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SUPPER CLUB - Wed, May 31st

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SUPPER CLUB - Wed, May 31st

Post by purrfect-lady » Wed May 31, 2023 6:38 am

Good morning,

We're still in the low 60's here for high temps, but warming up later this week. And Monday we're going to Yakima with 4 other couples for 4 nights where it will be 94*. I'm looking forward to the trip, but not to the temps.

Yesterday I got to play in my sewing room for about 5 hours! Hooray! And clean my oven. Boo! Al & Tina came home about 2pm so I wrapped things up. This morning I have a chiro appt, P.O. stop, and then get some buns for burgers tonite. I think I'll make a potato salad, too. Not sure of anyone's plans. The guys will make a run to Home Depot, I know. I think my sister needs a day of rest. She kind of hit a wall last night and wasn't feeling too well. I hope she's better today.

CAROL - that's really neat that you have your mom's amyrillus bulbs! Here, like poinsettias, they are strictly a potted holiday house plant. I've not heard of that author, Amanda Flowers. I looked her up and think I would like her books so I'm going to keep my eyes peeled. Thanks for mentioning her. I've heard nothing but good things about the Mediterranean diet.

JANA - sometimes, a house seller will be willing to drop the price in lieu of fixing "those little things" found by inspectors. Daniel is so handy he might be good with a deal like that. I'm excited for all of you that moving day will probably only be 2-1/2 weeks away.

LORI - if you ever come north and visit me, please be sure to bring both your fur boys!! I already love them both and I've never even met them in person!

TINA - so was yesterday a Cruces day or a sewing day?

BECCA - I hope you have time to stop by and say 'hi', but you have some busy, busy days ahead of you!

I think we're grilling burgers tonite. The boys will have buffalo burgers and we girls are having ground beef sirloin burgers. I think I'll make a small potato salad and baked beans, too. We have ice cream bars for dessert if anyone wants. I suppose I could make a pie of some sort, but ice cream seems to make everyone happy and it so much easier. And I can leave it alone easier than I can a pie!

What's on your menu for tonite?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, May 31st

Post by gershwin64 » Wed May 31, 2023 7:11 am

Good morning everyone!
Mary, I had the best of both worlds yesterday, I sewed and went to Cruces with Holly and the kids! We got home at about 8:45, I was tired 😁
Jazmyne picked herself out 2 frames for new glasses, she got the 2/$79 special.... she's been hot gluing her pair for about 8 months now, they looked awesome when she used a glitter glue stick LOL she's very hard on glasses, she's a rough and tumble girl not a dainty one.
What do you use to clean your oven with Mary? I'm on the search for something better than how I used to clean mine.
I hope your destination cools down a few degrees, 94 is hot hot. 🥵
The kids are coming to stay the day ❤ I'm going to make a strawberry tiramisu cake that I've made before, it's delicious! I've always wanted to make a regular tiramisu but I don't like anything that tastes like coffee so I searched for a recipe without and this one is yummy.
Hmmmmmm supper ..... I'll have to see if the kids are going to be here to eat before I can figure out what that'll be.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, May 31st

Post by purrfect-lady » Wed May 31, 2023 8:30 am

TINA - My oven is self cleaning, but I do need to wipe it out with wet paper towels when it's cool and reline the botton with a sheet of heavy duty foil, then replace the racks. Your strawberry tirmasu sounds delicious. I bet you could change it up to nearly any fruit - raspberries, peaches apricot, mangoes. Maybe not melon because it has a lot of water in it. Sounds like you are having some fun days at your house!

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, May 31st

Post by gershwin64 » Wed May 31, 2023 8:41 am

Oh ok, mine is self cleaning but reviews say not to use this feature because most don't work after, I've never had a self cleaning oven and didn't even know they make them in gas. This one is a dehydrator, air fryer, convection and regular oven and very well insulated so it doesn't heat up the house. This is the one Kevin bought me when mine died and it was pretty much the only one available, it was a during covid time.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, May 31st

Post by gershwin64 » Wed May 31, 2023 12:00 pm

Here's the recipe link....
https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/whi ... -tiramisu/

I half it and use an 8x8 dish.



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