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SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Dec 9th

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Dec 9th

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat Dec 09, 2023 3:28 am

Good morning,

Wasn't Secret Santa fun yesterday? I was looking around my trailer yesterday and immediately saw items from at least 5 previous Santas that I always have in use just here in the trailer with more at home. :D

I've spent the last few days sewing - working on Fab Farm. I have 8 blocks done. It's kind of slow going but that's OK. I have until end of March to finish it. Though I'll be packing it up in 2 weeks and probably won't be getting it out again until after we get home which will be around Feb 1st. So I'll get as much done now as I can.

This morning we're going to one of Autumn's libraries to see Amara and the mini-horses. We saw them last year and they are so cute!! But our main focus this year is to see Amara, of course. After that we're going to pick up a grocery order and come home. I'm going to press out burger patties to freeze, and maybe make a small meatloaf, too, to freeze as well as just some small packages of burger for other meals. Ground sirloin is on sale so we're stocking up since we have room in the freezer now.

TINA - sounds like your birthday was stellar! And so happy to hear your massage went better this time. Did you talk to her about how you felt after the first massage? Given the type of massage it was, I kind of expected you would feel like you did. Happy to hear it was better this time.

LORI - I wish I could get herbs to grow. I do try to keep a rosemary plant on my deck at home in summer time (and we have it with us here in the trailer) because they are supposed to repel mosquitos. And it is the one herb that I don't usually kill and it's the one herb that Bill doesn't like! lol! I didn't get that Hartman pattern "Ocean" kit in my QIAD daily sale e-mail. But I'm not big into the marine animals so I probably wouldn't have gotten it anyway.

CAROL - we never did the car ride. Bill got busy doing other things and pretty soon, it was his naptime. But today we'll be out on the road anyway for over an hour so we might take a few detours on our way back to camp and explore a bit.

BECCA - I'm so happy for you to be with your little Frankie! I bet it's hard to keep your smoocher in check! Such a little miracle baby! And we're so glad to hear Hadlee is better. I hope Brodee is doing OK, too.

Our chili rellenos last night were so good! Now I need to make something with the rest of the chilis I thawed. So whatever we have tonite, it's going to be Mexican.

How about you?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Dec 9th

Post by gershwin64 » Sat Dec 09, 2023 6:12 am

Good morning all!
I went to sleep after midnight waiting on Kevin to let me know they were home safely but still was awake a little before 6.
SS opening day was sooooooo much fun! I know I had a blast and loved all the thoughtfulness that went into my gifts, really made me feel so special. And seeing everyone else opening and having fun was icing on the cake.
Mary, I bet you'll have that quilt top all put together before you leave in 2 weeks the way you're progressing.
I make a green chili quiche with bisquick that is totally yummy! Maybe you could make that with the leftover chillies?
Enjoy you visit with the A team and the mini horses! I hope it's nice weather for it.
I did tell my massage lady all the things about the 1st massage, that's the reason I'm getting it for free so she can write everything down that I experience.....I'm kind of the lab rat. LOL
Well now that I talked about that quiche guess what I'm making for supper LOL I haven't made it for awhile and we really like it and it makes good leftovers too.
I'm almost done with another quilt, hope to get it finished and on to the next today.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Dec 9th

Post by zfatcat » Sat Dec 09, 2023 12:37 pm

Tina, glad you had a wonderful birthday. You sure didn't get much sleep last night.

Mary, hope you are having fun at the library today. I bet it will be nice to see Amara and her parents.
They will surely miss you when you leave.

Jack took me for my walk this morning. It's a bit windy today. Hopefully it won't get too bad. We'll have to keep the house closed up. I don't need extra dirt coming inside.

I'm going to work on my embroidery today. I need to find a couple skeins of the same color red. I want to make sure I have enough of the same color.

Dinner will be spaghetti and meatballs.

Have a lovely day.
Lori 8-)

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