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Monday Happy New Year 1,2024

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Re: Monday Happy New Year 1,2024

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Mon Jan 01, 2024 8:54 am

Good morning. It's going to be a productive day today.

Jerry is having his oatmeal and toast, I will start on the bathrooms today after taking down the tree. Tonights dinner will be something with hamburger. Hoping that after that is done I can go sew for a bit. Love the January lotto block, it is easy and will make a really cool quilt.

Lois, Merry Christmas. I love your idea of moving it to the first and having a dinner full of appetizers. It's going to be a wonderful day for you.

Diane, happy new year. hope you can either purge those boxes or find that long lost treasure in them.

Maryz, glad you had a good last day with the kids. Give Cindy and Sue a hug from me. Let Cindy know that I bought a machine just like her old one and she is the reason I knew it was a good choice.

Flo, mmmm, spaghetti. movies, popcorn and a quilt sounds like a good combo to me.

Valerie, I am also going to slowly get rid of junk. Jerry is a saver, I am not. He would save every little thing, there are totes outside of Marilyn's school work. UGH! Hoping Thursday's get to be all about you.

Judi, I was up before 6am but no where near as ambitious as you were. I also have boxes that haven't been gone through in years. Most are in the garage. I think I will either have a garage sale or a dump run.

Jana, those grandkids of yours just keep getting older and older. 12? Ethan is already 12? Crazy. Glad Michael only has a few aches and a scratch.

Maryq, so nice of you to make pillow cases, and nice of your brother to help out a good cause. How nice of Katy to share with you. I don't know if I would call my plan a resolution but my goal is to make it a habit. If I follow through for the month of January and put myself into a routine it will become a habit. When I am done here I will get to the cleaning part of my habit. Enjoy that dentist appointment. Mine is in February, unless they have a cancellation between now and then and call me in early, fingers crossed.

I think I will make some flax seed muffins for Jerry today. Will need to find a recipe.

Well, things won't get done unless I get started, so watch my dust.

You all have a wonderful day,
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Monday Happy New Year 1,2024

Post by WeeOne » Mon Jan 01, 2024 9:03 am

A Happy Healthy, Quilty, full of Love New Year to all you wonderful friends ❣️

Lois, Hope your Christmas is wonderful.

MaryZ, Thanks for the search, but it's not there. But, you may have gotten me into trouble, cause there's one fabric there that I might have to have. Safe travels.

Valerie, Thanks for sharing that saying. I'm glad you're getting more sewing time. I hope to join more lottos this year.

We did make it to midnight, I was watching Hallmark movie, but switched over just before 11 to see the ball drop in NY, in case we didn't make it to 12.

I think I found another blue, it was hiding in the closet, that will work. I plan to print off a couple months of calendar and then sew. I hang the calendar on the frig. A bought one would be too long with photos.

Hello to everyone one, hope y'all have a great day.

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Re: Monday Happy New Year 1,2024

Post by womster » Mon Jan 01, 2024 9:05 am

Good morning and Happy New Year!

Lois – have a wonderful day celebrating Christmas. What kind of dog does your son have?

Diane – I also have boxes like that. I hope mine are trash as well, but ten years and me not needing it, how can it not be? Good luck.

Maryz – I wouldn’t be able to just chuck a box without looking. Someone might have stashed some treasure in there. We have a Rheem. The installer did a whole lot of cursing when he put it in – the plant had left paper inside it that they didn’t find until after they were completely done. They had to uninstall it, take the paper out, and then reinstall. I guess that’s why I consider this furnace jinxed. Poor Scottie I wish people didn’t feel the need to make so much noise – it’s so inconsiderate to our vets and pets. Have a great visit with Cindy and Sue.

Flo – hope you catch up today.

Valerie – what a wonderful way to start your post – such a lovely blessing. I so agree with you about fireworks. I will join you in the quest to eat healthier. I don’t make resolutions either. I threw away DH’s stuff after I hide it from him for a couple of years. He has some Excel books he refuses to get rid of, but hasn’t looked at in ten years. I think it’s from the very first release of Excel. I was watching some programs about Scottish history – I would move there if I could travel like they do in Star Trek with those transporters.

Judi – de-decorate – what a great word! After reading your pizza saga, I am craving a slice. It’s so sad to see the LQSs close. Are there any others near you? Most of ours are gone – even in the city. What great memories you have of the shop.

Jana – sorry to hear about Michael’s face. My dad fell the other day but luckily just cracked some ribs. HB to Ethan.

Maryq - you are a dynamo today. Are those pillow cases made using the burrito method? I’ll have to see if I can find my instructions. What kind of fabric are they looking for?

Tina – back at you, sister!

Chriss - I also had some of the boy's schoolwork. One year, I made myself go through and toss everything except what I considered the most important. It was SO hard. I need to make me some new habits also.

Lyn - so glad you found another blue that will work.

I made it to almost 11. When I got up to avail myself of the facilities, my watch was flashing something. It was Happy New Year with fireworks! DH was asleep by 9. Today I will descale my espresso machine (already done!), freeze up the remaining leftovers from the holiday festivities, and getting ready for the new year. My prayers echo what y’all have already mentioned. Thank you for blessing me with your posts and prayers. Xoxo! Sharona

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Re: Monday Happy New Year 1,2024

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Mon Jan 01, 2024 11:53 am

Sharon, I bet I can toss a lot of the stuff Jerry saved from Marilyns school work. She can spell and knows how to do math so I can get rid of that😉. Richards stuff is mostly his FFA ribbons and awards.

I've just completed 2 1/2 bathrooms and only need to remove the lights and take apart the tree. Jerry took all the ornaments off the tree.
I told him I'm not doing a tree next year so if he wants one he had best get better.

Got a few other things on my list accomplished. I'm on track

I'll be in my sewing room soon.
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Monday Happy New Year 1,2024

Post by zfatcat » Mon Jan 01, 2024 5:00 pm

Lois, hope you Christmas went well today.

Maryz, I know you had fun seeing Sue and Cindy. Hope they are both well.

Chriss, I haven't put up a tree in years. Too much work.

Judi, that is a hot oven. I guess you have to be patient and let it heat up.

I did some baking today. I was able to get my dads groceries as well. Tomorrow I will head out to AZ to visit a friend. She bought a place in the mountains. We'll be doing a bit of sewing, and maybe hit a quilt shop.

Happy New Year everyone. May we all stay healthy, and be happy.
Lori 8-)

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