post by maryq » Sat Feb 17, 2024 5:45 am

Good Morning Girls

Hey, get this... I'm up before the SUN! Actually the sun is up, but it's not shining on me just yet as I'm at the bottom of a hill with a fence at the top, so it always takes a little longer for the sun to shine on my door step!

Just a quick hello this morning as I'm up early to attend a funeral of an old family friend. The service is in Northfield, MN which is about 75 miles south of me, so it will take a little while to get there, and I know I will have to stop at a rest stop or McD's along the way to use the rest room! :lol: :lol:

Maryz.. oh THAT's why Bill was researching toilets!! I don't suppose you can put in any old (new) toilet in the camper... has to be a special camper one? I too, hope KC gets outta here ok! I cringe when my phone rings!

Lori... Wow, you got that Jan. Lotto quilt top together quickly!! I always worry that my blocks for lotto are okay.. Hope you didn't have to fix mine! :?

Lois... OH my goodness... more snow for you??? I looked at our forecast for the next 10 days and we have Nothing!! and the little snow we did get the other day is probably going to melt over the next few days! Good day to stay in and sew!

Katy... Your brand new car over heated??? Sounds like a radiator problem! good thing it's all still under warranty!! Will say a little prayer for Teresa!

Judi... I never thought I would do that, but I have played the "I live on Social Security" card too. Mostly for sales people that get pushy! You don't know how many times I hear my Mother's voice come out of my mouth "That's too expensive"!

Chriss....Ah yes, the KC saga continues... Her truck comes today to take all her belongings but she scheduled her flight for MONDAY!! I have NO idea what she is going to do for 2 days---with a cat in tow. The good news, I don't have a guest room--so she can't come here!

Finished another little UFO yesterday, so with 3 done now I'm going to treat myself to something new. Started cutting/marking pieces for a quilt kit I bought in Alaska last summer. This is some of fabric http://www.barbaralavallee.com/ I just thought it was so cute!!

Guess I better get in gear... shower up and hit the road. It's pretty cold this morning but it will be a nice drive. On the way home, I just might drive by my old neighborhood, where I grew up, it's kind of on the way home.

Wishing you all a great Saturday!!

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Re: SATURDAY, February 17th

Post by auntjana » Sat Feb 17, 2024 5:48 am

Good morning!

We are buuuuurrrrr cold here! No snow, just cold!

Sarah will be over this morning to play with the belt for the wedding dress. So I'll help with that. Then play with my stuff! Sarah was thinking- a bad thing- about some embleshments to this dress, I talked her out of those! Just do what is planned.

Well, my Aaron and Kate have bought a new home. To be built, it's just a empty lot at the moment. Should be done around September. They went yesterday for the interior design phase, all the upgrades they want. So shortly they will break ground after all the permits and plans are approved by the city. The new home is near to their current house, but just out of the girls current school. So they will be still nearby me. It's a nice small home, with a unfinished basement. A standard Utah type house.

Safe travels, prayers and hugs,

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Re: SATURDAY, February 17th

Post by FlorenceM » Sat Feb 17, 2024 6:06 am

Been sick last few days...just a cold but Joe &I keep passing it back and forth.
Maryz, bummer on trailer problems. May you make it home safely.
Not sure what today brings, I feel like garbage.

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Re: SATURDAY, February 17th

Post by WeSignificant » Sat Feb 17, 2024 7:27 am

Well I am back, battery charged, ready to start my day.

Today is my mystery quilt class. I have all my homework done! Who knew quilting had homework! Always makes me feel good though to accomplish that. It's a bit embarrasing when you show up for class not prepared, at least for me it is.

This is my weekend to work my 2 weekend a month job. Oh that reminds me, I better check the charge on that tablet. OOHHH 39%, I will go plug it in.

Oh Maryz sounds like a disaster in the works for you guys. Prayers you make it home without any more adventures. Yes, we have heard storm moving north to south also. Bakersfield by the way is not my favorite place. Where is your next stop? You should be getting close to me and Chriss. One of us could bring Foxy treats!

Carol great to see you!

Lois are you posting a picture? I am so anxious to see this one done. So sorry you have to go buy fabric, the horror of it all :lol: . I am bringing a bit of money with me today just in case there is something I need to buy. You never know.

Lois you took a whole quilt apart?

Katy so sorry to hear about your car? I wonder what happened. Hoping they can get it up and going for you. I was a bit confused about the baby chick, then I realized you were talking about a quilt. Thanks for the update on Teresa. Yes, stomach problems can be caused by things other than food!

Judi thanks for the news on Chrissy1 husband. Will add him to my prayers. There is a lot of progress in stroke treatment these days so hopfully things will turn out well.

Maryq is there a hotel or something that KC can go too? I would have thought her family would have helped her set this move up.

Jana so fun, a new house! Only 7 months away, hope they can stay on schedule.

Flo hope to hear you are feeling better soon. Maybe you should just rest today.

Chriss did you get to go outside. Sure hope you got that turkey out of your room, they can make a mess. Sometimes it is the cancer that causes this but sometimes it's the Morphine. In my hospice we don't treat the delusions unless they are terrifying for the patient, And usually they are not. I had a patient one time telling me there were children and puppies playing in his living room. He said it was fine, I did not have to make them go away. I had a little lady just the other day (dementia) tell me she had just gotten married a week ago . She was so happy, I just went along with it. She said she will show me the pictures when she gets them back.

Well I think I will go sew a few stitches before I have to leave. Have a great day everyone.
A Friend is God's way of making sure we never walk alone!

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